Ted Cruz has no intentions of ever being President

you have a wild imagination lol

Not in the least

Watch Hillary pick Castro

They have been grooming him for a year
I predicted Hilary was going to pick that idiot long before you. Warren isn't leaving her cozy job in the senate to become treasury secretary though. And that's actually a moot point, because Shillary won't win.

My congratulations on your selection

But there is little that can prevent Hillary from becoming President

Please she couldn't win her own party over a zero from Illinois. She is not a pleasant person and people are tired of her. Right now you just have the groupthink left parroting each other that she can't lose. You know, you...

That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking
The only smart comment in your post....."vote for you want."

omg. No wonder someone like Obama can dupe so many people into voting for him

we have nasty people spreading all kinds of nasty rumors

but what else does the Democrat party have folks.

they got kicked out of power in congress after only SIX YEARS of their Democrat Messiah being in office?

DON'T FALL for it. vote for who you want
the people who like Cruz now are the only people who will like Cruz later. He has a single digit approval rating for a reason. He'll never break double digits when all the contestants get in the game.

He does wave to small crowds pretty good.
One, if Bush is not the GOP I will send a donation to a Boys-Girls type organization, and encourage all of you to join with similar donations.

If a Dole, McCain, and Romney can't win, no far right candidate would ever get 40% of a general election vote. You far right thugs need to do what is right for the country, not act out of your hate for being put in your places when you behave wrongly.

What is right for the country? I have no clue anymore, I don't think the Democrats or the Republicans have a candidate so far that is right for the country.
the people who like Cruz now are the only people who will like Cruz later. He has a single digit approval rating for a reason. He'll never break double digits when all the contestants get in the game.

He does wave to small crowds pretty good.

The left wing media will certainly try to keep it that way
the people who like Cruz now are the only people who will like Cruz later. He has a single digit approval rating for a reason. He'll never break double digits when all the contestants get in the game.

He does wave to small crowds pretty good.

The left wing media will certainly try to keep it that way

I thought the left wing media did a great job showing how well he waves at small crowds.
.......And on each of these issues, he's an ideologue. No matter how bad the outcome, he won't compromise.

Ideologues are the only people who actually believe in anything. Other than his stance on religion I have no problems with Mr Cruz.
Not in the least

Watch Hillary pick Castro

They have been grooming him for a year
I predicted Hilary was going to pick that idiot long before you. Warren isn't leaving her cozy job in the senate to become treasury secretary though. And that's actually a moot point, because Shillary won't win.

My congratulations on your selection

But there is little that can prevent Hillary from becoming President

Please she couldn't win her own party over a zero from Illinois. She is not a pleasant person and people are tired of her. Right now you just have the groupthink left parroting each other that she can't lose. You know, you...

That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Both McCain and Romney won the GOP nominations with little competition. They were by far the best Republicans had to offer

Obama defeated McCain by over a two to one margin and Romney by slightly less than two to one
.......And on each of these issues, he's an ideologue. No matter how bad the outcome, he won't compromise.

Ideologues are the only people who actually believe in anything. Other than his stance on religion I have no problems with Mr Cruz.

I disagree. Its entirely possible to believe in something, recognize that other people disagree, and come to a compromise that works for both of you.

Ideologues disdain compromise, seeing it as a weakness. As they have no consideration nor respect for any view but their own. And regardless of the outcome of their policy, an ideologue will continue to implement it. As they aren't motivated by consequence. But moral certainty in their own beliefs.

I've always found moral certainty to be dangerous place to live. And a ridiculously poor basis from which to govern.
Yeah the GOP has been trying to win the moderate vote for over a decade. We see how successful that has been.

I love it when people who hate the GOP tries to tell it how to win an election.

I'll ask you what none of you RWnuts have ever been able to answer. Which conservatives could have done better than McCain or Romney?

And do tell... when's the last time the Dem's sought a moderate? They are all leftwing loons for the most part.

Give us a break.
They've all been moderates. The last Liberal that ran was McGovern. It's only because republicans have gone so far to the right that everybody else looks liberal in comparison.
I've always found moral certainty to be dangerous place to live. And a ridiculously poor basis from which to govern.

I like the view from that dangerous place. It's the only place where decent Government can be found. Anyone who will compromise doesn't believe in anything.
Not in the least

Watch Hillary pick Castro

They have been grooming him for a year
I predicted Hilary was going to pick that idiot long before you. Warren isn't leaving her cozy job in the senate to become treasury secretary though. And that's actually a moot point, because Shillary won't win.

My congratulations on your selection

But there is little that can prevent Hillary from becoming President

Please she couldn't win her own party over a zero from Illinois. She is not a pleasant person and people are tired of her. Right now you just have the groupthink left parroting each other that she can't lose. You know, you...

That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Obama won 53 to 48, amounting to a 5 point spread and almost 10 million votes in 2008. His victory in the electoral collect was 2 to 1.

Obama won 51 to 47 , amounting to a 4 point spread and almost 6 million votes in 2012. His victory in the electoral collect was by more than 120 electoral votes.

In neither election was it even close.

Bush in comparison won by 2.5% and barely 2 million votes, and less than 40 electors in 2004 and lost the popular vote, carrying the electoral college by only 5 electors in 2000.
Cruz is a conservative that will not compromise on his values and principles. That scares the living daylights out of liberals. It sends them into a dither.

Why? It's because liberals have no set values or principles. Why be tied down to something as firm as a "principle"? Liberals have "situational" values and principles. This gives them the "flexibility" to be simultaneously "for" and "against" any issue, depending on the audience.

Can I be honest with you Republicans on this board? You are not too hard to figure out. You ALWAYS go with the most obvious candidate...that is why you are conservative. You do not take chances

While I have often been wrong about who the eventual Democratic candidate will be (Carter, Dukakis, Clinton, Obama) I am never wrong about the eventual Republican candidate

The last time Republicans thought outside the box with their candidate was Goldwater 50 years ago

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

care to put some money on that?

I went through this in 2012 where all conservative posters welched on their election bets
Fool me once....

in other words you are afraid to bet, got it.

In other words. I have seen how conservatives on this board honor their bets

Fool me once
Fool me twice.... You don't get fooled again.
I've always found moral certainty to be dangerous place to live. And a ridiculously poor basis from which to govern.

I like the view from that dangerous place.

Most folks who are morally certain in their own beliefs do. As its simple and comfortable. But its not necessarily accurate or useful. And can act as the foundation of some pretty horrible acts when one is absolutely certain that what one is doing must be right.

For example, there are very few suicide bombers that are the product of compromise. But quite a few from moral certainty.

It's the only place where decent Government can be found.

I disagree. Its the place from only one view can be found. And we're a nation of many views. Rendering ideological governance incompatible with a plural nation.

Anyone who will compromise doesn't believe in anything.

And you demonstrate my point yet again. Ideologues consider compromise to be weakness. Only those who refuse to acknowledge any other view but their own, who disdain consideration of consequence or outcome.....but stay the course no matter what are considered to 'believe in something'.

I believe in good outcomes. Which puts me at odds with most ideologues.
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this board has taken over by the left wing loony toons

How many frikken threads can they post on Cruz in one day for crying out loud. they did this same thing when Palin was running and they'll do this same with the next Republican who announces they are running for President

It's like being in romper room

time to go somewhere where sanity resides

so fucking :lame2:
Really? It's all minuscule compared to the flood of retarded right wing nonsense about Obama or Clinton every single day on this board.
this board has taken over by the left wing loony toons

How many frikken threads can they post on Cruz in one day for crying out loud. they did this same thing when Palin was running and they'll do this same with the next Republican who announces they are running for President

It's like being in romper room

time to go somewhere where sanity resides

so fucking :lame2:

Its all they have. Their candidates suck (literally and figuratively), so all they can do is make up lies about republicans.

Its a sad party whose best candidate is Hillary Clinton.
What does it say about Republicans that none of them are better?
Cruz is a conservative that will not compromise on his values and principles. That scares the living daylights out of liberals. It sends them into a dither.

Why? It's because liberals have no set values or principles. Why be tied down to something as firm as a "principle"? Liberals have "situational" values and principles. This gives them the "flexibility" to be simultaneously "for" and "against" any issue, depending on the audience.
Nonsense. Its entirely possible to believe in something, but recognize that someone else has a different view. And recognizing that, come to a compromise that both sides can live with.

I've never understood an ideologues loathing of any view but their own. Or their unwillingness to take any other view into account.

Thankfully, this gross limitation tends to limit the power of ideologues in any democratic society. As the more narrow your perspective, the fewer people you represent. Republicans are the most successful when they are the 'Big Tent Party', the least potent when they are on ideological witch hunts for 'RINOs', where anyone who doesn't fall within a narrow set of beliefs must be expelled.

And ideologues definitely fit into the 'least potent' category. Ron Pauls and Ted Cruzes may be ideologically pure. But they're also not particularly effective.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be


No one named 'Ted' has ever been the smartest person in the room. Googling 'famous scientists Ted' no results. :)

Only scientist can be smart?

and that's coming from the same people who claimed Obama was the most brilliant man to walk the earth. this is what we are up against. just dumb
Uh, who made that claim and are there more than a very few who believe this?

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