Teachers Can Now Carry Guns As Safety Officers In Missouri....


they do it in Israel. I approve it here. send more darkies to the morgue
You mean other than children not being mass murdered because it takes police with guns 4minutes to get to the school?

No, I mean reinforcing yet again the idea that the answer to violence is more violence and the impression projected visually that the kids live in a fucking war zone.

But hey, it's not like young minds are impressionable or anything....


Fucked up idea. Period.
How is it promoting violence.
Firearms are for DEFENSE. Typically when a criminal is aware that his intended victim may be armed, the criminal will move along.
That REDUCES violence.

"Firearms are for defense" ----- against what?


Seeing that your teacher has to pack heat sends the message to a kid that "the world you've been born into is so fucked up, you could be shot, any time". And reinforces the fucked-up values, already present all over the media, that violence is everywhere and that "might makes right".

THAT is fucked up. There's no other term for it. And nothing good is going to result from putting those impressions in impressionable young minds.

emotobabbling idiocy. Kids see armed cops every day. My kid's school-one of the top rated public schools in the state, has an armed officer.

And that's part of the job of being a cop, made necessary in part by this same violent mentality. It is NOT part of the job of being a teacher, and everybody knows that, including a child. Seeing that the teacher has to be armed teaches the child that both of them live in an unsafe environment and indeed, in a culture where violence is one of our virtues. And that wherever he goes in life -- even in a place as innocuous as a schoolroom -- he is not safe.

And that's fucked up.
As it was posted on this thread earlier, AZ now only requires 2 hours of classroom training, with no range training. In short, you can get a Concealed license without ever having to fire a gun, or even be trained how to work the safty. This is so riduclas that even Nevada stopped recognizing AZ Concealed licences in their state. Now, keep in mind, AZ is the state where some idiot took his 8 year old to the range to fire an UZI, ending with the death of the expert range master. Here is a video of an active police officer teaching kids about gun safety:

So these are the people you guys trust around your kids with loaded weapons?


I am a certified Range Officer. the idiot who got killed was certainly no expert. trust me on that
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

You cannot be injured by a firearm in a room where no firearms are present. Fact.
That makes the possibility in that room absolute Zero.

Now you bring a firearm in.
Absent any other variable, do the math.

Hey, that was easy. What'd I win?

using that logic, you cannot be a victim of medical malpractice is you never visit a doctor or a hospital.

so when you start bleeding out of every orifice in your body, you'd be better off staying home?

Your logic fails.
Your first statement holds (assuming "is" means "if"). But the second does not follow from the first. A child sitting in a classroom doing his lesson isn't bleeding to death; left alone he simply goes on with life.

But diga me hombre--
why would I be 'bleeding out of every orifice in my body'?

its called an analogy dude

google the term

and my logic is impeccable. turtles are related to vulcans

cowabunga dude

I know what an analogy is -- I overuse them myself. That wasn't the question, was it?

But failure to acknowledge failed logic with anything but Vulcan deflection noted.
And that's part of the job of being a cop, made necessary in part by this same violent mentality. It is NOT part of the job of being a teacher, and everybody knows that, including a child. Seeing that the teacher has to be armed teaches the child that both of them live in an unsafe environment and indeed, in a culture where violence is one of our virtues.

And that's fucked up.

you appear to be a utopian pillow head. go get yourself a double dose of reality
Raise your hand when you see the pattern:
The Darwin award for stupidity...Here's your sign

In Most states, where CCW is legal, anti gun retards ought to wear big signs...

You're full of fucking shit
Stop dragging your god damn feet.
You posted a fucking link about a concealed carry gun owner missing I fucking countered with the New York PD mass shooting of unarmed civilians.
and don't fucking try to side step what I said by acting stupid about and say it has nothing to do with anything.

Asshole you just did try to speak for other gun owners stop acting as if you did not do that.
What in the fuck is wrong with you? When corner by your own bullshit don't try to side step what you said.

If one of these teachers gets attacked by a coon. Well, we can expect the media to scream holy hell over it.

you appear to be a utopian pillow head. go get yourself a double dose of reality

To paraphrase one of our site gun nuts, "empirical evidence" would seem to indicate that gun fetishists can only argue from emotion, ad hominem and occasionally, racism.

Would it not?
Raise your hand when you see the pattern:
The Darwin award for stupidity...Here's your sign

In Most states, where CCW is legal, anti gun retards ought to wear big signs...

You're full of fucking shit
Stop dragging your god damn feet.
You posted a fucking link about a concealed carry gun owner missing I fucking countered with the New York PD mass shooting of unarmed civilians.
and don't fucking try to side step what I said by acting stupid about and say it has nothing to do with anything.

Asshole you just did try to speak for other gun owners stop acting as if you did not do that.
What in the fuck is wrong with you? When corner by your own bullshit don't try to side step what you said.

If one of these teachers gets attacked by a coon. Well, we can expect the media to scream holy hell over it.

you appear to be a utopian pillow head. go get yourself a double dose of reality

To paraphrase one of our site gun nuts, "empirical evidence" would seem to indicate that gun fetishists can only argue from emotion, ad hominem and occasionally, racism.

Would it not?

gun fetishist is a term radical garment soiling hoplophobes use. Use of such term almost always indicates mental illness
Raise your hand when you see the pattern:
The Darwin award for stupidity...Here's your sign

In Most states, where CCW is legal, anti gun retards ought to wear big signs...

You're full of fucking shit
Stop dragging your god damn feet.
You posted a fucking link about a concealed carry gun owner missing I fucking countered with the New York PD mass shooting of unarmed civilians.
and don't fucking try to side step what I said by acting stupid about and say it has nothing to do with anything.

Asshole you just did try to speak for other gun owners stop acting as if you did not do that.
What in the fuck is wrong with you? When corner by your own bullshit don't try to side step what you said.

If one of these teachers gets attacked by a coon. Well, we can expect the media to scream holy hell over it.

you appear to be a utopian pillow head. go get yourself a double dose of reality

To paraphrase one of our site gun nuts, "empirical evidence" would seem to indicate that gun fetishists can only argue from emotion, ad hominem and occasionally, racism.

Would it not?

gun fetishist is a term radical garment soiling hoplophobes use. Use of such term almost always indicates mental illness

Thanks. Added to the list. :thup:

It all simply reaffirms the common emotional, as opposed to rational, bases of reasoning.

Empirically speaking of course.

Thanks. Added to the list. :thup:

I suspect anyone who doesn't shit their pants over the thought of owning a gun would make the list

I like that. I like leftwing fruit cakes to be disarmed


when the shit hits the fan

remember what a British journalist said about revolting natives

What we have got
I am a certified Range Officer. the idiot who got killed was certainly no expert. trust me on that

Exactly. And neither are 95% of the people who get a concealed license. Not that it makes a whole lot of difference in AZ. You don't need a license. In fact, all you need is a gun.
I am a certified Range Officer. the idiot who got killed was certainly no expert. trust me on that

Exactly. And neither are 95% of the people who get a concealed license. Not that it makes a whole lot of difference in AZ. You don't need a license. In fact, all you need is a gun.

obviously people ought to have good training. Me over half a million rounds, over 200 hours of formal Shoot/don't shoot training on live ranges, a law degree and 30 years of practice including 4 years as a municipal prosecutor and 24 federal. but CCW holders are LESS LIKELY to shoot the wrong person than COPS and CCW holders are more likely to hit the bad guy than cops
obviously people ought to have good training. Me over half a million rounds, over 200 hours of formal Shoot/don't shoot training on live ranges, a law degree and 30 years of practice including 4 years as a municipal prosecutor and 24 federal. but CCW holders are LESS LIKELY to shoot the wrong person than COPS and CCW holders are more likely to hit the bad guy than cops

As an active Sheriff's Auxiliary volunteer, who works with cops all the time, and patrols weekly, I respectfully disagree with the second half of your post. my experience is that CCW people are more likely to be people looking for trouble, and find it, like Zimmerman.
Raise your hand when you see the pattern:
The Darwin award for stupidity...Here's your sign

In Most states, where CCW is legal, anti gun retards ought to wear big signs...

You're full of fucking shit
Stop dragging your god damn feet.
You posted a fucking link about a concealed carry gun owner missing I fucking countered with the New York PD mass shooting of unarmed civilians.
and don't fucking try to side step what I said by acting stupid about and say it has nothing to do with anything.

Asshole you just did try to speak for other gun owners stop acting as if you did not do that.
What in the fuck is wrong with you? When corner by your own bullshit don't try to side step what you said.

If one of these teachers gets attacked by a coon. Well, we can expect the media to scream holy hell over it.

you appear to be a utopian pillow head. go get yourself a double dose of reality

To paraphrase one of our site gun nuts, "empirical evidence" would seem to indicate that gun fetishists can only argue from emotion, ad hominem and occasionally, racism.

Would it not?

gun fetishist is a term radical garment soiling hoplophobes use. Use of such term almost always indicates mental illness

I would say that "gun fetishist" is a legitimate term, and "hoplophobe" is a fake word.
obviously people ought to have good training. Me over half a million rounds, over 200 hours of formal Shoot/don't shoot training on live ranges, a law degree and 30 years of practice including 4 years as a municipal prosecutor and 24 federal. but CCW holders are LESS LIKELY to shoot the wrong person than COPS and CCW holders are more likely to hit the bad guy than cops

As an active Sheriff's Auxiliary volunteer, who works with cops all the time, and patrols weekly, I respectfully disagree with the second half of your post. my experience is that CCW people are more likely to be people looking for trouble, and find it, like Zimmerman.

actually you are wrong based on all the data. lots of cops are on power trips. I know, I used to be the top civil rights litigator for the feds in my state. I had to defend officers charged with abusing citizens. and Federal LEOs are a far higher cut than most state and local types
Raise your hand when you see the pattern:
The Darwin award for stupidity...Here's your sign

In Most states, where CCW is legal, anti gun retards ought to wear big signs...

You're full of fucking shit
Stop dragging your god damn feet.
You posted a fucking link about a concealed carry gun owner missing I fucking countered with the New York PD mass shooting of unarmed civilians.
and don't fucking try to side step what I said by acting stupid about and say it has nothing to do with anything.

Asshole you just did try to speak for other gun owners stop acting as if you did not do that.
What in the fuck is wrong with you? When corner by your own bullshit don't try to side step what you said.

If one of these teachers gets attacked by a coon. Well, we can expect the media to scream holy hell over it.

you appear to be a utopian pillow head. go get yourself a double dose of reality

To paraphrase one of our site gun nuts, "empirical evidence" would seem to indicate that gun fetishists can only argue from emotion, ad hominem and occasionally, racism.

Would it not?

gun fetishist is a term radical garment soiling hoplophobes use. Use of such term almost always indicates mental illness

I would say that "gun fetishist" is a legitimate term, and "hoplophobe" is a fake word.
you' be full of shit. there is no evidence of any of the pro gun posters being "fetishists" its a term that exists but you did not accurately apply it

I do have a word for people like you


gun owners accentuate feelings of timidity among the cowards. read A NATION OF COWARDS by Jeffrey Snyder in the PUBLIC INTEREST

fits you to a tee
actually you are wrong based on all the data. lots of cops are on power trips. I know, I used to be the top civil rights litigator for the feds in my state. I had to defend officers charged with abusing citizens. and Federal LEOs are a far higher cut than most state and local types

Link, please.
obviously people ought to have good training. Me over half a million rounds, over 200 hours of formal Shoot/don't shoot training on live ranges, a law degree and 30 years of practice including 4 years as a municipal prosecutor and 24 federal. but CCW holders are LESS LIKELY to shoot the wrong person than COPS and CCW holders are more likely to hit the bad guy than cops

actually you are wrong based on all the data. lots of cops are on power trips. I know, I used to be the top civil rights litigator for the feds in my state. I had to defend officers charged with abusing citizens. and Federal LEOs are a far higher cut than most state and local types

...and please excuse me for being a little skeptical of your post. If you are 70 years old, like me, and have fired half a million rounds, that means that you have fired 20 rounds per day, 7 days per week, since the day you were born.

Do you want to rethink that?
What's telling is supposed 'advocates' of gun rights are themselves clearly ignorant of the facts and fundamentals concerning firearms and tactics, where there are trained LEO's only marginally competent when it comes to an actual emergency concerning the use of firearms.

This is inane and unwarranted feel-good legislation, which will in no way keep children 'safe,' where it can be argued it likely places them in even greater danger.

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