Ted Cruz Needs To Denounce Lindsey Graham, Period!

There is a right way to unite the party and a wrong way. The right way is to stand on your principles and let them come to you on your terms.

The wrong way is to sell out your principles seeking endorsements, selling favors and positions,and bullying others. That may be effective for a short time but its not long lived.

Cruz does the first method trump the second. There is power in the unity of the first. There is division in the latter technique
Why do we insist on demanding someone 'denounce' the endorsement of others?

We can't help it if some racist, nut job, or clown chooses to 'endorse' us for whatever reason. Someone declaring, "I endorse Joe Blow' does NOT mean Joe blow 1) knows who they are, 2) knows what they stand for, or 3) supports what they stand for / believe.

Again, this is one of the reason I ignore endorsements. Just do what South Carolinians have done for years - ignore Graham.

Hard to ignore graham. i would be sad if he was exterminated for being gay. Plus he helps cruz alot as he brings his 0% of support to cruz's side.

The support he is bringing is money and a sign to the other establishments that they need to stop playing games and back Cruz
There is a right way to unite the party and a wrong way. The right way is to stand on your principles and let them come to you on your terms.

The wrong way is to sell out your principles seeking endorsements, selling favors and positions,and bullying others. That may be effective for a short time but its not long lived.

Cruz does the first method trump the second. There is power in the unity of the first. There is division in the latter technique

You know what, I respect your opinion, but respect doesn't mean it works. There are multiple ways to unite a party, like PANDERING to special interests. That seems to work well for the left. Should we try that too?

I think Cruz would be an exceptional President. Trump maybe, maybe not! But understand that if it goes to a brokered convention, the odds are long EITHER will get the nod. If Trump wins, then don't vote for him, plain and simple..........and put the person YOUR candidate originally ran to defeat in power. If that is logic, then it is no logic at all.

Cruz TOLD you that ANY of them on the stage was better than the Democratic choices. Are you now suggesting he LIED to you? I believe Trump when he said it, which is exactly why I will vote for the GOP nominee. Both of my 1 and 2 choices said the same thing, Cruz and Trump. I can't believe both of them lied, can you? And if they did, why are you a GOPer anyway!
I don't think trump will be better. I don't think Cruz lies. I just disagree.

Also poi t out that graham does have influence with some people or he wouldn't be a senator. Quite possibly with kasich
I don't think trump will be better. I don't think Cruz lies. I just disagree.

Also poi t out that graham does have influence with some people or he wouldn't be a senator. Quite possibly with kasich

Well then you can disagree with myself and Ted Cruz if Trump is the nominee. I will take Ted's word over most others, sorry, but that is honesty! Nobody held a gun to his head when he said it, and if you want to disagree with Ted, then be my guest!

And oh, by the way, same goes for Cruz if he gets the most votes. I believe what Carly, and Jeb, and Donald, and Chris, and John, and Rand, and all the rest said about each other. It is what it is, and if you choose not to believe ALL the candidates in your party, then you are very narrow minded indeed!
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


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That's a bit childish, don't you think? Why should Ted go out of his way to alienate someone he will need to work with, win or lose?

Yo, Graham is like McCain, and McConnell, scum! Hopefully they both get voted out next time around!!!

Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


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That's a bit childish, don't you think? Why should Ted go out of his way to alienate someone he will need to work with, win or lose?

Yo, Graham is like McCain, and McConnell, scum! Hopefully they both get voted out next time around!!!

View attachment 67921

Agreed! We need to start beating the drums for Kelly Ward in AZ now! She has a great chance of beating Mcain, and that would serve all Trump and Cruz supporters well!
The good thing is that Lindsey could finish "transitioning" without even changing his name. :eusa_whistle:
So now if someone who isn't pure enough endorses someone who is pure enough, the endorsed one is no longer pure enough?

My head is spinning.
Just think about the Clinton's back in the white house,really think about that,repubs will unite.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806
he isn't endorsing him. The man he does endorse cant win.
So now if someone who isn't pure enough endorses someone who is pure enough, the endorsed one is no longer pure enough? My head is spinning..
Just think about the Clinton's back in the white house,really think about that,repubs will unite.
There are some Republicans who have gone so far as to say they'll vote third party or for Hillary, so it would be pretty tough for them to walk that stuff back.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

That's a bit childish, don't you think? Why should Ted go out of his way to alienate someone he will need to work with, win or lose?

Yo, Graham is like McCain, and McConnell, scum! Hopefully they both get voted out next time around!!!

View attachment 67921

I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that Ted will have to work with him as long as he's there.
I'm steadily thinking Cruz is selling out to eventually become a puppet for Lindsey Graham. Since he did say some messed up things to him like 2 months ago...

Why do you think that other than because you support Trump?

Cruz is the smoke screen for the establishment to force a brokered convention.

So you got nothing
Romney just endorsed Cruz. There's your answer.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.
Yo, if Ted Cruz excepts Graham endorsement? I will stop supporting him, period!

Lindsey Graham, Who Said He Would Rather Be Shot or Poisoned Than Endorse Ted Cruz, Is Endorsing Ted Cruz

Gabrielle Bluestone

Today 2:19pm

Senator Lindsey Graham has made one thing about this election emphatically clear: He does not like Ted Cruz. Today, he essentially endorsed the man.

It’s not an official endorsement, but Graham has committed himself to fundraising for Cruz. According to an invitation obtained by CNN, Graham is inviting donors to honor and support Cruz, who he calls “a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Graham also said of Ted Cruz “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” if that’s any indication of how desperate the Republican party is right now.


View attachment 67806

why? lindsay is the only GOP'er who is being honest right now? does that trouble you?

oh right... he's being honest. of course that troubles you.

LOL. You just called Lindsey graham honest.
I'm steadily thinking Cruz is selling out to eventually become a puppet for Lindsey Graham. Since he did say some messed up things to him like 2 months ago...

Why do you think that other than because you support Trump?

Cruz is the smoke screen for the establishment to force a brokered convention.

So you got nothing
Romney just endorsed Cruz. There's your answer.

Did he?

That's bad? You seem to miss the fact that as long as he isn't compromising his principles to get votes, I'm quite fine if the rest of the party wakes up and unites with him. The fact that the is crawling to Ted on his terms is really great.

This is the problem with many of you trump supporters. You aren't at all making a game plan to get the party united behind your guy.
I'm steadily thinking Cruz is selling out to eventually become a puppet for Lindsey Graham. Since he did say some messed up things to him like 2 months ago...

Why do you think that other than because you support Trump?

Cruz is the smoke screen for the establishment to force a brokered convention.

So you got nothing
Romney just endorsed Cruz. There's your answer.

Did he?

That's bad? You seem to miss the fact that as long as he isn't compromising his principles to get votes, I'm quite fine if the rest of the party wakes up and unites with him. The fact that the is crawling to Ted on his terms is really great.

This is the problem with many of you trump supporters. You aren't at all making a game plan to get the party united behind your guy.
What are you talking about? Trump has been saying multiple times already it's time for the party to embrace this movement and unite. But if you want to join the sour grapes guys like Romney and graham, then I'll just laugh it off.

Romney and graham have been completely exposed as the ones actually trying to divide the RNC.

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