Teachers' Union To Sue Private Schools Over Voucher Program...

If anything I've learned to wait until approx page 2 before the real story on what Paulitician posts is revealed.

He's the most dishonest full of shit rightwing poster on this board, which is itself quite an achievement.

It starts with his posing as a Ron Paul supporter, and then revealing he's nothing more than a garden variety establishment Republican in a bad costume.
If anything I've learned to wait until approx page 2 before the real story on what Paulitician posts is revealed.

He's the most dishonest full of shit rightwing poster on this board, which is itself quite an achievement.

It starts with his posing as a Ron Paul supporter, and then revealing he's nothing more than a garden variety establishment Republican in a bad costume.

Nah, but you are a garden variety Goose Stepper. Freedom & Liberty terrifies Nanny/Police Staters like you. But the cause of Freedom & Liberty is growing stronger. No thanks to you Authoritarian idiots though.
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.
If anything I've learned to wait until approx page 2 before the real story on what Paulitician posts is revealed.

He's the most dishonest full of shit rightwing poster on this board, which is itself quite an achievement.

It starts with his posing as a Ron Paul supporter, and then revealing he's nothing more than a garden variety establishment Republican in a bad costume.

Nah, but you are a garden variety Goose Stepper. Freedom & Liberty terrifies Nanny/Police Staters like you. But the cause of Freedom & Liberty is growing stronger. No thanks to you Authoritarian idiots though.

See, you have nothing more intelligent to contribute than to start calling people Nazis because they're smarter than you are.
"Most economists agree that a school voucher system would improve our educational system" is a flat falsehood, because you can't offer any credible evidence for such a silly statement.

There's a mountain of evidence, you fucking dimwit. Private schools consistently outperform government schools.

they should.

Private schools have fewer regulations and better material to work with.

Not true. Even when you control for the quality of the students, private schools do a better job. Those regulations are part the reason government schools suck. When you have government schools, you have regulations. That's never going to change. That's just one more reason to support vouchers.
Nah, but you are a garden variety Goose Stepper. Freedom & Liberty terrifies Nanny/Police Staters like you. But the cause of Freedom & Liberty is growing stronger. No thanks to you Authoritarian idiots though.

See, you have nothing more intelligent to contribute than to start calling people Nazis because they're smarter than you are.

He calls them Nazis because they are Nazis. They worship authority for no other reason than because it's authority.
"their way" encompasses so much more than that one single issue. We are a free Society, we should be open to new ideas and changes.

Name one, specific idea that a private school could do that a public school could not.

  1. Pay teachers according to merit.
  2. Fire teachers who don't perform.
  3. Groups kids according to ability rather than according to age.
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If anything I've learned to wait until approx page 2 before the real story on what Paulitician posts is revealed.

He's the most dishonest full of shit rightwing poster on this board, which is itself quite an achievement.

It starts with his posing as a Ron Paul supporter, and then revealing he's nothing more than a garden variety establishment Republican in a bad costume.

Nah, but you are a garden variety Goose Stepper. Freedom & Liberty terrifies Nanny/Police Staters like you. But the cause of Freedom & Liberty is growing stronger. No thanks to you Authoritarian idiots though.

Voucher programs are a major expansion of government. You do understand where the money for vouchers comes from, right?
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

Why so resistant to new ideas and change in our School System? Why such a cheerleader for the current Cookie-Cutter Government-Run System? Are we not a Free Society? Let the People decide on Education. It's not a 'My way or the highway' scenario. At least it shouldn't be anyway. The Teacher Unions really should be ashamed of themselves for suing their fellow Citizens over issues like this. I'm not even a big supporter of the Voucher-Programs, but i see no problem trying something different. The militant Teacher Union resistance to change, really is very sad. They've only hurt the children.
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We need new ideas and alternatives when it comes to American Education. The current cookie-cutter Government System is broken. We need to become more flexible. The Teacher Unions have been radically militant in their resistance to any types of new ideas and changes. Suing their fellow Citizens is just one example of their militant resistance. They've had their shot, and they've failed the children. It's time for changes. Citizens should no longer be forced to do it their way.
One of my children's teachers in fourth grade was abusive to male children in her classes, but we didn't know it for years, until she was fired for marching a child (whose grandmother had just passed away) in front of a class and announcing in a loud voice, "I WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT A STUPID IDIOT LOOKS LIKE". The child had attended her grandmother's funeral the day before and did not do her homework due to being present at the ceremony and family time of mourning proceedings for 3 days. When people started comparing notes, not just the young lady had been harshly treated, the teacher regularly and harshly dealt with all the boys in her classroom disrespectfully and meanly from the time school started until the last day of school, causing them to hate school and an accelerated absentee rate for boys during her career of ugliness to boys and special privileges for most girls (except the one who was undergoing family sadness and sorrow for a week of her life). A lot of the little boys no longer liked nor respected women after that. I had no idea what my son had undergone that year, because other than saying he hated himself a couple of times, which worried me, there really wasn't much other indication that a teacher was inflicting misery on him in a personal and hateful way. We don't know what the woman was that way. She was a single teacher, and nobody ever said a word about her private life, except that she hated men. Carrying that into the classroom was her way of dealing with her mental illness and hatred toward men. Some mothers were smarter. They moved to another part of town, placing their sons in a safer environment when they said they were unhappy at school. Most of us hadn't a clue. Not a fricking clue.
The problem with the voucher system basically is that it takes the more successful students out of the public schools, leaving the more unsuccessful disadvantaged students.

If that's true, then the public schools can better focus on the needs of these special needs students. It's win-win.

School choice has been shown to improve the performance of public schools. It may even help to increase the parents' interest in their children's education.

The traditional education school model is to reward under-performing schools with more money. That any public school educated anyone is a testament to the teacher's rising above the system. But, that only goes so far. Let's instead "reward" under-performing schools with a loss of students.
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

Why so resistant to new ideas and change in our School System? Why such a cheerleader for the current Cookie-Cutter Government-Run System? Are we not a Free Society? Let the People decide on Education. It's not a 'My way or the highway' scenario. At least it shouldn't be anyway. The Teacher Unions really should be ashamed of themselves for suing their fellow Citizens over issues like this. I'm not even a big supporter of the Voucher-Programs, but i see no problem trying something different. The radical militant Teacher Union resistance to change, really is very sad. They've only hurt the children.

According to the boot-licker mentality, it's not about what's best for the kids. It's about what's best for the teachers. They don't want vouchers to succeed, so we have to saddle voucher schools with all the idiotic bullshit that government schools suffer under. Getting away from all that shit is one of the main advantages of vouchers.

Of course, the voters are under no requirement to comply with such idiocy.
He's the most dishonest full of shit rightwing poster on this board, which is itself quite an achievement.

It starts with his posing as a Ron Paul supporter, and then revealing he's nothing more than a garden variety establishment Republican in a bad costume.

Nah, but you are a garden variety Goose Stepper. Freedom & Liberty terrifies Nanny/Police Staters like you. But the cause of Freedom & Liberty is growing stronger. No thanks to you Authoritarian idiots though.

Voucher programs are a major expansion of government. You do understand where the money for vouchers comes from, right?

Yes, and like i said before, i'm not a big proponent of the Voucher-Programs. But since they're gonna spend all the Taxpayer Cash anyway, why not allow diversity by way of new ideas? The Teacher Unions should have never been allowed so much power to dictate all terms on Education matters. Other Citizens have ideas on Education, and should be heard as well.
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

Why so resistant to new ideas and change in our School System? Why such a cheerleader for the current Cookie-Cutter Government-Run System? Are we not a Free Society? Let the People decide on Education. It's not a 'My way or the highway' scenario. At least it shouldn't be anyway. The Teacher Unions really should be ashamed of themselves for suing their fellow Citizens over issues like this. I'm not even a big supporter of the Voucher-Programs, but i see no problem trying something different. The militant Teacher Union resistance to change, really is very sad. They've only hurt the children.

I live in a big blue state that is consistently rated near the top in education, so I know what works. It's not the crackpot ideas of conservatives.
When a private school starts getting taxpayer funded vouchers, it de facto becomes a public school,

and should be held to every standard, rule, regulation, restriction that the public school is.

You just proved you're a bootlicking Nazi teacher's union toady.
Voucher programs are a major expansion of government. You do understand where the money for vouchers comes from, right?

If the total amount of money spent on education remains the same, how is that an expansion of government?
He's the most dishonest full of shit rightwing poster on this board, which is itself quite an achievement.

It starts with his posing as a Ron Paul supporter, and then revealing he's nothing more than a garden variety establishment Republican in a bad costume.

Nah, but you are a garden variety Goose Stepper. Freedom & Liberty terrifies Nanny/Police Staters like you. But the cause of Freedom & Liberty is growing stronger. No thanks to you Authoritarian idiots though.

See, you have nothing more intelligent to contribute than to start calling people Nazis because they're smarter than you are.

You are a Nanny/Police Stater. My assessment is accurate. I stand by that.

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