Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president

Ok we get it...the stuff Obama did is bad and the stuff he didn't do is your wet dream. No matter what he does you guys won't like it. Like Afganistan, now we are supposed to take repubs seriously when they use expanding Afganistan as a bad thing. Repubs were for it before Obama came in now they changed their minds.

See the pattern? Obama does it = bad even if it's the things they previously wanted.

Were things different for you during the Bush years? What did Bush do that you agreed with?

Things were different for me under Bush. I supported President Bush but in the end, I thought he was one of the worst Presidents we had ever had if not THE worst and quite frankly, I don't think (except for in spending habits) President Obama has fallen as far as President Bush did and quite frankly, I don't think it is possible for him to do so.


I loathe Bush and what he did to politics and America. With us or against us...Terrorist Sympathizers...Valerie Plame...etc. Bush was aweful and Repubs played in the band on the deck of Titanic until it sunk completely. Once America was in the shitter then they all gathered around to pretend they never were in the band. ptooey!

So, by your own words, you are no different than those who oppose Obama today.

Thank you for being honest.

"No one, not even the private health insurance industry will screw us as badly as Washington Bureaucrats."

Medicare and Medicaid suq? And Kaiser Permanente is going NOWHERE, but it will be affordable AND guaranteed. You are clueless and fear mongered by bought off Pubs...
the US government can not afford to shoulder the costs of sky rocketing health care for Millions.

Duh, ain't that part of the thrust behind health care reform - to control costs?

Are you kidding? Obama Care doesn't lower costs. It's going to raise them while at the same time it diminishes the quality of service. Obama Care was never about "fixing" health care was about taking a giant step towards universal health care. If they'd really wanted to lower costs they would have included tort reform but that was off the table right from the start because of all the $ that the trial lawyers sent Obama's way during the '08 election.

Just another day in paradise, or as my good friend Lakhota like to refer to it - "la la land"

Our premiums have gone up & our co-pays have gone up. The best part??? Services & options have decreased!

Thanks Barry Obama! Keep up the good work!
Lakota- you are also misled on this. They NEVER would be able to pass single payer- get real.

I never said they COULD pass it. I still believe single-payer (Medicare for all) is best. Government runs Medicare better than private insurance companies - even with the fraud and abuse - which doesn't come from recipients.
You dupes are hilarious. Waivers for unions are so they won't be taxed on their Cadillac plans like the rich will be, and give them time to renegotiate their contracts. Your ignorance is elitist bought off Pubs' weapon against you. There are PLENTY of cost controls in it, and malpractice protections, and the subsidies or medicaid to make it affordable. Poor frightened little MORONS.Turn off the BS!!

You had your ass handed to you on a silver platter in this post...

...yet you're STILL trying to claim Obamacare will control costs?

pathetic asshat.

You're a loudmouth moron whis absolutely clueless. Do you get your "facts" from Rush, Glenn, Sean, or O'Really? IDIOT.
Lakota- you are also misled on this. They NEVER would be able to pass single payer- get real.

I never said they COULD pass it. I still believe single-payer (Medicare for all) is best. Government runs Medicare better than private insurance companies - even with the fraud and abuse - which doesn't come from recipients.

I wasn't aware that private insurance companies were running Medicare.

And recipients of Medicare don't commit fraud and abuse? Are you purposely trying to be (as they say where I'm from) WICKED STUPID?
I humbly point you to this post...

showing that you're full of shit on this claim.

And yet your source clearly points out:

Also, the Affordable Care Act mandates an excise tax on high-cost insurance plans starting in 2018; costs of employer-sponsored health insurance plans that exceed $10,200 for an individual employee or $27,500 for dependent coverage will be subject to a 40 percent tax. Consequently, many plans that exceed the taxable threshold are expected to provide enrollees incentives to enroll in plans with lower premiums and higher cost-sharing requirements. The effect is likely to be a slowdown in the growth of health services, health insurance premiums, and health spending overall. As a result, in our projection both premiums and the use of health services are expected to grow more slowly in 2018 than in the absence of this provision

Limiting the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored insurance is a blunt instrument, but was always projected to be one of the largest drags on rising national health expenditures in the ACA.

You reference an increase in the growth rate of national health expenditures in 2014 without noting that it's clearly identified in the paper as a single-year bump attributable to tens of millions of people gaining coverage for the first time, not a permanent fixture of the health care landscape (that is, the growth rate falls back to earth the following year).

The actuaries' paper does not--and should not--forecast the spending impact of the various cost/quality reforms in the ACA (though forecasts of their effects are not hard to come by). Yet there's already some preliminary evidence (well, and open admissions from certain providers that this is the case) that providers are already cutting costs in anticipation of the implementation of these reforms.

The sky isn't falling, Chicken Little.
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Well, Lak- we can't wait another 20 years or more. Christ, can you imagine the "communist" propaganda from Fox/Rush, etc. This can work, just more cost controls etc, like the Dutch and Swiss have added. This was exactly ALL we could get, and a HELLUVA lot better than status quo.
Were things different for you during the Bush years? What did Bush do that you agreed with?

Things were different for me under Bush. I supported President Bush but in the end, I thought he was one of the worst Presidents we had ever had if not THE worst and quite frankly, I don't think (except for in spending habits) President Obama has fallen as far as President Bush did and quite frankly, I don't think it is possible for him to do so.


I loathe Bush and what he did to politics and America. With us or against us...Terrorist Sympathizers...Valerie Plame...etc. Bush was aweful and Repubs played in the band on the deck of Titanic until it sunk completely. Once America was in the shitter then they all gathered around to pretend they never were in the band. ptooey!

So, by your own words, you are no different than those who oppose Obama today.

Thank you for being honest.


Actually no...I just gave you actually examples of some scary shit. Those that oppose Obama do so because they BELIEVE Obama will do something someday.

Bush's lawyer (Now repubs are supposed to HATE lawyers *wink wink*) said that the Unitary Executive has the authority to crush a childs testicles if he wanted.

What did Obama do? not American!

Yeah, that is totally the same thing :doubt:
I wasn't aware that private insurance companies were running Medicare. ?

Private insurance companies are responsible for about a quarter of Medicare and, contrary to predictions, the privatized portion of Medicare has turned out to be substantially more expensive than traditional Medicare. The silver lining is that they provided the cushions from which hundreds of billions of unnecessary expenditures could be fished out and put toward valuable care.
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"contrary to predictions, the privatized portion of Medicare has turned out to be substantially more expensive than traditional Medicare."

You dupes are hilarious. Waivers for unions are so they won't be taxed on their Cadillac plans like the rich will be, and give them time to renegotiate their contracts. Your ignorance is elitist bought off Pubs' weapon against you. There are PLENTY of cost controls in it, and malpractice protections, and the subsidies or medicaid to make it affordable. Poor frightened little MORONS.Turn off the BS!!

You had your ass handed to you on a silver platter in this post...

...yet you're STILL trying to claim Obamacare will control costs?

pathetic asshat.

You're a loudmouth moron whis absolutely clueless. Do you get your "facts" from Rush, Glenn, Sean, or O'Really? IDIOT.

Actually, my story was in FORBES. Where do you get your nonsense? You ass?

The fact you cant counter my information proves what a macro moron you really are. A legend in your own, tiny little mind.
You had your ass handed to you on a silver platter in this post...

...yet you're STILL trying to claim Obamacare will control costs?

pathetic asshat.

You're a loudmouth moron whis absolutely clueless. Do you get your "facts" from Rush, Glenn, Sean, or O'Really? IDIOT.

Actually, my story was in FORBES. Where do you get your nonsense? You ass?

The fact you cant counter my information proves what a macro moron you really are. A legend in your own, tiny little mind.

What the democrats are really looking for. The perfect Taxpayer.

I loathe Bush and what he did to politics and America. With us or against us...Terrorist Sympathizers...Valerie Plame...etc. Bush was aweful and Repubs played in the band on the deck of Titanic until it sunk completely. Once America was in the shitter then they all gathered around to pretend they never were in the band. ptooey!

So, by your own words, you are no different than those who oppose Obama today.

Thank you for being honest.


Actually no...I just gave you actually examples of some scary shit. Those that oppose Obama do so because they BELIEVE Obama will do something someday.

Bush's lawyer (Now repubs are supposed to HATE lawyers *wink wink*) said that the Unitary Executive has the authority to crush a childs testicles if he wanted.

What did Obama do? not American!

Yeah, that is totally the same thing :doubt:

So, there was nothing you liked about Bush and you weren't afraid to let everyone know about it the entire time he was in office. How is that any different than what those who don't like Obama are doing today?

I can give you a lot of scary shit that Bush did ranging from wiping his butt with our Constitutional Freedoms when he signed the Patriot Act, paybacks to Halliburton, torturing human beings that had not been convicted of any crime what so ever, two idiotic wars that we will probably not get out of in our lifetimes on spurious pretenses, wiretapping phones without warrants and that is just off the top of my head.

As for President Obama there are only two things that I really have a problem with. I am adamantly opposed to ACA (that was more Pelosi and Reid) and I do not believe he has the leadership ability to turn this countries economy around.

I would guess that if you grilled me on that, you might find something else I am opposed to, but those are the most. I am also opposed to the out of control spending under his watch, but I fault Congress for that much more than I fault the President.

What did Obama do? not American!

Right, that is what I say? I haven't really discussed this issue all that much except for when the controversy first broke out. At that point, I thought, man, if that is true, his bid for the Presidency is over. Oh, and by the way, I considered voting for him and if I had had to vote for him or McCain (those being the only choices) I would have voted for him. I chose instead to cast a protest vote against both parties and I voted for Barr because I knew he wouldn't win. Enough of us do that, and maybe the damned parties will get the hint someday. Not likely, but who knows?

So, there was nothing you liked about Bush and you weren't afraid to let everyone know about it the entire time he was in office. How is that any different than what those who don't like Obama are doing today?

Because context is important. I can name actual things that scare the shit out of me and I didnt like it. Repubs didnt like Obama, so they find pretend things to be scared of.
So, there was nothing you liked about Bush and you weren't afraid to let everyone know about it the entire time he was in office. How is that any different than what those who don't like Obama are doing today?

Because context is important. I can name actual things that scare the shit out of me and I didnt like it. Repubs didnt like Obama, so they find pretend things to be scared of.

I'm sorry, I really don't think you are any different than the Obama haters of today. On the other hand there are some good people who didn't like Bush at all and there are some good people who don't like Obama at all. You and I don't agree in a lot of things, but I have never felt you were unreasonable. I'd put you in the good people category.

Pretend things? You mean like health care reform that had to be passed so that we would know what was in it?

Pretend things like an economy that has been flushed down the toilet and is well on its way to the sewage plant?

There are some wackos out there that won't let the birth certificate scandal go and they will probably still be bitching about it in 2020. But, quite frankly, I think President Obama deserves all the criticism he gets... except for the criticism about his vacation time. There is no President that truly gets a "vacation".

Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president

Because he has acted like he is a third Bush term and continued the failed policies of his predecessor.
You're a loudmouth moron whis absolutely clueless. Do you get your "facts" from Rush, Glenn, Sean, or O'Really? IDIOT.

Actually, my story was in FORBES. Where do you get your nonsense? You ass?

The fact you cant counter my information proves what a macro moron you really are. A legend in your own, tiny little mind.

What the democrats are really looking for. The perfect Taxpayer.


Oh, another moron...and your Forbes article contradicts you and agrees with me,dickweed. LOL!!

"You reference an increase in the growth rate of national health expenditures in 2014 without noting that it's clearly identified in the paper as a single-year bump attributable to tens of millions of people gaining coverage for the first time, not a permanent fixture of the health care landscape (that is, the growth rate falls back to earth the following year)."

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