Teenager Who Has Been Dating Her Father For Two Years Reveals The Pair Are Planning To Get Married..

Buddy, if you have to ask then you have issues.

I see you can't explain it.

Just as I thought.

If you have to ask why Adam and Steve can't get married, then you have issues.

It should NOT have to be explained, and I'm on to your agenda here, so you can cut the crap now.

Perhaps before the advent of gay marriage when people were rational. But now since they aren't you'll have to explain it terms of gay logic. Why can't two consenting adults who love each other get married?

You think that gay people just recently "evolved" into being, eh? I tend to think that they were born with something tweaked. Maybe it's something chemical or something else, but no, gay people have always existed. In fact, in some ancient civilizations, it was completely acceptable. The reason why I don't feel threatened by gay marriage is because:

1) I realize that it is a relatively SMALL portion of the population that is attracted to their own sex and would actively seek out such a relationship.
2) Your marriage is whatever YOU make it. If your marriage sucks, you can't blame that on gay marriage.
3) I really don't care because they aren't a parent/child, they are consenting adults, it's none of my business.

OTOH, in a parent/child relationship, there was or is more than likely some kind of an abuse occurring. A parent is supposed to be a safe place to go, a person you can trust, a person who gives you proper guidance and cares about you and your future.

Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

So, one of your side's arguments against gay marriage is that it would lead to incest being legal, but who is here arguing FOR incest? :lol: Ironic.
I see you can't explain it.

Just as I thought.

If you have to ask why Adam and Steve can't get married, then you have issues.

It should NOT have to be explained, and I'm on to your agenda here, so you can cut the crap now.

Perhaps before the advent of gay marriage when people were rational. But now since they aren't you'll have to explain it terms of gay logic. Why can't two consenting adults who love each other get married?

You think that gay people just recently "evolved" into being, eh? I tend to think that they were born with something tweaked. Maybe it's something chemical or something else, but no, gay people have always existed. In fact, in some ancient civilizations, it was completely acceptable. The reason why I don't feel threatened by gay marriage is because:

1) I realize that it is a relatively SMALL portion of the population that is attracted to their own sex and would actively seek out such a relationship.
2) Your marriage is whatever YOU make it. If your marriage sucks, you can't blame that on gay marriage.
3) I really don't care because they aren't a parent/child, they are consenting adults, it's none of my business.

OTOH, in a parent/child relationship, there was or is more than likely some kind of an abuse occurring. A parent is supposed to be a safe place to go, a person you can trust, a person who gives you proper guidance and cares about you and your future.

Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

That is different than a parent/child relationship. Think of yourself as a child with nowhere to turn because the person you are supposed to trust the most and be able to turn to with problems is betraying you and taking advantage of you and your naivety. You are trying to compare to adults who are unrelated but just happen to be the same sex with this horrible situation. You are wrong. Besides, it is pretty clear what you all are doing, so nobody is falling for it. Who are you trying to convince here?

we're talking about adults here, not children. Remember, consenting adults?

What I am doing is taking your "logic" to its ultimate conclusion.
I see you can't explain it.

Just as I thought.

If you have to ask why Adam and Steve can't get married, then you have issues.

It should NOT have to be explained, and I'm on to your agenda here, so you can cut the crap now.

Perhaps before the advent of gay marriage when people were rational. But now since they aren't you'll have to explain it terms of gay logic. Why can't two consenting adults who love each other get married?

You think that gay people just recently "evolved" into being, eh? I tend to think that they were born with something tweaked. Maybe it's something chemical or something else, but no, gay people have always existed. In fact, in some ancient civilizations, it was completely acceptable. The reason why I don't feel threatened by gay marriage is because:

1) I realize that it is a relatively SMALL portion of the population that is attracted to their own sex and would actively seek out such a relationship.
2) Your marriage is whatever YOU make it. If your marriage sucks, you can't blame that on gay marriage.
3) I really don't care because they aren't a parent/child, they are consenting adults, it's none of my business.

OTOH, in a parent/child relationship, there was or is more than likely some kind of an abuse occurring. A parent is supposed to be a safe place to go, a person you can trust, a person who gives you proper guidance and cares about you and your future.

Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

So, one of your side's arguments against gay marriage is that it would lead to incest being legal, but who is here arguing FOR incest? :lol: Ironic.

I think the people in the story from the OP are arguing for incest.
It should NOT have to be explained, and I'm on to your agenda here, so you can cut the crap now.

Perhaps before the advent of gay marriage when people were rational. But now since they aren't you'll have to explain it terms of gay logic. Why can't two consenting adults who love each other get married?

You think that gay people just recently "evolved" into being, eh? I tend to think that they were born with something tweaked. Maybe it's something chemical or something else, but no, gay people have always existed. In fact, in some ancient civilizations, it was completely acceptable. The reason why I don't feel threatened by gay marriage is because:

1) I realize that it is a relatively SMALL portion of the population that is attracted to their own sex and would actively seek out such a relationship.
2) Your marriage is whatever YOU make it. If your marriage sucks, you can't blame that on gay marriage.
3) I really don't care because they aren't a parent/child, they are consenting adults, it's none of my business.

OTOH, in a parent/child relationship, there was or is more than likely some kind of an abuse occurring. A parent is supposed to be a safe place to go, a person you can trust, a person who gives you proper guidance and cares about you and your future.

Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

That is different than a parent/child relationship. Think of yourself as a child with nowhere to turn because the person you are supposed to trust the most and be able to turn to with problems is betraying you and taking advantage of you and your naivety. You are trying to compare to adults who are unrelated but just happen to be the same sex with this horrible situation. You are wrong. Besides, it is pretty clear what you all are doing, so nobody is falling for it. Who are you trying to convince here?

we're talking about adults here, not children. Remember, consenting adults?

What I am doing is taking your "logic" to its ultimate conclusion.

That doesn't matter. That relationship STILL exists into adulthood with your parents. Also, this girl was not really an adult. She had all of 16 years experience on this earth and this man is her FATHER. Don't see anything wrong with that? Then you are just as sick. Seek help.
It should NOT have to be explained, and I'm on to your agenda here, so you can cut the crap now.

Perhaps before the advent of gay marriage when people were rational. But now since they aren't you'll have to explain it terms of gay logic. Why can't two consenting adults who love each other get married?

You think that gay people just recently "evolved" into being, eh? I tend to think that they were born with something tweaked. Maybe it's something chemical or something else, but no, gay people have always existed. In fact, in some ancient civilizations, it was completely acceptable. The reason why I don't feel threatened by gay marriage is because:

1) I realize that it is a relatively SMALL portion of the population that is attracted to their own sex and would actively seek out such a relationship.
2) Your marriage is whatever YOU make it. If your marriage sucks, you can't blame that on gay marriage.
3) I really don't care because they aren't a parent/child, they are consenting adults, it's none of my business.

OTOH, in a parent/child relationship, there was or is more than likely some kind of an abuse occurring. A parent is supposed to be a safe place to go, a person you can trust, a person who gives you proper guidance and cares about you and your future.

Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

So, one of your side's arguments against gay marriage is that it would lead to incest being legal, but who is here arguing FOR incest? :lol: Ironic.

I think the people in the story from the OP are arguing for incest.

So, then you agree that it's wrong? So what are you arguing about then? I'm sorry, but gay marriage is not NEARLY as disgusting as this to most people, I believe.

Now, why don't you explain to us just what it is that has you so worried about gay people, who are NOT parent/child, marrying one another?
I can't even really fathom what kind of a sick mind would ever want such a relationship. It is sick beyond belief! "Oh, nice to meet you, this is my dad/husband. Here are our little screwed up babies. Yeah, we're a couple of real losers." Good grief! Could you imagine?
And this girl is a teenager, NOT an adult. Still very young, naive and impressionable. ANY adult, and especially a parent, who would take advantage is a sick puppy. Very, very sick.
Perhaps before the advent of gay marriage when people were rational. But now since they aren't you'll have to explain it terms of gay logic. Why can't two consenting adults who love each other get married?

You think that gay people just recently "evolved" into being, eh? I tend to think that they were born with something tweaked. Maybe it's something chemical or something else, but no, gay people have always existed. In fact, in some ancient civilizations, it was completely acceptable. The reason why I don't feel threatened by gay marriage is because:

1) I realize that it is a relatively SMALL portion of the population that is attracted to their own sex and would actively seek out such a relationship.
2) Your marriage is whatever YOU make it. If your marriage sucks, you can't blame that on gay marriage.
3) I really don't care because they aren't a parent/child, they are consenting adults, it's none of my business.

OTOH, in a parent/child relationship, there was or is more than likely some kind of an abuse occurring. A parent is supposed to be a safe place to go, a person you can trust, a person who gives you proper guidance and cares about you and your future.

Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

That is different than a parent/child relationship. Think of yourself as a child with nowhere to turn because the person you are supposed to trust the most and be able to turn to with problems is betraying you and taking advantage of you and your naivety. You are trying to compare to adults who are unrelated but just happen to be the same sex with this horrible situation. You are wrong. Besides, it is pretty clear what you all are doing, so nobody is falling for it. Who are you trying to convince here?

we're talking about adults here, not children. Remember, consenting adults?

What I am doing is taking your "logic" to its ultimate conclusion.

That doesn't matter. That relationship STILL exists into adulthood with your parents. Also, this girl was not really an adult. She had all of 16 years experience on this earth and this man is her FATHER. Don't see anything wrong with that? Then you are just as sick. Seek help.
You're introducing all kinds of issues that aren't part of the argument. Assume the relationship didn't start until they were both adults. Why should it be illegal for them to marry?

Yeah, I see something wrong with that. I also see something wrong with Adam and Steve getting married.
You think that gay people just recently "evolved" into being, eh? I tend to think that they were born with something tweaked. Maybe it's something chemical or something else, but no, gay people have always existed. In fact, in some ancient civilizations, it was completely acceptable. The reason why I don't feel threatened by gay marriage is because:

1) I realize that it is a relatively SMALL portion of the population that is attracted to their own sex and would actively seek out such a relationship.
2) Your marriage is whatever YOU make it. If your marriage sucks, you can't blame that on gay marriage.
3) I really don't care because they aren't a parent/child, they are consenting adults, it's none of my business.

OTOH, in a parent/child relationship, there was or is more than likely some kind of an abuse occurring. A parent is supposed to be a safe place to go, a person you can trust, a person who gives you proper guidance and cares about you and your future.

Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

That is different than a parent/child relationship. Think of yourself as a child with nowhere to turn because the person you are supposed to trust the most and be able to turn to with problems is betraying you and taking advantage of you and your naivety. You are trying to compare to adults who are unrelated but just happen to be the same sex with this horrible situation. You are wrong. Besides, it is pretty clear what you all are doing, so nobody is falling for it. Who are you trying to convince here?

we're talking about adults here, not children. Remember, consenting adults?

What I am doing is taking your "logic" to its ultimate conclusion.

That doesn't matter. That relationship STILL exists into adulthood with your parents. Also, this girl was not really an adult. She had all of 16 years experience on this earth and this man is her FATHER. Don't see anything wrong with that? Then you are just as sick. Seek help.
You're introducing all kinds of issues that aren't part of the argument. Assume the relationship didn't start until they were both adults. Why should it be illegal for them to marry?

Yeah, I see something wrong with that. I also see something wrong with Adam and Steve getting married.

Ugh, I don't even want to think about it anymore. It's gross. :puke:
Arguments 1,2 and three all apply to incestuous relationships. You claim there is abuse, but can you prove it? A lot of gay couples seem pretty abusive too me. I used to live in an apartment across the hall from two lesbians who lived together, and they were always screaming at each other, and I mean ALWAYS - like every night.

So none of your lame excuses hold water.

That is different than a parent/child relationship. Think of yourself as a child with nowhere to turn because the person you are supposed to trust the most and be able to turn to with problems is betraying you and taking advantage of you and your naivety. You are trying to compare to adults who are unrelated but just happen to be the same sex with this horrible situation. You are wrong. Besides, it is pretty clear what you all are doing, so nobody is falling for it. Who are you trying to convince here?

we're talking about adults here, not children. Remember, consenting adults?

What I am doing is taking your "logic" to its ultimate conclusion.

That doesn't matter. That relationship STILL exists into adulthood with your parents. Also, this girl was not really an adult. She had all of 16 years experience on this earth and this man is her FATHER. Don't see anything wrong with that? Then you are just as sick. Seek help.
You're introducing all kinds of issues that aren't part of the argument. Assume the relationship didn't start until they were both adults. Why should it be illegal for them to marry?

Yeah, I see something wrong with that. I also see something wrong with Adam and Steve getting married.

Ugh, I don't even want to think about it anymore. It's gross. :puke:

That's right, run away like a scarred little puppy with its tail between its legs.
That is different than a parent/child relationship. Think of yourself as a child with nowhere to turn because the person you are supposed to trust the most and be able to turn to with problems is betraying you and taking advantage of you and your naivety. You are trying to compare to adults who are unrelated but just happen to be the same sex with this horrible situation. You are wrong. Besides, it is pretty clear what you all are doing, so nobody is falling for it. Who are you trying to convince here?

we're talking about adults here, not children. Remember, consenting adults?

What I am doing is taking your "logic" to its ultimate conclusion.

That doesn't matter. That relationship STILL exists into adulthood with your parents. Also, this girl was not really an adult. She had all of 16 years experience on this earth and this man is her FATHER. Don't see anything wrong with that? Then you are just as sick. Seek help.
You're introducing all kinds of issues that aren't part of the argument. Assume the relationship didn't start until they were both adults. Why should it be illegal for them to marry?

Yeah, I see something wrong with that. I also see something wrong with Adam and Steve getting married.

Ugh, I don't even want to think about it anymore. It's gross. :puke:

That's right, run away like a scarred little puppy with its tail between its legs.

Lol, I'm not afraid to admit that I would run away from incest. Maybe you would like it. :D
we're talking about adults here, not children. Remember, consenting adults?

What I am doing is taking your "logic" to its ultimate conclusion.

That doesn't matter. That relationship STILL exists into adulthood with your parents. Also, this girl was not really an adult. She had all of 16 years experience on this earth and this man is her FATHER. Don't see anything wrong with that? Then you are just as sick. Seek help.
You're introducing all kinds of issues that aren't part of the argument. Assume the relationship didn't start until they were both adults. Why should it be illegal for them to marry?

Yeah, I see something wrong with that. I also see something wrong with Adam and Steve getting married.

Ugh, I don't even want to think about it anymore. It's gross. :puke:

That's right, run away like a scarred little puppy with its tail between its legs.

Lol, I'm not afraid to admit that I would run away from incest. Maybe you would like it. :D

Typical liberal: when you're losing an argument, you accuse your opponent of some kind of foulness. Then you'll wine like a baby if I apply the labels to you that accurately describe you.
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The real issue is why you even care? Tell us how it effects you and quit pretending that same-sex marriage leads to incest.
As the subject of this thread clearly demonstrates, gay marriage undermines the basis of marriage and therefore undermines society.[/QUOTE]Total crap that you've never been able to back up with clear cut evidence, just equivocation.
No, this parent and child barely knew each other. Others like them may not have ever known each other at all until they both were adults. Sodomy a while back not only was borderline criminal. It WAS criminal. Now its getting married in 11 states legally....

And spreading a dangerous idea via the fad in impressionable youth..

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.

He met her when she was 16 years old, sicko.

Harvey Milk, LGBT icon and "sexual hero" met the minor boy he was sodomizing (Jack Mckinley) when the boy was 16. Milk also officiated publicly as the boy's legal guardian while doing so.

I'm not sure the LGBT feigned-shock squares up with their folk hero...and WHY they admire him (for his sexuality, not signing or some invention he made)
No, this parent and child barely knew each other. Others like them may not have ever known each other at all until they both were adults. Sodomy a while back not only was borderline criminal. It WAS criminal. Now its getting married in 11 states legally....

And spreading a dangerous idea via the fad in impressionable youth..

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.

He met her when she was 16 years old, sicko.

Harvey Milk, LGBT icon and "sexual hero" met the minor boy he was sodomizing (Jack Mckinley) when the boy was 16. Milk also officiated publicly as the boy's legal guardian while doing so.

I'm not sure the LGBT feigned-shock squares up with their folk hero...and WHY they admire him (for his sexuality, not signing or some invention he made)
Milk should have kept his pants on but he fucked a street hustler, drug addict, and male prostitute. Stop treating his unacceptable actions as if he fucked in the ass some six-year-old he was supposed to be playing Candyland with. It makes you sound like a total moron on an endless loop no one gives a shit about while your worst nightmare is happening right before your eyes and another state now has marriage equality. You lost, give it rest and go lick your wounds.
No, this parent and child barely knew each other. Others like them may not have ever known each other at all until they both were adults. Sodomy a while back not only was borderline criminal. It WAS criminal. Now its getting married in 11 states legally....

And spreading a dangerous idea via the fad in impressionable youth..

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.

He met her when she was 16 years old, sicko.

Harvey Milk, LGBT icon and "sexual hero" met the minor boy he was sodomizing (Jack Mckinley) when the boy was 16. Milk also officiated publicly as the boy's legal guardian while doing so.

I'm not sure the LGBT feigned-shock squares up with their folk hero...and WHY they admire him (for his sexuality, not signing or some invention he made)

So? He isn't MY hero, that's for sure. :rolleyes-41: I also find Barney Frank to be quite disgusting too. There are plenty of heterosexual perverts out there too. Take my word for it.
Milk should have kept his pants on but he fucked a street hustler, drug addict, and male prostitute. Stop treating his unacceptable actions as if he fucked in the ass some six-year-old he was supposed to be playing Candyland with. It makes you sound like a total moron on an endless loop no one gives a shit about while your worst nightmare is happening right before your eyes and another state now has marriage equality. You lost, give it rest and go lick your wounds.

You do realize that the "street hustler, drug addict/male prostitute" you are talking about was a minor boy with mental problems? We have laws preventing access to hormonized teens precisely because the ones doing that stuff already have troubled minds. Get it? No? That's why ya'll don't belong around kids.. Thank you for putting the bold, underscored italics on that one.

States can ratify gay marriage. I have never said that they couldn't. All I've said is that the fed cannot mandate it across the 50 states.
States can ratify gay marriage. I have never said that they couldn't. All I've said is that the fed cannot mandate it across the 50 states.
Oh but it can, as it has in the past, and it's about to yet again.

Well then this father/daughter couple should be thrilled since marriage equality is about to become federally mandated across the 50 states. You know how the fed views equality. One sexual lifestyle may not be preferred over another once the right to regulate behaviors is removed from the majority at the local level..

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