Ted Cruz email found on Ashley Madison data- according to THE BLAZE!

cant handle what little old Jilly says?...
Jilly's great. Sassy's the worst.
oh ok,let me rephrase that then....cant handle what little ole Sassy says?....
Sassy doesn't ever say anything. Reread her posts in this thread.
thats a matter of opinion,everyone here has something to say....even you....true story.....

having something to say is different from saying it.

but you'r a dear for thinking that.
It wouldn't be the first time Cruz cheated on his wife.

Still on zero

Katrina Pierson, Sarah Flores, Amanda Carpenter. 2 have yet to be identified.
How about their breastesses...I have to see them before I can forgive lyin Ted.
Not much to speak of from what I can tell
poor loon.

isn't it always you rightwingnuts who cry if someone says anything about palin's kids? but you don't care what you say or make up about chelsea clinton.

typical loser.
She's not worth it. Putting her on ignore makes the world a better place.
cant handle what little old Jilly says?...
Jilly's great. Sassy's the worst.
oh ok,let me rephrase that then....cant handle what little ole Sassy says?....

Classless Assy never says anything. Just empty bile.

She really needs to double her OJ intake.
some here think you have nothing to say either ludd.....but i do....

Yo, were you born DUMB? Or did you turn DUMB? Ted Cruz Office? Did that say Ted Cruz himself responded to the link? Or some HORNY young worker respond? If you don`t have facts? Like Your Socialist Democrat Link? Shut your mouth! Because you don`t know your ASS from a HOLE in the ground!!! What a IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View attachment 68962
cruz sucks....yo!.......
that was informative?....you did not know that?....
Yeah but Hillary's husband's DNA was found on an intern's dress. Which is worse?
I hope that this is not true. I lambasted Edwards for his poor judgment in running for President knowing that his cheating scandal was out there to be discovered. If Cruz did the same fucking thing I am going to be pissed. This will ruin him. But more importantly, if fucks up the Republican race for the nomination. This will be unforgivable.
I hope that this is not true. I lambasted Edwards for his poor judgment in running for President knowing that his cheating scandal was out there to be discovered. If Cruz did the same fucking thing I am going to be pissed. This will ruin him. But more importantly, if fucks up the Republican race for the nomination. This will be unforgivable.

Don't worry. this will pass and the liars will be exposed
I hope that this is not true. I lambasted Edwards for his poor judgment in running for President knowing that his cheating scandal was out there to be discovered. If Cruz did the same fucking thing I am going to be pissed. This will ruin him. But more importantly, if fucks up the Republican race for the nomination. This will be unforgivable.

Don't worry. this will pass and the liars will be exposed
but the action on this thread is epic.
I seriously doubt Ted Cruz would try to hook up with a mistress using an email address accessible to umpteen staffers.
No one here seems to care that the charge is utterly asinine and blatantly false.

As you put it, the piss drinkers are back for their fill - this time both the Trump supporters on the right and several on the left raising their mugs together.
I hope that this is not true. I lambasted Edwards for his poor judgment in running for President knowing that his cheating scandal was out there to be discovered. If Cruz did the same fucking thing I am going to be pissed. This will ruin him. But more importantly, if fucks up the Republican race for the nomination. This will be unforgivable.
Read the thread. Currently, there is noting to this story at all.

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