Ted Cruz has no intentions of ever being President

Mainstream thinking GOP want Jeb because he can beat HRC.

None of the far right candidates have a chance.

Possibly Walker, Rand, and Kasich. No one else.
Mainstream thinking GOP want Jeb because he can beat HRC.

None of the far right candidates have a chance.

Possibly Walker, Rand, and Kasich. No one else.

Mainstream GOP made McCain the candidate--------------------nuff said.
I think the OP has a point here.

Cruz is by most accounts quite intelligent. He must see the polls and the polls on the issues he runs. He should have no chance of winning.

Has he a chance of a VP slot? Probably not, Candidates run right in Primaries and need center on national elections. While Cruz could energise a base to would effectively alienate moderates more ala Palin.

So what he is doing is raising his profile, branding his message 'True Conservative'.

There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I doubt if Cruz is even positioning himself to be VP. Candidates like Rubio and Jindall seem to be best suited

A VP must be willing to put his ego aside and take one for the team. Something Cruz is ill suited for
You said, "His platform is exactly like the platforms of the founders of this nation." You are for slavery, state religions, restricted voting, and the rest. OK,

If McCain and Romney could not make it, then Cruz stands no chance.

The center wins elections, not the far right.
Mainstream thinking GOP want Jeb because he can beat HRC.

None of the far right candidates have a chance.

Possibly Walker, Rand, and Kasich. No one else.

Anyone who runs against Hillary will win. Y'all better dump her and force Elizabeth Warren to run.
I think the OP has a point here.

Cruz is by most accounts quite intelligent. He must see the polls and the polls on the issues he runs. He should have no chance of winning.

Has he a chance of a VP slot? Probably not, Candidates run right in Primaries and need center on national elections. While Cruz could energise a base to would effectively alienate moderates more ala Palin.

So what he is doing is raising his profile, branding his message 'True Conservative'.

There is enough useful idiots around to follow him.

I doubt if Cruz is even positioning himself to be VP. Candidates like Rubio and Jindall seem to be best suited

A VP must be willing to put his ego aside and take one for the team. Something Cruz is ill suited for
Jindal and Vitter are swapping jobs.

No ghoul will ever be VP.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be.

I think he wants to win, his personality seems geared that way,
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be


His platform is exactly like the platforms of the founders of this nation. How awful !


Oh God.........still laughing

No, no.....please stop
Cruz chose Jerry Falwell's college as the best place to make his stand. Even though its called "Liberty" university, the students were required to attend. Very funny was the footage of him practicing his wave and even practicing the kiss with his wife. And, did y'all see the Rand Paul t-shirts in the audience?

Cruz mentioned the Constitution several times but he also told the kids to send a text to a mysterious number, obviously collecting information to be used later.

Cruz has no chance of winning the nomination. This is nothing more than an ego trip.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Cruz has the support of 4% of Republicans.

Tied with Rick Perry.

He is out there to take flak in preparation for Jeb's nomination.

He will be handsomely rewarded by President Bush III.

No he won't

Cruz intends to be a pain in the ass to Jeb. Attack him relentlessly as Jeb tries to construct a winning coalition. This will establish Cruz as the "True Conservative" in the party and allow him to lay claim to the base

we know that you want Jeb to be the candidate because you think HRC can beat him. We get it winger. Now STFU and go back to sleep.

Jeb will be the candidate

There is nobody else that Republicans will even consider

In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

No! The GOP can win with a pure Conservative Candidate. We've been told that for decades. Now's the time to see it happen.
omg. No wonder someone like Obama can dupe so many people into voting for him

we have nasty people spreading all kinds of nasty rumors

but what else does the Democrat party have folks.

they got kicked out of power in congress after only SIX YEARS of their Democrat Messiah being in office?

DON'T FALL for it. vote for who you want

omg. No wonder someone like Obama can dupe so many people into voting for him

we have nasty people spreading all kinds of nasty rumors

but what else does the Democrat party have folks.

they got kicked out of power in congress after only SIX YEARS of their Democrat Messiah being in office?

DON'T FALL for it. vote for who you want

Yes Stephane, and here's some examples od their filthy accusations:
Liberal hate speech - Conservapedia
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Mainstream thinking GOP want Jeb because he can beat HRC.

None of the far right candidates have a chance.

Possibly Walker, Rand, and Kasich. No one else.

Mainstream GOP made McCain the candidate--------------------nuff said.
NO!!!! Mainstream MEDIA made McCain the candidate!
Remember GOP leadership think they have to have MSM blessing and BEFORE nominated McCain was MSM darling.
But McCain was a MSM stalking horse! The MSM wanted this weakling pleasing to the GOP leadership to run against the first black president!
YEA... the GOP leadership still OLD Rockefeller followers!
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Cruz has the support of 4% of Republicans.

Tied with Rick Perry.

He is out there to take flak in preparation for Jeb's nomination.

He will be handsomely rewarded by President Bush III.

No he won't

Cruz intends to be a pain in the ass to Jeb. Attack him relentlessly as Jeb tries to construct a winning coalition. This will establish Cruz as the "True Conservative" in the party and allow him to lay claim to the base

we know that you want Jeb to be the candidate because you think HRC can beat him. We get it winger. Now STFU and go back to sleep.

Jeb will be the candidate

There is nobody else that Republicans will even consider


In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be


His platform is exactly like the platforms of the founders of this nation. How awful !


Oh God.........still laughing

No, no.....please stop

laugh at the constitution and the founders beliefs if you choose.

individual freedom
small federal govt
low taxes
individual responsibility
states rights
strong national defense
rule of law applied equally to everyone
growing economy
sound currency
freedom of speech
freedom of assembly
freedom of religion
"endowed by their creator"
"the pursuit of happiness"

All concepts that you libs hate. But you are out of sync with most of america. You had your turn and you screwed it up with the incompetent, lying obama.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

No! The GOP can win with a pure Conservative Candidate. We've been told that for decades. Now's the time to see it happen.

I have no idea, but the mushy middle Republicans haven't done much the last two cycles.
Mainstream thinking GOP want Jeb because he can beat HRC.

None of the far right candidates have a chance.

Possibly Walker, Rand, and Kasich. No one else.

Mainstream GOP made McCain the candidate--------------------nuff said.
NO!!!! Mainstream MEDIA made McCain the candidate!
Remember GOP leadership think they have to have MSM blessing and BEFORE nominated McCain was MSM darling.
But McCain was a MSM stalking horse! The MSM wanted this weakling pleasing to the GOP leadership to run against the first black president!
YEA... the GOP leadership still OLD Rockefeller followers!

mainstream GOP nominated him. what I said is correct.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Cruz has the support of 4% of Republicans.

Tied with Rick Perry.

He is out there to take flak in preparation for Jeb's nomination.

He will be handsomely rewarded by President Bush III.

No he won't

Cruz intends to be a pain in the ass to Jeb. Attack him relentlessly as Jeb tries to construct a winning coalition. This will establish Cruz as the "True Conservative" in the party and allow him to lay claim to the base

we know that you want Jeb to be the candidate because you think HRC can beat him. We get it winger. Now STFU and go back to sleep.

Jeb will be the candidate

There is nobody else that Republicans will even consider


Wrong. but you are right that you dems will run HRC, the most corrupt candidate you can find.
In Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday it became clear that he has no intentions of ever being President. Ted knows he is the smartest person in the room, so he knows that his rightwing platform has no hope of winning

Anyone seriously running knows they need to gain the moderate vote in order to win. At no point in yesterdays speech did Cruz conced there was a middle ground on any issue.

So, what is Cruz doing?

He is staking out that he, and he alone is the true Conservative in the party. Let Rand Paul or any other conservative try to build a winning coalition and Cruz will attack them for abandoning conservatism

Cruz wants to be crowned the King of Conservatives for the next 20 years. Let all Republican candidates bow before him as he dictates what positions they must take to gain conservative support

That is where Cruz's power will be

Cruz has the support of 4% of Republicans.

Tied with Rick Perry.

He is out there to take flak in preparation for Jeb's nomination.

He will be handsomely rewarded by President Bush III.

No he won't

Cruz intends to be a pain in the ass to Jeb. Attack him relentlessly as Jeb tries to construct a winning coalition. This will establish Cruz as the "True Conservative" in the party and allow him to lay claim to the base

we know that you want Jeb to be the candidate because you think HRC can beat him. We get it winger. Now STFU and go back to sleep.

Jeb will be the candidate

There is nobody else that Republicans will even consider



Can I be honest with you Republicans on this board? You are not too hard to figure out. You ALWAYS go with the most obvious candidate...that is why you are conservative. You do not take chances

While I have often been wrong about who the eventual Democratic candidate will be (Carter, Dukakis, Clinton, Obama) I am never wrong about the eventual Republican candidate

The last time Republicans thought outside the box with their candidate was Goldwater 50 years ago

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

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