Team led by middle Eastern woman caught surveilling US border-crossing facility

That's funny, the wall dividing East and West Germany, the great wall of china, and I'm sure there are others have been quite effective.

Of course nothing is perfect. But it's better than nothing.
What it shows is that the daesh know our borders are weak and are taking advantage of it..and what it shows is we have no way at all, aside from actually catching them in the act, of knowing which are daesh, and which aren't.

What it shows that the GARBAGE that has been peddled to us by our admin and the daesh on this site, that women and children are harmless and that anybody who says otherwise is a coward, is just that...garbage. Women and children are employed to great effect by these people, and they are using them more and more as we advertise (continually) our cowardly refusal to face this threat and deal with it head on.

Refusing muslim immigrants at this time is not an act of cowardice, nor is it a violation of ANYBODY'S "right to invade". There is no such right. We have the right to protect our own from encroaching and pervasive threat. And right now that threat is coming from muslims. That's the group, they are the ones who have declared war on us. No, not all of them, but that doesn't matter. In times of war, you prevent your enemy from invading your country, and in doing so, you are going to prevent those who identify with the enemy, but aren't necessarily actively waging war...what we have seen more than anything is that this evil ideology reaches muslims on BOTH sides of the borders, whether they're native or foreign. That means we don't need any more. They can stay away until the threat is eliminated.

I suppose the term effective is relative. People still got past those walls regularly. They didn't stop someone intent on crossing them. Isn't that the same argument you use against background checks?
With the technology available today and unlimited funds available to the central government, we can easily monitor the entire length of the Mexican border and keep incursions to a minimum...the problem is the one political party want the border open...but a vast majority of Americans want it closed. But hey, WGAF right?

They are all on the same side, and it is not been made more clear.

They have played us like cheap banjos.
The Rs are just as much to blame as the Ds.

Open borders is what the billionaire class wants and since they own both parties, illegal immigration continues.

One of the reasons average Americans like Trump, is his plan to stop it. For this, the billionaire class will do just about anything to prevent him from reaching the will the establishment in both political parties.

Just about everything. I say they will not stop and anything. Including assassination.

I am concerned about Trump's life.

I think Trump has more power than our admin, and much better security.
This thread is by the same nut and from the same source as the steel tube guys crossing border hilarity we were entertained by a week or so ago, isn't it?
Nothing to fear...she is neither a widow or an orphan...but the government refuses to check to see if she has a facebook page for fear of offending her. :p

She made no public Facebook postings. There was no more legal reason to read her private postings than there would be to check yours.
Are we talking about the woman in this thread or the Pakistani terrorist who killed 14 Americans and slipped through Obama's 'thorough' vetting process because one of his on agency members ordered that social media not be checked because it might offend people? If we are talking about the latter then you are obviously overlooking her pledge to ISIS and terrorist threats. If you are talking about the former then there must have been a social media check done for you to declare nothing was found... Which is it?
Naw, there's no reason to strengthen our border.

Or it costs too much to do it.

Or somebody somewhere will be offended if we do.

Or it's racist.

And if those excuses don't work, the liberal open-borders fanatics will come up with plenty more.


Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border - Judicial Watch

Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border

DECEMBER 16, 2015

A Middle Eastern woman was caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican border holding a sketchbook with Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.

The woman has been identified as 23-year-old Leila Abdelrazaq, according to a Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) report obtained by JW this week. Abdelrazaq appeared to have two accomplices, a 31-year-old man named Gabriel Schivone and a 28-year-old woman named Leslie Mcafee. CBP agents noticed the trio “observing the facilities” at the Port of Mariposa in Nogales, Arizona on December 2. Schivone was first noticed inside the entrance of the pedestrian area while the two women stood outside by the entry door, the CPB document states.

When federal officers asked Abdelrazaq why she was drawing sketches of the facilities she “stated because she’s never been to the border,” according to the CBP report. Abdelrazaq resisted showing officers the sketchbook, citing personal reasons, but subsequently handed it over. “During the inspection of the Abdelrazaq sketching book, CBPOs noticed the book contained writings in English and Arabic language,” federal officers write in the document. “There were drawings of what appeared to be vehicle primary inspection area and an additional drawing of pedestrian turn stile gate depicting video surveillance cameras above the gate.” The report proceeds to reveal that the drawings were “partial and incomplete.”

This distressing information comes on the heels of two separate—and equally alarming—incidents in the same vicinity. A few weeks ago JW reported that five young Middle Eastern men were apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol in Amado, an Arizona town situated about 30 miles from the Mexican border. Two of the men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, alarming Border Patrol officials enough to call the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for backup. DHS officially denies this ever occurred, but law enforcement and other sources have confirmed to JW that the two men carrying the cylinders were believed to be taken into custody by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Of interesting note is that only three of the men’s names were entered in the Border Patrol’s E3 reporting system, which is used by the agency to track apprehensions, detention hearings and removals of illegal immigrants. E3 also collects and transmits biographic and biometric data including fingerprints for identification and verification of individuals encountered at the border. The other two men were listed as “unknown subjects,” which is unheard of, according to a JW federal law enforcement source. “In all my years I’ve never seen that before,” a veteran federal law enforcement agent told JW.

A week earlier six men—one from Afghanistan, five from Pakistan—were arrested in nearby Patagonia, a quaint ranch town that sits 20 miles north of the Mexican border city of Nogales. Federal authorities publicly confirmed those arrests after local media learned about them. JW has broken a number of stories involving serious terrorist threats on the southern border that have been disputed on the record by various Obama administration officials. Among these is an April report—confirmed by high-level Mexican authorities—about ISIS operating camps near the U.S. border in areas known as Anapra and Puerto Palomas west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Last fall JW was the first to report on an Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) plot orchestrated from Ciudad Juárez to attack the U.S. with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). As a result of JW’s reporting Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army base in El Paso, increased security. The threat was imminent enough to place agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies on alert. A few weeks later JW reported that four ISIS terrorists were arrested by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.

Leila Abdelrazaq - Google Search
I suppose the term effective is relative. People still got past those walls regularly. They didn't stop someone intent on crossing them. Isn't that the same argument you use against background checks?
With the technology available today and unlimited funds available to the central government, we can easily monitor the entire length of the Mexican border and keep incursions to a minimum...the problem is the one political party want the border open...but a vast majority of Americans want it closed. But hey, WGAF right?

They are all on the same side, and it is not been made more clear.

They have played us like cheap banjos.
The Rs are just as much to blame as the Ds.

Open borders is what the billionaire class wants and since they own both parties, illegal immigration continues.

One of the reasons average Americans like Trump, is his plan to stop it. For this, the billionaire class will do just about anything to prevent him from reaching the will the establishment in both political parties.

Just about everything. I say they will not stop and anything. Including assassination.

I am concerned about Trump's life.

I think Trump has more power than our admin, and much better security.

I do not know. If "they" want him dead, things will be arranged. They could always use someone like a "disgruntled" mexican kid.

Things can be arranged, and I fear if they have to, they will. Nothing else is working, and it usually does. The republicans, democrats, the media (especially FOX and Megyn Kelly) have used everything they have.

When Cheney and the left wing networks are on the same side for ANYTHING rest assure we the people are getting fucked in some way.

Look how fast their tactics worked on Herman Cain or Allen West. You want to talk about threats to their establishment. Then they went after Dr Ben Carson. It virtually always works. Remember the Romney tax lies that Harry Reid laughed about and justified it because he won them the election?

The world socialists have their best face in power to push their one world government agenda. Hence the reason THEY gave him the nobel peace prize before he took office. The reason why the world is locked arm in arm with the man made warming scam with their prince of lies pushing it on us.

Wait till the stupid ass moronic puppets electric bill is raised 200%. Wait till they claim it is all working when the same lying scientists insist that the efforts of the world are working. Not before they find every way to fleece us for us much money as they can.

They sure are taking advantage of el nino this year, aren't they?
Nothing to fear...she is neither a widow or an orphan...but the government refuses to check to see if she has a facebook page for fear of offending her. :p

She made no public Facebook postings. There was no more legal reason to read her private postings than there would be to check yours.
Are we talking about the woman in this thread or the Pakistani terrorist who killed 14 Americans and slipped through Obama's 'thorough' vetting process because one of his on agency members ordered that social media not be checked because it might offend people? If we are talking about the latter then you are obviously overlooking her pledge to ISIS and terrorist threats. If you are talking about the former then there must have been a social media check done for you to declare nothing was found... Which is it?

The Pakistani terrorist. A private account in the name of an alias associated with her was checked after the attack and they found what you mentioned. There were no such statements on her public accounts, and no legal reason to check her private accounts before the attack.
The Pakistani terrorist. A private account in the name of an alias associated with her was checked after the attack and they found what you mentioned. There were no such statements on her public accounts, and no legal reason to check her private accounts before the attack.
Anything posted on Facebook is public domain / social media. As many experts have already pointed out, checking her account / postings would have tipped the government off to her support of terrorism and would have prevented her from coming into the country. Her account was not initially checked because some dumbass working in the Obama administration made an order that such public social media sites would not be checked because it 'might offend someone'.

I find it funny that Obama calls such piss-poor vetting 'thorough' and that people like you are trying to defend it. Have a nice day...
Has anybody else noticed that lefties think it's a sign of "courage" to sacrifice children for the sake of political correctness?

It's a theme with them.
ms. kosher, could you explain that to this leftie? I do not understand your logic about the left sacrificing children for the sake of PC. My first thought when reading your post was how the defense of the NRA kicked in full throttle immediately after Newtown and the Publican acceptance of the 'sacrifice' of children as acceptable rather than endanger the total limitless capabilities of combat weapons ownership by whoever hasn't already used them on the public so far, and also the hoots of how lacking in PC is it to talk about weapons limitations at such a tragic time. Am I correct in assuming the only mass murderers you are willing to stop are the Muslim ones? Otherwise, mass murder by others is one of the costs of 'freedom'?
The Pakistani terrorist. A private account in the name of an alias associated with her was checked after the attack and they found what you mentioned. There were no such statements on her public accounts, and no legal reason to check her private accounts before the attack.
Anything posted on Facebook is public domain / social media. As many experts have already pointed out, checking her account / postings would have tipped the government off to her support of terrorism and would have prevented her from coming into the country. Her account was not initially checked because some dumbass working in the Obama administration made an order that such public social media sites would not be checked because it 'might offend someone'.

I find it funny that Obama calls such piss-poor vetting 'thorough' and that people like you are trying to defend it. Have a nice day...

I'm sure private postings can be hacked, but it's not legal to do that.
Nothing to fear...she is neither a widow or an orphan...but the government refuses to check to see if she has a facebook page for fear of offending her. :p
easy, I thought I heard yesterday in passing that the FBI said neither of the San Bernardino murderers used social media. That it was an untrue knee-jerk report. Have you heard this? Anyone?
easy, I thought I heard yesterday in passing that the FBI said neither of the San Bernardino murderers used social media. That it was an untrue knee-jerk report. Have you heard this? Anyone?

Bullwinkle, THANK YOU! I stand corrected and admit my mistake. I had not seen the latest news posted 22 hours ago until just now when I went looking for it. According to the news:

FBI chief: San Bernardino shooters did not publicly promote jihad on social media

It was reported that she messaged friends / some she knew of her allegiance to ISIS and pro-terrorist feelings, but she did NOT post publicly on Facebook.

My bad - sorry again - and, again, thanks Bullwinkle!
Good, I would like that.

Tell me how we can create a continuous barrier, that cannot be tunneled under, scaled, and is impervious to any breech? All those thousands of miles, and completed in how long
Are you trying to be difficult or are you stupid?
You know a "wall" like Trump promises is impossible.

You're resorting to childish insults for lack of a logical plan to accomplish what we all want
That's funny, the wall dividing East and West Germany, the great wall of china, and I'm sure there are others have been quite effective.

Of course nothing is perfect. But it's better than nothing.
Naw, there's no reason to strengthen our border.

Or it costs too much to do it.

Or somebody somewhere will be offended if we do.

Or it's racist.

And if those excuses don't work, the liberal open-borders fanatics will come up with plenty more.


Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border - Judicial Watch

Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border

DECEMBER 16, 2015

A Middle Eastern woman was caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican border holding a sketchbook with Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.

The woman has been identified as 23-year-old Leila Abdelrazaq, according to a Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) report obtained by JW this week. Abdelrazaq appeared to have two accomplices, a 31-year-old man named Gabriel Schivone and a 28-year-old woman named Leslie Mcafee. CBP agents noticed the trio “observing the facilities” at the Port of Mariposa in Nogales, Arizona on December 2. Schivone was first noticed inside the entrance of the pedestrian area while the two women stood outside by the entry door, the CPB document states.

When federal officers asked Abdelrazaq why she was drawing sketches of the facilities she “stated because she’s never been to the border,” according to the CBP report. Abdelrazaq resisted showing officers the sketchbook, citing personal reasons, but subsequently handed it over. “During the inspection of the Abdelrazaq sketching book, CBPOs noticed the book contained writings in English and Arabic language,” federal officers write in the document. “There were drawings of what appeared to be vehicle primary inspection area and an additional drawing of pedestrian turn stile gate depicting video surveillance cameras above the gate.” The report proceeds to reveal that the drawings were “partial and incomplete.”

This distressing information comes on the heels of two separate—and equally alarming—incidents in the same vicinity. A few weeks ago JW reported that five young Middle Eastern men were apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol in Amado, an Arizona town situated about 30 miles from the Mexican border. Two of the men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, alarming Border Patrol officials enough to call the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for backup. DHS officially denies this ever occurred, but law enforcement and other sources have confirmed to JW that the two men carrying the cylinders were believed to be taken into custody by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Of interesting note is that only three of the men’s names were entered in the Border Patrol’s E3 reporting system, which is used by the agency to track apprehensions, detention hearings and removals of illegal immigrants. E3 also collects and transmits biographic and biometric data including fingerprints for identification and verification of individuals encountered at the border. The other two men were listed as “unknown subjects,” which is unheard of, according to a JW federal law enforcement source. “In all my years I’ve never seen that before,” a veteran federal law enforcement agent told JW.

A week earlier six men—one from Afghanistan, five from Pakistan—were arrested in nearby Patagonia, a quaint ranch town that sits 20 miles north of the Mexican border city of Nogales. Federal authorities publicly confirmed those arrests after local media learned about them. JW has broken a number of stories involving serious terrorist threats on the southern border that have been disputed on the record by various Obama administration officials. Among these is an April report—confirmed by high-level Mexican authorities—about ISIS operating camps near the U.S. border in areas known as Anapra and Puerto Palomas west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Last fall JW was the first to report on an Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) plot orchestrated from Ciudad Juárez to attack the U.S. with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). As a result of JW’s reporting Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army base in El Paso, increased security. The threat was imminent enough to place agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies on alert. A few weeks later JW reported that four ISIS terrorists were arrested by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.
I'm just a little confused by the posted complaints regarding this article. If the subjects were all caught, apprehended, suggests the current system is working. So the complaint must not be against the feds, but against the people trying to 'infiltrate' our borders, right?
What it shows is that the daesh know our borders are weak and are taking advantage of it..and what it shows is we have no way at all, aside from actually catching them in the act, of knowing which are daesh, and which aren't.

What it shows that the GARBAGE that has been peddled to us by our admin and the daesh on this site, that women and children are harmless and that anybody who says otherwise is a coward, is just that...garbage. Women and children are employed to great effect by these people, and they are using them more and more as we advertise (continually) our cowardly refusal to face this threat and deal with it head on.

Refusing muslim immigrants at this time is not an act of cowardice, nor is it a violation of ANYBODY'S "right to invade". There is no such right. We have the right to protect our own from encroaching and pervasive threat. And right now that threat is coming from muslims. That's the group, they are the ones who have declared war on us. No, not all of them, but that doesn't matter. In times of war, you prevent your enemy from invading your country, and in doing so, you are going to prevent those who identify with the enemy, but aren't necessarily actively waging war...what we have seen more than anything is that this evil ideology reaches muslims on BOTH sides of the borders, whether they're native or foreign. That means we don't need any more. They can stay away until the threat is eliminated.

I suppose the term effective is relative. People still got past those walls regularly. They didn't stop someone intent on crossing them. Isn't that the same argument you use against background checks?
With the technology available today and unlimited funds available to the central government, we can easily monitor the entire length of the Mexican border and keep incursions to a minimum...the problem is the two political parties want the border open...but a vast majority of Americans want it closed. But hey, WGAF right?
Judicial Watch again? they are completely credible. How's that giant isis training camp just over the border doing these days?
Has anybody else noticed that lefties think it's a sign of "courage" to sacrifice children for the sake of political correctness?

It's a theme with them.

The more dead babies the better in lefty lala land.
is the many dead babies fantasy a "thing" on the fringe right?

No, more like a nightmare... that's why we oppose abortion.

Do try and keep up.
odd as much, as you people yammer, spew etc. about dead babies ,one gets the impression that you want just the opposite and are no too sane about it either .
keeping up is not a problem ,if there was something to keep up on.
as it's stands, it's farce.
Can somebody tell me how we can create a continuous barrier, that cannot be tunneled under, scaled, and is impervious to any breech? All those thousands of miles, and completed in how long?
Force illegal aliens to build it.
Nothing to fear...she is neither a widow or an orphan...but the government refuses to check to see if she has a facebook page for fear of offending her. :p
easy, I thought I heard yesterday in passing that the FBI said neither of the San Bernardino murderers used social media. That it was an untrue knee-jerk report. Have you heard this? Anyone?
matter of fact it is :

Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik did not make open posts on social media regarding radical Islamic jihad or martyrdom before the Dec. 2 terror attack in San Bernardino, FBI Director James B. Comey said Wednesday, attempting to knock down criticism that U.S. officials had missed the growing radicalism of the couple and could have prevented her from moving to the U.S. last year.
Speaking in New York, Comey also revealed for the first time that the shooting deaths last July of five people after attacks on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tenn., have now officially been classified as a terrorist attack. The assailant in that attack, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a naturalized U.S. citizen living in Hixson, Tenn., was killed by police gunfire after he shot and killed four Marines and a sailor and wounded three other people.

“In Chattanooga we’ve concluded the killer was inspired by a foreign terror group’s propaganda,” Comey said. “It’s often difficult, as it is with San Bernardino, to untangle what particular sources’ competing foreign terror poison is out there. But there’s no doubt the Chattanooga killer was inspired and motivated by foreign terrorist propaganda.”

The classification of the Tennessee attack as a terrorist incident brings to three the number of such assaults in the U.S. this year, starting with an attempted attack in Garland, Texas, in May. In that assault, a security officer was wounded, and the two assailants, radicalized individuals from Phoenix, were shot dead.

“We can see from our investigation that in late 2013 — before there is a physical meeting of these two people, resulting in their engagement and journey to the United States — they are communicating online, showing signs in that communication their joint commitment to jihad and to martyrdom. Those communications are direct private messages,” he said.

“So far in this investigation we have found no evidence of the posting on social media by either of them at that period of time and thereafter reflecting their commitment to jihad or to martyrdom. I’ve seen some reporting on that. That’s a garble. All right?

“The investigation continues, but we have not found that kind of thing. These communications are private, direct messages, not social media messages,” he added.

An article Tuesday in the Los Angeles Times was consistent with Comey’s characterization. The article reported that federal law enforcement officials had said that Malik had sent at least “two private messages” on Facebook to a small group of Pakistani friends in 2012 and 2014 pledging support for jihad.

Those private messages were sent before she entered the U.S. on a K-1 fiancee visa in July 2014. One of the officials characterized the messages as “her private communications ... to a small group of her friends” that “went only to a small group.”

In an article Sunday, the New York Times reported that Malik had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.”

The two articles prompted critics of the Obama administration to say that officials had not done enough to catch potential terrorists and safeguard the U.S.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas echoed those complaints during the Republican presidential debate Tuesday night in Las Vegas.

Last week in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Comey revealed that the couple had posted a message on social media on the day of the shootings pledging allegiance to the Islamic State, before they were killed in a police shootout in San Bernardino. Afterward, Islamic State leaders praised the couple as “martyrs” but did not claim any involvement in the plot.

Facebook has said it discovered the post after the shooting and took it down after notifying the FBI.

The attacks in San Bernardino and Chattanooga both "involved people consuming poison on the Internet" and becoming radicalized, Comey said. “But in San Bernardino, as I’ve said before, we see in the killers Malik and Farook two people who are radicalized before the emergence of ISIL [the Islamic State], and so untangling the motivation [and] which particular terrorist propaganda motivated them and in what way remains a challenge in these investigations. And our work is ongoing there.”

Alleged buyer of guns used in San Bernardino shooting may face several charges
Maura Dolan and Joel Rubin
Enrique Marquez, who allegedly purchased the assault rifles used in the San Bernardino mass shooting, could face a variety of charges, including lying on his application to buy the guns and conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism, legal experts said.

Marquez, 24, legally purchased the rifles from...

Enrique Marquez, who allegedly purchased the assault rifles used in the [URL='']San Bernardino mass shooting
, could face a variety of charges, including lying on his application to buy the guns and conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism, legal experts said.

Marquez, 24, legally purchased the rifles from...

(Maura Dolan and Joel Rubin)
The FBI is continuing to investigate whether Farook and Malik also may have communicated with foreign terror groups through encrypted devices that would have prevented the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies from following their trail, as happened in the Garland case.

Comey and other law enforcement officials have long sought the ability to get around encryption and listen in on potential terror suspects after obtaining a court order. On Wednesday he called the issue of encryption a “collision” between public and Internet security and basic law enforcement tools.

“That,” he said, is something “we as a democracy must solve together.”

Comey said it was becoming increasingly difficult to track efforts by foreign terror groups to recruit people in this country or abroad intent on sponsoring or carrying out attacks in the U.S. or elsewhere.

“Your parents' Al Qaeda was a very different model than the threat we face today,” he said, noting that hundreds of investigations of potential terror plots were underway around the U.S. And he said that social media platforms like Twitter often were used to radicalize young adults.

“Twitter works as a way to sell books, as a way to promote movies,” he said, “and it works as a way to crowd-source terrorism -- to sell murder.”

I've no doubt one or more of the raging paranoids will say it's lefty propaganda


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