Ted Cruz has no intentions of ever being President

Yeah the GOP has been trying to win the moderate vote for over a decade. We see how successful that has been.

I love it when people who hate the GOP tries to tell it how to win an election.

I'll ask you what none of you RWnuts have ever been able to answer. Which conservatives could have done better than McCain or Romney?

Not being a RWnut, I can't answer for them but I'll answer it like I always have but yet you still claim we don't.

When McCain was running against the rest of the GOP, there weren't any conservatives of Cruz's stature running. Herman Cain would have done better than Romney in 2012.

I never understood the 'what the country wants is a 'real conservative' argument'. If a real conservative can't even convince a plurality of republicans to vote for him, why would that same candidate get MORE votes from moderates, independents and liberals who ware much less sympathetic and responsive to a conservative message?
About 25% of the Republican Party meets the ideological purity standards of Ted Cruz

Not a very big tent. But a tent that will consolidate its vote to punish Republicans who don't toe their line. To his credit, Jeb Bush has ignored their mandates on immigration and other issues. We will have to see if he can continue
Love how all the libs are suddenly Cruz experts and know what he"s thinking and his "real " reason for announcing......
Why this why that my god the smartest libs in the world are wasting themselves on a message board.

they're being their usual selves. forcing their oh so superior knowledge of everything and how everyone feels . on all of us:crybaby:
Cruz is disliked by his own party
Boehner and McConnell despise him

Rand Paul will not have anything to do with him

Can you point to any Republicans that he is a close political ally with?

I'm trying to figure out why I care. Can you help me with that?
So he's running an anti-big tent campaign? Where only the ideologically 'pure' are worthy to be called conservatives?

Sigh......the GOP's sick autocannablism fetish has started chewing early, it seems.

Wow, the left isn't sold on Cruz, that is concerning to the right I'm sure...
So he's running an anti-big tent campaign? Where only the ideologically 'pure' are worthy to be called conservatives?

Sigh......the GOP's sick autocannablism fetish has started chewing early, it seems.

Wow, the left isn't sold on Cruz, that is concerning to the right I'm sure...

It is evident that most of the right is not sold on Cruz

That is why he is incapable of wining the GOP nomination
I think you've nailed Cruz exactly. He knows he can't win and is looking to increase his own power.

This general election will be a lot like the last one. The candidates will be one flash in the pan after another and their own records and words will scuttle each of them, one after another.
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that
Dragging a party to the extreme only serves the opposition party. Cruz should study the Ted Kennedy 1980 run and how Carter was hurt resulting in 8 years of Reagan.

but you support obama and hillary---------two of the most far left democrats in history.
Not so. Hillary, and by Hillary I mean Bill, supported NAFTA and workfare and don't ask don't tell. Hardly the most far left positions.

You want far left? Look at the 1972 George McGovern candidacy. Look to the 1980 Ted Kennedy candidacy. Look at Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

With superlatives such as 'most', one must be careful because, as we know, in politics, there are no absolutes.

hillary is not bill, she has always been left of him---far left. and in her case the absolutes apply, she is absolutely far left on every issue.
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that

Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?

Actually, no he doesn't

He scares Republicans hoping to win a general election in Nov 16. He will force statements and concessions from the eventual GOP nominee that Democrats will exploit

what you far lefties fail to grasp is the the majority of the country is much more like Cruz than like clinton.

thats what you are really scared about, and you know it somewhere deep down inside.

There is no evidence to support that at all

Like her or not, Hillary still polls well with the public and has a high approval factor

Cruz polls well with about 25% of the electorate

she has name recognition, and that is both good and bad, in her case mostly bad.
So he's running an anti-big tent campaign? Where only the ideologically 'pure' are worthy to be called conservatives?

Sigh......the GOP's sick autocannablism fetish has started chewing early, it seems.

Wow, the left isn't sold on Cruz, that is concerning to the right I'm sure...

It is evident that most of the right is not sold on Cruz

That is why he is incapable of wining the GOP nomination

your fear of a true conservative who stands behind his principles is noted. None of us knows who will be the GOP nominee.

But we do know that you dems have no one but the failed, lying, old, tired, angry bitch HRC.
One, if Bush is not the GOP I will send a donation to a Boys-Girls type organization, and encourage all of you to join with similar donations.

If a Dole, McCain, and Romney can't win, no far right candidate would ever get 40% of a general election vote. You far right thugs need to do what is right for the country, not act out of your hate for being put in your places when you behave wrongly.

You better check out PPP's latest poll that has Hillary neck and neck with all the candidates. Taken in early March. North Carolina is going to be very close.

She fairs better in Florida but it's not a a runaway state for her by any means. Bush and Rubio are not doing well there either.

Give it up on the "put in your place" routine. It's old. You need right wing evangelicals or you don't win.

Just ask McCain and Romney.
So he's running an anti-big tent campaign? Where only the ideologically 'pure' are worthy to be called conservatives?

Sigh......the GOP's sick autocannablism fetish has started chewing early, it seems.

Wow, the left isn't sold on Cruz, that is concerning to the right I'm sure...

I laugh at them. they put in one of the worst "ideologically man/thug" in as President and they spew that about conservatives. they always project onto other what they are
omg. No wonder someone like Obama can dupe so many people into voting for him

we have nasty people spreading all kinds of nasty rumors

but what else does the Democrat party have folks.

they got kicked out of power in congress after only SIX YEARS of their Democrat Messiah being in office?

DON'T FALL for it. vote for who you want
dont worry Obama isnt leaving and then you will be tossed in fema camps where you will sing the praise of obama 3 times a day while you face Mecca. Also i heard Wednesdays are " Al gore comes and talks to you about Global warming day. Thursdays are jello shot fetus day as well!

Thats what you get for being a hypocritical lying person who spreads rumors all the while crying about the left doing it.
So he's running an anti-big tent campaign? Where only the ideologically 'pure' are worthy to be called conservatives?

Sigh......the GOP's sick autocannablism fetish has started chewing early, it seems.

Wow, the left isn't sold on Cruz, that is concerning to the right I'm sure...

It is evident that most of the right is not sold on Cruz

That is why he is incapable of wining the GOP nomination

I already addressed that. I'm not saying he will win, but so far most of what people have seen is through the left wing media. We'll see how it plays out
One, if Bush is not the GOP I will send a donation to a Boys-Girls type organization, and encourage all of you to join with similar donations.

If a Dole, McCain, and Romney can't win, no far right candidate would ever get 40% of a general election vote. You far right thugs need to do what is right for the country, not act out of your hate for being put in your places when you behave wrongly.

You better check out PPP's latest poll that has Hillary neck and neck with all the candidates. Taken in early March. North Carolina is going to be very close.

She fairs better in Florida but it's not a a runaway state for her by any means. Bush and Rubio are not doing well there either.

Give it up on the "put in your place" routine. It's old. You need right wing evangelicals or you don't win.

Just ask McCain and Romney.
its march 2015, who gives a shit about a poll.
So he's running an anti-big tent campaign? Where only the ideologically 'pure' are worthy to be called conservatives?

Sigh......the GOP's sick autocannablism fetish has started chewing early, it seems.

Wow, the left isn't sold on Cruz, that is concerning to the right I'm sure...

I laugh at them. they put in one of the worst "ideologically man/thug" in as President and they spew that about conservatives. they always project onto other what they are
i agree, you do this all the time. About time you admitted it.
Yeah the GOP has been trying to win the moderate vote for over a decade. We see how successful that has been.

I love it when people who hate the GOP tries to tell it how to win an election.

Cruz did not even acknowlege that there is a moderate vote

Even Cruz can crunch the numbers and see the 25% of Republicans who are true Conservatives. He knows that is not enough to get a nomination let alone win an election

But Cruz wants to control that 25%....that is where his power will be

So? He didnt acknowledge the moderates? I already said that chasing the moderates doesnt work.

Ted Cruz isn't willing to compromise his principles. I understand you lefties don't respect that.

Nope. He's not. And he's demonstrating the folly of putting principles above consequences. No matter how badly things turn out as a consequence of his ideals, he won't compromise.

This is why you *don't* want an ideologue as president. As a leader MUST take consequence into account. And an ideologue never can.

I suspect John Kasich will do much better than Cruz for that exact reason.

Yeah, I don't know if you are doing it on purpose or not but you are talking apples and oranges here. I'm saying he won't compromise his principles and the consequence might be that he doesn't get the nomination. You are talking about consequences of his actions after he gets to the oval office.

I'm offering an argument why you don't want an ideologue in the Oval Office. And Cruz is most definitely an ideologue.

None of the policies I've seen that he espouses is going to adversely affect this country.

Well, abolishing the IRS could dramatically hamper our nation's revenue. Which could lead to massive budget deficits and a downgrading of our nation's credit.

Being willing to shut down the government to oppose Obamacare was hideously stupid and cost us billions.

Flat taxes are generally regressive, pushing the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class and poor.

A balanced budget amendment forbids the kind of flexibility necessary to get out of recession or wage wars. Even the founders ran a budget deficit.

Opposition to gay marriage could cause legal havok. As 10s of thousands of gays are already married. It would cause significant harm to the children of same sex couples, an immediate legal harm to millions of gays and lesbians in our country. His support of

He opposed reauthorizing the Violence against Women Act. Which would dramatically cut funding for investigations and prevention of violence against women.

His stance against environmental regulations could have significantly negative impact on the environment and clean water standards.

Cruz opposes all debt ceiling lifts, which could lead to a national default. Especially when mated with his wholesale dismantling of the IRS.

He is a fierce advocate of massive military expansions. And his stance against Russia and in defense of Ukraine seems to indicate his willingness to use the US military aggressively. This could spell massive spending increases as our military spending ramps up. And result in hideously expensive and potentially destructive wars with major world powers like Russia.

Cruz has supported weakening the separation of church stand state, with Cruz's father calling for Christian Dominionism. While Cruz's father isn't Cruz......his father started indoctrinating Cruz into his brand of dominion Christianity when Cruz was only 4 years old.

"God has called us to be the head and not the tail, not only in the church, but also in the media, in arts and entertainment, in sports, in business, in education and even in government.”

Rafael Cruz

I'd consider Christian Dominionism to be a bad policy position with potentially all sorts of bad outcomes.

Cruz has supported privitizing social security. Which could easily lead to massive funding problems for Social Security.

Cruz supports cuts to the capital gains and elimination of all inherentence taxes. Which would overwhelmingly benfit the wealthy and cut revenue. Increasing budget deficit pressures.

And on each of these issues, he's an ideologue. No matter how bad the outcome, he won't compromise.
So he's running an anti-big tent campaign? Where only the ideologically 'pure' are worthy to be called conservatives?

Sigh......the GOP's sick autocannablism fetish has started chewing early, it seems.

Wow, the left isn't sold on Cruz, that is concerning to the right I'm sure...

It is evident that most of the right is not sold on Cruz

That is why he is incapable of wining the GOP nomination

I already addressed that. I'm not saying he will win, but so far most of what people have seen is through the left wing media. We'll see how it plays out

Cruz seldom appears on the leftwing media. He prefers Sean Hannity asking....Why do you love America so much?

That is about to change
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that
Dragging a party to the extreme only serves the opposition party. Cruz should study the Ted Kennedy 1980 run and how Carter was hurt resulting in 8 years of Reagan.

but you support obama and hillary---------two of the most far left democrats in history.
Not so. Hillary, and by Hillary I mean Bill, supported NAFTA and workfare and don't ask don't tell. Hardly the most far left positions.

You want far left? Look at the 1972 George McGovern candidacy. Look to the 1980 Ted Kennedy candidacy. Look at Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

With superlatives such as 'most', one must be careful because, as we know, in politics, there are no absolutes.

hillary is not bill, she has always been left of him---far left. and in her case the absolutes apply, she is absolutely far left on every issue.
Tell that to Elizabeth Warren!
Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that
Dragging a party to the extreme only serves the opposition party. Cruz should study the Ted Kennedy 1980 run and how Carter was hurt resulting in 8 years of Reagan.

but you support obama and hillary---------two of the most far left democrats in history.
Not so. Hillary, and by Hillary I mean Bill, supported NAFTA and workfare and don't ask don't tell. Hardly the most far left positions.

You want far left? Look at the 1972 George McGovern candidacy. Look to the 1980 Ted Kennedy candidacy. Look at Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

With superlatives such as 'most', one must be careful because, as we know, in politics, there are no absolutes.

hillary is not bill, she has always been left of him---far left. and in her case the absolutes apply, she is absolutely far left on every issue.
Tell that to Elizabeth Warren!

Right, the perfect dem/lib ticket Hilly and Lizzy. Do it dems, show us your true colors.
Dragging a party to the extreme only serves the opposition party. Cruz should study the Ted Kennedy 1980 run and how Carter was hurt resulting in 8 years of Reagan.

but you support obama and hillary---------two of the most far left democrats in history.
Not so. Hillary, and by Hillary I mean Bill, supported NAFTA and workfare and don't ask don't tell. Hardly the most far left positions.

You want far left? Look at the 1972 George McGovern candidacy. Look to the 1980 Ted Kennedy candidacy. Look at Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

With superlatives such as 'most', one must be careful because, as we know, in politics, there are no absolutes.

hillary is not bill, she has always been left of him---far left. and in her case the absolutes apply, she is absolutely far left on every issue.
Tell that to Elizabeth Warren!

Right, the perfect dem/lib ticket Hilly and Lizzy. Do it dems, show us your true colors.

Hillary and Liz Warren would kind of cancel themselves out

I'm thinking of Hillary picking Jullian Castro as VP

Like to see Warren selected as Treasury Secretary
Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?

Actually, no he doesn't

He scares Republicans hoping to win a general election in Nov 16. He will force statements and concessions from the eventual GOP nominee that Democrats will exploit

what you far lefties fail to grasp is the the majority of the country is much more like Cruz than like clinton.

thats what you are really scared about, and you know it somewhere deep down inside.
A third of the country thinks Cruz is right and there could be no better alternative. A third believes the same of Hillary.

That middle third is where elections are won. Just as in baseball every tem is going to win 50 games, every team is going to lose 50 games. It's what you do in the other 62 games that makes a difference.
I wonder about the turn out effect, of Hillary, Jeb and Cruz. Cruz will run to the right of even Walker, and while Walker can speak will of other gopers, Cruz does tend to be polarizing.

time will tell I guess. but after Obama and Hillary already in a scandal. the time might be right for a Cruz
I'm not sure that the gop hasn't out issa'd itself on scandals. But, if Hill's tanking, I assume the dems will nominate O'Malley. I just don't see Ted Cruz being elected, if he's the nominee, unless the dems do something even crazier. And, I think his chances of even being nominated are single numbers. He may burn down the party though

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