Teaching masturbation in schools

how many of you had to have a complete adult stranger teach you how to masturbate?

i'd bet none.

I haven't seen the link although I haven't read the entire thread, I must admit. There was a Doctor on Oprah teaching it a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't anything terribly embarrassing but I just don't know whether they are really teaching it in schools.

They would have to have parental permission anyway.
how many of you had to have a complete adult stranger teach you how to masturbate?

i'd bet none.

I haven't seen the link although I haven't read the entire thread, I must admit. There was a Doctor on Oprah teaching it a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't anything terribly embarrassing but I just don't know whether they are really teaching it in schools.

They would have to have parental permission anyway.

That's the crux of the problem with these claims, like the "teaching homosexual sexual practices" one, until there is solid proof, it's usually just mindless fear.
how many of you had to have a complete adult stranger teach you how to masturbate?

i'd bet none.

I haven't seen the link although I haven't read the entire thread, I must admit. There was a Doctor on Oprah teaching it a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't anything terribly embarrassing but I just don't know whether they are really teaching it in schools.

They would have to have parental permission anyway.

That's the crux of the problem with these claims, like the "teaching homosexual sexual practices" one, until there is solid proof, it's usually just mindless fear.

Even with the links, a lot of them are still mindless fear.
I haven't seen the link although I haven't read the entire thread, I must admit. There was a Doctor on Oprah teaching it a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't anything terribly embarrassing but I just don't know whether they are really teaching it in schools.

They would have to have parental permission anyway.

That's the crux of the problem with these claims, like the "teaching homosexual sexual practices" one, until there is solid proof, it's usually just mindless fear.

Even with the links, a lot of them are still mindless fear.

I looked for a link on this earlier when it was first posted and I found nothing so I decided to dismiss it.
That's the crux of the problem with these claims, like the "teaching homosexual sexual practices" one, until there is solid proof, it's usually just mindless fear.

Even with the links, a lot of them are still mindless fear.

I looked for a link on this earlier when it was first posted and I found nothing so I decided to dismiss it.

She didn't seem to ready to backup her claims.
The trouble is, when it comes to sex education, parents can often get it wrong.

A 12 year boy says to his dad, "Dad can I get a plasma screen with Sky Sports telly in my bedroom for my birthday?" The dad says it's very expensive, but he'll see.
On his birthday the boy runs home from school and up to his room, and there on the wall is the big plasma screen with Sky plumbed in, so he settles down to watch his new telly.
Later on he comes down to the living room, where his mum and dad are sitting, and he asks his dad, "Dad what's lovejuice?" Well his mum has a hairy fit, bursts into tears and runs into the kitchen. His dad keeps his cool and says, sit down son, I'd better explain about the facts of life. So he explains about sex, females bodies, masturbation, and all sorts of sexual information. Listening to all this sexual stuff the wee boys jaw just about hits the deck, the dad seeing this then says, "son just what programme were you watching up in your room?" "Tennis" said the boy.

"Sen. Jim Forrester, R-Gaston, said he doesn't understand why some legislators want to tinker with the status quo. He noted that teen pregnancies in North Carolina have declined in the past 10 years, when most schools have been teaching that all school-age children are expected to remain abstinent until marriage.
"So apparently they're doing a good job with the abstinence program right now," Forrester said."
The Debate Over Sex Ed.: Fight is on in legislature over what class includes
The trouble is, when it comes to sex education, parents can often get it wrong.

A 12 year boy says to his dad, "Dad can I get a plasma screen with Sky Sports telly in my bedroom for my birthday?" The dad says it's very expensive, but he'll see.
On his birthday the boy runs home from school and up to his room, and there on the wall is the big plasma screen with Sky plumbed in, so he settles down to watch his new telly.
Later on he comes down to the living room, where his mum and dad are sitting, and he asks his dad, "Dad what's lovejuice?" Well his mum has a hairy fit, bursts into tears and runs into the kitchen. His dad keeps his cool and says, sit down son, I'd better explain about the facts of life. So he explains about sex, females bodies, masturbation, and all sorts of sexual information. Listening to all this sexual stuff the wee boys jaw just about hits the deck, the dad seeing this then says, "son just what programme were you watching up in your room?" "Tennis" said the boy.

:lol: Aaaah, so YOU are the Illusionist in the OP, then? :lol:

the stranger

To lay on one's arm so as to deny the passage of blood and ultimately loose feeling in the limb, followed by the act of masturbation with said limb.

"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid." - The Stranger

The trouble is, when it comes to sex education, parents can often get it wrong.

The point is though that if a child's parents can get it wrong what makes you think that a general approach for all students is the right one then? Its not like the teacher is going to talk to the children based off of each of their personalities. It is going to be a basic "This is how you properly whack off" seminar and then a "go gettem boys!" send off and thats that.

I think every parent should take the time with their kid and every kid should be embarassed into realizing their parents are there to help them answer the hard stuff or at least help them find their way to the answers.
Here's another interesting bit...apparently unintended pregnancies have increased in Nigeria since our wonderful "sex for all, here are some crappy condoms" pioneers started teaching them pre-marital sex was common, good, and consequences avoidable:

"Between 1990 and 2003, Nigeria made large improvements in young women's educational attainment, but the country experienced only modest declines in early marriage and adolescent childbearing, while the unintended birthrate rose (from 10% to 16%), according to new analysis from the New York-based Guttmacher Institute and the Women's Health and Action Research Centre in Benin City, Nigeria."

Unintended Births on the Rise Among Young Women in Nigeria

Crap, we need to teach them more about having sex! Maybe we can get those rates to go up another 10 percent in the next 13 years. Wouldn't that be GREAT?
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:lol: Aaaah, so YOU are the Illusionist in the OP, then? :lol:

the stranger

To lay on one's arm so as to deny the passage of blood and ultimately loose feeling in the limb, followed by the act of masturbation with said limb.

"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid." - The Stranger


Heck Val---I'm afraid of what I know about you on the outside ! :lol::lol:

:lol: Aaaah, so YOU are the Illusionist in the OP, then? :lol:

the stranger

To lay on one's arm so as to deny the passage of blood and ultimately loose feeling in the limb, followed by the act of masturbation with said limb.

"It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid." - The Stranger


Heck Val---I'm afraid of what I know about you on the outside ! :lol::lol:

:lol: That quote is from Manifold's signature line.

Seems he knows a thing or two about "the stranger". :eusa_whistle:
:lol: Aaaah, so YOU are the Illusionist in the OP, then? :lol:

the stranger

To lay on one's arm so as to deny the passage of blood and ultimately loose feeling in the limb, followed by the act of masturbation with said limb.


Heck Val---I'm afraid of what I know about you on the outside ! :lol::lol:

:lol: That quote is from Manifold's signature line.

Seems he knows a thing or two about "the stranger". :eusa_whistle:

doesn't everyone ??

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