Teen fatally shot on way to school

But, but, but it is the right of the shooter to own, possess and have in his or her custody and control the gun used to shoot and kill. Don't you know the 2nd A. is sacrosanct, an no amount of murder, carnage or the death of children will ever convince elected officials dependent on the NRA to fund their campaign to ever consider gun control.

What's more important to an elected official, his or her reelection, or the life of a child?
Legal gun owners are not killing kids on the street in the numbers that the illegal ones are. Punish criminals and leave me the hell alone.

Therein is the problem, too obvious for you to see, apparently. Are all persons who murder the unarmed and innocent criminals before they commit the act which so labels them? Is a criminal in your post only one who has committed a violent crime, or someone who has committed petty thefts? Define the term, then offer a means to identify and disarm the "criminals".

I don't know what is in the mind and the heart of a specific gun owner, thus telling me to leave you the hell alone is sufficient for me to wonder if criminal intent is part of your makeup.
Of course not, but they are vastly more likely to become criminals because of their circumstances. That coupled with thed fact that a well educated person with a strong work ethic and strong moral values will likely earn enough so that he can live outside the inner city where most murders occur.
No criminal intent on my part at all. I am not a criminal, nor am I likely to commit a crime because I was raised in a 2 parent family, developed a strong work ethic and strong value system and got a decent education.

However, if someone who does not possess my values decides to enter my home without permission or assaults me on the street or in my place of business, I will defend myself. Thus, just leave me alone and everything's cool.

Not everyone is lucky enough to be raised by two parents, have you considered the numbers of men and women killed in combat this century, and wondered how many of their children will be raised in a single parent home?

What are your values, I don't need detail but you're so sure you have "strong values" makes me wonder. My values are framed by the Golden Rule, can you explain yours as concisely?

IMO, the use of a gun in the manner suggested in your post, suggests you have already decided your use of deadly force is both justified and acceptable within the structure of your "strong moral values". Comment?
WTF does combat have to do with a teenager shot on the way to school?

My values? I treat everyone with respect until they show me that they have nothing about them that deserves respect. If someone enters my house without permission, I have to assume that they deserve no respect and are there to at the least, take my property, if not my life.
I will protect myself, my family, my possessions and my business with deadly force and not lose sleep.

WTF? Think about it (it has nothing to do with the murder of the child, it has to do with your rant!)

Several years ago my door bell rang and a neighbor I didn't know - he lived behind our home - barged in. You would have shot and killed him, being an armed paranoid. I simply stopped him with an open hand to the chest, and said in so many words, "What's up"?

It turned out his cat had gotten under our house and he was trying to rescue it.

Luck for him a gun nut didn't live in my home, lucky for you, you haven't shot some kid trick or treating.

BTW, my LE experience suggests to me you're a punk. I can remember the bravado from my early years of tough guys, safely secured in the back seat cage, not much different than the punks on this message board safely secured behind their keyboard.
But, but, but it is the right of the shooter to own, possess and have in his or her custody and control the gun used to shoot and kill. Don't you know the 2nd A. is sacrosanct, an no amount of murder, carnage or the death of children will ever convince elected officials dependent on the NRA to fund their campaign to ever consider gun control.

What's more important to an elected official, his or her reelection, or the life of a child?
The 2nd has people like yourself in mind,sucks dosn't it?

The DSM-V has people like you in mind, and for good reason.
A true tragedy and as soon as one of you idiots can show me a law that any of these criminals follow I will gladly turn my guns in. But, as it is already illegal to murder people. And shoot people....and if it was a juvenile who did the shooting, illegal for him to even have a handgun, you idiots are all the same "pass more laws" even though they don't affect those who choose to break the law.

You are all just either incredibly stupid, or incredibly naive. I'm not sure which.
in germany if you are found having a gun

you go to jail for 3-10 years

if you use it its 20--50 years

in germany with 85 million people we have about 2-3 shootings a year
A true tragedy and as soon as one of you idiots can show me a law that any of these criminals follow I will gladly turn my guns in. But, as it is already illegal to murder people. And shoot people....and if it was a juvenile who did the shooting, illegal for him to even have a handgun, you idiots are all the same "pass more laws" even though they don't affect those who choose to break the law.

You are all just either incredibly stupid, or incredibly naive. I'm not sure which.

Well, you being the one who just made the blanket statement, I am sure which.
in germany if you are found having a gun

you go to jail for 3-10 years

if you use it its 20--50 years

in germany with 85 million people we have about 2-3 shootings a year

Yes, indeed. I have a jaegerschein. It is very, very difficult to obtain weapons legally in Germany. And yet, the crimes still happen. And they are happening more frequently as well. Furthermore, while the rate of murder is lower than the US the rate of violent crime is equal to ours. And, it is rising. Sadly, that means your murder rate will increase as well.
A true tragedy and as soon as one of you idiots can show me a law that any of these criminals follow I will gladly turn my guns in. But, as it is already illegal to murder people. And shoot people....and if it was a juvenile who did the shooting, illegal for him to even have a handgun, you idiots are all the same "pass more laws" even though they don't affect those who choose to break the law.

You are all just either incredibly stupid, or incredibly naive. I'm not sure which.

Fuck you! Gun control will become the law of the land, soon. Simply because real idiots, like you, and the NRA, a terrorist organization, are too stupid to recognize rational people are feed up with gun violence, and believe hiding behind the Second Amendment does nothing to protect innocent Americans at risk of the lazziez fraire policy in effect today.
A true tragedy and as soon as one of you idiots can show me a law that any of these criminals follow I will gladly turn my guns in. But, as it is already illegal to murder people. And shoot people....and if it was a juvenile who did the shooting, illegal for him to even have a handgun, you idiots are all the same "pass more laws" even though they don't affect those who choose to break the law.

You are all just either incredibly stupid, or incredibly naive. I'm not sure which.

Fuck you! Gun control will become the law of the land, soon. Simply because real idiots, like you, and the NRA, a terrorist organization, are too stupid to recognize rational people are feed up with gun violence, and believe hiding behind the Second Amendment does nothing to protect innocent Americans at risk of the lazziez fraire policy in effect today.

I thought you were intelligent? Here's the deal moron, if the progressives ever get to that point you will very quickly get to see the real reason for the 2nd Amendment. Your juvenile emotional outbursts are cute, but don't really address the issue. You tell me how a law is going to prevent bad guys from getting weapons. Here is Mexico. Guns are outlawed for the majority of the people. (other than single shot shotguns and .22 rifles). This is what Mexico is like in your anti gun paradise....

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Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Legal gun owners are not killing kids on the street in the numbers that the illegal ones are. Punish criminals and leave me the hell alone.

Therein is the problem, too obvious for you to see, apparently. Are all persons who murder the unarmed and innocent criminals before they commit the act which so labels them? Is a criminal in your post only one who has committed a violent crime, or someone who has committed petty thefts? Define the term, then offer a means to identify and disarm the "criminals".

I don't know what is in the mind and the heart of a specific gun owner, thus telling me to leave you the hell alone is sufficient for me to wonder if criminal intent is part of your makeup.
Of course not, but they are vastly more likely to become criminals because of their circumstances. That coupled with thed fact that a well educated person with a strong work ethic and strong moral values will likely earn enough so that he can live outside the inner city where most murders occur.
No criminal intent on my part at all. I am not a criminal, nor am I likely to commit a crime because I was raised in a 2 parent family, developed a strong work ethic and strong value system and got a decent education.

However, if someone who does not possess my values decides to enter my home without permission or assaults me on the street or in my place of business, I will defend myself. Thus, just leave me alone and everything's cool.

Not everyone is lucky enough to be raised by two parents, have you considered the numbers of men and women killed in combat this century, and wondered how many of their children will be raised in a single parent home?

What are your values, I don't need detail but you're so sure you have "strong values" makes me wonder. My values are framed by the Golden Rule, can you explain yours as concisely?

IMO, the use of a gun in the manner suggested in your post, suggests you have already decided your use of deadly force is both justified and acceptable within the structure of your "strong moral values". Comment?
WTF does combat have to do with a teenager shot on the way to school?

My values? I treat everyone with respect until they show me that they have nothing about them that deserves respect. If someone enters my house without permission, I have to assume that they deserve no respect and are there to at the least, take my property, if not my life.
I will protect myself, my family, my possessions and my business with deadly force and not lose sleep.

WTF? Think about it (it has nothing to do with the murder of the child, it has to do with your rant!)

Several years ago my door bell rang and a neighbor I didn't know - he lived behind our home - barged in. You would have shot and killed him, being an armed paranoid. I simply stopped him with an open hand to the chest, and said in so many words, "What's up"?

It turned out his cat had gotten under our house and he was trying to rescue it.

Luck for him a gun nut didn't live in my home, lucky for you, you haven't shot some kid trick or treating.

BTW, my LE experience suggests to me you're a punk. I can remember the bravado from my early years of tough guys, safely secured in the back seat cage, not much different than the punks on this message board safely secured behind their keyboard.
Trick or treat is one night per year, idiot.

Regarding your neighbor anecdote... Lucky for you, it was just a neighbor looking for his cat.

Yes he's lucky he didn't barge into my house. He most likely would have died BECAUSE HE ENTERED MY HOUSE WITHOUT PERMISSION. Anyone who does that, I would have to assume, is up to no good. At the least he is after my property At most, he is after my family.
I am a husband and a father and grandfather. I have a personal responsibility to keep my family safe. I take that responsibility very seriously.

Just remember, when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.

I've never before met a LEO so terrified by guns. Makes me think that you're f... .. ....
in germany semiautomatic weapons are illegal

a hunter does not need them
Why are you even a member of a message board the discusses US politics? Why would you presume to tell someone in a foreign country how to run their homeland?
A true tragedy and as soon as one of you idiots can show me a law that any of these criminals follow I will gladly turn my guns in. But, as it is already illegal to murder people. And shoot people....and if it was a juvenile who did the shooting, illegal for him to even have a handgun, you idiots are all the same "pass more laws" even though they don't affect those who choose to break the law.

You are all just either incredibly stupid, or incredibly naive. I'm not sure which.

Fuck you! Gun control will become the law of the land, soon. Simply because real idiots, like you, and the NRA, a terrorist organization, are too stupid to recognize rational people are feed up with gun violence, and believe hiding behind the Second Amendment does nothing to protect innocent Americans at risk of the lazziez fraire policy in effect today.

I thought you were intelligent? Here's the deal moron, if the progressives ever get to that point you will very quickly get to see the real reason for the 2nd Amendment. Your juvenile emotional outbursts are cute, but don't really address the issue. You tell me how a law is going to prevent bad guys from getting weapons. Here is Mexico. Guns are outlawed for the majority of the people. (other than single shot shotguns and .22 rifles). This is what Mexico is like in your anti gun paradise....

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

You thought correctly.

Here's the deal, gun control does not mean guns will be outlawed. I support the right of honest, sober, sane and law abiding citizens to own, possess and have in their custody and control a firearm capable of providing for the defense of a persons home and/or place of business.

Let that be the starting point for an intelligent debate on gun control.
Therein is the problem, too obvious for you to see, apparently. Are all persons who murder the unarmed and innocent criminals before they commit the act which so labels them? Is a criminal in your post only one who has committed a violent crime, or someone who has committed petty thefts? Define the term, then offer a means to identify and disarm the "criminals".

I don't know what is in the mind and the heart of a specific gun owner, thus telling me to leave you the hell alone is sufficient for me to wonder if criminal intent is part of your makeup.
Of course not, but they are vastly more likely to become criminals because of their circumstances. That coupled with thed fact that a well educated person with a strong work ethic and strong moral values will likely earn enough so that he can live outside the inner city where most murders occur.
No criminal intent on my part at all. I am not a criminal, nor am I likely to commit a crime because I was raised in a 2 parent family, developed a strong work ethic and strong value system and got a decent education.

However, if someone who does not possess my values decides to enter my home without permission or assaults me on the street or in my place of business, I will defend myself. Thus, just leave me alone and everything's cool.

Not everyone is lucky enough to be raised by two parents, have you considered the numbers of men and women killed in combat this century, and wondered how many of their children will be raised in a single parent home?

What are your values, I don't need detail but you're so sure you have "strong values" makes me wonder. My values are framed by the Golden Rule, can you explain yours as concisely?

IMO, the use of a gun in the manner suggested in your post, suggests you have already decided your use of deadly force is both justified and acceptable within the structure of your "strong moral values". Comment?
WTF does combat have to do with a teenager shot on the way to school?

My values? I treat everyone with respect until they show me that they have nothing about them that deserves respect. If someone enters my house without permission, I have to assume that they deserve no respect and are there to at the least, take my property, if not my life.
I will protect myself, my family, my possessions and my business with deadly force and not lose sleep.

WTF? Think about it (it has nothing to do with the murder of the child, it has to do with your rant!)

Several years ago my door bell rang and a neighbor I didn't know - he lived behind our home - barged in. You would have shot and killed him, being an armed paranoid. I simply stopped him with an open hand to the chest, and said in so many words, "What's up"?

It turned out his cat had gotten under our house and he was trying to rescue it.

Luck for him a gun nut didn't live in my home, lucky for you, you haven't shot some kid trick or treating.

BTW, my LE experience suggests to me you're a punk. I can remember the bravado from my early years of tough guys, safely secured in the back seat cage, not much different than the punks on this message board safely secured behind their keyboard.
Trick or treat is one night per year, idiot.

Regarding your neighbor anecdote... Lucky for you, it was just a neighbor looking for his cat.

Yes he's lucky he didn't barge into my house. He most likely would have died BECAUSE HE ENTERED MY HOUSE WITHOUT PERMISSION. Anyone who does that, I would have to assume, is up to no good. At the least he is after my property At most, he is after my family.
I am a husband and a father and grandfather. I have a personal responsibility to keep my family safe. I take that responsibility very seriously.

Just remember, when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.

I've never before met a LEO so terrified by guns. Makes me think that you're f... .. ....

Nice try, I too am a father, a parent and have never been terrified by guns and nothing I posted has suggested that to be true.

The trick or treating comment was based on the murder by a gun owner who shot and killed a kid on Halloween. I have other anecdotes of murders too, one sticks out when an older man shot at a car full of kids who were knocking down mail boxes with a baseball bat - one shot found its mark and a 16 year old white, Catholic student from a local Catholic High School Died.

The man, in his 60's was tried, convicted of Second Degree Murder and sent to prison; he was not a criminal before he acted, he is today.

You response is typical of someone unwilling or unable to respond or rebut my post. Your rights (in your mind) are more important than the life of another, so much so that you reject even a discussion on efforts which might keep guns out of the hand of those who are not sober, sane, responsible, and suggest you are willing (eager?) to prove your manhood from a dozen or more feet away.

Thus, as I suspected an intelligent debate with you is beyond hope.
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in germany if you are found having a gun

you go to jail for 3-10 years

if you use it its 20--50 years

in germany with 85 million people we have about 2-3 shootings a year
Yeah, Germany also has about 50,000,000 deaths on their bloody hands is the last century.

Thanks for a point well made; I think I'll buy myself another M-1A and 2,000 rounds for my birthday.
A true tragedy and as soon as one of you idiots can show me a law that any of these criminals follow I will gladly turn my guns in. But, as it is already illegal to murder people. And shoot people....and if it was a juvenile who did the shooting, illegal for him to even have a handgun, you idiots are all the same "pass more laws" even though they don't affect those who choose to break the law.

You are all just either incredibly stupid, or incredibly naive. I'm not sure which.

Fuck you! Gun control will become the law of the land, soon. Simply because real idiots, like you, and the NRA, a terrorist organization, are too stupid to recognize rational people are feed up with gun violence, and believe hiding behind the Second Amendment does nothing to protect innocent Americans at risk of the lazziez fraire policy in effect today.

I thought you were intelligent? Here's the deal moron, if the progressives ever get to that point you will very quickly get to see the real reason for the 2nd Amendment. Your juvenile emotional outbursts are cute, but don't really address the issue. You tell me how a law is going to prevent bad guys from getting weapons. Here is Mexico. Guns are outlawed for the majority of the people. (other than single shot shotguns and .22 rifles). This is what Mexico is like in your anti gun paradise....

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Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

You thought correctly.

Here's the deal, gun control does not mean guns will be outlawed. I support the right of honest, sober, sane and law abiding citizens to own, possess and have in their custody and control a firearm capable of providing for the defense of a persons home and/or place of business.

Let that be the starting point for an intelligent debate on gun control.
Everyone knows what needs to be controlled, it is not PC to say so.
A 17-year-old boy that police said was fatally shot early Monday morning in the parking lot of the Forest Park Apartments, in Algiers, was a student at Landry-Walker High School, the chief of the Algiers Charter School Association confirmed.
The victim, whom authorities did not immediately identify, appeared to be on his way to school when he was gunned down at approximately 7:45 a.m., New Orleans police said. Witnesses said he was wearing a school uniform, and a blue backpack was strewn on the ground at the crime scene in the 3700 block of Garden Oaks Drive. The apartment complex is about 2.5 miles from the victim’s school.
NOPD spokesman Officer Garry Flot said the teen sustained multiple gunshot wounds and died shortly after being transported to Interim LSU hospital. Police homicide detectives searched for clues around the parking lot, which remained cordoned off until 10:20 a.m. Several shell casings were recovered.
Algiers teen fatally shot on way to school was student at Landry-Walker High NOLA.com
This sh#t happens in America every day. What will we say? "Oh, it's awfull - find the killers..." But don't you consider that this kind of incidents happens too often.
The Government must revise the 2nd Amendment and reduce guns' selling. We are not living in Somalia where schoolchildren may be shot easily at any time.

We need to quit elevating victims of gun violence to saint-status. If he was shot "multiple times" I dare say the shooters knew him and were upset with him for something. Thus he's probably not an innocent who took one accidental hit or got caught in a crossfire. Before we bemoan the incident how about we find out why someone was so pissed with him they shot him. Coulda be a total pile of crap who got what he deserved. Not saying he was, but instead of treating every such incident like Mother Theresa was gunned down let's find out a bit first.
A 17-year-old boy that police said was fatally shot early Monday morning in the parking lot of the Forest Park Apartments, in Algiers, was a student at Landry-Walker High School, the chief of the Algiers Charter School Association confirmed.
The victim, whom authorities did not immediately identify, appeared to be on his way to school when he was gunned down at approximately 7:45 a.m., New Orleans police said. Witnesses said he was wearing a school uniform, and a blue backpack was strewn on the ground at the crime scene in the 3700 block of Garden Oaks Drive. The apartment complex is about 2.5 miles from the victim’s school.
NOPD spokesman Officer Garry Flot said the teen sustained multiple gunshot wounds and died shortly after being transported to Interim LSU hospital. Police homicide detectives searched for clues around the parking lot, which remained cordoned off until 10:20 a.m. Several shell casings were recovered.
Algiers teen fatally shot on way to school was student at Landry-Walker High NOLA.com
This sh#t happens in America every day. What will we say? "Oh, it's awfull - find the killers..." But don't you consider that this kind of incidents happens too often.
The Government must revise the 2nd Amendment and reduce guns' selling. We are not living in Somalia where schoolchildren may be shot easily at any time.

We need to quit elevating victims of gun violence to saint-status. If he was shot "multiple times" I dare say the shooters knew him and were upset with him for something. Thus he's probably not an innocent who took one accidental hit or got caught in a crossfire. Before we bemoan the incident how about we find out why someone was so pissed with him they shot him. Coulda be a total pile of crap who got what he deserved. Not saying he was, but instead of treating every such incident like Mother Theresa was gunned down let's find out a bit first.

Do you believe a women wearing a tight sweater deserves to be raped? Capital punishment is used after due process, and even when so sentenced the Innocents Project has demonstrated sometimes the wrong person has been convicted.

The shooter is the criminal no matter what the victim did in this case (there is no evidence he was armed).

Road rage incidents have lead to drive-by shootings, has cutting someone off been elevated from reckless driving and a fine to a capital crime? Let's be real, and have an intelligent debate on guns and gun control.
A 17-year-old boy that police said was fatally shot early Monday morning in the parking lot of the Forest Park Apartments, in Algiers, was a student at Landry-Walker High School, the chief of the Algiers Charter School Association confirmed.
The victim, whom authorities did not immediately identify, appeared to be on his way to school when he was gunned down at approximately 7:45 a.m., New Orleans police said. Witnesses said he was wearing a school uniform, and a blue backpack was strewn on the ground at the crime scene in the 3700 block of Garden Oaks Drive. The apartment complex is about 2.5 miles from the victim’s school.
NOPD spokesman Officer Garry Flot said the teen sustained multiple gunshot wounds and died shortly after being transported to Interim LSU hospital. Police homicide detectives searched for clues around the parking lot, which remained cordoned off until 10:20 a.m. Several shell casings were recovered.
Algiers teen fatally shot on way to school was student at Landry-Walker High NOLA.com
This sh#t happens in America every day. What will we say? "Oh, it's awfull - find the killers..." But don't you consider that this kind of incidents happens too often.
The Government must revise the 2nd Amendment and reduce guns' selling. We are not living in Somalia where schoolchildren may be shot easily at any time.

We need to quit elevating victims of gun violence to saint-status. If he was shot "multiple times" I dare say the shooters knew him and were upset with him for something. Thus he's probably not an innocent who took one accidental hit or got caught in a crossfire. Before we bemoan the incident how about we find out why someone was so pissed with him they shot him. Coulda be a total pile of crap who got what he deserved. Not saying he was, but instead of treating every such incident like Mother Theresa was gunned down let's find out a bit first.
Damn, score one for the Board Perv!!!

Excellent post.

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