Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president

President Obama has not at all be a failure.

If he were a Republican every Republican would be wildly cheering his success and pushing to name all sorts of buildings and structures after him.

Ronald Reagan was not only one of the worst presidents in the history of America..he was one of the biggest criminals. He really did commit treason. He really did violate the constitution. He really did break the law. He really did do massive damage to the economy. Yet conservatives hold this man up in the same reverence as the founders of the United States.

It's really quite shocking.

Oh please.

Republicans were more than ready willing and able to criticize President Bush (albeit not nearly as vociferously and in as unprincipled a manner as the liberals and the Democratics).

If President Obama were a Republican, he'd be pointed to as EXACTLY why the GOP is in such disarray and why the Tea Party movement was so urgently needed.

I have given the President some props on occasion when I thought he deserved them. But the fact remains, he is a nearly unmitigated failure.

Yes. Fact.

Pick a topic.

Border security:

What has he "accomplished?" In a word, to be succinct yet accurate, NOTHING.

National Security:

Not much, BUT still that has been one of his more pronounced areas of actual leadership. He gets HUGE props for having the gumption to authorize the violation of Pakistan's sovereignty to GET Osama. (The right move still deserves credit when it requires showing some backbone!)

The economy:

Our unemployment numbers are atrocious DESPITE all the CRAP he sought (and largely got) to "stimulate" the economy.

Heath Care:

Disaster. Obamacare (the right name for the program) damaged medicare and medicaid but has done NOTHING AT ALL to improve the delivery of "health care" of the development of new or improved medicines. It wasn't even DESIGNED to DO a damn thing by this time. It's sole objective for the time being is to raise taxes. Oh, yeah. THAT it does.


It was a shitty notion. I'm glad he has been a flop at it. BUT, even so, it was something HE chose to commit to. Gitmo aint closed.

COURT TRIALS for accused Jihadist detainees in the United States of America:

Another of his (and the AG's) idiotic positions. He has had to back-peddle like a son of a bitch on it. Good. He was wrong. His notion was a massive failure and SHOULD be flatly reversed. But it is yet another example of him promising one thing and delivering either something else or nothing at all.

Immigration reform:

Nothing EXCEPT for an EXECUTIVE pronouncement on how NOT to enforce the laws using "prosecutorial discretion" as the paper thin veil by which his real policy is revealed: PANDER to those who ignorantly and stupidly maintain that those here unlawfully should be permitted to stay. Fuck our right as a sovereign nation to determine our immigration policies.

With the exceptions (arguably) of going and fighting in Afghanistan and going after and GETTING Osama bin Laden, the "question" is actually better put the other way around. How has President Obama NOT been a failure? What is the standard? What is the measurement that "tells" ANYBODY that President Obama has not been a fucking flop?

Look if you are going to omit things like the Obama administration has been deporting illegals at a greater number then both previous administrations, he sent the national guard to our southwest border to buttress the border patrol, the stimulus has been used to plug holes in budgets (like in Texas) and save jobs (That and Obama's job creation numbers for 3 years in the private sector are better then Bush's 8 years) then there really isn't much to talk about..because we are living in 2 different realities.

Am I "omitting" something or are YOU making unsubstantiated claims?

Link us up.

And I do not mean to be unduly offensive, but the WaPo dutifully repeating Administration assertions (without any hint of verification) is not the same thing as backing up the contention.
Obama is a failure since he has been and is a fraud. He was not an elite student, he hid his student records for good reason. He is what you call a minority filler on the enrollment list. He went on to be mediocre in the business world, a non-scholar professor and a voting "present" State Senator before he took advantage of the idiots that run and vote in Illinois.

He duped millions in 2008 that he was smart and not some nutbag from the southside of Chicago. He quickly threw Rev Wright under the bus once he no longer needed that black racist, but deep down he still likes him and those crazy ideas. He threw his white grandmother under the bus too....being "one of them."

He plays the black side with the basketball crowd and the white crowd around tea time in Chicago or DC. He is just a fraud and an expensive mistake for this country.
Well fulfilled promise since in office. That being socialized medicine.

Do you really think he socialized medicine?

He really didn't. What he ended up doing was giving a hell of a big bonus the the Health Insurance Industry and screwed the people of this country, but at least he didn't put our health care under the control of bureaucrats... or did he?


Like all dupes, I doubt you have ANY understanding of Health Reform. This the FIRST control of ANY KIND of health costs.And there WILL be medicaid for everyone making less than 130% of Poverty Level, up to $28k family of four...will be the most popular legislation EVER 1 minute after being implemented. And subsidies for poor workers up to $88k family of four, AND GUARANTEED. I don't believe you knew that, just Pubcrappe- it's like a state secret on corporate media.. Hopimg for your recovery.
"how do you know what he did averted a depression ... "

I listen to experts and the educated, not bought off HS grad A-holes like Rush and Beck...TURN OFF THE BS! Hoping for your recovery...

What evidence do those experts you listen to present? Do you think an expert is always right, because I can point out some real experts of my own who disagree with the experts you listen to.
Well fulfilled promise since in office. That being socialized medicine.

Do you really think he socialized medicine?

He really didn't. What he ended up doing was giving a hell of a big bonus the the Health Insurance Industry and screwed the people of this country, but at least he didn't put our health care under the control of bureaucrats... or did he?


Like all dupes, I doubt you have ANY understanding of Health Reform. This the FIRST control of ANY KIND of health costs.And there WILL be medicaid for everyone making less than 130% of Poverty Level, up to $28k family of four...will be the most popular legislation EVER 1 minute after being implemented. And subsidies for poor workers up to $88k family of four, AND GUARANTEED. I don't believe you knew that, just Pubcrappe- it's like a state secret on corporate media.. Hopimg for your recovery.

The depths of your stupidity know no bounds.

Counting Up ObamaCare's Health Cost Inflation

In the July issue of the journal Health Affairs, Medicare’s actuaries released new estimates of the rate of growth of national health costs. Surprise, surprise — they’re projected to increase over the next decade.

ObamaCare won’t help contain health costs, as the president so often claimed while lobbying for passage of his reform package. Instead, it will exacerbate them. Remember his oft-repeated statement that his plan would “cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.” As the CBO rightly explained, premiums will rise by $2,100.

In 2014, when the law’s major coverage provisions kick in, total healthcare costs will jump 8.3 percent — a rate well above the 5.5% expected for 2013. As the study puts it, the president’s law is “anticipated to contribute to a significant acceleration in the national health spending growth rate in 2014.”

You, area a brainwashed, libtard, mouth breather who simply cannot articulate an original thought on anything, getting all your marching orders from libtard talking points.

Go away, the adults are talking.
"how do you know what he did averted a depression ... "

I listen to experts and the educated, not bought off HS grad A-holes like Rush and Beck...TURN OFF THE BS! Hoping for your recovery...

What evidence do those experts you listen to present? Do you think an expert is always right, because I can point out some real experts of my own who disagree with the experts you listen to.

Don't let hellfromwherever get to you.

Nobody with a brain takes a pontificating putz like him seriously.

Without his platitudes, that schmuck would have nothing at all to say or to post.
by Peter Wehner
08.26.2011 - 12:41 PM

“Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president?” Jonathan Alter writes in his column.

Alter tells us he’s not talking here about Obama as a tactician and communicator, and he’s not interested in hearing ad hominem attacks or about people’s generalized “disappointment.” (Neither am I.) He wants to know on a substantive basis why Obama should be judged to have failed so far.

In Alter’s words, “Your mission, Jim [or anyone else for that matter], should you decide to accept it, is to be specific and rational, not vague and visceral.”

Consider the mission accepted.

In one sense, the answer to the Alter challenge is obvious: Obama has failed by his own standards. It’s the Obama administration, not the RNC, that said if his stimulus package was passed unemployment would not exceed 8 percent. It’s Obama who joked there weren’t as many “shovel-ready” jobs as he thought.

It’s Obama who promised to cut the deficit in half. It’s Obama who said if we passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the health care cost curve would go down rather than up. It’s Obama who promised us recovery and prosperity, hope and change. What we’ve gotten instead is the opposite.

. . . And it is on the common ground of facts that we can declare–in a calm, specific, reasonable, rational and empirical manner–Obama to be an utter failure.


You Think Obama’s Been a Bad President? Prove It: Jonathan Alter

1 - a misguided and unconstitutional Health Care bill, passed against the will of the people, which will not lower costs, and will balloon our Debt.

2 - A Terrible nearly 1 Trillion dollar Stimulus that was spent mostly on Bailing out State Budgets and pension plans, and some "shovel Ready" Jobs. Which has not come close to delivering on the promises made to us about it.

3 - Massive new Regulations that promise to cost Business in this country over 100 Billion dollars a year, and discourage hiring, expansion and new investment in America.

4 - A complete and total lack of leadership on the Debt Crisis.

5- He is extremely partisan, and decisive when he sold him self as the one who would bring us all together.

6- An utter inability to accept any blame for anything.

I could go on and on but I don't see the point. You clearly do not actually want an answer to your question in your title.
Fuck yourself, you brainwashed MORON LOUDMOUTH. Costs will go up, but care will not be cut off EVER when you get sick, people with preexisting conditions will be covered, and costs will be subsidized - so in effect you a total shyttehead. Read the GD bill and some non RW BS, A-hole. LOL!!
Fuck yourself, you brainwashed MORON LOUDMOUTH. Costs will go up, but care will not be cut off EVER when you get sick, people with preexisting conditions will be covered, and costs will be subsidized - so in effect you a total shyttehead. Read the GD bill and some non RW BS, A-hole. LOL!!

ROFLMFAO... you don't even realize how fucking stupid you are!

You said...
Like all dupes, I doubt you have ANY understanding of Health Reform. This the FIRST control of ANY KIND of health costs.

Now you said...
Costs will go up

You're telling us that Obamacare (a law for the moment, not a bill, Dip Shit) is going to control costs, by increasing them! you're monumental stupidity is beginning to surpass that of TM... and that is saying something.

Here... educate your dip shitty self...

Full Text Of The Health Reform Law: "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"
3 Reality-Based Charts Your Right-Wing Relatives Will Have a Hard Time Ignoring

By Dave Johnson

Here are some reality-based charts to help knock down absurd right-wing propaganda about the economy.




More: 3 Reality-Based Charts Your Right-Wing Relatives Will Have a Hard Time Ignoring | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
"how do you know what he did averted a depression ... "

I listen to experts and the educated, not bought off HS grad A-holes like Rush and Beck...TURN OFF THE BS! Hoping for your recovery...

What evidence do those experts you listen to present? Do you think an expert is always right, because I can point out some real experts of my own who disagree with the experts you listen to.

Don't let hellfromwherever get to you.

Nobody with a brain takes a pontificating putz like him seriously.

Without his platitudes, that schmuck would have nothing at all to say or to post.

I do not take any progressive seriously, I just enjoy poking them.
The posters from the left on here are clearly lost. Almost all of America realizes what a terrible president Obama has been yet here they are desperately trying to defend him. I guess we know where the 39% that approve are.
Do you think insurance companies will cover sick people and guarantee coverage forever for free? Morons.

I have a master's in World History- take it from me- you're arrogant, ignorant, brainwashed functional morons. Turn off the BS- hoping for your recovery. My experts are Nobel Prize Winners. Yours are bought off HS grads LOL!
Fuck yourself, you brainwashed MORON LOUDMOUTH. Costs will go up, but care will not be cut off EVER when you get sick, people with preexisting conditions will be covered, and costs will be subsidized - so in effect you a total shyttehead. Read the GD bill and some non RW BS, A-hole. LOL!!

No You are a total fucking idiot. the US government can not afford to shoulder the costs of sky rocketing health care for Millions.

I have read the bill, over and over, and for the most part unless you are a lawyer it is gibberish, so if you claim to understand everything in it. You are full of crap.

But thanks for proving my point that you did not actually want an answer.

Let me add one more reason Obama has been a bad President.

7- Only childish, Liberal Parrots, who no nothing but Democrat Talking points remain defending him. :)
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The 39% are right. And Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010, which it appears 60% DON"T KNOW!! Great corporate media we have here. Even the "big liberals" are bought off or terrified of loudmouth Pubs- it's ridiculous. This is the Pub Obstruction economy now. That Debt Ceiling thing was a wakeup for the sleeping, but seriously folks...
the US government can not afford to shoulder the costs of sky rocketing health care for Millions.

Duh, ain't that part of the thrust behind health care reform - to control costs?

Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.
Health costs DOUBLED just under Booosh- it is an emergency, and TOTAL. Maybe you like getting your care getting cut off if you get really sick, or people with pre-existing or many others having to go on welfare to get medicaid, or the 750K bankruptcies a year, 500k who THOUGHT they had good insurance- well that would make you a silly pub dupe- QED. Worst health care in the modern world, at double the cost, with 50 million without insurance, and 45k deaths/year. BRILLIANT, morons LOL!
Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

Holy shit, you're really out there in la la land.
The 39% are right. And Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010, which it appears 60% DON"T KNOW!! Great corporate media we have here. Even the "big liberals" are bought off or terrified of loudmouth Pubs- it's ridiculous. This is the Pub Obstruction economy now. That Debt Ceiling thing was a wakeup for the sleeping, but seriously folks...

You're seriously one of the most amusing people I've ever run across. Now you think the "corporate media" has been bought off because they aren't spewing YOUR laughable version of reality? Where did you hear that...MSNBC or Think Progress?

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