Ted Cruz lays out democrats regarding SCOTUS nominee

There were specific complaints
Those making the complaints were allowed to testify to the Senate and provided credible testimony
Anita said nothing credible. And the Kavanaugh accuser was so obviously lying, even you should have been able to notice it.

Face reality. The Dim orchestrated smears on Justice Thomas and on Justice Kavanaugh were reprehensible and you didn’t mind at all. It didn’t bother you and your ilk in the slightest that the attacks were mere character assassination attempts. Dims are shameless charlatans and openly engage in the politics of personal destruction.
How can testimony be "credible" if it's transparent bullshit as was the case in both Thomas and Kavanaugh's nominations?

Some things are that obvious.

Both cases came down to “he said, she said”
Women testified on specific behavior which the Justice denied

It could not be proven one way or the other
Texas could have had a Senator who showed compassion for those in Texas with no electricity and freezing.
He could have shared in their suffering instead of saying ….screw you guys, I got a beach in Mexico with my name on it

It was a “Let em eat cake“ response from a politician

It did not go over well with Texas voters
That is why he got his ass home so quick
Those people in Texas died because they listened to the Left wing loons who said to use wind power in oil rich Texas

I never heard of anyone freezing to death because of oil based heat did not work.

Now run along and create more death and havoc in the world and blame it on Ted
Anita said nothing credible. And the Kavanaugh accuser was so obviously lying, even you should have been able to notice it.

Face reality. The Dim orchestrated smears on Justice Thomas and on Justice Kavanaugh were reprehensible and you didn’t mind at all. It didn’t bother you and your ilk in the slightest that the attacks were mere character assassination attempts. Dims are shameless charlatans and openly engage in the politics of personal destruction.
Even Trump commented that Ford gave credible testimony
Both cases came down to “he said, she said”
Women testified on specific behavior which the Justice denied

It could not be proven one way or the other
Right, so if Cruz uncovers a pimp who said he employed Kentaji to give blow jobs and she cannot prove otherwise, then her reputation would also be tainted by your reasoning.
His duty to care that the people of Texas were freezing and suffering due to power outages

Screw you, I got money, I’m getting the hell out of here…..too damned cold
Wrong. His duty is to represent the people of Texas not personally heat their homes.
Even Trump commented that Ford gave credible testimony
I’m not bound by his opinion. And I certainly disagree. Her testimony was so phony and so full of inexplicable gaps in memory, she should stand as a monument to the insanity of the Twitter hashtag claims that we need to ‘believe all women’ or ‘believe all victims.’ Beg the question much?

The question is WHETHER the particular accused is credible. The question is WHETHER the person claiming to be a victim was a victim. When some women make false allegations, it can hurt the cause of all women who were and are actual victims.

Read it and weep Skippy

I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman,” Trump said of Ford while speaking to reporters on Friday. “It was an incredible moment I think in the history of our country,” he continued. “But certainly [Ford] was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.”

Lets see it
Jackson has a clean record
Thomas and Kavenaugh…..not so much

They were asked to respond to specific charges
I’m not bound by his opinion. And I certainly disagree. Her testimony was so phony and so full of inexplicable gaps in memory, she should stand as a monument to the insanity of the Twitter hashtag claims that we need to ‘believe all women’ or ‘believe all victims.’ Beg the question much?

The question is WHETHER the particular accused is credible. The question is WHETHER the person claiming to be a victim was a victim. When some women make false allegations, it can hurt the cause of all women who were and are actual victims.

In the end progs don't care about individual women, they care about power, and using any method they can to get it.

If that means being a "Me too" person, so be it. If that means burying someone else's "Me Too" moment, well that's OK as well.
Read it and weep Skippy

I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman,” Trump said of Ford while speaking to reporters on Friday. “It was an incredible moment I think in the history of our country,” he continued. “But certainly [Ford] was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.”

If Cruz was aware of any sexual assault allegations against Jackson, I am sure he would bring them up
An acquaintance of mine went to high school with her. She would give blow jobs to the entire lacrosse team while downing a quart of Jack Daniels.
Both cases came down to “he said, she said”
Women testified on specific behavior which the Justice denied

It could not be proven one way or the other
So the resort to the smear wasn’t for the purpose of determining whether the nominees should be confirmed, then. It was obviously an attempt to smear the nominees so mercilessly that they would withdraw rather than have to be put through the show trial. The only Dim regret is that the smears didn’t succeed.
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