Teachers' Union To Sue Private Schools Over Voucher Program...

So-called ‘voucher programs’ are indeed about destroying public schools, perceived by the right as the ‘last bastion of “liberalism.”’

The sad irony of this, of course, is public schools are among our most conservative institutions.

Conservatives attempt to portray ‘voucher programs’ as being about what is best for the children, but they know such programs serve only to undermine public schools.
Ok. I'll bite.


How? It gets kids away from the kids they hang out with, and allows them to focus on school. When I went to school in Detroit we’d skip out and hang out in the hood, although I graduated too many of my friends didn't even bother. Change of environment is a good thing

No. How do you physically and practically get the kids out of those schools and to a different school?

They shouldn't be threatening their fellow Citizens. Education can be successful by employing various different means. It's not just a one-way street. These Public Unions should be ashamed of themselves. It's not 'their way or the highway' anymore. The times they are a changin.

Pauli apparently supports the unconstitutional use of taxpayer funds.

Duly noted.

How is allocating funds for a voucher system unconstitutional? Honest question, I'm curious.

Tax dollars being spent on an organization, possibly religious, that does not allow equal access under the law.
So-called ‘voucher programs’ are indeed about destroying public schools, perceived by the right as the ‘last bastion of “liberalism.”’

The sad irony of this, of course, is public schools are among our most conservative institutions.

Conservatives attempt to portray ‘voucher programs’ as being about what is best for the children, but they know such programs serve only to undermine public schools.

Really? how so?
How? It gets kids away from the kids they hang out with, and allows them to focus on school. When I went to school in Detroit we’d skip out and hang out in the hood, although I graduated too many of my friends didn't even bother. Change of environment is a good thing

No. How do you physically and practically get the kids out of those schools and to a different school?


You know buses cost money, right? And a private school is under no obligation to provide one.

You know buses cost money, right? And a private school is under no obligation to provide one.

Private for profit schools are less expensive, have less waste, busses would just be a part of the operating costs

I'll say it again.

Private schools are under no obligation to provide buses.

You want inner city kids to get sent to different schools, so I will ask again, how are you going to do this? You don't want to spend any more money in public schools, and in fact want to cut the money they're currently getting. In addition, private schools are not required to provide transportation.

So ... how?

You know buses cost money, right? And a private school is under no obligation to provide one.

Private for profit schools are less expensive, have less waste, busses would just be a part of the operating costs

and private schools are required to provide fewer services than public schools which your politicians demanded in the first place

got a problem with the cost of public schools? Tell your politicians tto eliminate special education services, ( not possible) transportation services, ELL, free and reduced lunch, sports and all the other freebies.
Care to share the case and Court ruling so we can all read it?


Supreme Court Upholds Arizona School Vouchers | Fox News

Thanks, but you might want to take a second look there. The ruling was not that the vouchers were constitutional, but that the taxpayers suing did not have standing to sue.

the court ruled that taxpayers couldn't sue based on a general First Amendment complaint but rather need to show specific individual harm.

Zelman v. Simmons-Harris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, 536 U.S. 639 (2002), was a case decided by the United States Supreme Court which tested the allowance of school vouchers in relation to the establishment clause of the First Amendment.

In one of its most important establishment clause cases in a century, a divided Court upheld an Ohio school voucher plan.
and private schools are required to provide fewer services than public schools which your politicians demanded in the first place

got a problem with the cost of public schools? Tell your politicians tto eliminate special education services, ( not possible) transportation services, ELL, free and reduced lunch, sports and all the other freebies.

Better yet, simply adopt a voucher plan and you can escape all the problems of the public schools.
I went my senior year in New Orleans in a public school .. I can tell you they are one of the worst in the country. My senior classes were the same that I had in PA in 8th grade. If you want ANY kind of education there , you HAVE To go to private schools.. My brother and my best friend lives there and both send their kids to Private schools.

No more Public Unions. Most Americans are sick of their jackbooted intimidation tactics. Their time has passed.

Last week, a lawyer for a Louisiana teachers’ union wrote a letter to 95 private schools that have agreed to participate in the Pelican State’s new school voucher program. His message? That vouchers are unconstitutional and if schools accept them, “We will have no alternative other than to institute litigation against [you].”

Nice little private school you got there. It’d be a shame if an angry education monopoly sunk it with groundless lawsuits.

The letter demonstrates the union’s desperation. Teachers’ unions hate vouchers because they require schools to compete on cost and quality, which means they’re unlikely to increase union rolls by hiring extra teachers. And the unions have every reason to be worried about Louisiana’s initiative: More than 10,000 kids have already signed up for the four-month-old program, five times as many as the state superintendent expected to sign up by this point.

Bill Maurer of the Institute for Justice, a libertarian public interest law firm, tells me that this legal intimidation is “unprecedented.” The Institute for Justice and the Alliance for School Choice have retained a lawyer to defend these schools pro bono.

Louisianans’ interest in vouchers grew out of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina. In the wake of the storm, which destroyed many of New Orleans’ schools, state legislators instituted a series of education reforms targeting students in the impoverished city. One of the reforms was a New Orleans-specific voucher program; another allowed independently run, largely non-unionized public charter schools to open in the city. Those reforms have proven both popular and successful. Based on this success, Gov. Bobby Jindal made passing a statewide school choice bill one of his top priorities after winning re-election with two-thirds of the vote in 2011.

“This is not about the next election. This is not about the next poll. This is about the next generation,” Jindal repeatedly told state legislators. “If we want to preserve the American Dream for our children, if we want them to do better than we did, then it is important they get a great education”...

Read more: Louisiana teachers' union threatens to sue private schools | The Daily Caller

Here's another liberal/progressive conundrum: They constantly rail about people of lesser means being cheated of the same opportunities enjoyed by those with larger incomes. The voucher system provides the "poor" parents an opportunity to enroll their children in schools believed to better educate their students. Vouchers provide "underprivileged" children an opportunity to acquire the same quality education as the children of affluent families. So, where's the gripe? I'd think progressives/liberals would be all into a program like this.
I'll say it again.

Private schools are under no obligation to provide buses.

You want inner city kids to get sent to different schools, so I will ask again, how are you going to do this? You don't want to spend any more money in public schools, and in fact want to cut the money they're currently getting. In addition, private schools are not required to provide transportation.

So ... how?

Many private schools provide busing, and they still cost less than government schools. That''s because they don't have to pay someone $40/hr to drive a school bus.
So-called ‘voucher programs’ are indeed about destroying public schools, perceived by the right as the ‘last bastion of “liberalism.”’

The sad irony of this, of course, is public schools are among our most conservative institutions.

Conservatives attempt to portray ‘voucher programs’ as being about what is best for the children, but they know such programs serve only to undermine public schools.

What is "conservative" about public schools? They are totally socialist.
Freedom & Liberty really does scare many in our Country. Because when the People have Freedom & Liberty, it's very difficult for groups to force their agendas on them. Why should it be the Teacher Unions' way, or the highway? Why can't other methods and means of education be employed? Are we not a free nation?

Government is not the end all, as far as American Education goes. And i don't understand why so many think it is. Other ideas can and should be tried. Why not? It's America. I'm not even a big supporter of the voucher-system. But i don't mind trying new and original ideas when it comes to Education. The Teacher Unions have behaved shamefully in suing their fellow Citizens over things like this. And I really do think this video may explain why so many Americans cannot accept the idea of trying anything other than a rigid Government-mandated Education System.

SCHOOL SUCKS: The American Way - YouTube

Don't forget that having freedom and liberty would also make people responsible for there own actions, or lack thereof. Too many people nowadays want to be kept on their plantation.
I'll say it again.

Private schools are under no obligation to provide buses.

You want inner city kids to get sent to different schools, so I will ask again, how are you going to do this? You don't want to spend any more money in public schools, and in fact want to cut the money they're currently getting. In addition, private schools are not required to provide transportation.

So ... how?

Many private schools provide busing, and they still cost less than government schools. That''s because they don't have to pay someone $40/hr to drive a school bus.

Way to go teacher union. It's about time someone go after vouchers that have proven not to work but just take money our of public shools and put them into the hand of private sector and private teachers. If poor children are not benefiting from school vouchers, who is? Most poor people cannot afford to use vouchers for their children.
We need new ideas and alternatives when it comes to American Education. The current cookie-cutter Government System is broken. We need to become more flexible. The Teacher Unions have been radically militant in their resistance to any types of new ideas and changes. Suing their fellow Citizens is just one example of their militant resistance. They've had their shot, and they've failed the children. It's time for changes. Citizens should no longer be forced to do it their way.

There's truth in that thought. Unions would sue and cause a resultant squandering of taxpayer monies that would be otherwise better spent on improving education instead of enriching a slavering pack of union lawyers.

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