Team led by middle Eastern woman caught surveilling US border-crossing facility

killing trump would be just the thing for the martyrs of the right to claim this is the end.
the best possible outcome will be when trump loses and is found wandering around naked.
Nothing to fear...she is neither a widow or an orphan...but the government refuses to check to see if she has a facebook page for fear of offending her. :p
easy, I thought I heard yesterday in passing that the FBI said neither of the San Bernardino murderers used social media. That it was an untrue knee-jerk report. Have you heard this? Anyone?
I thought the husband had sent email or downloaded something for a site of a person of interest? That's not a idle question, btw. Because CC will only direct terrorists/crazies to softer targets. And, various weapon bans, which appear to be entirely within govt power, will not stop a dedicated killer. It seems to me that the most targeted thing we can do for our safety is gathering "intelligence" both about which people need mental health treatment but aren't getting it and which people access sites that have some connection to jihad or racial hatred of some kind.
Can somebody tell me how we can create a continuous barrier, that cannot be tunneled under, scaled, and is impervious to any breech? All those thousands of miles, and completed in how long?
Force illegal aliens to build it.
to guarantee ease of access?
For cheap labor.
the bottom line is more important than security or the illusion of it?
It's not an either/or proposition in the first place.
Has anybody else noticed that lefties think it's a sign of "courage" to sacrifice children for the sake of political correctness?

It's a theme with them.

The more dead babies the better in lefty lala land.
is the many dead babies fantasy a "thing" on the fringe right?

No, more like a nightmare... that's why we oppose abortion.

Do try and keep up.

That's why you support anti-abortion terrorism. You believe it saves lives.
killing trump would be just the thing for the martyrs of the right to claim this is the end.
the best possible outcome will be when trump loses and is found wandering around naked.
That's why you support anti-abortion terrorism. You believe it saves lives.
When the left loses the argument convincingly, they always start this stuff instead.

Making up things conservatives never said, announcing that they think them anyway, and then bashing them for it.

killing trump would be just the thing for the martyrs of the right to claim this is the end.
the best possible outcome will be when trump loses and is found wandering around naked.
That's why you support anti-abortion terrorism. You believe it saves lives.
When the left loses the argument convincingly, they always start this stuff instead.

Making up things conservatives never said, announcing that they think them anyway, and then bashing them for it.


Do you believe abortion is murder?
Can somebody tell me how we can create a continuous barrier, that cannot be tunneled under, scaled, and is impervious to any breech? All those thousands of miles, and completed in how long?
Force illegal aliens to build it.
to guarantee ease of access?
For cheap labor.
the bottom line is more important than security or the illusion of it?
It's not an either/or proposition in the first place.
How is it not?
killing trump would be just the thing for the martyrs of the right to claim this is the end.
the best possible outcome will be when trump loses and is found wandering around naked.
That's why you support anti-abortion terrorism. You believe it saves lives.
When the left loses the argument convincingly, they always start this stuff instead.

Making up things conservatives never said, announcing that they think them anyway, and then bashing them for it.

Nothing I've posted is made up .
As to losing the argument convincingly you guys do it endlessly by denial and willfull ignorance.
The post I'm answering is proof
Naw, there's no reason to strengthen our border.

Or it costs too much to do it.

Or somebody somewhere will be offended if we do.

Or it's racist.

And if those excuses don't work, the liberal open-borders fanatics will come up with plenty more.


Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border - Judicial Watch

Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border

DECEMBER 16, 2015

A Middle Eastern woman was caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican border holding a sketchbook with Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.

The woman has been identified as 23-year-old Leila Abdelrazaq, according to a Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) report obtained by JW this week. Abdelrazaq appeared to have two accomplices, a 31-year-old man named Gabriel Schivone and a 28-year-old woman named Leslie Mcafee. CBP agents noticed the trio “observing the facilities” at the Port of Mariposa in Nogales, Arizona on December 2. Schivone was first noticed inside the entrance of the pedestrian area while the two women stood outside by the entry door, the CPB document states.

When federal officers asked Abdelrazaq why she was drawing sketches of the facilities she “stated because she’s never been to the border,” according to the CBP report. Abdelrazaq resisted showing officers the sketchbook, citing personal reasons, but subsequently handed it over. “During the inspection of the Abdelrazaq sketching book, CBPOs noticed the book contained writings in English and Arabic language,” federal officers write in the document. “There were drawings of what appeared to be vehicle primary inspection area and an additional drawing of pedestrian turn stile gate depicting video surveillance cameras above the gate.” The report proceeds to reveal that the drawings were “partial and incomplete.”

This distressing information comes on the heels of two separate—and equally alarming—incidents in the same vicinity. A few weeks ago JW reported that five young Middle Eastern men were apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol in Amado, an Arizona town situated about 30 miles from the Mexican border. Two of the men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, alarming Border Patrol officials enough to call the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for backup. DHS officially denies this ever occurred, but law enforcement and other sources have confirmed to JW that the two men carrying the cylinders were believed to be taken into custody by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Of interesting note is that only three of the men’s names were entered in the Border Patrol’s E3 reporting system, which is used by the agency to track apprehensions, detention hearings and removals of illegal immigrants. E3 also collects and transmits biographic and biometric data including fingerprints for identification and verification of individuals encountered at the border. The other two men were listed as “unknown subjects,” which is unheard of, according to a JW federal law enforcement source. “In all my years I’ve never seen that before,” a veteran federal law enforcement agent told JW.

A week earlier six men—one from Afghanistan, five from Pakistan—were arrested in nearby Patagonia, a quaint ranch town that sits 20 miles north of the Mexican border city of Nogales. Federal authorities publicly confirmed those arrests after local media learned about them. JW has broken a number of stories involving serious terrorist threats on the southern border that have been disputed on the record by various Obama administration officials. Among these is an April report—confirmed by high-level Mexican authorities—about ISIS operating camps near the U.S. border in areas known as Anapra and Puerto Palomas west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Last fall JW was the first to report on an Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) plot orchestrated from Ciudad Juárez to attack the U.S. with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). As a result of JW’s reporting Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army base in El Paso, increased security. The threat was imminent enough to place agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies on alert. A few weeks later JW reported that four ISIS terrorists were arrested by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.

Listen you dumb shit, I'll be a little less subtle for you - this "middle Eastern woman caught surveilling US border-crossing facility" Leila Abdelrazaq was a US citizen as were both her companions. She is also a graphic artist, hence the sketch book no doubt. Do these facts relieve your fears a little or are you such a cowardly pants shitter you have to wear "Depends for Pussies" at all times?
The woman that is referenced appears to be a graphic novelist and artist. Hence the sketchbook and not a camera. Artist with sketchbook isn't scary.

A middle Eastern "artist" sketching the access routes and technology of an American border-crossing point, IS scary.

At least to people with even a little common sense, who aren't trying to pretend it's something else.
You don't have to sketch access routes and technology when you can find everything you need on the internet. A camera would have been a far more valuable tool than charcoal/lead and paper. A Google search or Google Earth will tell you more than you hope to accomplish by sketching. They weren't exactly being stealthy either. They got "caught" and were released. The people in question were also sketching the wrong side of the border. Those coming across the border illegally tend to do so where there is less security, not at the checkpoint. Three people at the border is not a "team". Team sounds scarier and leads to clicks which generate ad revenue. The fact JudicialWatch uses anecdotal quotes from unnamed sources in these kinds of stories should be a huge red flag. They put their "accomplishments" at the bottom of their "news" stories to stress validity upon the reader. That site is not reputable and anyone that is not trying to be dishonest about these fake stories can see it as such. Are you claiming to lack the sense to tell the difference or pretending this three ring steamer of a story is true?

The building itself has architectural significance. Pictures of the inside:
ARCHITECT - Mariposa Land Port of Entry Phoenix-based Jones...


This isn't the Nogales crossing but it gives an idea of the information available from just the U.S.Department of Transportation. In addition to the photos they actually breakdown the different technologies, describing how it works and its uses.
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Can somebody tell me how we can create a continuous barrier, that cannot be tunneled under, scaled, and is impervious to any breech? All those thousands of miles, and completed in how long?
Yeah...we can't do let's just say fuck it.
That was a question, not a statement.

Give it a shot!
Don't be silly.

A nation that has a central government spending trillions, with huge navies traversing the oceans, with military assets in every fucking country on really think we can't control our border with Mexico?

Of course we could if the mouth breathers in DC ever get off their asses and make it happen.
Can somebody tell me how we can create a continuous barrier, that cannot be tunneled under, scaled, and is impervious to any breech? All those thousands of miles, and completed in how long?
Yeah...we can't do let's just say fuck it.
That was a question, not a statement.

Give it a shot!
Don't be silly.

A nation that has a central government spending trillions, with huge navies traversing the oceans, with military assets in every fucking country on really think we can't control our border with Mexico?

Of course we could if the mouth breathers in DC ever get off their asses and make it happen.
You just hit me.

We all want a wall that would keep illegals from crossing that way.

But nobody who proposes it has presented a plan. So you all are accepting the possibility on faith.

The problems I see would be:

Making one deep enough so nobody could tunnel under. Perhaps without having the wall include 50 more feet of it underground, there could be a sensor system to detect digging and other activity.

The time it would take to complete something. Government payers, contracts, worker safety, and on, and on. This wouldn't be like the Golden Gate Bridge where 10 workers dying is a cost/fact of business.

Maybe the politicians supporting this solution haven't offered specifics, let alone blueprints, because it might take 25 years to complete?
Can somebody tell me how we can create a continuous barrier, that cannot be tunneled under, scaled, and is impervious to any breech? All those thousands of miles, and completed in how long?
Yeah...we can't do let's just say fuck it.
That was a question, not a statement.

Give it a shot!
Don't be silly.

A nation that has a central government spending trillions, with huge navies traversing the oceans, with military assets in every fucking country on really think we can't control our border with Mexico?

Of course we could if the mouth breathers in DC ever get off their asses and make it happen.
You just hit me.

We all want a wall that would keep illegals from crossing that way.

But nobody who proposes it has presented a plan. So you all are accepting the possibility on faith.

The problems I see would be:

Making one deep enough so nobody could tunnel under. Perhaps without having the wall include 50 more feet of it underground, there could be a sensor system to detect digging and other activity.

The time it would take to complete something. Government payers, contracts, worker safety, and on, and on. This wouldn't be like the Golden Gate Bridge where 10 workers dying is a cost/fact of business.

Maybe the politicians supporting this solution haven't offered specifics, let alone blueprints, because it might take 25 years to complete?
Oh brother....

Ever heard of ground penetrating radar?

Are you stuck in 1950?
Yeah...we can't do let's just say fuck it.
That was a question, not a statement.

Give it a shot!
Don't be silly.

A nation that has a central government spending trillions, with huge navies traversing the oceans, with military assets in every fucking country on really think we can't control our border with Mexico?

Of course we could if the mouth breathers in DC ever get off their asses and make it happen.
You just hit me.

We all want a wall that would keep illegals from crossing that way.

But nobody who proposes it has presented a plan. So you all are accepting the possibility on faith.

The problems I see would be:

Making one deep enough so nobody could tunnel under. Perhaps without having the wall include 50 more feet of it underground, there could be a sensor system to detect digging and other activity.

The time it would take to complete something. Government payers, contracts, worker safety, and on, and on. This wouldn't be like the Golden Gate Bridge where 10 workers dying is a cost/fact of business.

Maybe the politicians supporting this solution haven't offered specifics, let alone blueprints, because it might take 25 years to complete?
Oh brother....

Ever heard of ground penetrating radar?

Are you stuck in 1950?
Apparently you missed the part where I wrote "there could be a sensor system to detect digging and other activity."

You're just picking fights like some troll. But hey, what else would we do for fun around here without that.

You're also willing to address part of one of my questions, that's progress!

So now, how long would it take, how much would it cost, and what do we do till it's completed?
That was a question, not a statement.

Give it a shot!
Don't be silly.

A nation that has a central government spending trillions, with huge navies traversing the oceans, with military assets in every fucking country on really think we can't control our border with Mexico?

Of course we could if the mouth breathers in DC ever get off their asses and make it happen.
You just hit me.

We all want a wall that would keep illegals from crossing that way.

But nobody who proposes it has presented a plan. So you all are accepting the possibility on faith.

The problems I see would be:

Making one deep enough so nobody could tunnel under. Perhaps without having the wall include 50 more feet of it underground, there could be a sensor system to detect digging and other activity.

The time it would take to complete something. Government payers, contracts, worker safety, and on, and on. This wouldn't be like the Golden Gate Bridge where 10 workers dying is a cost/fact of business.

Maybe the politicians supporting this solution haven't offered specifics, let alone blueprints, because it might take 25 years to complete?
Oh brother....

Ever heard of ground penetrating radar?

Are you stuck in 1950?
Apparently you missed the part where I wrote "there could be a sensor system to detect digging and other activity."

You're just picking fights like some troll. But hey, what else would we do for fun around here without that.

You're also willing to address part of one of my questions, that's progress!

So now, how long would it take, how much would it cost, and what do we do till it's completed?
I can assure you of one thing, if the building of the wall was awarded to the private sector it would be built much faster and cheaper then the feds who would milk it forever.
I can assure you of one thing, if the building of the wall was awarded to the private sector it would be built much faster and cheaper then the feds who would milk it forever.
The ironic part would be that private sector construction companies often employ illegal aliens to work.

Wouldn't that be sumpn' if illegals participated in building a wall to keep themselves out?
Listen you dumb shit,
You always know when the liberals can't reply to what you said. They start cursing and calling you names.
this "middle Eastern woman caught surveilling US border-crossing facility" Leila Abdelrazaq was a US citizen as were both her companions. She is also a graphic artist, hence the sketch book no doubt.
And then they try to repeat an argument that's already been refuted, hoping people have forgotten and will believe them.

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