Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president

What's really scary for the Republicans is that the economy is going to be in full recovery mode next year.

Is that you, Joe Biden? We've been in "full recovery mode" since you progressives took power. Too bad we haven't done much "recovering".

Chris is Delusional. I do not think that over 8 percent Unemployment for the next 3 years, and a housing Market that Continues to sink is going to be consider full recovery mode by anyone.

Anyone other than Fucking Delusional Left wingers like Chris that is.
What's really scary for the Republicans is that the economy is going to be in full recovery mode next year.

Is that you, Joe Biden? We've been in "full recovery mode" since you progressives took power. Too bad we haven't done much "recovering".

Actually we have had 16 straight months of private sector job growth.

And if the Republican Party had not won the House, we would be even better off.


ROFLMAO you truly are the stupidest person of the year.
Duh, ain't that part of the thrust behind health care reform - to control costs?

Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

If you want to learn how to reduce costs, study the French healthcare system. It is a combination of public and private insurance, and they have cost savings build in....and they cover everyone....

The French Lesson In Health Care

France also demonstrates that you can deliver stellar results with this mix of public and private financing. In a recent World Health Organization health-care ranking, France came in first, while the U.S. scored 37th, slightly better than Cuba and one notch above Slovenia. France's infant death rate is 3.9 per 1,000 live births, compared with 7 in the U.S., and average life expectancy is 79.4 years, two years more than in the U.S. The country has far more hospital beds and doctors per capita than America, and far lower rates of death from diabetes and heart disease. The difference in deaths from respiratory disease, an often preventable form of mortality, is particularly striking: 31.2 per 100,000 people in France, vs. 61.5 per 100,000 in the U.S.

That's not to say the French have solved all health-care riddles. Like every other nation, France is wrestling with runaway health-care inflation. That has led to some hefty tax hikes, and France is now considering U.S.-style health-maintenance organization tactics to rein in costs. Still, some 65% of French citizens express satisfaction with their system, compared with 40% of U.S. residents. And France spends just 10.7% of its gross domestic product on health care, while the U.S. lays out 16%, more than any other nation.

To grasp how the French system works, think about Medicare for the elderly in the U.S., then expand that to encompass the entire population. French medicine is based on a widely held value that the healthy should pay for care of the sick. Everyone has access to the same basic coverage through national insurance funds, to which every employer and employee contributes. The government picks up the tab for the unemployed who cannot gain coverage through a family member.

ROFLMAO you do realize that France is on the Verge of the same problems Greece and others have had right? They are drowning in DEBT!!!!! Do to programs like their Health Care system.

My god dude, seriously you are a fucking idiot.
The 39% are right. And Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010, which it appears 60% DON"T KNOW!! Great corporate media we have here. Even the "big liberals" are bought off or terrified of loudmouth Pubs- it's ridiculous. This is the Pub Obstruction economy now. That Debt Ceiling thing was a wakeup for the sleeping, but seriously folks...

Not gonna address your stupidity, other than to whine like the little bitch you are, huh. :rofl:
the US government can not afford to shoulder the costs of sky rocketing health care for Millions.

Duh, ain't that part of the thrust behind health care reform - to control costs?

DUH, nearly everyone agrees that not only will Obamacare not LOWER COST, but that in the end it will shift Much of the costs on to the government.

Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

Holy shit, you're really out there in la la land.

No, I am afraid you are.

Go ahead dispute anything he said with facts.

Obamacare will increase costs, Obama and the Dems did block any talk of Tort Reform.

In Fact Obamacare is such a fucking horrible Bill, that to many people it seems almost designed to force a shift away from Private Insurance. One can almost infer that what they really want is to make Private insurance so unprofitable that it goes away, and then we would have no choice but to accept Single Payer.

I mean come on, can you really sit here and say Obamacare is what you wanted to see in a health care bill?

Can you explain to me how a Bill that wont lower costs, and "fixes" the problem of the uninsured by simply making it law they get insurance, even though the STILL cant afford it, and it is only going to get more expensive is in anyway going to be helpful?

Really dying to know just what you like about the bill so much.
Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service.

Nonsense. The coverage piece gets all the press, but most of the law is aimed squarely at quality improvement and, ultimately, cost containment.

If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

The reality is that there were no strong advocates for it on either side (which is why the tort reform piece in the final law was simply seed money for state-initiated tort reform pilots). Republicans were unwilling to offer anything in exchange for large-scale tort reform--like, say, votes--and thus it wasn't included.

When Barack Obama informed congressional Republicans last month that he would support a controversial parliamentary move to protect health-care reform from a filibuster in the Senate, they were furious. That meant the bill could pass with a simple majority of 51 votes, eliminating the need for any GOP support. Where, they demanded, was the bipartisanship the President had promised? So, right there in the Cabinet Room, the President put a proposal on the table, according to two people who were present. Obama said he was willing to curb malpractice awards, a move long sought by Republicans that is certain to bring strong opposition from the trial lawyers who fund the Democratic Party.

What, he wanted to know, did the Republicans have to offer in return?

Nothing, it turned out. Republicans were unprepared to make any concessions, if they had any to make. But the encounter did make some Democrats wish they could see more of that kind of presidential engagement on the issue that Obama says is his top legislative priority.​
If Obamacare is so great. Why is it that Obama has handed out Thousands of waivers to the law mostly to his Union Buddies? Why is it that 26 US states and counting are seeking to get out of the Exchanges which Obamacare mandates but puts the burden of funding on the states. Why are so many states suing the US government over it?

Not just Red states either, Several Blue states, with DEM governors are opposed to many aspects of the bill. Because the Bill fixes nothing, and puts HUGE burdens on the States.
Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service.

Nonsense. The coverage piece gets all the press, but most of the law is aimed squarely at quality improvement and, ultimately, cost containment.

If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

The reality is that there were no strong advocates for it on either side (which is why the tort reform piece in the final law was simply seed money for state-initiated tort reform pilots). Republicans were unwilling to offer anything in exchange for large-scale tort reform--like, say, votes--and thus it wasn't included.

When Barack Obama informed congressional Republicans last month that he would support a controversial parliamentary move to protect health-care reform from a filibuster in the Senate, they were furious. That meant the bill could pass with a simple majority of 51 votes, eliminating the need for any GOP support. Where, they demanded, was the bipartisanship the President had promised? So, right there in the Cabinet Room, the President put a proposal on the table, according to two people who were present. Obama said he was willing to curb malpractice awards, a move long sought by Republicans that is certain to bring strong opposition from the trial lawyers who fund the Democratic Party.

What, he wanted to know, did the Republicans have to offer in return?

Nothing, it turned out. Republicans were unprepared to make any concessions, if they had any to make. But the encounter did make some Democrats wish they could see more of that kind of presidential engagement on the issue that Obama says is his top legislative priority.​

Your Blind Faith in what Democrats say the bill will do is nice. To bad it is a load of horse shit.
If Obamacare is so great. Why is it that Obama has handed out Thousands of waivers to the law mostly to his Union Buddies? Why is it that 26 US states and counting are seeking to get out of the Exchanges which Obamacare mandates but puts the burden of funding on the states. Why are so many states suing the US government over it?

Not just Red states either, Several Blue states, with DEM governors are opposed to many aspects of the bill. Because the Bill fixes nothing, and puts HUGE burdens on the States.

So you thought Obamacare was awesome until he issued waivers?
Your Blind Faith in what Democrats say the bill will do is nice. To bad it is a load of horse shit.

With Republican HELP, health care reform could have been great - instead of the watered down version we got.
Ok we get it...the stuff Obama did is bad and the stuff he didn't do is your wet dream. No matter what he does you guys won't like it. Like Afganistan, now we are supposed to take repubs seriously when they use expanding Afganistan as a bad thing. Repubs were for it before Obama came in now they changed their minds.

See the pattern? Obama does it = bad even if it's the things they previously wanted.

Were things different for you during the Bush years? What did Bush do that you agreed with?

Things were different for me under Bush. I supported President Bush but in the end, I thought he was one of the worst Presidents we had ever had if not THE worst and quite frankly, I don't think (except for in spending habits) President Obama has fallen as far as President Bush did and quite frankly, I don't think it is possible for him to do so.

You dupes are hilarious. Waivers for unions are so they won't be taxed on their Cadillac plans like the rich will be, and give them time to renegotiate their contracts. Your ignorance is elitist bought off Pubs' weapon against you. There are PLENTY of cost controls in it, and malpractice protections, and the subsidies or medicaid to make it affordable. Poor frightened little MORONS.Turn off the BS!!
A public option would be good; SINGLE-PAYER would be GREAT.

Depends on who runs it. If it is run by Washington bureaucrats, we're screwed. Guess what that is exactly what the public option intended.


Heres a question Goldilocks. Who SHOULD run it and would not screw us in the process?

Actually, if we could run our health care system the way Kaiser Permenente did/does. I would be very happy. I grew up under Kaiser and felt they had a wonderful system.

No one, not even the private health insurance industry will screw us as badly as Washington Bureaucrats.

You dupes are hilarious. Waivers for unions are so they won't be taxed on their Cadillac plans like the rich will be, and give them time to renegotiate their contracts. Your ignorance is elitist bought off Pubs' weapon against you. There are PLENTY of cost controls in it, and malpractice protections, and the subsidies or medicaid to make it affordable. Poor frightened little MORONS.Turn off the BS!!

You had your ass handed to you on a silver platter in this post...

...yet you're STILL trying to claim Obamacare will control costs?

pathetic asshat.
Lakota- you are also misled on this. They NEVER would be able to pass single payer- get real. This is a Pub plan, an AMERICAN plan. It will work, cover everybody, and control costs. The Swiss and Dutch systems are similar. Send your suggestions to Congress....They should make Pubs ACTUALLY vote for the Tort Reform, national exchange, etc they were bullshytting their dupes about.
Ok we get it...the stuff Obama did is bad and the stuff he didn't do is your wet dream. No matter what he does you guys won't like it. Like Afganistan, now we are supposed to take repubs seriously when they use expanding Afganistan as a bad thing. Repubs were for it before Obama came in now they changed their minds.

See the pattern? Obama does it = bad even if it's the things they previously wanted.

Were things different for you during the Bush years? What did Bush do that you agreed with?

Things were different for me under Bush. I supported President Bush but in the end, I thought he was one of the worst Presidents we had ever had if not THE worst and quite frankly, I don't think (except for in spending habits) President Obama has fallen as far as President Bush did and quite frankly, I don't think it is possible for him to do so.


I loathe Bush and what he did to politics and America. With us or against us...Terrorist Sympathizers...Valerie Plame...etc. Bush was aweful and Repubs played in the band on the deck of Titanic until it sunk completely. Once America was in the shitter then they all gathered around to pretend they never were in the band. ptooey!

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