Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president

Where are the Pubs wanting Tort Reform now, dumbazz?- that was a stalling tactic by the bought off, THAT IS ALL.The bill does include a provision for guidelines for care, which WILL be tort reform. This is a bare bill that will be tinkered with forever- but if you think Pubs will do ANYTHING to cut costs and regulate bloated health care corporations- YOU ARE THE IDIOT!!! Idiot.
President Obama has not at all be a failure.

If he were a Republican every Republican would be wildly cheering his success and pushing to name all sorts of buildings and structures after him.

Ronald Reagan was not only one of the worst presidents in the history of America..he was one of the biggest criminals. He really did commit treason. He really did violate the constitution. He really did break the law. He really did do massive damage to the economy. Yet conservatives hold this man up in the same reverence as the founders of the United States.

It's really quite shocking.
Oh go brush the little doggy's teeth.
Well fulfilled promise since in office. That being socialized medicine.

Do you really think he socialized medicine?

He really didn't. What he ended up doing was giving a hell of a big bonus the the Health Insurance Industry and screwed the people of this country, but at least he didn't put our health care under the control of bureaucrats... or did he?


Like all dupes, I doubt you have ANY understanding of Health Reform. This the FIRST control of ANY KIND of health costs.And there WILL be medicaid for everyone making less than 130% of Poverty Level, up to $28k family of four...will be the most popular legislation EVER 1 minute after being implemented. And subsidies for poor workers up to $88k family of four, AND GUARANTEED. I don't believe you knew that, just Pubcrappe- it's like a state secret on corporate media.. Hopimg for your recovery.

I am certain you don't know jack shit since you claim this is the most popular legislation ever. Hell, you are just talking out of Obama's ass and not taking time to breathe.

Do you have any idea what it has already done to the economy and to employment? Employers are not hiring because they don't know how this will affect them. What they do know is that come 2014 their health insurance costs are going to skyrocket.

Do you know what a Family policy will cost in 2014? $18,475 according to Greenbeard's numbers:

You can play with the calculator yourself.

Yes, some people will be subsidized. But even the poorest of the poor will be forced to pay for insurance coverage that they cannot afford if they make a dime more than the 133% of poverty. This one piece of legislation has by itself crippled the economy.

Health care reform takes toll on jobs - Baltimore Sun

In fact, the health care law is not only causing many businesses to drop or scale back their insurance plans — it's also preventing them from creating jobs.

A new National Association of Health Underwriters survey of nearly 2,400 insurance agents and brokers — who interact on a daily basis with employers who provide health insurance — hammers home the stark reality of the new law. More than half of brokers — 52 percent — report that some of their clients have dropped coverage altogether because of increased costs, which they attribute to health reform. Seventy percent have watched employers decrease the amount of coverage they provide, and a whopping 90 percent of firms have increased premiums for their employees.

Health reform has also caused employers to lay off workers or avoid hiring new ones. Forty percent of brokers state that their clients have eliminated jobs because of health reform, and 57 percent have seen businesses reduce hiring.

That is from people actually working in the field. It isn't some damned bureaucrat repeating the words Congress want them to say.
Marsha Blackburn: Health Care Reform is a "Jobs Killer" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And yes, there are some that disagree with this notion:

Fact check blames the loss of jobs on a reduction in the work force caused by

CBO, August 2010: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the legislation, on net, will reduce the amount of labor used in the economy by a small amount—roughly half a percent—primarily by reducing the amount of labor that workers choose to supply.

And yet farther down they admit:

To be sure, some jobs will indeed be lost, CBO said. That’s because the new law requires many businesses to pay a penalty if they do not provide health insurance to their workers. That "will probably cause some employers to respond by hiring fewer low-wage workers," CBO said. But it also said these firms may hire more part-time or seasonal workers instead. CBO did not estimate the number of jobs likely to be affected either way.

Of course, they don't say how many "some people" may be... 1 million? 5 million? 20 million?

A ‘Job-Killing’ Law? |
» Conservative Distortions on Health Care Reform and Employment Liberal Values

I love this crap:
The Affordable Care Act will lead to some people not working, but most of the cases won’t be because the law is providing any disincentives to hiring.

Once again, how many is "some jobs"? Oh and the morons don't give any reason for why jobs would be lost except for these disincentives.

Oh, and cost controls? Yeah, controlled as they go straight through the roof.

Obviously you don't know what you are talking about beyond what President Obama wants to tell you.

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Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

Holy shit, you're really out there in la la land.

Where else would he be? he's against healthcare reform because of made up reasons that hasn't happened yet. Not only that but he believes that he knows what Obamas unspoken motives are. Anyone who claims to know why someone did something is full of shit or a mindreader and mindreaders don't exist.
Where are the Pubs wanting Tort Reform now, dumbazz?- that was a stalling tactic by the bought off, THAT IS ALL.The bill does include a provision for guidelines for care, which WILL be tort reform. This is a bare bill that will be tinkered with forever- but if you think Pubs will do ANYTHING to cut costs and regulate bloated health care corporations- YOU ARE THE IDIOT!!! Idiot.

You blather on about people being "bought off" but don't even know that trial lawyers were the single biggest non union contributors to Barack Obama in '08. I suppose you're naive enough that you think it's just "coincidence" that Obama said tort reform was too complicated to be included in health care reform? Are you and Lakotah having a contest to see who can top the other for most ignorant post?
Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

Holy shit, you're really out there in la la land.

Where else would he be? he's against healthcare reform because of made up reasons that hasn't happened yet. Not only that but he believes that he knows what Obamas unspoken motives are. Anyone who claims to know why someone did something is full of shit or a mindreader and mindreaders don't exist.

I'm against health care reform? No, actually I'm FOR health care reform. I wanted real health care reform...not Obama Care. I would have loved to see us take some steps to lower the cost of health care for Americans. The majority of Americans wanted that as well. What they DIDN'T want was the bloated, badly written health care reform bill that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid crafted behind locked doors and shoved down our throats with "special procedures". That health care "reform" did more harm than good.
I'm against health care reform? No, actually I'm FOR health care reform. I wanted real health care reform...not Obama Care. I would have loved to see us take some steps to lower the cost of health care for Americans. The majority of Americans wanted that as well. What they DIDN'T want was the bloated, badly written health care reform bill that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid crafted behind locked doors and shoved down our throats with "special procedures". That health care "reform" did more harm than good.

A public option would be good; SINGLE-PAYER would be GREAT.
What's really scary for the Republicans is that the economy is going to be in full recovery mode next year.
Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

Holy shit, you're really out there in la la land.

Where else would he be? he's against healthcare reform because of made up reasons that hasn't happened yet. Not only that but he believes that he knows what Obamas unspoken motives are. Anyone who claims to know why someone did something is full of shit or a mindreader and mindreaders don't exist.

Why would anyone have to be a mind reader to know what Barack Obama wanted when it came to health care? He was very vocal about wanting universal health care. He couldn't get that because the Blue Dog Democrats wouldn't vote for it because they knew that the costs would be astronomical so he settled for the monstrosity of a bill that Harry and Nancy came up with as a first step towards the liberal "holy grail".
What's really scary for the Republicans is that the economy is going to be in full recovery mode next year.

I agree that is most likely - even with continued Republican obstruction.
What's really scary for the Republicans is that the economy is going to be in full recovery mode next year.

Is that you, Joe Biden? We've been in "full recovery mode" since you progressives took power. Too bad we haven't done much "recovering".
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I'm against health care reform? No, actually I'm FOR health care reform. I wanted real health care reform...not Obama Care. I would have loved to see us take some steps to lower the cost of health care for Americans. The majority of Americans wanted that as well. What they DIDN'T want was the bloated, badly written health care reform bill that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid crafted behind locked doors and shoved down our throats with "special procedures". That health care "reform" did more harm than good.

A public option would be good; SINGLE-PAYER would be GREAT.

Depends on who runs it. If it is run by Washington bureaucrats, we're screwed. Guess what that is exactly what the public option intended.

Why would anyone have to be a mind reader to know what Barack Obama wanted when it came to health care? He was very vocal about wanting universal health care. He couldn't get that because the Blue Dog Democrats wouldn't vote for it because they knew that the costs would be astronomical so he settled for the monstrosity of a bill that Harry and Nancy came up with as a first step towards the liberal "holy grail".

Duh, no that ain't why they didn't vote for it. Apparently you don't know exactly what a Blue Dog Democrat really is - like Ben Nelson of Nebraska.
the US government can not afford to shoulder the costs of sky rocketing health care for Millions.

Duh, ain't that part of the thrust behind health care reform - to control costs?

Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

If you want to learn how to reduce costs, study the French healthcare system. It is a combination of public and private insurance, and they have cost savings build in....and they cover everyone....

The French Lesson In Health Care

France also demonstrates that you can deliver stellar results with this mix of public and private financing. In a recent World Health Organization health-care ranking, France came in first, while the U.S. scored 37th, slightly better than Cuba and one notch above Slovenia. France's infant death rate is 3.9 per 1,000 live births, compared with 7 in the U.S., and average life expectancy is 79.4 years, two years more than in the U.S. The country has far more hospital beds and doctors per capita than America, and far lower rates of death from diabetes and heart disease. The difference in deaths from respiratory disease, an often preventable form of mortality, is particularly striking: 31.2 per 100,000 people in France, vs. 61.5 per 100,000 in the U.S.

That's not to say the French have solved all health-care riddles. Like every other nation, France is wrestling with runaway health-care inflation. That has led to some hefty tax hikes, and France is now considering U.S.-style health-maintenance organization tactics to rein in costs. Still, some 65% of French citizens express satisfaction with their system, compared with 40% of U.S. residents. And France spends just 10.7% of its gross domestic product on health care, while the U.S. lays out 16%, more than any other nation.

To grasp how the French system works, think about Medicare for the elderly in the U.S., then expand that to encompass the entire population. French medicine is based on a widely held value that the healthy should pay for care of the sick. Everyone has access to the same basic coverage through national insurance funds, to which every employer and employee contributes. The government picks up the tab for the unemployed who cannot gain coverage through a family member.
Ok we get it...the stuff Obama did is bad and the stuff he didn't do is your wet dream. No matter what he does you guys won't like it. Like Afganistan, now we are supposed to take repubs seriously when they use expanding Afganistan as a bad thing. Repubs were for it before Obama came in now they changed their minds.

See the pattern? Obama does it = bad even if it's the things they previously wanted.
What's really scary for the Republicans is that the economy is going to be in full recovery mode next year.

Is that you, Joe Biden? We've been in "full recovery mode" since you progressives took power. Too bad we haven't done much "recovering".

Actually we have had 16 straight months of private sector job growth.

And if the Republican Party had not won the House, we would be even better off.

The 39% are right. And Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010, which it appears 60% DON"T KNOW!! Great corporate media we have here. Even the "big liberals" are bought off or terrified of loudmouth Pubs- it's ridiculous. This is the Pub Obstruction economy now. That Debt Ceiling thing was a wakeup for the sleeping, but seriously folks...

You're seriously one of the most amusing people I've ever run across. Now you think the "corporate media" has been bought off because they aren't spewing YOUR laughable version of reality? Where did you hear that...MSNBC or Think Progress?

Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 1/2010, which it appears 60% DON"T KNOW!!Say no more. They also don't what health reform IS. Unbelievably shytty cowardly media. The Pub media just lies and spins. Half the Pubs think Obama is a muslim Kenyan Marxist. Idiocy!!
What's really scary for the Republicans is that the economy is going to be in full recovery mode next year.

It is scary that you say stupid shit like that and nobody can tell if you are a full-fledged liar or just tragically stupid.

Newsflash: Although I HOPE I am very very wrong, the reality is that we are most likely to be EXTREMELY FUCKED this time next year. The double dip recession could become a fucking depression because President Obama is utterly clueless.
I'm against health care reform? No, actually I'm FOR health care reform. I wanted real health care reform...not Obama Care. I would have loved to see us take some steps to lower the cost of health care for Americans. The majority of Americans wanted that as well. What they DIDN'T want was the bloated, badly written health care reform bill that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid crafted behind locked doors and shoved down our throats with "special procedures". That health care "reform" did more harm than good.

A public option would be good; SINGLE-PAYER would be GREAT.

Depends on who runs it. If it is run by Washington bureaucrats, we're screwed. Guess what that is exactly what the public option intended.


Heres a question Goldilocks. Who SHOULD run it and would not screw us in the process?
I'll give you that... your party has no balls.

That's why we keep throwing you out....

As opposed to your party, which is quite willing to use serious procedures like impeachment and filibusters over some very trivial matters.

The fact you guys take trivial matters and escalate them to constitutional crisis level, isn't our fault, is it?

The Monica thing never should have gotten to impeachment. Clinton should have resigned, just like Weiner, Wu, Ensign, Sanford, or any other one of these clowns who got caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing.

Nixon resigned because at a certain point, his own party said, "If this goes to impeachment, we'll vote to convict." In short, they showed integrity that your party didn't. They laid down the law with their own guy, but gave him an out to save face.

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