Ted Cruz's plan to 'bring jobs back from China' better than Trump's

Basically Trump's plan is to put a 45% tariff (tax) on Chinese imports if they don't open their markets.....while Cruz's plan is to eliminate the business tax on goods produced for export....

Under Trumps plan if the Chinese did not open their markets and instead applied tariffs of their own this would destroy jobs related to exports and the cost of imports would explode.....things would become 45% more costly....

Under Cruz's plan...
1. No more export tax so American goods would become very competitive to sell in China
2. Without the tax more goods will be produced here....bringing more jobs back to America
3. The Chinese will not be pressured to start a trade war
4. Goods from China will not possibly increase 45% in price

Blog: Ted Cruz's plan to 'bring jobs back from China' better than Trump's

  1. We have no export tax. It is actually forbidden in the Constitution
  2. See above
  3. See above
  4. See above
And Cruz's claim that we do not 'tax' imports is factually incorrect. The United States imposes taxes on some imports, fees on almost all imports, and duties on most imports from China- duties being the name for taxes on imports.

sorry, corrected that, should have not called it an "export tax".....as Cruz said 'exports are free of tax'

"Today, the U.S. taxes American producers that export goods, but it imposes no burden on imports. My business tax is border-adjusted, so exports are free of tax and imports pay the same business-flat-tax rate as U.S.-produced goods. By shifting to a territorial tax system that doesn’t tax income earned overseas twice, my plan will reverse the incentive for U.S. companies to relocate overseas. Instead, businesses will be relocating to America."

But what taxes is Cruz talking about?

All business's are taxed- both producers of product that export- and companies that import product.

I am sure Cruz knows what he thinks he is saying, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

his tax plan is to tax business at a flat 16%...i guess at 0% if the goods are for export?....whereas it appears imports would pay 16% tax....

Tax what exactly?

Are you talking about income? profit? inventory?
Basically Trump's plan is to put a 45% tariff (tax) on Chinese imports if they don't open their markets.....while Cruz's plan is to eliminate the business tax on goods produced for export....

Under Trumps plan if the Chinese did not open their markets and instead applied tariffs of their own this would destroy jobs related to exports and the cost of imports would explode.....things would become 45% more costly....

Under Cruz's plan...
1. No more export tax so American goods would become very competitive to sell in China
2. Without the tax more goods will be produced here....bringing more jobs back to America
3. The Chinese will not be pressured to start a trade war
4. Goods from China will not possibly increase 45% in price

Blog: Ted Cruz's plan to 'bring jobs back from China' better than Trump's

  1. We have no export tax. It is actually forbidden in the Constitution
  2. See above
  3. See above
  4. See above
And Cruz's claim that we do not 'tax' imports is factually incorrect. The United States imposes taxes on some imports, fees on almost all imports, and duties on most imports from China- duties being the name for taxes on imports.

sorry, corrected that, should have not called it an "export tax".....as Cruz said 'exports are free of tax'

"Today, the U.S. taxes American producers that export goods, but it imposes no burden on imports. My business tax is border-adjusted, so exports are free of tax and imports pay the same business-flat-tax rate as U.S.-produced goods. By shifting to a territorial tax system that doesn’t tax income earned overseas twice, my plan will reverse the incentive for U.S. companies to relocate overseas. Instead, businesses will be relocating to America."

But what taxes is Cruz talking about?

All business's are taxed- both producers of product that export- and companies that import product.

I am sure Cruz knows what he thinks he is saying, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

his tax plan is to tax business at a flat 16%...i guess at 0% if the goods are for export?....whereas it appears imports would pay 16% tax....

Tax what exactly?

Are you talking about income? profit? inventory?

should be a tax on bullshit ... China AND Japan hold a combined 14% of the USA's debt .... not taxing them is politics.

saying you will is fodder for fools and RW's.
  1. We have no export tax. It is actually forbidden in the Constitution
  2. See above
  3. See above
  4. See above
And Cruz's claim that we do not 'tax' imports is factually incorrect. The United States imposes taxes on some imports, fees on almost all imports, and duties on most imports from China- duties being the name for taxes on imports.

sorry, corrected that, should have not called it an "export tax".....as Cruz said 'exports are free of tax'

"Today, the U.S. taxes American producers that export goods, but it imposes no burden on imports. My business tax is border-adjusted, so exports are free of tax and imports pay the same business-flat-tax rate as U.S.-produced goods. By shifting to a territorial tax system that doesn’t tax income earned overseas twice, my plan will reverse the incentive for U.S. companies to relocate overseas. Instead, businesses will be relocating to America."

But what taxes is Cruz talking about?

All business's are taxed- both producers of product that export- and companies that import product.

I am sure Cruz knows what he thinks he is saying, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

his tax plan is to tax business at a flat 16%...i guess at 0% if the goods are for export?....whereas it appears imports would pay 16% tax....

Tax what exactly?

Are you talking about income? profit? inventory?

should be a tax on bullshit ... China AND Japan hold a combined 14% of the USA's debt .... not taxing them is politics.

saying you will is fodder for fools and RW's.

This whole discussion is annoyingly vague.

What taxes?

All imports from China and Japan are subject to the same import duties that most countries pay.

The only exceptions are countries we have free trade agreements with- like Canada and Mexico, and odds and ends (Australia/Israel/Jordan etc).

The same taxes are applied on income earned from imports from any country.

The discussion is kind of nonsensical since no one is actually talking about any specific existing taxes.
sorry, corrected that, should have not called it an "export tax".....as Cruz said 'exports are free of tax'

"Today, the U.S. taxes American producers that export goods, but it imposes no burden on imports. My business tax is border-adjusted, so exports are free of tax and imports pay the same business-flat-tax rate as U.S.-produced goods. By shifting to a territorial tax system that doesn’t tax income earned overseas twice, my plan will reverse the incentive for U.S. companies to relocate overseas. Instead, businesses will be relocating to America."

But what taxes is Cruz talking about?

All business's are taxed- both producers of product that export- and companies that import product.

I am sure Cruz knows what he thinks he is saying, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

his tax plan is to tax business at a flat 16%...i guess at 0% if the goods are for export?....whereas it appears imports would pay 16% tax....

Tax what exactly?

Are you talking about income? profit? inventory?

should be a tax on bullshit ... China AND Japan hold a combined 14% of the USA's debt .... not taxing them is politics.

saying you will is fodder for fools and RW's.

This whole discussion is annoyingly vague.

What taxes?

All imports from China and Japan are subject to the same import duties that most countries pay.

The only exceptions are countries we have free trade agreements with- like Canada and Mexico, and odds and ends (Australia/Israel/Jordan etc).

The same taxes are applied on income earned from imports from any country.

The discussion is kind of nonsensical since no one is actually talking about any specific existing taxes.

read post #1
But what taxes is Cruz talking about?

All business's are taxed- both producers of product that export- and companies that import product.

I am sure Cruz knows what he thinks he is saying, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

his tax plan is to tax business at a flat 16%...i guess at 0% if the goods are for export?....whereas it appears imports would pay 16% tax....

Tax what exactly?

Are you talking about income? profit? inventory?

should be a tax on bullshit ... China AND Japan hold a combined 14% of the USA's debt .... not taxing them is politics.

saying you will is fodder for fools and RW's.

This whole discussion is annoyingly vague.

What taxes?

All imports from China and Japan are subject to the same import duties that most countries pay.

The only exceptions are countries we have free trade agreements with- like Canada and Mexico, and odds and ends (Australia/Israel/Jordan etc).

The same taxes are applied on income earned from imports from any country.

The discussion is kind of nonsensical since no one is actually talking about any specific existing taxes.

read post #1

read post #2
his tax plan is to tax business at a flat 16%...i guess at 0% if the goods are for export?....whereas it appears imports would pay 16% tax....

Tax what exactly?

Are you talking about income? profit? inventory?

should be a tax on bullshit ... China AND Japan hold a combined 14% of the USA's debt .... not taxing them is politics.

saying you will is fodder for fools and RW's.

This whole discussion is annoyingly vague.

What taxes?

All imports from China and Japan are subject to the same import duties that most countries pay.

The only exceptions are countries we have free trade agreements with- like Canada and Mexico, and odds and ends (Australia/Israel/Jordan etc).

The same taxes are applied on income earned from imports from any country.

The discussion is kind of nonsensical since no one is actually talking about any specific existing taxes.

read post #1

read post #2

hence my suggestion to tax (Cruz/Trump) BS

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