Ted Cruz Needs To Denounce Lindsey Graham, Period!

So now if someone who isn't pure enough endorses someone who is pure enough, the endorsed one is no longer pure enough?

My head is spinning.

No Mac1958 this really is a problem for Cruz. How can he be anti establishment and be endorsed by the establishment and have fundraisers by the establishment.

And think how much fun Trump is going to have slamming Cruz over this. Remember Cruz went way over the top condemning Trump over David Duke.

Payback is a bitch.

Should Trump have refused Christie's endorsement?
Why do you think that other than because you support Trump?

Cruz is the smoke screen for the establishment to force a brokered convention.

So you got nothing
Romney just endorsed Cruz. There's your answer.

Did he?

That's bad? You seem to miss the fact that as long as he isn't compromising his principles to get votes, I'm quite fine if the rest of the party wakes up and unites with him. The fact that the is crawling to Ted on his terms is really great.

This is the problem with many of you trump supporters. You aren't at all making a game plan to get the party united behind your guy.
What are you talking about? Trump has been saying multiple times already it's time for the party to embrace this movement and unite. But if you want to join the sour grapes guys like Romney and graham, then I'll just laugh it off.

Romney and graham have been completely exposed as the ones actually trying to divide the RNC.

So you should be happy that the establishment is taking trumps advice and uniting behind the conservative candidate
Cruz is the smoke screen for the establishment to force a brokered convention.

So you got nothing
Romney just endorsed Cruz. There's your answer.

Did he?

That's bad? You seem to miss the fact that as long as he isn't compromising his principles to get votes, I'm quite fine if the rest of the party wakes up and unites with him. The fact that the is crawling to Ted on his terms is really great.

This is the problem with many of you trump supporters. You aren't at all making a game plan to get the party united behind your guy.
What are you talking about? Trump has been saying multiple times already it's time for the party to embrace this movement and unite. But if you want to join the sour grapes guys like Romney and graham, then I'll just laugh it off.

Romney and graham have been completely exposed as the ones actually trying to divide the RNC.

So you should be happy that the establishment is taking trumps advice and uniting behind the conservative candidate
Clearly the numbers aren't saying that now, sport. It's all about having sour grapes or supporting Trump at this point for the RNC.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806
Cruz is so far behind Trump that he'd better accept whatever support he can get from whoever will give it. He's the establishment's only hope, unless they have a brokered convention and try to push Robmoney.
Last month Senator Graham said Cruz was worse than Obama, now a month later he endorses him. That tells you all you need to know about lying lowlife scum career establishment Republicans.
Last month Senator Graham said Cruz was worse than Obama, now a month later he endorses him. That tells you all you need to know about lying lowlife scum career establishment Republicans.
Worst part is graham has been more critical on Cruz than Trump. Something is fishy about this. Lots of money must be involved to persuade Cruz to give in as a puppet. Would be sad if that's the case.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

Yo, is it because he sounds like Harry Reid? That bum needs to be kicked to the curb!

Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806
Cruz is so far behind Trump that he'd better accept whatever support he can get from whoever will give it. He's the establishment's only hope, unless they have a brokered convention and try to push Robmoney.

Yo, can you count? I guess not, true Puppet!!! Ted Cruz is in the same boat as Trump? Neither will get to the needed delegates!!! But Cruz has a PATH!!!

Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806
Cruz is so far behind Trump that he'd better accept whatever support he can get from whoever will give it. He's the establishment's only hope, unless they have a brokered convention and try to push Robmoney.

Yo, can you count? I guess not, true Puppet!!! Ted Cruz is in the same boat as Trump? Neither will get to the needed delegates!!! But Cruz has a PATH!!!

View attachment 67961

I suspect they will be singing a different tune when Cruz wins Utah and Arizona next week
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.

Yo, if you wish to have another Obama in the Gay House? By all means vote for him, it`s your Country to screw up!!!

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.

Yo, if you wish to have another Obama in the Gay House? By all means vote for him, it`s your Country to screw up!!!

View attachment 67997
LOL Trump is the total opposite to Barack Hussein O, jack!
LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.

Yo, if you wish to have another Obama in the Gay House? By all means vote for him, it`s your Country to screw up!!!

View attachment 67997
LOL Trump is the total opposite to Barack Hussein O, jack!

Which is why he's saying the same things
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.
That is the stupidest thing you have posted all day. Tweeting a CNN report isnt fucking over Carson. Carson fucked himself over.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.

carson wasn't going anywhere anyway. cruz just sped up the process.
why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.
That is the stupidest thing you have posted all day. Tweeting a CNN report isnt fucking over Carson. Carson fucked himself over.

Nah. Carson got screwed over unfairly for it.
LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.
That is the stupidest thing you have posted all day. Tweeting a CNN report isnt fucking over Carson. Carson fucked himself over.

Nah. Carson got screwed over unfairly for it.

Yo, Carson screwed himself? Standing on the end being ignored at the debates? Ted Cruz was just going by a News Cast by none other than the Puppets of Obama, CNN!!! Get over it, Carson was at 5% of the vote, he was going nowhere!!!

i said right now.... present results are not indicative of future performance

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

View attachment 67962

After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.
That is the stupidest thing you have posted all day. Tweeting a CNN report isnt fucking over Carson. Carson fucked himself over.

Nah. Carson got screwed over unfairly for it.

Yo, Carson screwed himself? Standing on the end being ignored at the debates? Ted Cruz was just going by a News Cast by none other than the Puppets of Obama, CNN!!! Get over it, Carson was at 5% of the vote, he was going nowhere!!!

View attachment 68289
So what. That messed up the image Cruz wants to portray.

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