Ted Cruz has no intentions of ever being President

I think you've nailed Cruz exactly. He knows he can't win and is looking to increase his own power.

This general election will be a lot like the last one. The candidates will be one flash in the pan after another and their own records and words will scuttle each of them, one after another.
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that

Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?
Cruz 'scares' no Liberal. We do not tremble in fear of any ideologue, and we do not traffic in fear as Conservatives do.

Why so many Cruz threads? He's the first to announce a candidacy. He is also the avante garde of the modern Conservative movement. The Conservatives. They're a movement. And we all need one, every day.

Liberals aren't scared of him because they think he has no chance, and they're probably correct.

However, if liberals thought Cruz really could become the President, he'd scare liberals mightily.

He scares both sides because his way of doing things in Washington gets rid of both parties control and puts the people back in control.
That is the last thing anyone in D.C. wants.
Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room

OMG, this bothers an ... Obama ... supporter.


You know he's crazy because of course Obama is the smartest person in the room. OMG, the hypocrisy reeks. That's classic

I know right. two faced hypocrites is fitting. No wonder a regular citizen doesn't want to run for our government in this day and age. the ugly smears and stupidity that is brought down on them

What ugly smears have I posted about Ted Cruz?
The dems are cheering. But, with a nervous caveat of Reagan. But, Reagan ran to the middle, and he really didn't speak ill of other republicans, neither of which seem to be in Cruz's arsenal.


I'm not sure the dems should be cheering though. I'd think Cruz will take votes from Walker, as well as Huck and the clown posse. If that happens, Jeb will benefit. Cruz's bet is that he can get into a "me or Jeb race."

The difference between Reagan and Cruz is that Reagan was likeable

Wow, Cruz doesn't appeal to left wingers who wouldn't vote for him anyway. Now that has to bother Cruz supporters a lot...

Most Republicans hate Cruz

You mean like you? LOL. No one's claim to be a Republican is shallower than yours. Though there are others just as bad like Joe and Oduim.

Most Republicans know nothing about Cruz other than what they have seen through the filter of the liberal media. I don't know how he'll do, but so far we know nothing about how he'll do.
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that

Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?
Cruz 'scares' no Liberal. We do not tremble in fear of any ideologue, and we do not traffic in fear as Conservatives do.

Why so many Cruz threads? He's the first to announce a candidacy. He is also the avante garde of the modern Conservative movement. The Conservatives. They're a movement. And we all need one, every day.

Liberals aren't scared of him because they think he has no chance, and they're probably correct.

However, if liberals thought Cruz really could become the President, he'd scare liberals mightily.

He scares both sides because his way of doing things in Washington gets rid of both parties control and puts the people back in control.
That is the last thing anyone in D.C. wants.
His way is uncompromising petulance. That sound more Authoritarian than democratic.
Yeah the GOP has been trying to win the moderate vote for over a decade. We see how successful that has been.

I love it when people who hate the GOP tries to tell it how to win an election.

I'll ask you what none of you RWnuts have ever been able to answer. Which conservatives could have done better than McCain or Romney?
Why, just imagine how Santorum would have done in the 2012 GE. ...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

No! The GOP can win with a pure Conservative Candidate. We've been told that for decades. Now's the time to see it happen.

It sure would be nice to see one. I mean running Bob Dole against Clinton? Mavericky McCain? Romney?

Romney played to independents. He lost. Damn the idiot didn't play to the conservative base at all. Many still came out for him as an anti Obama vote, but to give you some numbers 4 million evangelicals stayed home.
That is, of course, a lie.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

sounds like he has a book coming out.....
Even though its called "Liberty" university, the students were required to attend

First I was like


Then I read it again. And this time my reaction was


You just can't process the difference between government compellng it's citizens what to do and people making a free choice what college to attend and their school telling them what to do. Amazing but true
Like shutting down a fraternity because they sing racist songs?

You make it sound like that contradicts me somehow. The school shut down the fraternity and the national fraternity yanked their charter. Bravo. No government action was required. That must really irk you
Other Conservatives are claiming the OU actions are a violation of free speech rights.

Other? Ah, I see, this is yet another demonstration of how you're smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white like they are. Duh, dar, drool, you're not a Democrat, so you're a Republican. Drool. Got it. Your stupidity is noted.

That does raise an interesting point which you just indicated you aren't smart enough to discuss. How do Constitutional rights apply to government colleges? As a narrow point, I personally don't really have an issue with it since open racism is clearly in the domain of the School's charter to provide an education to it's students. Though if we really went with my views I would eliminate State colleges and then they would be private and it really would be none of the government's business
Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that

Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?
Cruz 'scares' no Liberal. We do not tremble in fear of any ideologue, and we do not traffic in fear as Conservatives do.

Why so many Cruz threads? He's the first to announce a candidacy. He is also the avante garde of the modern Conservative movement. The Conservatives. They're a movement. And we all need one, every day.

Liberals aren't scared of him because they think he has no chance, and they're probably correct.

However, if liberals thought Cruz really could become the President, he'd scare liberals mightily.

He scares both sides because his way of doing things in Washington gets rid of both parties control and puts the people back in control.
That is the last thing anyone in D.C. wants.
His way is uncompromising petulance. That sound more Authoritarian than democratic.

No that is what Obama is doing.
Democrats want to see Jeb as the GOP candidate, cause even if they lose, they win. Bush is nothing but a liberal disguised as a conservative in other words, a RINO.
The OP is a Racist Scumbag and obviously doesn't like Brown people.

Not entirely true. He likes them if they make him lemonade and takes off his shoes for him

I do believe that's how most democrat/liberals feel about them. and lets not forget black. they speak of them as if they OWN THEM

Exactly, they toe the liberal line or they get destroyed, that was my point, which you accurately picked up on
Not really

This is a political message board and this is what we do. A month from now, the rest of the GOP candidates will be in the race and Cruz will be an afterthought

I think you've nailed Cruz exactly. He knows he can't win and is looking to increase his own power.

This general election will be a lot like the last one. The candidates will be one flash in the pan after another and their own records and words will scuttle each of them, one after another.
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that

Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?
Cruz 'scares' no Liberal. We do not tremble in fear of any ideologue, and we do not traffic in fear as Conservatives do.

Why so many Cruz threads? He's the first to announce a candidacy. He is also the avante garde of the modern Conservative movement. The Conservatives. They're a movement. And we all need one, every day.

Whats really funny is that you clowns have no one but the old, tired, arrogant, ugly, lying hillary. She is a loser and she is all you fools have.

She and obozo have destroyed the democrat party, I find that hilarious.
One, if Bush is not the GOP I will send a donation to a Boys-Girls type organization, and encourage all of you to join with similar donations.

If a Dole, McCain, and Romney can't win, no far right candidate would ever get 40% of a general election vote. You far right thugs need to do what is right for the country, not act out of your hate for being put in your places when you behave wrongly.
Think they told Reagan that too
You mean the Reagan who ruled from the center? Who signed 6 big tax increases into law? Under whom the debt tripled? Who pushed through the first "amnesty" for illegal aliens? Hmmmmm. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that

Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?
Cruz 'scares' no Liberal. We do not tremble in fear of any ideologue, and we do not traffic in fear as Conservatives do.

Why so many Cruz threads? He's the first to announce a candidacy. He is also the avante garde of the modern Conservative movement. The Conservatives. They're a movement. And we all need one, every day.

Liberals aren't scared of him because they think he has no chance, and they're probably correct.

However, if liberals thought Cruz really could become the President, he'd scare liberals mightily.

He scares both sides because his way of doing things in Washington gets rid of both parties control and puts the people back in control.
That is the last thing anyone in D.C. wants.

I think after Obama and his hateful administration Cruz might be able to sell that. the people took Democrats out of congress of Congress with the last two elections. so I don't think these high brow snobs understands what middle America is actually feeling. I'm hoping for huge shakeup and I like Cruz
Not really

This is a political message board and this is what we do. A month from now, the rest of the GOP candidates will be in the race and Cruz will be an afterthought

I think you've nailed Cruz exactly. He knows he can't win and is looking to increase his own power.

This general election will be a lot like the last one. The candidates will be one flash in the pan after another and their own records and words will scuttle each of them, one after another.
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that

Cruz really scares you libs doesn't he? If he is so stupid and incompetent and has no chance, why so many threads about him today?

Actually, no he doesn't

He scares Republicans hoping to win a general election in Nov 16. He will force statements and concessions from the eventual GOP nominee that Democrats will exploit

what you far lefties fail to grasp is the the majority of the country is much more like Cruz than like clinton.

thats what you are really scared about, and you know it somewhere deep down inside.
The dems are cheering. But, with a nervous caveat of Reagan. But, Reagan ran to the middle, and he really didn't speak ill of other republicans, neither of which seem to be in Cruz's arsenal.


I'm not sure the dems should be cheering though. I'd think Cruz will take votes from Walker, as well as Huck and the clown posse. If that happens, Jeb will benefit. Cruz's bet is that he can get into a "me or Jeb race."

The difference between Reagan and Cruz is that Reagan was likeable

same as bubba and hildebeast.
It's obvious Cruz scares the shit out of left loons, you all keep harping and harping and harping over him

Not really

This is a political message board and this is what we do. A month from now, the rest of the GOP candidates will be in the race and Cruz will be an afterthought

I think you've nailed Cruz exactly. He knows he can't win and is looking to increase his own power.

This general election will be a lot like the last one. The candidates will be one flash in the pan after another and their own records and words will scuttle each of them, one after another.
We've heard of the Republican Galahad riding in to save the day before. Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry have all been regarded as the 'front runner' only to be a footnote by the time the convention rolls around.

Cruz has what seems like several hundred 'debates' and stump speeches and Q & As to get through before it can be accurately determined if he holds enough sway to be the Conservative kingmaker.

Then, he can move back to Texas and star in his own reality TV show, like another would be king maker.

Guys like Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry came in thinking they had a shot. Cruz does not have a shot, that is why he came in first

Cruz will go to the debates not to win, but to nail down his conservative credentials. You can't buy publicity like that
Dragging a party to the extreme only serves the opposition party. Cruz should study the Ted Kennedy 1980 run and how Carter was hurt resulting in 8 years of Reagan.

but you support obama and hillary---------two of the most far left democrats in history.

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