Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

Yet TODAYS Republican Party defends the legacy of the Confederacy, flies the confederate flag and opposes civil rights and the teaching of Americas racist past

Suuuure they do...



Well, my blood was going to the big brain, but the little guy ran a misdirection play and everything has gone south!
and demfks ran with their kkking northward. shameful. Can you say voter ID's? why are Voter ID's racist exactly? Let's hear from a real racist such as yourself.
So how can Ted Cruz blame Democrats for slavery when his own state was founded on it BEFORE the Democratic Party was created?
How can he defend his State rebelling against Mexico because they banned slavery?
How can Ted Cruz blame Democrats for HIS STATE joining the Confederacy of Slave Holding States?
How can Ted Cruz defend the implementation of Jim Crow in Texas?

I know his history better than he does.
Because Ted Cruz KNOWS his base is a bunch of ignorant right wing confederate flag waving, easily duped group of morons.
That's how he can say what he says.
The cult will follow his every word and never research facts.
why? tell us how blacks can't get them, also, tell us how they can't find voting centers, show us your racism?
Tell us why TX restricted many voting places in black communities and reduced the number of total polling stations, all in the fake news of voter fraud.
Limit the number of polling stations, and eliminate the ones in black areas and keep the ones in white areas.
Makes sense to you, right?
Or simply tell me that TX didn't do that ^^^^.
Because Ted Cruz KNOWS his base is a bunch of ignorant right wing confederate flag waving, easily duped group of morons.
That's how he can say what he says.
The cult will follow his every word and never research facts.
still waiting on what is racist things he does. name one.
Tell us why TX restricted many voting places in black communities and reduced the number of total polling stations, all in the fake news of voter fraud.
see, you think the blacks inferior and can't figure out life. Right there all in it's glory you post a racist comment. You fking racist.
Yup, and those (D) were confederates.
Right wingers.

Yup, technically the KKK was in FACT started by (D), and in fact, those are todays (R) party, confederate flag waving so-called conservatives.

The KKK was started by conservatives.
haha nope

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