Teachers' Union To Sue Private Schools Over Voucher Program...

When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

Why so resistant to new ideas and change in our School System? Why such a cheerleader for the current Cookie-Cutter Government-Run System? Are we not a Free Society? Let the People decide on Education. It's not a 'My way or the highway' scenario. At least it shouldn't be anyway. The Teacher Unions really should be ashamed of themselves for suing their fellow Citizens over issues like this. I'm not even a big supporter of the Voucher-Programs, but i see no problem trying something different. The militant Teacher Union resistance to change, really is very sad. They've only hurt the children.

I live in a big blue state that is consistently rated near the top in education, so I know what works. It's not the crackpot ideas of conservatives.

I used to live in a big blue state that sucks ass in education. So you don't know what works.
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

Why so resistant to new ideas and change in our School System? Why such a cheerleader for the current Cookie-Cutter Government-Run System? Are we not a Free Society? Let the People decide on Education. It's not a 'My way or the highway' scenario. At least it shouldn't be anyway. The Teacher Unions really should be ashamed of themselves for suing their fellow Citizens over issues like this. I'm not even a big supporter of the Voucher-Programs, but i see no problem trying something different. The militant Teacher Union resistance to change, really is very sad. They've only hurt the children.

I live in a big blue state that is consistently rated near the top in education, so I know what works. It's not the crackpot ideas of conservatives.

Big fish in a small pond. Your schools still suck compared to the rest of the civilized world.

We need to go back to what we were doing when American education was the gold standard of the world.
The Teacher Unions should have never been allowed so much power to dictate all terms on Education matters.
They don't, coward.

Other Citizens have ideas on Education, and should be heard as well.
Why? Honestly, man up and tell us why. Why should someone who has never studied child behavior and development, has never taught a day in his life and doesn't even have kids in the school system, why should we listen to his ideas and give him equal footing as the person who has studied and dedicated their life to teaching?
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"their way" encompasses so much more than that one single issue. We are a free Society, we should be open to new ideas and changes.

Name one, specific idea that a private school could do that a public school could not.

  1. Pay teachers according to merit.
  2. Fire teachers who don't perform.
  3. Groups kids according to ability rather than according to age.

First off, thanks for ruining the fun! Pauli was the one crying about new ideas and I wanted him to actually post one (for a change).

Second, from your list, 2 of those items are already in place, teacher firing and grouping kids by ability. The first one is an idea Obama is trying to get in place and the GOP and "conservatives" are blocking him on it. So, I guess, technically, you're right. #1 can't happen in public schools because half the country won't allow it.
Name one, specific idea that a private school could do that a public school could not.

  1. Pay teachers according to merit.
  2. Fire teachers who don't perform.
  3. Groups kids according to ability rather than according to age.

First off, thanks for ruining the fun! Pauli was the one crying about new ideas and I wanted him to actually post one (for a change).

Second, from your list, 2 of those items are already in place, teacher firing and grouping kids by ability. The first one is an idea Obama is trying to get in place and the GOP and "conservatives" are blocking him on it. So, I guess, technically, you're right. #1 can't happen in public schools because half the country won't allow it.

you are full of shit...unions have fought merit pay every time, read and quit being sheep....anthey have blocked other ideas . Where is the link on obama? Also, where are the hypocrats and unions on vouchers?
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

You just proved you're a bootlicking Nazi teacher's union toady.

Vouchers are just a conservative handout program. You take my tax dollars, hand them over to some parents who want to send their kids to a fundie Christian school to learn there's no such thing as evolution.

No more Public Unions. Most Americans are sick of their jackbooted intimidation tactics. Their time has passed.

It’s telling a conservative would seek to deny Americans their First Amendment right to assemble, not surprising, but telling. That they are government employees is irrelevant, one does not forfeit his civil liberties as a consequence of the condition of his employment.
No more Public Unions. Most Americans are sick of their jackbooted intimidation tactics. Their time has passed.

It’s telling a conservative would seek to deny Americans their First Amendment right to assemble, not surprising, but telling. That they are government employees is irrelevant, one does not forfeit his civil liberties as a consequence of the condition of his employment.

They can assemble, but they shouldnt shut down schools and hold kids hostage luke they did in WI
Isn't that only if they pay taxes?

As a public school teacher, I am not crazy about vouchers and charter schools because they don't have to play by the same rules as the local public schools. But I also believe that children in high crime areas deserve better. If a voucher will give them the opportunity to go to a safer school, I can't see how any compassionate person could say that's a bad thing.

Until states get serious about getting criminals out of these classrooms, parents should have a choice.
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

You just proved you're a bootlicking Nazi teacher's union toady.

Vouchers are just a conservative handout program. You take my tax dollars, hand them over to some parents who want to send their kids to a fundie Christian school to learn there's no such thing as evolution.

So you're not pro choice and want kids indoctrinated into atheistic homo friendly schools that believe the universe just exploded, just cuz, got it
Isn't that only if they pay taxes?

As a public school teacher, I am not crazy about vouchers and charter schools because they don't have to play by the same rules as the local public schools. But I also believe that children in high crime areas deserve better. If a voucher will give them the opportunity to go to a safer school, I can't see how any compassionate person could say that's a bad thing.

Until states get serious about getting criminals out of these classrooms, parents should have a choice.

I don't consider tax dollars paying to sit students in front of TV's all day "better". Our public school system used to not be shitty and it isn't because we had private school vouchers back then.
The Teacher Unions should have never been allowed so much power to dictate all terms on Education matters.
They don't, coward.

Other Citizens have ideas on Education, and should be heard as well.
Why? Honestly, man up and tell us why. Why should someone who has never studied child behavior and development, has never taught a day in his life and doesn't even have kids in the school system, why should we listen to his ideas and give him equal footing as the person who has studied and dedicated their life to teaching?

Because Truth is where you find it. It stands or falls on it's own merit. Why shoot the messenger? Why confuse the message with the messenger, at all? So much for fairness and equality.
As a public school teacher, I am not crazy about vouchers and charter schools because they don't have to play by the same rules as the local public schools. But I also believe that children in high crime areas deserve better. If a voucher will give them the opportunity to go to a safer school, I can't see how any compassionate person could say that's a bad thing.

Until states get serious about getting criminals out of these classrooms, parents should have a choice.

"They don't have to play by the same rules" is an argument in favor of vouchers, because those rules are part of what's wrong with the public schools. The reason you disagree is because you see that unfair to yourself, a public school teacher.

Liberal teachers Unions are a big reason why we can't get the criminals out of these classrooms. Add to that Obama pressuring schools not to punish Afro students, which is an effort to make a bad situation worse.
Thanks, but you might want to take a second look there. The ruling was not that the vouchers were constitutional, but that the taxpayers suing did not have standing to sue.

Then how do the teachers unions have standing to sue?

When the voucher program is found unconstitutional, any taxpayer money that was sent to a private school would need to be immediately returned, as it legally belongs in the public school system. This would give teachers standing to sue a private school, as that private school is in possession of the teachers' money.

That money belongs to the tax payers get a friken clue:eusa_eh:
  1. Pay teachers according to merit.
  2. Fire teachers who don't perform.
  3. Groups kids according to ability rather than according to age.

First off, thanks for ruining the fun! Pauli was the one crying about new ideas and I wanted him to actually post one (for a change).

Second, from your list, 2 of those items are already in place, teacher firing and grouping kids by ability. The first one is an idea Obama is trying to get in place and the GOP and "conservatives" are blocking him on it. So, I guess, technically, you're right. #1 can't happen in public schools because half the country won't allow it.

you are full of shit...unions have fought merit pay every time, read and quit being sheep....anthey have blocked other ideas . Where is the link on obama? Also, where are the hypocrats and unions on vouchers?

You should read up on the Teacher Incentive Fund and what Obama has done there.

Additionally, there's this:

Master Teacher Corps: Barack Obama Proposes $1 Billion Effort To Boost Students' Achievement In Math, Science

You're welcome.
"their way" encompasses so much more than that one single issue. We are a free Society, we should be open to new ideas and changes.

Name one, specific idea that a private school could do that a public school could not.

Where's the completion? Where's the accountability for the failure? Schools could be run by private companies and do a much better job. Private companies run them and they can be overseen by local elected entities.
When the voucher program is found unconstitutional, any taxpayer money that was sent to a private school would need to be immediately returned, as it legally belongs in the public school system. This would give teachers standing to sue a private school, as that private school is in possession of the teachers' money.

Hey, BeVeryStupid, you're a f-ing idiot. Even if some fag Judge rules it's unconstitutional for private people to choose to get their taxpayer-funded education from a private school, teachers unions would still have no grounds to sue private schools. It wouldn't be the schools that "broke the law" but the government. Furthermore, fucktard, even if a fag judge rules vouchers unconstitutional, that doesn't mean the public schools have a right to the money.
Listen folks, I'm going to tell you the straight up of why the public school system in Louisiana blows today.

It used to not be that bad, used to be decent schools - for white people - and crappy ones for the blacks. Then "integration" happened. I put "integration" in quotes because in many places it didn't really happen. Under the segregated school system, the black schools were placed in predominantly black neighborhoods, and the white schools in predominantly white neighborhoods. This of course made good practical sense. But after integration - its not like all the whites up and moved to the black neighborhoods and vice versa - and its not like they knocked down the schools and built new ones on the boundaries of the old districts. A few token blacks living in the white neighborhoods would go to the black schools - and vice versa - but in a practical sense integration never really happened. The black schools continued to get less funding. And in Baton Rouge this was bad enough to cause a nearly 50 year long desegregation lawsuit.

Meanwhile - the white students begin an exodus into the private school system. There was a good reason whites favored segregated schools - they were fucking scared shitless of the blacks. When the schools were integrated - its not as if they lost that fear! Any white schools that did take on a significant number of black students caused the exodus of whites into the private school system. Eventually, it was the norm for white families to pay for private education - and as a result, they stopped giving a fuck about the public school system.

This is all true, ask any sensible person who knows anything about the school system in Baton Rouge. A similar story played out across the rest of the state, although the desegreation lawsuit in BR was the longest in history.

Basically, white people would rather send their kids to private schools than pay to upgrade the predominantly black schools to "equal" status as the white schools. If we can't have segregation, then fuck it, I'll pay for private school!
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There's a mountain of evidence, you fucking dimwit. Private schools consistently outperform government schools.

they should.

Private schools have fewer regulations and better material to work with.

Not true. Even when you control for the quality of the students, private schools do a better job. Those regulations are part the reason government schools suck. When you have government schools, you have regulations. That's never going to change. That's just one more reason to support vouchers.

cam we have a link to that study please?

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