Teaching Human Rights is Against Palestinian, Islamic Culture


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
Human rights anti-islamic, such wonderful attitude

Hamas: Teaching Human Rights is Against Palestinian, Islamic Culture
by Khaled Abu Toameh February 27, 2014 at 5:00 am Hamas: Teaching Human Rights is Against Palestinian, Islamic Culture

by Khaled Abu Toameh
February 27, 2014 at 5:00 am

Hamas: Teaching Human Rights is Against Palestinian, Islamic Culture

Hamas' real problem with the UNRWA curriculum is that it could spoil the Islamist movement's ongoing efforts to stir the hearts and minds of Palestinian children to wage jihad against the "enemies" of Islam. Hamas wants Palestinian children to be taught how to become suicide bombers and seek the death of Jews and "infidels."

Palestinian schoolchildren in the Gaza Strip have been denied the opportunity to learn about human rights after the Hamas government determined that such a subject "dangerously contravenes Palestinian and Islamic culture."

Hamas's announcement came in response to an attempt by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to include a course on human rights in schools run by the agency in the Gaza Strip.
Gatestone Institute.

That about says it all.

That's a typically cheap shot from a self-described "extremist Muslim" with nothing of value to add to the discussion.

Khaled Abu Toameh (Arabic: خالد أبو طعمة*, born 1963) is an Arab Israeli journalist, lecturer and documentary filmmaker.
Abu Toameh writes for the Jerusalem Post and for the New York-based Gatestone Institute where he is a senior fellow. He is a producer and consultant for NBC News since 1989. His articles have also appeared in U.S. News and World Report, the Wall Street Journal, World Tribune, Sunday Times, Daily Express, the Palestinian daily Al-Fajr and other newspapers.
Khaled Abu Toameh was born in the West Bank city of Tulkarem to an Israeli Arab father and a Palestinian Arab mother. He grew up in the Arab-Israeli town Baqa al-Gharbiyye. He received a B.A. in English literature from the Hebrew University and lives in Jerusalem.

Khaled Abu Toameh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gatestone Institute.

That about says it all.

That's a typically cheap shot from a self-described "extremist Muslim" with nothing of value to add to the discussion.

Khaled Abu Toameh (Arabic: خالد أبو طعمة*, born 1963) is an Arab Israeli journalist, lecturer and documentary filmmaker.

You missed a few little details.

Obsessionforhate.com - The Real Story behind the Obsession Hate DVD

Khaled Abu Toameh is an Israeli Arab journalist who works for the right-wing Jerusalem Post and has also been a frequent contributor to the Middle East Quarterly; a journal that is part of the publication of the Middle East Forum created by arch Islamophobe Daniel Pipes and Michael Rubin.

He is also a speaker with the propaganda-prone, Hasbara Fellowship Speakers Bureau, which seeks to educate and train “university students to be effective pro-Israel activists on their campuses.” “Hasbara Fellowships, started in 2001 in conjunction with Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, brings hundreds of students to Israel every summer and winter, giving them the information and tools to return to their campuses as leaders in the fight for Israel's image.”

Basically, he's being well paid to make up anti Muslims stories.
I sort of Lord Haw Haw, but with less credibility.
Gatestone Institute.

That about says it all.

That's a typically cheap shot from a self-described "extremist Muslim" with nothing of value to add to the discussion.

Khaled Abu Toameh (Arabic: خالد أبو طعمة*, born 1963) is an Arab Israeli journalist, lecturer and documentary filmmaker.

You missed a few little details.

Obsessionforhate.com - The Real Story behind the Obsession Hate DVD

Khaled Abu Toameh is an Israeli Arab journalist who works for the right-wing Jerusalem Post and has also been a frequent contributor to the Middle East Quarterly; a journal that is part of the publication of the Middle East Forum created by arch Islamophobe Daniel Pipes and Michael Rubin.

He is also a speaker with the propaganda-prone, Hasbara Fellowship Speakers Bureau, which seeks to educate and train “university students to be effective pro-Israel activists on their campuses.” “Hasbara Fellowships, started in 2001 in conjunction with Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, brings hundreds of students to Israel every summer and winter, giving them the information and tools to return to their campuses as leaders in the fight for Israel's image.”

Basically, he's being well paid to make up anti Muslims stories.
I sort of Lord Haw Haw, but with less credibility.

Actually it was a good documentary with quite a few ration speakers trying to expose some of the destructive beliefs. I was an analysis or terrorism.
It might have had an agenda, but it was correct in much of what it said.

Islam, muslim behavior, mosque teachings and terrorist mentality should be subject to scholarly analysis and dissection. This is how people understand and prove one way or the other the truths and falsehoods of the text that forms a faith and spawns terrorist.

Muslims try to tear apart the bible and torah and use them out of context or misquote for propaganda purposes or to incite fantasticals.

Scientist test and study in every possible to prove or disprove a theory. Religion and text should be subject to the same evaluation. The study of terrorist behavior and motivation should also be studied and understood.
Gatestone Institute.

That about says it all.

That's a typically cheap shot from a self-described "extremist Muslim" with nothing of value to add to the discussion.

Khaled Abu Toameh (Arabic: خالد أبو طعمة*, born 1963) is an Arab Israeli journalist, lecturer and documentary filmmaker.

You missed a few little details.

Obsessionforhate.com - The Real Story behind the Obsession Hate DVD

Khaled Abu Toameh is an Israeli Arab journalist who works for the right-wing Jerusalem Post and has also been a frequent contributor to the Middle East Quarterly; a journal that is part of the publication of the Middle East Forum created by arch Islamophobe Daniel Pipes and Michael Rubin.

He is also a speaker with the propaganda-prone, Hasbara Fellowship Speakers Bureau, which seeks to educate and train “university students to be effective pro-Israel activists on their campuses.” “Hasbara Fellowships, started in 2001 in conjunction with Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, brings hundreds of students to Israel every summer and winter, giving them the information and tools to return to their campuses as leaders in the fight for Israel's image.”

Basically, he's being well paid to make up anti Muslims stories.
I sort of Lord Haw Haw, but with less credibility.

Your source (obsessionforhate.com) is a project of the "left-wing group Hate Hurts America." You will note their op-ed, which paints all associated with the film as Hasbarats and arch Islamophobes, does not identify its authors.
It seems clear that while the film's final cut certainly contains elements of anti-Islam propaganda and veered from its stated purpose, there is no evidence that those interviewed knew exactly how their opinions would be used.
The movie begins with the following statement [underlined for emphasis]:
"This is a film about radical Islamic terror. A dangerous ideology, fueled by religious hatred. It's important to remember most Muslims are peaceful and do not support terror. This is not a film about them. This is a film about a radical worldview, and the threat it poses to us all, Muslim and non-Muslim alike."
I notice that criticism of the film is aimed at its divisive nature rather than its content and your dismissal of Toameh as a well paid "Lord Haw Haw" - coming from an admitted "extremist Muslim" such as you - as well as the anonymous panning of the other interviewees by obsessionforhate.com is, in fact, baseless.

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.
Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

I think people do not realize that.
Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

You can quote anyone you like but do you have any idea who you are quoting?
You attacked Toameh because he does not subscribe to your "extremist Muslim" POV.
You admit there are terrorists (jihadists) in Muslim ranks but offer no evidence of their numbers (just your OPINION) or the threat they pose to both Muslims and non-Muslims.
I'd say Toameh has at least as much knowledge of Islam and Islamists as you and probably a whole lot more.
Stop the idjiting, idjits.

Islam does not respect tolerance and will not respect it.

That is what anyone needs to begin a serious discussion about Islam in America.

What they do in the Palestinian Authority or Gaza or anywhere in the Muslim world is something the West cannot and will not change.
Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I think we can all agree that most terrorists are Muslim
Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I think we can all agree that most terrorists are Muslim

That depends where you are. In England and the United Kingdom, the vast majority of terrorists were the American funded I.R.A.
In Spain, ETA claims the record.
In Cuba, it's America that has committed most terrorist acts and/or funded them as well as harbouring the convicted terrorists.
Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I think we can all agree that most terrorists are Muslim

Maybe to those who do not believe in state terrorism.

They believe that governments can kill civilians by the thousands and never be called terrorists.
In Asia, The good old U.S. of A. is the clear winner.
Operation Menu was the codename for carpet bombing of Cambodia and Laos, two countries you were not at war with but you still killed thousands of civilians.

Or isn't it terrorism when you murder by the thousand using heavy bombers?
Of all the terrorist supporting/acting countries in the world, America easily wins the crown as the biggest bastard.
In fact, the United states is the world's worst terrorist nation.

Is America the World's Largest Sponsor of Terrorism? Washington's Blog

The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan – Lt. General William Odom - noted:

Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today’s war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world.

Odom also said:

By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation.

The Washington Post reported in 2010:

The United States has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released Wednesday by the Web site WikiLeaks.

The head and special agent in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles office said that most terror attacks are committed by our CIA and FBI.

In 1991, a book edited by Alexander L. George [the Graham H. Stuart Professor of Political Science Emeritus at Stanford University] also argued that other Western powers sponsored terror in Third World countries. It concluded that the U.S. and its allies were the main supporters of terrorism throughout the world.

Oh dear, don't the 'anti terrorist' posters look fucking stupid now?
The United States of America is the worst terrorist country in the world, responsible for more murders than any other country in the history of the world and, worse, responsible for most of the death and misery in the world today.

And how many Americans are serving time for their terrorist acts? NONE.
Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I think we can all agree that most terrorists are Muslim

That depends where you are. In England and the United Kingdom, the vast majority of terrorists were the American funded I.R.A.
In Spain, ETA claims the record.
In Cuba, it's America that has committed most terrorist acts and/or funded them as well as harbouring the convicted terrorists.
Spoken like a true Islamist.
Ah, I'm not allowed to quote a left wing group but quoting a right wing group is all about debate and coming to the truth.

Yes, of course it is....not.

What you lot are missing is easy to see, if you want to.
Yes, there are terrorists in Muslim ranks but very few.
Muslims are a massively diverse group. A Muslim from the tribal regions of Pakistan has little in common with a Muslim from Jakarta.
It's a bit like claiming all Americas brew illegal alcohol and run around with confederate flags on their cars.
Of course, the idiot extremist right will ignore that little detail because it ruins their act when people realise, Muslims, like Americans, vary a lot in thoughts and actions.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but I think we can all agree that most terrorists are Muslim

Maybe to those who do not believe in state terrorism.

They believe that governments can kill civilians by the thousands and never be called terrorists.
State terrorism? Throw almost all Muslim countries in there and then top it off with Hamas and the PLO aka "Palestinian Authority".

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