Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax

A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Teachers have to spend money on teaching supplies now because the money that used to be allocated for supplies now goes into teacher and administrator salaries. Virtually every dollar that used to be devoted to other purposes, like building schools, got diverted into salaries.
And paid vacation time. Teachers are off a ridiculous amount during the school year.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
I could care less about that.

  • We have the most expensive and least efficient education system in the world.
  • These people only work 8 Months a year, and are paid like they work 12 months a year.
  • They are nearly all liberals, sucking off the Government Tit.
  • They are always crying for Money when their administrations make 6 figures or more, sometimes 7.
  • All I see are New Schools being built, and more and more levies, and these teachers who have the best medical and retirement bar none are always wanting to go on strike every 3-5 years..

Ah, the old 8 months pay bullshit! Learn the truth and stop spreading lies. In my district we work 196 paid days per year, whereas your average non-teacher worker does 240. Now, add in all of the unpaid days and hours that teachers are required to work, and you get a better picture. How many of those other jobs require a Master's degree, which we pay for out of pocket?

Strike? Oh, the ignorance you are sowing! How many school districts in my state have been on strike in the past 20 years? None. It's illegal. How about where I worked in Florida? Same answer. None. Strikes are illegal in the vast majority of school districts. The collective bargaining consists of the district saying, here is what you get. There is no negotiating, because if teachers don't like it, oh well! Teachers get to suck it up and move on!

New schools? I once taught in a school built in 1927. The newest school I have ever taught in was 20 years old. Most were built while I was in school and I am older than dirt.

I wish people like you would get off your fat asses, go to your schools and learn the truth, rather than the education bashing talking points you here from people who have not been in a classroom for half a century in many cases.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Teachers have to spend money on teaching supplies now because the money that used to be allocated for supplies now goes into teacher and administrator salaries. Virtually every dollar that used to be devoted to other purposes, like building schools, got diverted into salaries.
And paid vacation time. Teachers are off a ridiculous amount during the school year.

FYI, teachers get zero paid vacation. We are paid only for the days we work, and many days we are required to work without any pay. Pardon me for pointing out your ignorance.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Bull shit. Teachers have parents supply their kids for the year.
Exactly. And as a matter of fact we had a huge company layoff workers here and move to a new state. The company in question actually called several schools offering to give them all their office supplies free of charge...

Not a single one would pick them up. They ended up going to a few local churches.

Your company had loose leaf notebook paper and pencils? That's what students mostly need that their parents should be providing.

I am sure they would have had printer cartridges for our classroom printers and toner for our high-end copiers.

Very few businesses actually use what schools need.
The reason I didn't become a teacher is because I couldn't figure out how to control 35 ungrateful brats, and I didn't even feel inclined to learn how.

Teachers in public school are glorified baby sitters. Consider the average public school graduate, who really knows nothing about the real world. But they make good ignorant Democratic voters.
Teacher pay is shitty because every idiot wants to be a teacher. It's a clean, pleasant job with easy hours.

Get a job as a sewer worker, if you want great pay and benefits.

There's a guy who stands in sewer water for eight hours straight per day, fishing out the used condoms as they go by so they don't get jammed in the machinery.

Try this guy's job if you want to make the big bucks.

Teachers pay differs depending on where you go. Some are making great money while others not so good. Here teachers get paid pretty well. One of my former tenants was a teacher. He used to come outside early mornings in the summer to taunt us about how we had to go to work while he is getting paid to sit on his porch. He would laugh how he was going fishing for a week or to his camper for three or four.
Teachers should stop playing the martyr. They get good pay, good benefits, tenure, and a pension. I don't have a pension.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.

The Tax Dollars are there for Education. It's massive. Yet American families are required to purchase the supplies for the school year. I mean, i actually remember a time when schools had no problem lending supplies to students.

But nowadays, all you hear is that the schools are broke. How can that be? The massive Taxpayer-funding is there. And on top of that, are Education System continues to drop in world rankings. So what is going on? The money is there, yet our Education System continues to slide.

Establishment parasites in both parties want an uneducated people. If you don't know your rights it is very easy to take them.

We should abolish the Department of Education and give it back to the states. The best model would be to privatize schools and use vouchers for those who can't afford schools.

Schools would pop up right away. Walmart would have schools in the back of their stores. Plus everyone would get what they want. If you want your child to learn useful skills you can pick that school. If you think that learning about recycling and all the "different genders" are important you can pick that school.

You can get rid of the Education Department when you make sure that states actually educate their kids instead of warehousing them for 12 years and then turning idiots out onto the streets.

Privatize schools? You want Islamic Madrassas getting tax dollars?

Florida had vouchers when I taught there. Not a single private high school would accept them because they were about half the cost of tuition. The schools would go bankrupt if they took them over paying students. The private schools never materialized like everyone claimed they would. Charter schools had about a 50% rate for bankruptcy. Guess what happens when those schools go belly-up? The kids get put back in public schools with no funding.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Bull shit. Teachers have parents supply their kids for the year.
Exactly. And as a matter of fact we had a huge company layoff workers here and move to a new state. The company in question actually called several schools offering to give them all their office supplies free of charge...

Not a single one would pick them up. They ended up going to a few local churches.

Your company had loose leaf notebook paper and pencils? That's what students mostly need that their parents should be providing.

I am sure they would have had printer cartridges for our classroom printers and toner for our high-end copiers.

Very few businesses actually use what schools need.
Spiral note books, pens,pencils, three ring binders,course dividers,pocket folders. All things used by students. Plus ...copy paper,post it notes,paper clips,tape /dispensers,staples/staplers,pencil sharpeners and lots more...

All things both teachers and students can use.

So don't give me that lame argument. They were too lazy to pick it up because they know they can soak the parents for that stuff during the school year.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Bull shit. Teachers have parents supply their kids for the year.
Exactly. And as a matter of fact we had a huge company layoff workers here and move to a new state. The company in question actually called several schools offering to give them all their office supplies free of charge...

Not a single one would pick them up. They ended up going to a few local churches.

Your company had loose leaf notebook paper and pencils? That's what students mostly need that their parents should be providing.

I am sure they would have had printer cartridges for our classroom printers and toner for our high-end copiers.

Very few businesses actually use what schools need.
Spiral note books, pens,pencils, three ring binders,course dividers,pocket folders. All things used by students. Plus ...copy paper,post it notes,paper clips,tape /dispensers,staples/staplers,pencil sharpeners and lots more...

All things both teachers and students can use.

So don't give me that lame argument. They were too lazy to pick it up because they know they can soak the patents for that stuff during the school year.

I never had a need for any of that. I still have a supply of staples from 2012. I have a binder that is 20 years old! Most of those things like that are reusable. I had 4 staplers that I acquired over the years.

My printer cartridges are over $100 a set. I would use at least 3 sets each year. Did your businesses have those?

What kind of business uses a spiral notebook and rulers?

Parents are responsible for almost all of those things, not teachers or schools.

I would have picked them up anyway. Your school districts are strange
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Teachers have to spend money on teaching supplies now because the money that used to be allocated for supplies now goes into teacher and administrator salaries. Virtually every dollar that used to be devoted to other purposes, like building schools, got diverted into salaries.
And paid vacation time. Teachers are off a ridiculous amount during the school year.

FYI, teachers get zero paid vacation. We are paid only for the days we work, and many days we are required to work without any pay. Pardon me for pointing out your ignorance.
Teachers get paid for all time during the year that kids are off...spring break,fall break,Christmas break etc. plus they get a week of sick days sometimes more.
Perhaps we should reduce the inane federal regulatory burden which has bloated up school administration. The savings could easily be used to fund supplies, textbooks, and the music and arts curriculum that Big Government has decimated.

Big government has nothing to do with music and arts. Federal funding is for the poor and special education students.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Teachers have to spend money on teaching supplies now because the money that used to be allocated for supplies now goes into teacher and administrator salaries. Virtually every dollar that used to be devoted to other purposes, like building schools, got diverted into salaries.
And paid vacation time. Teachers are off a ridiculous amount during the school year.

FYI, teachers get zero paid vacation. We are paid only for the days we work, and many days we are required to work without any pay. Pardon me for pointing out your ignorance.
Teachers get paid for all time during the year that kids are off...spring break,fall break,Christmas break etc. plus they get a week of sick days sometimes more.

I was a teacher and administrator for 20 years. No they do not! They get zero pay. Their pay is divided up into 12, 24, or 26 paychecks so they don't have to budget for the summer.
Exactly. And as a matter of fact we had a huge company layoff workers here and move to a new state. The company in question actually called several schools offering to give them all their office supplies free of charge...

Not a single one would pick them up. They ended up going to a few local churches.

Your company had loose leaf notebook paper and pencils? That's what students mostly need that their parents should be providing.

I am sure they would have had printer cartridges for our classroom printers and toner for our high-end copiers.

Very few businesses actually use what schools need.
Spiral note books, pens,pencils, three ring binders,course dividers,pocket folders. All things used by students. Plus ...copy paper,post it notes,paper clips,tape /dispensers,staples/staplers,pencil sharpeners and lots more...

All things both teachers and students can use.

So don't give me that lame argument. They were too lazy to pick it up because they know they can soak the patents for that stuff during the school year.

I never had a need for any of that. I still have a supply of staples from 2012. I have a binder that is 20 years old! Most of those things like that are reusable. I had 4 staplers that I acquired over the years.

My printer cartridges are over $100 a set. I would use at least 3 sets each year. Did your businesses have those?

What kind of business uses a spiral notebook and rulers?

Parents are responsible for almost all of those things, not teachers or schools.

I would have picked them up anyway. Your school districts are strange
If schools dont use them why are they always on the school supply lists?

In the habit of making parents waste money on things kids don't really need are you?
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Maybe it's me, but I would submit a bill to the school board if I had out of pocket expenses for school supplies.

If teachers are too stupid to do this, they shouldn't get to write it off on their taxes.

I think you would just be unemployed very quickly.
Teachers have to spend money on teaching supplies now because the money that used to be allocated for supplies now goes into teacher and administrator salaries. Virtually every dollar that used to be devoted to other purposes, like building schools, got diverted into salaries.
And paid vacation time. Teachers are off a ridiculous amount during the school year.

FYI, teachers get zero paid vacation. We are paid only for the days we work, and many days we are required to work without any pay. Pardon me for pointing out your ignorance.
Teachers get paid for all time during the year that kids are off...spring break,fall break,Christmas break etc. plus they get a week of sick days sometimes more.

I was a teacher and administrator for 20 years. No they do not! They get zero pay. Their pay is divided up into 12, 24, or 26 paychecks so they don't have to budget for the summer.

Aaaah...now I get it.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Bull shit. Teachers have parents supply their kids for the year.
Exactly. And as a matter of fact we had a huge company layoff workers here and move to a new state. The company in question actually called several schools offering to give them all their office supplies free of charge...

Not a single one would pick them up. They ended up going to a few local churches.

Your company had loose leaf notebook paper and pencils? That's what students mostly need that their parents should be providing.

I am sure they would have had printer cartridges for our classroom printers and toner for our high-end copiers.

Very few businesses actually use what schools need.
Spiral note books, pens,pencils, three ring binders,course dividers,pocket folders. All things used by students. Plus ...copy paper,post it notes,paper clips,tape /dispensers,staples/staplers,pencil sharpeners and lots more...

All things both teachers and students can use.

So don't give me that lame argument. They were too lazy to pick it up because they know they can soak the parents for that stuff during the school year.

I think parents should have to pay for all those things. I went to a private Catholic school as a kid, and our parents had to pay for all supplies, uniforms, and lunch because we didn't have a cafeteria; we ate our homemade lunch at our desks.

The teachers shouldn't have to pay for crap. Too many parents out there divorced from their child's education because they believe it's not their responsibility.

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