Ted Cruz says Grammys are evil in response to performance

Apparently one bloke dressed up as the devil and did a dance in a cage or something.

The artists are delighted at the extra attention that he has brought them. Kerching !!

The fake christians have never understood art or rock and roll have th.ey ? Cruz would gave been condemning Elvis and Little Richard back in the day.

Until one of them said something mean about Mrs Cruz. Then Ted would have rolled over so that they could rub his belly..

I wonder what Ted would have made of Paradise Lost ? Beelzebub is the hero of that poem and he gets all .the best lines..

The loony right makes an ass of itself again.
Figures a goof like you would love the back patting Grammy show.
Conservatives in the 60s were Democrats.
Democrats have always hated anything that offends them or they find problematic.
Now what offends them is America and white people.
I don't care what party they identified with.....ideologically, they were CONSERVATIVE.....thanks for admitting that....

Now are you claiming yesterday's Democrats are the same as today's democrats or are you too stupid to know that ideologically, Conservatives are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS whining about pop culture

Apparently one bloke dressed up as the devil and did a dance in a cage or something.

The artists are delighted at the extra attention that he has brought them. Kerching !!

The fake christians have never understood art or rock and roll have th.ey ? Cruz would gave been condemning Elvis and Little Richard back in the day.

Until one of them said something mean about Mrs Cruz. Then Ted would have rolled over so that they could rub his belly..

I wonder what Ted would have made of Paradise Lost ? Beelzebub is the hero of that poem and he gets all .the best lines..

The loony right makes an ass of itself again.
Cruz has gone full woke.
The mustic industry is in cahoots with big pharma to sell gender reassignment surgery to minors.

That’s all that farce was about.
I do know the music industry has always been in cahoots with the producers of alcohol and drugs......you know "Sex Drugs and Rock & Roll"

But you know, you are still not forced to buy or do drugs or buy and drink alcohol.....is someone forcing you to change your child's gender?? How? Why are Conservatives so weak?

Nobody forced me to change my son's gender....but I guess I am just a better parent than you are...
I do know the music industry has always been in cahoots with the producers of alcohol and drugs......you know "Sex Drugs and Rock & Roll"

But you know, you are still not forced to buy or do drugs or buy and drink alcohol.....is someone forcing you to change your child's gender?? How? Why are Conservatives so weak?

Nobody forced me to change my son's gender....but I guess I am just a better parent than you are...
Used to be music was actual art. Now it’s all staged to push an agenda.
I'm only in my 30's but love the music of Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee Lewis.
Democrats have always been evil, hateful people.
They supported slavery, fought civil rights, instituted Jim Crow laws, and pretty much been the cause of 90% of the evil in America throughout our history.
Cruz would gave been condemning Elvis and Little Richard back in the day.
I could be persuaded of that.
After all, we all saw how outraged Senator Cruz was when Candidate Trump called Cruz's wife 'ugly'? Or was it "unattractive"? Or maybe "Homely"? Or it could've been..."I'd never touch that type."?
That Ted, you know how protective he can get.

It's IN YOUR FACE perversion.
Ah, poster Mudwhistle, you may be too prudish.....too GoodyTwoShoe'sh.
Maybe consider this: They are artist. So rather than 'In your face perversion"....... it was IYF provocation. Some artist do that. In fact, a lot of artist do that. You should get used to it. Constant grievance/angst is gonna shorten your life. Some say.

The Grammys are trash,
Free advice (and worth every penny): Don't watch it.
Chances of being offended are reduced.
I'm absolutely sure of that. I think.

If you haven't seen the offensive performance, don't comment on it.
No one watched the Grammies besides hepatitis fags,dopey white girls and maybe some brown people...normies don't even tune in anymore

That's gotta hurt.
Poster Deplorably Yankee just took aim at poster DGS49 and landed an ad-hominem uppercut to the jaw. A hard one.

Can't we all just get along?

Apparently one bloke dressed up as the devil and did a dance in a cage or something.

The artists are delighted at the extra attention that he has brought them. Kerching !!

The fake christians have never understood art or rock and roll have th.ey ? Cruz would gave been condemning Elvis and Little Richard back in the day.

Until one of them said something mean about Mrs Cruz. Then Ted would have rolled over so that they could rub his belly..

I wonder what Ted would have made of Paradise Lost ? Beelzebub is the hero of that poem and he gets all .the best lines..

The loony right makes an ass of itself again.
Looks like the Cons got triggered. :heehee:

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