Ted Cruz lays out democrats regarding SCOTUS nominee

Why do you ask? Do you find the GOP behavior embarrassing?
I find politics in general to be embarrassing when asked to take it seriously. I mean, come on, how seriously are we supposed to take Jackson's nomination when Quid Pro made it clear up front that he was eliminating black men from consideration? I found the democrats' behavior quite embarrassing during the Kavanaugh hearings as well. Heck, then there's all that malarkey about how Schiff had all this evidence against TRUMP! that no one ever saw. And of course, who could forget the weeping in front of the empty parking lot? Good grief, can't we just get rid of all these posturing idiots?

The point is, you seem to be trying to claim that people should not complain about something that happened a few years ago, and I was wondering if that applied to everyone or just the ones you disagree with and would like to see shut up?
Trumps said Ford was a very credible witness

Find a credible witness against Jackson
She was credible up until she had no credible witnesses to back her claim that it was Kavanaugh that assaulted her. This horrible assault took place in high school and she conveniently decided to go after him 35 years later when he is nominated for the Supreme Court.
If you have anyone with credible accusations against Jackson, you are welcome to present them

That is how it works
Democrats don't know the meaning of "credible". You know as well as I do that Hill and Ford were nothing but political hit jobs. Don't insult our intelligence.
She was credible up until she had no credible witnesses to back her claim that it was Kavanaugh that assaulted her. This horrible assault took place in high school and she conveniently decided to go after him 35 years later when he is nominated for the Supreme Court.
Yep, just like Clarance Thomas. Nothing until he was nominated to the Supreme Court. Democrats are vile nasty snakes.
The nominee just said an abortion case was "settled law". The left loves to use that term. Only problem with it is there is no such thing.
The nominee just said an abortion case was "settled law". The left loves to use that term. Only problem with it is there is no such thing.
That's her opinion, as far as it is concerned. Geez, you guys are rabid and desperate. Saying dumb things.
Yep, just like Clarance Thomas. Nothing until he was nominated to the Supreme Court. Democrats are vile nasty snakes.
If you look at the history of the US congress, the Bork denial was the end of any meaningful bipartisan cooperation in the US. Coincidentally, this was the first administration to utter "New World Order." Interesting.
No matter what, I’ll bet the Republicans treat Jackson and any other Democrat-nominated justice with more respect than Democrats do when it is a Republican-nominated justice. Republicans understand that elections have consequences, Democrats don’t. By the way, whatever happened to expanding the size of the SCOTUS?
Why do you ask? Do you find the GOP behavior embarrassing?
For many years people have been pushing for all to be in Mayberry. But there those who just do not want to do it. And with the help of social justice sell outs who live in Mayberry condemning others who also live there for their own political views, they push South Central as a way of life per diversity and is embraced.
No criminal or professional charges were filed against Senator Cruz
Why would there be?

He is only answerable to his constituents for his indifference to their suffering
He didn't cause their suffering, nor is there anything he could have done about it. You're just a pretentious melodramatic prog douchebag.
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He doesn’t have very high approval numbers

Cruz’s political handlers got a hold of him in Cancun and told him to get his ass home

They are way higher than Biden's.

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