Ted Cruz has no intentions of ever being President

Priceless, the loons try to trip up Cruz and end up stepping in their own shit.


When Cruz makes a speech in which he actually has to say something because gospel bullshit, he'll use 'em.
Or else maybe Sarah Palin will show him a trick or two.

Ted Cruz is this election's Sarah Palin. His job is to mobilize the low-information voter on the Right. He speaks to the people who tend to see the world as one large Liberal conspiracy. His job is to make those with little to no college education scream "I want my country back."

The Republican Party has increasingly turned to this kind of person, a populist firebrand for folks who don't do much reading or analyzing.

William F Buckley was the most elegant and evolved person in this camp. He had just enough policy knowledge and historical literacy to make under-educated people feel like they were in the presence of greatness. But in the end, he always circled back to revanchist garbage and shadowy liberal conspiracies. His thin veneer of knowledge was a front, but at least he created the illusion of substance. The fact that Palin and Cruz now fill his shoes (and command large audiences) is a sad commentary on the trajectory of the party.

This is the problem with populism. Once you attract the lowest common intellectual denominator, the big tent starts to smell more and more like shit.
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Cruz won't "shut down" his campaign, just do the weaselly "suspend the campaign."

Yes, Ted Cruz is an image physically, morally, and politically of Joe McCarthy.

So instead of poking under rocks for communists in Hollywood, who will Cruz go after? Muslim writers in Hollywood?
Will the Koch brothers fund Jeb Bush? Will Marvin Adelson throw more money at Newt and the Martian? Who will go to NYC to kiss Trump's ring? Follow the money.....
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be


he's a weird kind of sociopathic narcissist who craves attention.

For an ivy league educated man, he doesn't come off very bright - but he's often playing to the crowd.
There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I don't believe in the history of the United States there has been as many useful idiots around than Obama.
Cruz might have a couple million useful idiots that would vote for him no matter what - but Obama has 100's millions.
Cruz is very bright, but is a narcissist personality disorder type of individual. As a social defunct, he can be charming to you while getting ready to sacrifice you to his wants.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Your forgetting the primaries are not for appealing to the moderates and independents it's for appealing to the base. In 2008 Hillary believed she already had the base and started trying to get the moderates and independents in the primaries which allowed Obama to go farther to the left than her which the base liked and got him the nomination. The Republicans ran two unsuccessful campaigns with candidates they believed would appeal to the moderates but they did not appeal to the base and many stayed home. Can Cruz make that pivot to appeal to moderates and independents in the general election I don't know what we have seen is without the moderates and independents you might lose without your base you will lose.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Your forgetting the primaries are not for appealing to the moderates and independents it's for appealing to the base. In 2008 Hillary believed she already had the base and started trying to get the moderates and independents in the primaries which allowed Obama to go farther to the left than her which the base liked and got him the nomination. The Republicans ran two unsuccessful campaigns with candidates they believed would appeal to the moderates but they did not appeal to the base and many stayed home. Can Cruz make that pivot to appeal to moderates and independents in the general election I don't know what we have seen is without the moderates and independents you might lose without your base you will lose.

But where are the numbers? Obama got 66 million last time, and the dems will get that again ... at least. Mitt actually took 24 states, to Obama 26 plus DC, yet Mitt lost by 126 EV. The only "big" state the gop has safely is Texas. The same demographic fact that makes it near impossible for the dems to take the House for the next decade makes it impossible to win a national election with just red states.
United States presidential election 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It may not matter because the natl gop is going to muzzle the right wing this time.
There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I don't believe in the history of the United States there has been as many useful idiots around than Obama.
Cruz might have a couple million useful idiots that would vote for him no matter what - but Obama has 100's millions.
There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I don't believe in the history of the United States there has been as many useful idiots around than Obama.
Cruz might have a couple million useful idiots that would vote for him no matter what - but Obama has 100's millions.

100's of millions voted for Obama ?

talk about living in la la land ... normally I'd say you can't make that crap up, but that's exactly what RW's do ... make crap up.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Your forgetting the primaries are not for appealing to the moderates and independents it's for appealing to the base. In 2008 Hillary believed she already had the base and started trying to get the moderates and independents in the primaries which allowed Obama to go farther to the left than her which the base liked and got him the nomination. The Republicans ran two unsuccessful campaigns with candidates they believed would appeal to the moderates but they did not appeal to the base and many stayed home. Can Cruz make that pivot to appeal to moderates and independents in the general election I don't know what we have seen is without the moderates and independents you might lose without your base you will lose.

But where are the numbers? Obama got 66 million last time, and the dems will get that again ... at least. Mitt actually took 24 states, to Obama 26 plus DC, yet Mitt lost by 126 EV. The only "big" state the gop has safely is Texas. The same demographic fact that makes it near impossible for the dems to take the House for the next decade makes it impossible to win a national election with just red states.
United States presidential election 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It may not matter because the natl gop is going to muzzle the right wing this time.

wrong, the entire country is moving to the right. They have seen what liberalism and socialism result in and they don't like like it.

Your dream of a liberal utopia has been destroyed by the half black guy.

But you voted him in twice, so its all on you. Thanks for moving the country back to sanity and constituional government.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Your forgetting the primaries are not for appealing to the moderates and independents it's for appealing to the base. In 2008 Hillary believed she already had the base and started trying to get the moderates and independents in the primaries which allowed Obama to go farther to the left than her which the base liked and got him the nomination. The Republicans ran two unsuccessful campaigns with candidates they believed would appeal to the moderates but they did not appeal to the base and many stayed home. Can Cruz make that pivot to appeal to moderates and independents in the general election I don't know what we have seen is without the moderates and independents you might lose without your base you will lose.

But where are the numbers? Obama got 66 million last time, and the dems will get that again ... at least. Mitt actually took 24 states, to Obama 26 plus DC, yet Mitt lost by 126 EV. The only "big" state the gop has safely is Texas. The same demographic fact that makes it near impossible for the dems to take the House for the next decade makes it impossible to win a national election with just red states.
United States presidential election 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It may not matter because the natl gop is going to muzzle the right wing this time.

Then why even bother with the fricken election, just put the crown on the old lying bitch and make her queen---------------you libs really piss me off with your arrogant bullshit.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Your forgetting the primaries are not for appealing to the moderates and independents it's for appealing to the base. In 2008 Hillary believed she already had the base and started trying to get the moderates and independents in the primaries which allowed Obama to go farther to the left than her which the base liked and got him the nomination. The Republicans ran two unsuccessful campaigns with candidates they believed would appeal to the moderates but they did not appeal to the base and many stayed home. Can Cruz make that pivot to appeal to moderates and independents in the general election I don't know what we have seen is without the moderates and independents you might lose without your base you will lose.

But where are the numbers? Obama got 66 million last time, and the dems will get that again ... at least. Mitt actually took 24 states, to Obama 26 plus DC, yet Mitt lost by 126 EV. The only "big" state the gop has safely is Texas. The same demographic fact that makes it near impossible for the dems to take the House for the next decade makes it impossible to win a national election with just red states.
United States presidential election 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It may not matter because the natl gop is going to muzzle the right wing this time.

Then why even bother with the fricken election, just put the crown on the old lying bitch and make her queen---------------you libs really piss me off with your arrogant bullshit.

if she runs get ready to be pissed off..

There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I don't believe in the history of the United States there has been as many useful idiots around than Obama.
Cruz might have a couple million useful idiots that would vote for him no matter what - but Obama has 100's millions.
There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I don't believe in the history of the United States there has been as many useful idiots around than Obama.
Cruz might have a couple million useful idiots that would vote for him no matter what - but Obama has 100's millions.

100's of millions voted for Obama ?

talk about living in la la land ... normally I'd say you can't make that crap up, but that's exactly what RW's do ... make crap up.

I said he HAS 100's millions...meaning now. Being perfectly serious and honest, anyone still supporting Obama, especially if they are a liberal, is a useful idiot.
Categorically up and down the line he has given the people who voted for him nothing - if not the opposite of what they believed they would get.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Your forgetting the primaries are not for appealing to the moderates and independents it's for appealing to the base. In 2008 Hillary believed she already had the base and started trying to get the moderates and independents in the primaries which allowed Obama to go farther to the left than her which the base liked and got him the nomination. The Republicans ran two unsuccessful campaigns with candidates they believed would appeal to the moderates but they did not appeal to the base and many stayed home. Can Cruz make that pivot to appeal to moderates and independents in the general election I don't know what we have seen is without the moderates and independents you might lose without your base you will lose.

But where are the numbers? Obama got 66 million last time, and the dems will get that again ... at least. Mitt actually took 24 states, to Obama 26 plus DC, yet Mitt lost by 126 EV. The only "big" state the gop has safely is Texas. The same demographic fact that makes it near impossible for the dems to take the House for the next decade makes it impossible to win a national election with just red states.
United States presidential election 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It may not matter because the natl gop is going to muzzle the right wing this time.
You can't win a national election with just blue states either it always comes down to these few swing states and who can do the better job of pretending to be moderate.
There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I don't believe in the history of the United States there has been as many useful idiots around than Obama.
Cruz might have a couple million useful idiots that would vote for him no matter what - but Obama has 100's millions.
There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I don't believe in the history of the United States there has been as many useful idiots around than Obama.
Cruz might have a couple million useful idiots that would vote for him no matter what - but Obama has 100's millions.

100's of millions voted for Obama ?

talk about living in la la land ... normally I'd say you can't make that crap up, but that's exactly what RW's do ... make crap up.

I said he HAS 100's millions...meaning now. Being perfectly serious and honest, anyone still supporting Obama, especially if they are a liberal, is a useful idiot.
Categorically up and down the line he has given the people who voted for him nothing - if not the opposite of what they believed they would get.

sure he does ... there's 300 million people in the country, and one (you) is an idiot.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Your forgetting the primaries are not for appealing to the moderates and independents it's for appealing to the base. In 2008 Hillary believed she already had the base and started trying to get the moderates and independents in the primaries which allowed Obama to go farther to the left than her which the base liked and got him the nomination. The Republicans ran two unsuccessful campaigns with candidates they believed would appeal to the moderates but they did not appeal to the base and many stayed home. Can Cruz make that pivot to appeal to moderates and independents in the general election I don't know what we have seen is without the moderates and independents you might lose without your base you will lose.

But where are the numbers? Obama got 66 million last time, and the dems will get that again ... at least. Mitt actually took 24 states, to Obama 26 plus DC, yet Mitt lost by 126 EV. The only "big" state the gop has safely is Texas. The same demographic fact that makes it near impossible for the dems to take the House for the next decade makes it impossible to win a national election with just red states.
United States presidential election 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It may not matter because the natl gop is going to muzzle the right wing this time.

Then why even bother with the fricken election, just put the crown on the old lying bitch and make her queen---------------you libs really piss me off with your arrogant bullshit.

if she runs get ready to be pissed off..


NO, I hope you fools run her. She is a very flawed candidate, the RNC will have a field day with the thousands of clips of her saying stupid things, lying, doing fake black accents, and screeching like a scalded ass ape.

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