Teen Vogue features 9 year old drag queen

It's the parents and 'Teen Vogue' whom are making all the money here. Greed.

I know a woman who is still making money telling her son that he's autistic. He gets a crazy check from the government every month. All he has to do is sit in a corner with a blanket over his head and not speak.
RW moralists often end up being the worst offenders - or end up coming out of the closet.

Even if it were true, how does it excuse the recent trend from the left wrong of explicitly pushing sexual perversion, deviance, and filth at minors?

It is one thing for consenting adults to wallow in this filth; it is another thing entirely to drag children into it.

Lactatia from the word Lactation.

How did you miss that one?

How did you miss that I didn't miss it?

Oh wait - never mind :laugh:


Don't you just love cats when they get a bit tipsy?

For your education since you seem to have no idea what makes cats tipsy. Gee, you seem to be missing a lot lately. Have you had your comprehension checked.

Catnip, which most people think is a drug similar to marijuana is really a strain of mint. Just to educate you a little bit more.
For your education since you seem to have no idea what makes cats tipsy. Gee, you seem to be missing a lot lately. Have you had your comprehension checked.

Catnip, which most people think is a drug similar to marijuana is really a strain of mint. Just to educate you a little bit more.

Even though I've had at least a dozen cats - I'd never heard of catnip.
Not sure what I'd do without ya Tips! :rolleyes-41:
For your education since you seem to have no idea what makes cats tipsy. Gee, you seem to be missing a lot lately. Have you had your comprehension checked.

Catnip, which most people think is a drug similar to marijuana is really a strain of mint. Just to educate you a little bit more.

Even though I've had at least a dozen cats - I'd never heard of catnip.
Not sure what I'd do without ya Tips! :rolleyes-41:

You never heard of catnip! How can this be? Every pet store has a full line of catnip and catnip stuffed toys. Your poor kitties, deprived. Although not all cats react to catnip most do. Get thee to the nearest pet store for a bit of Christmas catnip!.
You never heard of catnip! How can this be? Every pet store has a full line of catnip and catnip stuffed toys. Your poor kitties, deprived. Although not all cats react to catnip most do. Get thee to the nearest pet store for a bit of Christmas catnip!.

Tips - why is it that you don't comprehend sarcasm even with the eye roll smiley? I'll be more direct - yes, I know all about catnip and its effect on cats.
I hear that Hillary Clinton is going be the editor for an edition of Teen Vogue.
You never heard of catnip! How can this be? Every pet store has a full line of catnip and catnip stuffed toys. Your poor kitties, deprived. Although not all cats react to catnip most do. Get thee to the nearest pet store for a bit of Christmas catnip!.

Tips - why is it that you don't comprehend sarcasm even with the eye roll smiley? I'll be more direct - yes, I know all about catnip and its effect on cats.

Then you should not have lied! Simple.

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