Ted Cruz's teen daughter comes out as bi

No. The right has had a slash and burn strategy for a long time. When you started calling people traitors over simple disagreements, there has been no way to discuss anything with you.

All my life, you fucktards have been calling anyone that does not agree with you, the vilests slurs, just because it worked.

Now, you want to pretend that it is because we hurt your feelings long ago?

I call bullshit. You are talking shit.
All my life, you fucktards have been calling anyone that does not agree with you, the vilests slurs, just because it worked.

Now, you want to pretend that it is because we hurt your feelings long ago?

I call bullshit. You are talking shit.
You never hurt my feelings. You did piss me off.
This CANNOT be TRUE!!! A teenage girl who disagrees with her FATHER???????? Is she GOING THRU A PHASE???

Parenthetically, there is no such thing as "bi-sexual." For males, if you s*ck richard, then you are gay. Period. No middle ground. If you are female and claim to be bisexual, you are simply repulsive and seek out affection wherever you can get it.

Just my opinion, of course.
Prolly a mild case of Covid
Considering that she has to know that lefties assholes will try to use it against her father? Yes, there is something wrong with it. It was an asshole move on her part.
The Left isn't going to use it against her. People on the Left who I know, don't give a shit. Do you?
The Left isn't going to use it against her. People on the Left who I know, don't give a shit. Do you?

The lefties in this thread, are using it for gist for their bullshit. They are doing it right here, and you are denying it, in the same thread they are doing it.
Trump kicked Epstein off his properities for sexually harassing young girls and yet you still try to spin shit.
Trump kicked Epstein off his property because he was getting complaints about him harassing young girls. Trump knew what was happening but did nothing about it until other guests threatened to leave. Trump didn't care about the girls. He cared about the money he might lose.
It matters because her father is anti-LGBT. He also bleevs being gay is a "choice".
Once again, so?

As a gay man myself, if you have to announce your gayness to the world, it is, in fact a choice and simply validates that point of view Cruz holds.

It is a choice if you only do it to spite your father's politics.

Now I repeat:

Yeah, so?
Once again, so?

As a gay man myself, if you have to announce your gayness to the world, it is, in fact a choice and simply validates that point of view Cruz holds.

It is a choice if you only do it to spite your father's politics.

Now I repeat:

Yeah, so?
Announcing you are gay means being gay is a choice? Say what!?!?
Announcing you are gay means being gay is a choice? Say what!?!?

Yep. Your incredulousness is showing.

1. His daughter is fully aware of her father's politics

2. Due to such awareness, she made the choice to suddenly announce to the world that she was bisexual.

Was she born that way?

Or did she simply make the choice to come out to embarrass her father?

Coming out is a deeply personal experience, and having to announce it to the world to spite someone else is a CHOICE and cheapens the journey and internal conflict that goes along with coming out in the first place.

I came out to my grandmother, not because of her devout Christian beliefs, but because I didn't think it was a Christian attitude to withhold the truth from her.
Yep. Your incredulousness is showing.

1. His daughter is fully aware of her father's politics

2. Due to such awareness, she made the choice to announce to the world that she was bisexual.

Was she born that way or did she simply make the choice to come out to embarrass her father?

Coming out is a deeply personal experience, and having to announce it to the world to spite someone else is a CHOICE and cheapens the journey and internal conflict that goes along with coming out in the first place.

I came out to my grandmother, not because of her devout Christian beliefs, but because I didn't think it was a Christian attitude to withhold the truth from her.
Wow. You are still as stupid as I recall.

Her father bleevs being gay is a choice. You follow me so far?

His daughter announces she is bisexual.

You then, astoundingly, say this confirms Ted Cruz's bleef that being gay is a choice.

Wow! Just...wow.

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