Ted Cruz has no intentions of ever being President

Cruz is a conservative that will not compromise on his values and principles. That scares the living daylights out of liberals. It sends them into a dither.

Why? It's because liberals have no set values or principles. Why be tied down to something as firm as a "principle"? Liberals have "situational" values and principles. This gives them the "flexibility" to be simultaneously "for" and "against" any issue, depending on the audience.

The unwillingness of Cruz to compromise on his beliefs will enrage Republicans and provide fodder for Democrats to attack the eventual GOP candidate
The reactionaries like Zander and Steph are bitching because they can run almost unreined here as the did five years ago.
I predicted Hilary was going to pick that idiot long before you. Warren isn't leaving her cozy job in the senate to become treasury secretary though. And that's actually a moot point, because Shillary won't win.

My congratulations on your selection

But there is little that can prevent Hillary from becoming President

Please she couldn't win her own party over a zero from Illinois. She is not a pleasant person and people are tired of her. Right now you just have the groupthink left parroting each other that she can't lose. You know, you...

That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Both McCain and Romney won the GOP nominations with little competition. They were by far the best Republicans had to offer

Obama defeated McCain by over a two to one margin and Romney by slightly less than two to one

You just repeated the same inane point I just responded to
I predicted Hilary was going to pick that idiot long before you. Warren isn't leaving her cozy job in the senate to become treasury secretary though. And that's actually a moot point, because Shillary won't win.

My congratulations on your selection

But there is little that can prevent Hillary from becoming President

Please she couldn't win her own party over a zero from Illinois. She is not a pleasant person and people are tired of her. Right now you just have the groupthink left parroting each other that she can't lose. You know, you...

That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Obama won 53 to 48, amounting to a 5 point spread and almost 10 million votes in 2008. His victory in the electoral collect was 2 to 1.

Obama won 51 to 47 , amounting to a 4 point spread and almost 6 million votes in 2012. His victory in the electoral collect was by more than 120 electoral votes.

In neither election was it even close.

Bush in comparison won by 2.5% and barely 2 million votes, and less than 40 electors in 2004 and lost the popular vote, carrying the electoral college by only 5 electors in 2000.

Yeah, the Difference between Obama and McCain was one in 20 people and the difference between Obama and Romney was one in 25 people and you describe that as not "even close." This is an evenly divided country, Alphalpha.

So after Gore I thought the electoral college was bunk, now it';s the standard again? You guys never stop moving the goal posts
My congratulations on your selection

But there is little that can prevent Hillary from becoming President

Please she couldn't win her own party over a zero from Illinois. She is not a pleasant person and people are tired of her. Right now you just have the groupthink left parroting each other that she can't lose. You know, you...

That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Obama won 53 to 48, amounting to a 5 point spread and almost 10 million votes in 2008. His victory in the electoral collect was 2 to 1.

Obama won 51 to 47 , amounting to a 4 point spread and almost 6 million votes in 2012. His victory in the electoral collect was by more than 120 electoral votes.

In neither election was it even close.

Bush in comparison won by 2.5% and barely 2 million votes, and less than 40 electors in 2004 and lost the popular vote, carrying the electoral college by only 5 electors in 2000.

Yeah, the Difference between Obama and McCain was one in 20 people and the difference between Obama and Romney was one in 25 people and you describe that as not "even close." This is an evenly divided country, Alphalpha.

So after Gore I thought the electoral college was bunk, now it';s the standard again? You guys never stop moving the goal posts

The overall popular vote has no bearing on the election of the President

President Gore can explain it best

Obama defeated McCain by an overwhelming 2:1 margin in the electoral vote
Please she couldn't win her own party over a zero from Illinois. She is not a pleasant person and people are tired of her. Right now you just have the groupthink left parroting each other that she can't lose. You know, you...

That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Obama won 53 to 48, amounting to a 5 point spread and almost 10 million votes in 2008. His victory in the electoral collect was 2 to 1.

Obama won 51 to 47 , amounting to a 4 point spread and almost 6 million votes in 2012. His victory in the electoral collect was by more than 120 electoral votes.

In neither election was it even close.

Bush in comparison won by 2.5% and barely 2 million votes, and less than 40 electors in 2004 and lost the popular vote, carrying the electoral college by only 5 electors in 2000.

Yeah, the Difference between Obama and McCain was one in 20 people and the difference between Obama and Romney was one in 25 people and you describe that as not "even close." This is an evenly divided country, Alphalpha.

So after Gore I thought the electoral college was bunk, now it';s the standard again? You guys never stop moving the goal posts

The overall popular vote has no bearing on the election of the President

President Gore can explain it best

Obama defeated McCain by an overwhelming 2:1 margin in the electoral vote

Yes, after you liberals all said Gore had major fucked up and run for the popular vote not realizing he needed to win the electoral college instead I'm sure he did learn all about it. A little late for him unfortunately. Wow, one of the classic bone head blunders in the history of politics. He must have been hung over from celebrating inventing the internet.

As for Obama, the difference between him and McCain was one in 20 Americans. Yes, we are that divided. Ironically between two parties that aren't all that different
That zero from Illinois beat the best available Republican by a two to one margin

In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Obama won 53 to 48, amounting to a 5 point spread and almost 10 million votes in 2008. His victory in the electoral collect was 2 to 1.

Obama won 51 to 47 , amounting to a 4 point spread and almost 6 million votes in 2012. His victory in the electoral collect was by more than 120 electoral votes.

In neither election was it even close.

Bush in comparison won by 2.5% and barely 2 million votes, and less than 40 electors in 2004 and lost the popular vote, carrying the electoral college by only 5 electors in 2000.

Yeah, the Difference between Obama and McCain was one in 20 people and the difference between Obama and Romney was one in 25 people and you describe that as not "even close." This is an evenly divided country, Alphalpha.

So after Gore I thought the electoral college was bunk, now it';s the standard again? You guys never stop moving the goal posts

The overall popular vote has no bearing on the election of the President

President Gore can explain it best

Obama defeated McCain by an overwhelming 2:1 margin in the electoral vote

Yes, after you liberals all said Gore had major fucked up and run for the popular vote not realizing he needed to win the electoral college instead I'm sure he did learn all about it. A little late for him unfortunately. Wow, one of the classic bone head blunders in the history of politics. He must have been hung over from celebrating inventing the internet.

As for Obama, the difference between him and McCain was one in 20 Americans. Yes, we are that divided. Ironically between two parties that aren't all that different

That is ridiculous thinking that a major candidate for President does not understand how the electoral college works

You are not really that stupid are you?
Well, as for the EC, it's not debateable that more Floridians attempted to vote Gore than BushII, but that's water under the bridge, though we have it to thank for John "not Jay" Roberts and Alito and citizens united. But the fla legislature was gonna throw it to BushII regardless.

I think it's a fair question for those who say "we need to run a real conservative this time" to name what states that is going to flip. Va, Fl, Oh, Co .... or what.
In no possible way were McCain and Romney the best possible anything. And Obama won by a few percentage points, don't know what you're smoking

Obama won 53 to 48, amounting to a 5 point spread and almost 10 million votes in 2008. His victory in the electoral collect was 2 to 1.

Obama won 51 to 47 , amounting to a 4 point spread and almost 6 million votes in 2012. His victory in the electoral collect was by more than 120 electoral votes.

In neither election was it even close.

Bush in comparison won by 2.5% and barely 2 million votes, and less than 40 electors in 2004 and lost the popular vote, carrying the electoral college by only 5 electors in 2000.

Yeah, the Difference between Obama and McCain was one in 20 people and the difference between Obama and Romney was one in 25 people and you describe that as not "even close." This is an evenly divided country, Alphalpha.

So after Gore I thought the electoral college was bunk, now it';s the standard again? You guys never stop moving the goal posts

The overall popular vote has no bearing on the election of the President

President Gore can explain it best

Obama defeated McCain by an overwhelming 2:1 margin in the electoral vote

Yes, after you liberals all said Gore had major fucked up and run for the popular vote not realizing he needed to win the electoral college instead I'm sure he did learn all about it. A little late for him unfortunately. Wow, one of the classic bone head blunders in the history of politics. He must have been hung over from celebrating inventing the internet.

As for Obama, the difference between him and McCain was one in 20 Americans. Yes, we are that divided. Ironically between two parties that aren't all that different

That is ridiculous thinking that a major candidate for President does not understand how the electoral college works

You are not really that stupid are you?

You're not a very good reader, we already knew that. Got anything on what I actually said?
A "real conservative" is not going to capture 200 electoral votes.
I think they'd end up about like Mitt, though they might lose Indiana in the process.. The natl gop controls tv debates this time around, so I just don't see Cruz getting much of a stage. But, if he decides to "shut 'er down," he might depress the conservative vote in the general.

To derail Jeb, one of the "conservatives" needs an early victory.
Priceless, the loons try to trip up Cruz and end up stepping in their own shit.

In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be


Interesting and I bet you are 100% right. Early on after he was elected senator I had this vision, not out of the blue, but based on a gut feeling.

He even LOOKS like him:

Cruz won't "shut down" his campaign, just do the weaselly "suspend the campaign."

Yes, Ted Cruz is an image physically, morally, and politically of Joe McCarthy.
Cruz has the support of 4% of Republicans.

Tied with Rick Perry.

He is out there to take flak in preparation for Jeb's nomination.

He will be handsomely rewarded by President Bush III.

No he won't

Cruz intends to be a pain in the ass to Jeb. Attack him relentlessly as Jeb tries to construct a winning coalition. This will establish Cruz as the "True Conservative" in the party and allow him to lay claim to the base

we know that you want Jeb to be the candidate because you think HRC can beat him. We get it winger. Now STFU and go back to sleep.

Jeb will be the candidate

There is nobody else that Republicans will even consider



Can I be honest with you Republicans on this board? You are not too hard to figure out. You ALWAYS go with the most obvious candidate...that is why you are conservative. You do not take chances

While I have often been wrong about who the eventual Democratic candidate will be (Carter, Dukakis, Clinton, Obama) I am never wrong about the eventual Republican candidate

The last time Republicans thought outside the box with their candidate was Goldwater 50 years ago

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

No doubt about it. The rest of it is a big show to fire up the base.

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