Ted Nugent to be guest of Rep Steve Stockman at Obama's State of the Union speech

I could care less if politicians from EITHER party get their panties in a bunch over somebody they don't like.

Ted Nugent is a great American. SCREW the GOP and SCREW the Democrats!


What's so "great" about this guy?

He shit his pants to avoid fighting a war.

He throat fucks twelve year olds and brags about it. Even wrote songs about it.

He pontificates about killing the American President...by chopping off his head or shoving a machine gun up his rear.

He's a disgusting person.

All lies.

And you spread them. This disturbs me about you Sallow. Most times I find you an outstanding poster.

Albeit with a different point of view than mine.

But this weirdo obsession of painting Nugent as a pedophile is nasty. And btw I know Stern seriously crucified Love on her bullshit stoned out statement.

But you continue with the lie.
I could care less if politicians from EITHER party get their panties in a bunch over somebody they don't like.

Ted Nugent is a great American. SCREW the GOP and SCREW the Democrats!


What's so "great" about this guy?

He shit his pants to avoid fighting a war.

He throat fucks twelve year olds and brags about it. Even wrote songs about it.

He pontificates about killing the American President...by chopping off his head or shoving a machine gun up his rear.

He's a disgusting person.

All lies.

And you spread them. This disturbs me about you Sallow. Most times I find you an outstanding poster.

Albeit with a different point of view than mine.

But this weirdo obsession of painting Nugent as a pedophile is nasty. And btw I know Stern seriously crucified Love on her bullshit stoned out statement.

But you continue with the lie.

They AREN'T lies.

Nugent has BRAGGED about each and every thing I have pointed out.

Ted Nugent: draft dodger (deadbeat dad and creepy ?teen dater? too) : The Reid Report

In that 1990 interview with the Free Press and from information collected from the Chickenhawk Web site, Nugent told about how he avoided the draft: “He claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.”

Chickenhawk website. Every time you people post your garbage you make yourself smaller.

Oh and Sarah Palin said I can see Russia from my house.

Cripes. You belittle yourself for the lie.

It's no lie.

Nugent BRAGGED about it.

Nugent also adopted a 17 year old so he could screw her.

Nugent abandoned his first kids as well.

He's a real schmuck.

Sallow he wanted to marry her. It was not allowed under Hawaiian law at the time so the only way around it was adoption.

His goal was to marry her. Ted was in love with her.

Now to his first children. He didn't abandon them. Their mothers gave them up for adoption.

Remember the 60's. Before we butchered babies in the womb?

The moms gave up the babies for adoption. Think about it. He had no rights one way or another.

Stop lying please.

What's so "great" about this guy?

He shit his pants to avoid fighting a war.

He throat fucks twelve year olds and brags about it. Even wrote songs about it.

He pontificates about killing the American President...by chopping off his head or shoving a machine gun up his rear.

He's a disgusting person.

All lies.

And you spread them. This disturbs me about you Sallow. Most times I find you an outstanding poster.

Albeit with a different point of view than mine.

But this weirdo obsession of painting Nugent as a pedophile is nasty. And btw I know Stern seriously crucified Love on her bullshit stoned out statement.

But you continue with the lie.

They AREN'T lies.

Nugent has BRAGGED about each and every thing I have pointed out.


Sallow. Let's discuss the issue of "abandoned children".

I'll take you on right here. He has never bragged on this. The young ladies in question gave the children up for adoption.

Nugent had no say in the matter.

At least they weren't aborted and flushed down a toilet or burnt out in the womb or pierced with a needle to kill them. They live to this day.

So how did he abandon them Sallow?
Now the 17 year old. Hawaiian law would not allow him to marry her. That was the goal. Marriage. Not that he could fuck her. I have no doubt from my own days as a groupie that was going on.

Nugent wanted to marry her. To make it legal. Is that so wrong?
Chickenhawk website. Every time you people post your garbage you make yourself smaller.

Oh and Sarah Palin said I can see Russia from my house.

Cripes. You belittle yourself for the lie.

It's no lie.

Nugent BRAGGED about it.

Nugent also adopted a 17 year old so he could screw her.

Nugent abandoned his first kids as well.

He's a real schmuck.

Sallow he wanted to marry her. It was not allowed under Hawaiian law at the time so the only way around it was adoption.

His goal was to marry her. Ted was in love with her.

Now to his first children. He didn't abandon them. Their mothers gave them up for adoption.

Remember the 60's. Before we butchered babies in the womb?

The moms gave up the babies for adoption. Think about it. He had no rights one way or another.

Stop lying please.

He wanted to marry her...until she turned 20 and was too old for him anymore.

The man has had eight children with six different women and he only married two of them. Great "family values" man for the GOP for sure...
Chickenhawk website. Every time you people post your garbage you make yourself smaller.

Oh and Sarah Palin said I can see Russia from my house.

Cripes. You belittle yourself for the lie.

It's no lie.

Nugent BRAGGED about it.

Nugent also adopted a 17 year old so he could screw her.

Nugent abandoned his first kids as well.

He's a real schmuck.

Sallow he wanted to marry her. It was not allowed under Hawaiian law at the time so the only way around it was adoption.

His goal was to marry her. Ted was in love with her.

Now to his first children. He didn't abandon them. Their mothers gave them up for adoption.

Remember the 60's. Before we butchered babies in the womb?

The moms gave up the babies for adoption. Think about it. He had no rights one way or another.

Stop lying please.



You just verified one of the things I pointed out.

Here's some more:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orz0zxH72K4]VH1's Behind The Music-Ted "Bring 'em Young" Nugent Confesses To Being A Pedophile - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06XVt6zEr9E]Ted Nugent Stumps for Mitt Romney at NRA Convention: "Chop their heads off in November" - YouTube[/ame]
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Oh and btw, I have his book sitting right next to me in one of my bookcases. Ted has never bragged on the sins of his past.

He has openly and honestly discussed them though.
It's no lie.

Nugent BRAGGED about it.

Nugent also adopted a 17 year old so he could screw her.

Nugent abandoned his first kids as well.

He's a real schmuck.

Sallow he wanted to marry her. It was not allowed under Hawaiian law at the time so the only way around it was adoption.

His goal was to marry her. Ted was in love with her.

Now to his first children. He didn't abandon them. Their mothers gave them up for adoption.

Remember the 60's. Before we butchered babies in the womb?

The moms gave up the babies for adoption. Think about it. He had no rights one way or another.

Stop lying please.

He wanted to marry her...until she turned 20 and was too old for him anymore.

The man has had eight children with six different women and he only married two of them. Great "family values" man for the GOP for sure...

But TD knows for sure that this guy has never done drugs in his life.
Now the story about him shitting his pants is from a website called "Chickenhawk".


I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build. I stopped shavin’ and I was 18, had a little scraggly beard, really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin’ kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and I’d drink the syrup, I was this side of death, Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up.

See, I approached the whole thing like, Ted Nugent, cool hard-workin’ dude, is gonna wreak havoc on these imbeciles in the armed forces. I’m gonna play their own game, and I’m gonna destroy ‘em. Now my whole body is crusted in poop and piss. I was ill. And three or four days before, I started stayin’ awake. I was close to death, but I was in control. I was extremely antidrug as I’ve always been, but I snorted some crystal methedrine. Talk about one wounded motherf*cker. A guy put up four lines, and it was for all four of us, but I didn’t know and I’m vacuuming that poop right up. I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop. I was six-foot-three of sin. So the guys took me down to the physical, and my nerves, my emotions were distraught. I was not a good person. I was wounded. But as painful and nauseous as it was – ‘cause I was really into bein’ clean and on the ball – I made gutter swine hippies look like football players. I was deviano.
Romney supporter Ted Nugent? Pedophile and draft dodger? His own words! - Baltimore liberal | Examiner.com
Sallow he wanted to marry her. It was not allowed under Hawaiian law at the time so the only way around it was adoption.

His goal was to marry her. Ted was in love with her.

Now to his first children. He didn't abandon them. Their mothers gave them up for adoption.

Remember the 60's. Before we butchered babies in the womb?

The moms gave up the babies for adoption. Think about it. He had no rights one way or another.

Stop lying please.

He wanted to marry her...until she turned 20 and was too old for him anymore.

The man has had eight children with six different women and he only married two of them. Great "family values" man for the GOP for sure...

But TD knows for sure that this guy has never done drugs in his life.

I'm pretty sure he hasn't.

Nugent was never into drugs.
It's no lie.

Nugent BRAGGED about it.

Nugent also adopted a 17 year old so he could screw her.

Nugent abandoned his first kids as well.

He's a real schmuck.

Sallow he wanted to marry her. It was not allowed under Hawaiian law at the time so the only way around it was adoption.

His goal was to marry her. Ted was in love with her.

Now to his first children. He didn't abandon them. Their mothers gave them up for adoption.

Remember the 60's. Before we butchered babies in the womb?

The moms gave up the babies for adoption. Think about it. He had no rights one way or another.

Stop lying please.

He wanted to marry her...until she turned 20 and was too old for him anymore.

The man has had eight children with six different women and he only married two of them. Great "family values" man for the GOP for sure...

Only three out of wedlock. In rock that's considered a pittance.

And he found God later in life. He was a sinner before. He came to Christ. 3:16 is what it is all about.

Oh you're a liberal. You don't know 3:16.

Let me tell you sister. Hear the plea. All sinners deserve to be saved. You are not to judge.

We can all be redeemed.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Oh and btw, I have his book sitting right next to me in one of my bookcases. Ted has never bragged on the sins of his past.

He has openly and honestly discussed them though.


Now he's back tracked on the shit he pulled.

But I remember reading the interview when it CAME OUT..and thought it was disgusting.

And I was against the war.
Sallow he wanted to marry her. It was not allowed under Hawaiian law at the time so the only way around it was adoption.

His goal was to marry her. Ted was in love with her.

Now to his first children. He didn't abandon them. Their mothers gave them up for adoption.

Remember the 60's. Before we butchered babies in the womb?

The moms gave up the babies for adoption. Think about it. He had no rights one way or another.

Stop lying please.

He wanted to marry her...until she turned 20 and was too old for him anymore.

The man has had eight children with six different women and he only married two of them. Great "family values" man for the GOP for sure...

Only three out of wedlock. In rock that's considered a pittance.

And he found God later in life. He was a sinner before. He came to Christ. 3:16 is what it is all about.

Oh you're a liberal. You don't know 3:16.

Let me tell you sister. Hear the plea. All sinners deserve to be saved. You are not to judge.

We can all be redeemed.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Ted Kennedy was a Catholic all his life.

Didn't stop you folks from dogging him about his accident until the day he died.
Ted Nugent: draft dodger (deadbeat dad and creepy ?teen dater? too) : The Reid Report

In that 1990 interview with the Free Press and from information collected from the Chickenhawk Web site, Nugent told about how he avoided the draft: “He claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.”

Chickenhawk website. Every time you people post your garbage you make yourself smaller.

Oh and Sarah Palin said I can see Russia from my house.

Cripes. You belittle yourself for the lie.

It's no lie.

Nugent BRAGGED about it.

Nugent also adopted a 17 year old so he could screw her.

Nugent abandoned his first kids as well.

He's a real schmuck.

They are Teds own words, his story

Simple question, What makes Ted a Patriot?
He wanted to marry her...until she turned 20 and was too old for him anymore.

The man has had eight children with six different women and he only married two of them. Great "family values" man for the GOP for sure...

But TD knows for sure that this guy has never done drugs in his life.

I'm pretty sure he hasn't.

Nugent was never into drugs.

Yeah, he just sang about it.

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