Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

That's OK. PETA kills more in a year than Nugent has in his whole life. But they're YOUR nut cases so it's OK.

Bunch of fucking pricks....

"Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for its uncompromising animal-rights positions, killed more than 95 percent of the pets in its care in 2011.

The documents, obtained from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, were published online by the Center for Consumer Freedom, a non-profit organization that runs online campaigns targeting groups that antagonize food producers.

Fifteen years’ worth of similar records show that since 1998 PETA has killed more than 27,000 animals at its headquarters in Norfolk, VA."

Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care | The Daily Caller

They are horrid beyond belief.

But admitted serial pedophiles, known child rapists - they're to be revered as our heroes, right tinydancer?

Did you know what Shitty Britches Nugent called it?

"alternative flesh management"

Some pages ago, I said I wish we could "harvest" him and I still think that's a dandy idea.

I was young. I was wild thing. These were crazy times. Now I don't know about Courtney. But I know what I did. Thank the good Lord my dad was a good man and understood his wild child.

Everything was real. And everything was wonderful. I loved every minute of it. I still love it.
Why would I want to profile a 12 year old child????

Sorry, but I don't know who you're talking to or what the original point was.

Okay,looks like you're talking to tinydancer but now that I've called her on her ridiculous threats and story telling ... well, if she does show up, it will be interesting to see what she has to say about the PROOF I've posted.

As for Harry, white-something, others who stood up for their hero the pedophile, they're cowards and would never admit to being wrong.
tinydancer has threatened to "take me out", call her good friend Ted to deal with me, has lied for him and made an ass of herself. Other rw's have taken the side of this admitted child rapist and accused me of blowing the scum bag.

Notice how ever single one of them took one look at the proof that is now posted and POOOF! they all got reeel busy elsewhere.

Cowardly scum.

What is this threatening about? What are you talking about?
Why would I want to profile a 12 year old child????

Sorry, but I don't know who you're talking to or what the original point was.

Okay,looks like you're talking to tinydancer but now that I've called her on her ridiculous threats and story telling ... well, if she does show up, it will be interesting to see what she has to say about the PROOF I've posted.

As for Harry, white-something, others who stood up for their hero the pedophile, they're cowards and would never admit to being wrong.

I'm trying to tell you because I like you don't call him a pedophile. Really truly I like you.

Don't do that. Don't endanger the board dearheart.
That's OK. PETA kills more in a year than Nugent has in his whole life. But they're YOUR nut cases so it's OK.

Bunch of fucking pricks....

"Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for its uncompromising animal-rights positions, killed more than 95 percent of the pets in its care in 2011.

The documents, obtained from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, were published online by the Center for Consumer Freedom, a non-profit organization that runs online campaigns targeting groups that antagonize food producers.

Fifteen years’ worth of similar records show that since 1998 PETA has killed more than 27,000 animals at its headquarters in Norfolk, VA."

Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care | The Daily Caller

umm... WHOSE nut cases? Who is "you" referring to?

PETA is a bunch of nutbags. At the same time, your source is the "Center for Consumer Freedom", a lobby group that lobbies on behalf of the fast food, meat, alcohol and tobacco industries headed by Rick Berman...

Rick Berman likes to strike fear into the hearts of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, labor unions and the Center for Science in the Public Interest. In his campaign against them, Berman zeroes in on just a handful of key issues through the web of groups that he helps spin.

... (Berman): "Our offensive strategy is to shoot the messenger. Given the activists' plans to alarm beyond all reason, we've got to attack their credibility as spokepersons."
(--The Zealot)​

You've got one group of nutbags pointing fingers at another group of nutbags. Looks like a wash.
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That's OK. PETA kills more in a year than Nugent has in his whole life. But they're YOUR nut cases so it's OK.

Bunch of fucking pricks....

"Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for its uncompromising animal-rights positions, killed more than 95 percent of the pets in its care in 2011.

The documents, obtained from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, were published online by the Center for Consumer Freedom, a non-profit organization that runs online campaigns targeting groups that antagonize food producers.

Fifteen years’ worth of similar records show that since 1998 PETA has killed more than 27,000 animals at its headquarters in Norfolk, VA."

Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care | The Daily Caller

umm... WHOSE nut cases? Who is "you" referring to?

PETA is a bunch of nutbags. At the same time, your source is the "Center for Consumer Freedom", a lobby group that lobbies on behalf of the fast food, meat, alcohol and tobacco industries headed by Rick Berman...

Rick Berman likes to strike fear into the hearts of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, labor unions and the Center for Science in the Public Interest. In his campaign against them, Berman zeroes in on just a handful of key issues through the web of groups that he helps spin.

... (Berman): "Our offensive strategy is to shoot the messenger. Given the activists' plans to alarm beyond all reason, we've got to attack their credibility as spokepersons."
(--The Zealot)​

You've got one group of nutbags pointing fingers at another group of nutbags. Looks like a wash.

Nugent raped children, admitted to being a serial pedophile, has had to pay fines for shooting protected wildlife, threatened the US president, sat in his own shit for days so he could get out of serving in the military and now calls himself a "patriot", currently bragging about wounding wildlife from the air and leaving them to die slow, agonizing deaths. And, that's just a partial list of why this "man" is a waste of skin and should be the one who is shot from a plane and left to bleed to death or die of infection in the bush.

Where has PETA or MADD done any of this?
I suspect he already has....as has luddly.

yea he is another one.....those two fight to be the one sucking.....

Meanwhile speaking of unfair without proof things, we get two wags right in front of us describing two other posters "sucking Nugent's dick" but no Ted , who doesn't even post here, is the one to whose defense we must come no pun intended.

Meanwhile, there's also this.... just puttin' it out here because it's already out there and already fifteen years old:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orz0zxH72K4]VH1's Behind The Music-Ted "Bring 'em Young" Nugent Confesses To Being A Pedophile - YouTube[/ame]


do you know why me and Koshergirl said what we said?.....
I will refrain from giving my opinion further about HOW nugent killed the hogs....but I would like to ask those who seem to be in the know, about nugent being a pedophile?? Did I miss a news broadcast where he was accused of such? This is the first I heard of it.

So if everyone is into teddly being a pedophile

Charge him now.

Let's get Courtney riight out there...
I guess his underwear is safe then if he ever meets you.

Probably not, but I not the one who promised to kill someone if they won the election in November. He should probably keep his mouth shut if is to chicken to keep his word or at least admit he is a fraud.
Who did he promise to kill? Can you post the link?

The comment I'll end up dead if got twisted into I 'll kill if., But you know how those libturds work someones words.
Rule of thumb:

Try to never post PWI or DUI.

Nugent is a nutbar.

The end.
Slaughtering hundreds of animals with a machine gun from a helicopter has NOTHING to do with sport. No sportsman can retain a shred of self respect should he ever stoop so low as Mr. Nugent glories in. But, I believe that self respect is a quality little recognized in the Nugent household. And after reading the Rambo wannabe posts here, I further believe that veiled threats and cryptic self imposed titles reveal not only shallow thinkers, but no self respect what so ever. I pity them.

The only question remains: why should such shallow thinkers be rewarded credibility for their positions? Shouldn't the mature, cogent reader merely dismiss them as violent juveniles with no social redeeming qualities? Petulant children who revel in destruction like the pink who kicks down his sister's sand castle? Make it easy for them and dismiss them as residue of a childhood untaught, unskilled and unrewarded. Be gone.

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