Team obama blames john kerry for debate loss


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
LOL One excuse after another. It's getting mighty damned crowded under the bus.

by ALEXANDER MARLOW 6 Oct 2012, 3:44 PM PDT
The Obama campaign has been reeling since losing the first Presidential debate of this election cycle in front of 67 million viewers. They've tried--and thus far failed--to craft a narrative to explain away the debacle in Denver. Previously, we reported to you that Obama Senior Advisor David Plouffe, who ran the President's successful 2008 campaign, (falsely) accused Mitt Romney of lying. In a rare comedic moment from the typically robotic former Vice President Al Gore, he suggested on Current TV that the Mile High City's altitude was the reason Obama was low on energy and enthusiasm. Neither of those caught on with the mainstream pro-Obama media.

Now the Obama Administration is floating their latest excuse: that the campaign, particularly Romney stand-in John Kerry, did not channel Mitt's aggression enough.

From CBS's "This Morning":
Norah O'Donnell: "Some Democrats say [Obama's] campaign needs a wake-up call. Bill Plante is here with that part of the story. Bill, you've been talking to your sources; what are they saying?
Correspondent Bill Plante: "Well Norah, they're simply upset and really outraged. They blame the President's team, first of all, for not preparing him to meet the challenge of an aggressive Mitt Romney. They say that nobody in the room challenged him, including the guy that he was debating with, John Kerry, because, as they say, he wants to be Secretary of State so he's not going to get in the President's face. And Presidents are used to deference; they're not used to people challenging them like that.

Team Obama Blames John Kerry for Debate Loss
The Whiner-in-Chief plays the blame game... again. Didn't Obama ever have to take responsibility for anything in his life?

I get the idea that he didn't. I mean, we're almost 4 years into his administration and everything is STILL Bush's fault. There comes a time when people have to look in the mirror and admit that their problems are their fault.
It's true that Obama isn't used to being challenged and everyone in the media can thank themselves for that. They've followed him like obedient slaves and cleaned up after his mistakes. Now Obama folds like a cheap umbrella when anyone has the nerve to stand up to him. He's never had to endure vetting, let alone a real press conference. He is used to reading TOTUS and having the reporters take notes and pass them along as news.

For once, we didn't see that bloated egomaniac's nose up in the air as if he's better than the rest of us. He is arrogant and I'm glad he was knocked down a few pegs.
Another bullshit teabag story, nothing to see here.

See, this is how your boy, Mitt, sunk himself... lying.
When your opponent rattles off a littany of lies/changes and denials to what he has said before, it is pretty difficult to counter spontaneously. Obama DID point out that Romney was changing what he'd said in the past just a month or so before the elction but it when right over most people's heads because Romney was so aggressive and manic, he walked all over everyone including Jim Leher. That'll come in handy with diplomancy and talking to our allies--being a bully.
When your opponent rattles off a littany of lies/changes and denials to what he has said before, it is pretty difficult to counter spontaneously. Obama DID point out that Romney was changing what he'd said in the past just a month or so before the elction but it when right over most people's heads because Romney was so aggressive and manic, he walked all over everyone including Jim Leher. That'll come in handy with diplomancy and talking to our allies--being a bully.

LMAO.....Bammy is an empty suit...and 63 million saw it.
When your opponent rattles off a littany of lies/changes and denials to what he has said before, it is pretty difficult to counter spontaneously. Obama DID point out that Romney was changing what he'd said in the past just a month or so before the elction but it when right over most people's heads because Romney was so aggressive and manic, he walked all over everyone including Jim Leher. That'll come in handy with diplomancy and talking to our allies--being a bully.

In other got nuttin'? :eusa_eh:
When your opponent rattles off a littany of lies/changes and denials to what he has said before, it is pretty difficult to counter spontaneously. Obama DID point out that Romney was changing what he'd said in the past just a month or so before the elction but it when right over most people's heads because Romney was so aggressive and manic, he walked all over everyone including Jim Leher. That'll come in handy with diplomancy and talking to our allies--being a bully.

How could I forget? This is the big one..

Reason # 6. MITT LIED

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