Teamsters and UPS reach tentative agreement!

Employment participation IS down doofus and doofus2.
Why would more people be retiring in an economy where you cannot afford to retire doofus2?
The only liar here is the one who has it in his title.....right jimboliar?
You Dimtards are such sheeple.
Because they've reached retirement age?
jim puts anyone on igggy who disagrees with him....but seems to keep talking to those who do nothing but call him names....strange person....
jimboliar is a closet Trump supporter, his biggest fan. Just look at how tirelessly he campaigns for him.
Yes, it is low due to people retiring. The core working age is the highest in 16 years, higher than it ever was under your god.

Why would you cut if off at 54? Most people aren't retiring at 55.
jimboliar is a closet Trump supporter, his biggest fan. Just look at how tirelessly he campaigns for him.
i know...i have said that out of any poster here jim knows more about trump than even trump sure he has a treasure trove of trump collectibles...
I reached it 6 years ago, makes no difference.
Are you everyone? You either made a choice 6 years ago to not retire or you made a series of choice many years ago that didnt allow you to retire 6 years ago. Either way what you decided has no effect on everyone else's decision.
Why would you cut if off at 54? Most people aren't retiring at 55.

I did not make the graph, the St Louis Fed did and that has always been their core working group. You would have to ask them why that is.
Are you everyone? You either made a choice 6 years ago to not retire or you made a series of choice many years ago that didnt allow you to retire 6 years ago. Either way what you decided has no effect on everyone else's decision.
True enough, but I know several others who have made the same decision as me, so I do have some credibility when I make my comments. Plus reaching "retirement age" this day and time has nothing to do with when a person actually stops working, imo. Many retire and continue to work, possibly part time, but they keep working. I also know several people in this category.
Why would you cut if off at 54? Most people aren't retiring at 55.

Here is the 55 and above.

You can see it went off the cliff during COVID and never came back, and is in fact dropping more and more people retire.

Cant we just look at this?

It would seem to be a more accurate depiction of the reality of the situation.

Does it? That includes anyone above the age of 16, no matter how old they are.

In a country with an "aging" population the percent of retired people will forever be growing. Should they be counted? Is it not a good thing these people feel ready to retire?
It's an odd dividing line as most people arent retiring at 55 so you dont get an actual idea of what the participation rate is. 20-65 would be a much better range IMO.

Feel free to write to the Fed and see if they will change it for you.
Cant we just look at this?

It would seem to be a more accurate depiction of the reality of the situation.

If you go here you can see all sorts of breakdowns.


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