Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

She should link to Ted all the Lynching his fellow Texans did in the 20th century.


yes texas was run by dems for a long time
How can Ted Cruz blame Democrats while it was his own STATE OF TEXAS that was founded on slavery?
maybe because he’s a member of the GOP which was literally founded as the anti-slavery party…which thankfully ended the democrats practice of slavery and strangle hold of jim crow
still waiting on what is racist things he does. name one.
TX is limiting polling stations in mostly black communities.
Or tell me they didn't do just that.

Your turn to answer a direct question.
see, you think the blacks inferior and can't figure out life. Right there all in it's glory you post a racist comment. You fking racist.
Nothing I stated was racist in any way.
You assume incorrectly, as usual.
All those democrats sure did some bad things.
You can't deny it was white Texans that did that. White Texans also voted for Ted overwhelmingly didn't they?

Leopards don't change their spots, but they do switch which party they vote for.
All those democrats sure did some bad things.
Agreed, too bad those (D) turned (R).
This bad slavery and lynching shit is ALL on the conservative confederate flag waving crowd.
Agreed, too bad those (D) turned (R).
This bad slavery and lynching shit is ALL on the conservative confederate flag waving crowd.
haha it’s true people have feld your radical racist top pressure cult over the years…still are
You can't deny it was white Texans that did that. White Texans also voted for Ted overwhelmingly didn't they?

Leopards don't change their spots, but they do switch which party they vote for.
They will continue to deny this without addressing it.
They have no standing.
All they got is....."(D) started the KKK", which we all acknowledge is true.
What they won't acknowledge, is the fact that the (D) in that era are really the (R) of today.
That kills their agenda, so they stick with all they got......"(D) started the KKK."
maybe because he’s a member of the GOP which was literally founded as the anti-slavery party…which thankfully ended the democrats practice of slavery and strangle hold of jim crow
Teds Party celebrates the confederacy
Today the KKK is Republican
Agreed, too bad those (D) turned (R).
This bad slavery and lynching shit is ALL on the conservative confederate flag waving crowd.

Nah, the D's stayed D's until they died. Then many of the Southerners were swayed by the New Republicans to vote for them by appealing to their culture of racism.
Slow reader you must be.
I clearly stated that the (D) party started the KKK.
That is a fact, and I stated that in post #3.
Read it again.

Those (D) had conservative values.
Southern Racists of the Confederacy, DINOS.
Democrats in Name Only.
Those (D) a hundred + years ago had Conservative Values.
Spin it all you want, I know and have stated that the old (D) party started the KKK.
That doesn't change the FACT that those (D) are todays (R).
/——-/ The Yankees were Republicans and the Confederates were democRATs. Put lipstick on that pig, try and spin it, but your party owns the slavery issue.
Damn those pesky facts. Apparently history wasn't AOC's best subject.

AOC is a clown show. I mean has this woman done anything productive or is she just a radical extremist mouthpiece that goes off every hour about something. Good job to Cruz for schooling her.

When you have to dredge up history from 160 years ago to disparage your 21st Century opposition, it doesn’t say for much for your party’s record today.

Today’s party of Jim Crow II, segregation and racism is the Republican Party. It’s fairly pathetic when they have to invoke ancient history to cover up their current policies of hate and division.
Interestingly, that all happened when your fellow DemoKKKrats were in charge. You knew that, right?

You can't deny that white Texans were in charge of Texas. The same Texas that voted for Teddy, which was overwhelmingly white voters. That is one of the states legacies. Unjustified lynching. I bet the Neo-GOP is jealous and wishes they could set similar examples.

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