Ted Cruz Needs To Denounce Lindsey Graham, Period!

Yo, how about the past? Grow up dummy, you are marching to the drums of a Socialist Democrat Party? DUMB!!!
You think if the ""Socialist Democrat Party"" gets their way, you will be eating as good as you`re eating now? No, you will be in the streets begging like everyone else!!!

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After Cruz screwing Carson over like that, I doubt a lot of primary voters will be added. Eventually you should catch on Trump is a Republican now, sport.
That is the stupidest thing you have posted all day. Tweeting a CNN report isnt fucking over Carson. Carson fucked himself over.

Nah. Carson got screwed over unfairly for it.

Yo, Carson screwed himself? Standing on the end being ignored at the debates? Ted Cruz was just going by a News Cast by none other than the Puppets of Obama, CNN!!! Get over it, Carson was at 5% of the vote, he was going nowhere!!!

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So what. That messed up the image Cruz wants to portray.

Yo, if you believe what the Media puts out there for idiots to believe? You are standing in the Puppet line!!!

So now if someone who isn't pure enough endorses someone who is pure enough, the endorsed one is no longer pure enough?

My head is spinning.

If anyone who isn't a conservative votes for or supports a conservative in any way, then other conservatives can't support that conservative.

Got that?

I thought not.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


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Cruz is a whore and he'll accept Lindsey Graham's endorsement. If he denounces Graham two bad things happen; South Carolina goes for Hillary and Graham loses his senate seat in a primary.

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