Teaching masturbation in schools

The Brookings Register Newspaper. I dont have a link for it and you have to pay to get the news online.

They are voting on it but from what I gather, it would be a discussion-only curriculum where they give the girls information on dildos and I dont know what the boys would be taught exactly. I dont think it would be a show and tell type thing..just a discussion of why its safer to masturbate than get an STD. I would hope that they dont bring dildos and pocket pussies to class to show the kids and I dont think thats what it entails.

Some parents were displeased with even a conversation about masturbation in public school so I think thats why it made the paper.

I dont see anything wrong with them telling the children that masturbation will prevent STD's and pregnancy. I think if they are going to do this that they should also teach them about safe sex but then again, that would be defeating the purpose of them wanting the children to masturbate over having sex even tho thats not going to stop any kid from doing so.

I apologize for the lateness in my post, I had to work...some of us cant stay on the internet all day long posting on forums.


How about this. Copy the article word for word by retyping it here.
Rav, I don't want to flip through this whole thread to find your thoughts, too many pages...are you cool with masturbation taught in school?
What's wrong with a theoretical discussion, Ravi. Seems to me that you've made dozens of specualtive arguments

Because the OP isn't a theoretical discussion... it's posed as an actual news article. And, for what it's worth, i had no problem geting on that paper's site, but found no article onthe subject at hand (no pun intended)
What's wrong with a theoretical discussion, Ravi. Seems to me that you've made dozens of specualtive arguments

Because the OP isn't a theoretical discussion... it's posed as an actual news article. And, for what it's worth, i had no problem geting on that paper's site, but found no article onthe subject at hand (no pun intended)

Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:
What's wrong with a theoretical discussion, Ravi. Seems to me that you've made dozens of specualtive arguments

Because the OP isn't a theoretical discussion... it's posed as an actual news article. And, for what it's worth, i had no problem geting on that paper's site, but found no article onthe subject at hand (no pun intended)

Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:

and anyone with a half a brain knows they're satire. my objection isn't to a theoretical discussion. it's to an assertion that there was an actual news article, with no link, and then a follow up assertion that it's a pay site so the article somehow couldn't be copied...when i had no problem going on the site.

in other words, if she wanted to speak hypothetically, she should have said so. seems she misrepresented her topic -- THAT is the problem
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Because the OP isn't a theoretical discussion... it's posed as an actual news article. And, for what it's worth, i had no problem geting on that paper's site, but found no article onthe subject at hand (no pun intended)

Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:

and anyone with a half a brain knows they're satire. my objection isn't to a theoretical discussion. it's to an assertion that there was an actual news article, with no link, and then a follow up assertion that it's a pay site so the article somehow couldn't be copied...when i had no problem going on the site.

in other words, if she wanted to speak hypothetically, she should have said so. seems she misrepresented her topic -- THAT is the problem

my bad---that damn little goofer upper ! :lol:
Because the OP isn't a theoretical discussion... it's posed as an actual news article. And, for what it's worth, i had no problem geting on that paper's site, but found no article onthe subject at hand (no pun intended)

Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:

and anyone with a half a brain knows they're satire. my objection isn't to a theoretical discussion. it's to an assertion that there was an actual news article, with no link, and then a follow up assertion that it's a pay site so the article somehow couldn't be copied...when i had no problem going on the site.

in other words, if she wanted to speak hypothetically, she should have said so. seems she misrepresented her topic -- THAT is the problem

I said you have to pay to get the news online...not to go on the site.....

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What's wrong with a theoretical discussion, Ravi. Seems to me that you've made dozens of specualtive arguments

Because the OP isn't a theoretical discussion... it's posed as an actual news article. And, for what it's worth, i had no problem geting on that paper's site, but found no article onthe subject at hand (no pun intended)

Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:

We can now rest assured the end of times is imminent.
Rav, I don't want to flip through this whole thread to find your thoughts, too many pages...are you cool with masturbation taught in school?
No, and I doubt anyone is other than a handful of nuts. Which is why I want to see proof that there is a vote scheduled on this.
Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:

and anyone with a half a brain knows they're satire. my objection isn't to a theoretical discussion. it's to an assertion that there was an actual news article, with no link, and then a follow up assertion that it's a pay site so the article somehow couldn't be copied...when i had no problem going on the site.

in other words, if she wanted to speak hypothetically, she should have said so. seems she misrepresented her topic -- THAT is the problem

I said you have to pay to get the news online...not to go on the site.....

Still waiting. At the very least you can go to your town's website where they will post details of upcoming ballot initiatives.
Because the OP isn't a theoretical discussion... it's posed as an actual news article. And, for what it's worth, i had no problem geting on that paper's site, but found no article onthe subject at hand (no pun intended)

Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:

and anyone with a half a brain knows they're satire. my objection isn't to a theoretical discussion. it's to an assertion that there was an actual news article, with no link, and then a follow up assertion that it's a pay site so the article somehow couldn't be copied...when i had no problem going on the site.

in other words, if she wanted to speak hypothetically, she should have said so. seems she misrepresented her topic -- THAT is the problem
I also went to the site. There is no requirement to pay to read the articles. The article in question was nowhere to be found.
Holy crap---we've discussed the headlines from the onion..:lol:

and anyone with a half a brain knows they're satire. my objection isn't to a theoretical discussion. it's to an assertion that there was an actual news article, with no link, and then a follow up assertion that it's a pay site so the article somehow couldn't be copied...when i had no problem going on the site.

in other words, if she wanted to speak hypothetically, she should have said so. seems she misrepresented her topic -- THAT is the problem

I said you have to pay to get the news online...not to go on the site.....


Why are you hedging so? You had no problem posting about the issue without referencing your source. If you're not sure it's credible now, admit it and go on.

No link, it never happened.
One thing I have noticed in this thread is that many of those who are whining about the no link thing, are also those who coin the phrase "if it's on the internet it must be true" ... This is a sad testament to one problem with America right now, people no longer live their lives in reality.


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One thing I have noticed in this thread is that many of those who are whining about the no link thing, are also those who coin the phrase "if it's on the internet it must be true" ... This is a sad testament to one problem with America right now, people no longer live their lives in reality.
Thanks for that bit of nonsense, KK.
One thing I have noticed in this thread is that many of those who are whining about the no link thing, are also those who coin the phrase "if it's on the internet it must be true" ... This is a sad testament to one problem with America right now, people no longer live their lives in reality.

She not only has to provide a link for this one, it has to be credible.. This is quite a charge to just offhandedly comment about.
One thing I have noticed in this thread is that many of those who are whining about the no link thing, are also those who coin the phrase "if it's on the internet it must be true" ... This is a sad testament to one problem with America right now, people no longer live their lives in reality.

She not only has to provide a link for this one, it has to be credible.. This is quite a charge to just offhandedly comment about.

You do realize there is no link for about 95% of real life, and only about 25% of all published materials are online now. Consider this thread an experiment, one which demonstrated that people no longer care about anything unless it's "online" ... the dumbing down of America is complete I guess. This is why our country is failing, also why people no longer think for themselves or utilize logic anymore, they just look for links.

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