Ten reasons why the cattle industry is not sustainable.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes
/---/ Go enjoy a tofu burger and leave us alone.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes
/---/ Go enjoy a tofu burger and leave us alone.
I don't like tofu anymore than you. I am talking about an industry that can't continue growing with human population.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes
What are you going to replace meat with, Soylent Green?

The only way reducing cattle production is viable is if there's less people.
And why is the left bringing meat eaters into the US by the millions if they're concerned about this problem in the first place?

Trust me, if there was a viable alternative I'm sure we wouldn't be eating so much meat right now. Until then we'll continue to do so.
Technology can fix this but with too many zealots and a corrupt government, it might be difficult.
First they come for your fish, then they come for your beef, then they come for your milk, then they come for your chicken...

Seriously, they would have us live as vegans, then what will they do when crops aren’t sustainable due to floods, droughts, fire, etc.

It is all a ruse. All of it.
So we are already overfishing the oceans. We are having to use GMOs to get up vegetable production. Most cattle are first brought up in arid environments where it would take massive water production to harvest vegetables. They are in areas that usually have short growing seasons. They only time that cattle really are in any area that can be considered to be any use are in feed lots for a short time to fatten them up just before slaughter.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes
What are you going to replace meat with, Soylent Green?

The only way reducing cattle production is viable is if there's less people.
And why is the left bringing meat eaters into the US by the millions if they're concerned about this problem in the first place?

Trust me, if there was a viable alternative I'm sure we wouldn't be eating so much meat right now. Until then we'll continue to do so.
If we took better care of our oceans the lost protein in our diet would be replaced with better protien that would also include mega 8's. Of course fat chance we get a consensus on that. Due to humans being flat ass holes we are well on our way to another extinction event. There will certainly be a large cull this century and human population will decrees significantly. The problem is the signs on the wall say all living creatures will experience it. Oh well maybe the cockroaches will do better than we did.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes

it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak.

Is there a shortage of land?
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes
What are you going to replace meat with, Soylent Green?

The only way reducing cattle production is viable is if there's less people.
And why is the left bringing meat eaters into the US by the millions if they're concerned about this problem in the first place?

Trust me, if there was a viable alternative I'm sure we wouldn't be eating so much meat right now. Until then we'll continue to do so.
/-----/ "and why is the left bringing meat eaters into the US by the millions if they're concerned about this problem in the first place?"
Oh -- most awesomest question so far this year. Pointing out inconsistences in the liberal thought pattern is a national pastime.

First they come for your fish, then they come for your beef, then they come for your milk, then they come for your chicken...

Seriously, they would have us live as vegans, then what will they do when crops aren’t sustainable due to floods, droughts, fire, etc.

It is all a ruse. All of it.
They want to starve us to death.
Socialism has killed more people than AIDS.
Check out locals in your area who humanely raise and slaughter their cows, pigs and chickens. I shop at a local country store and get all of my meat from them. And my eggs too. Some of the shapes are pretty strange, but they're all really good. They also sell vegetables only grown by locals. The chickens who produce the eggs live in a mini palace and are treated better than most people treat their pets. There's also a country store in the next town over too. I live in a small, beautiful town right outside of Winston Salem, NC and our area has many independent farmers and small ranchers who sell to stores like the ones I described. And, no GMO's on the veggies, and no hormones in the livestock.
Then, in the summer, I have my own garden too. If we took things back to our local communities, I think we could reduce greatly what the OP has posted.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes

Fuck off, it's none of your business..or the government's business. Anything is unsustainable once the feds move in..that's why socialists starve to fucking death, you imbecile.
First they come for your fish, then they come for your beef, then they come for your milk, then they come for your chicken...

Seriously, they would have us live as vegans, then what will they do when crops aren’t sustainable due to floods, droughts, fire, etc.

It is all a ruse. All of it.
They want to starve us to death.
Socialism has killed more people than AIDS.

More people than AIDS, the Spanish Inquisition, the fake Indian genocide in America, Nazis, and all the rest of the wars combined.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes

Fuck off, it's none of your business..or the government's business. Anything is unsustainable once the feds move in..that's why socialists starve to fucking death, you imbecile.
Who said the Feds have to move in? Right now you have the multi-billion dollar beef lobby fighting meat alternatives. They do the same thing with dairy. I'm a real Conservative who believes in Conservation of resources whether they are natural or economic. If you understood the impact on water, land, air, and health that the cattle industry has, you wouldn't be such a staunch defender of the industry.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes

Fuck off, it's none of your business..or the government's business. Anything is unsustainable once the feds move in..that's why socialists starve to fucking death, you imbecile.
Who said the Feds have to move in? Right now you have the multi-billion dollar beef lobby fighting meat alternatives. They do the same thing with dairy. I'm a real Conservative who believes in Conservation of resources whether they are natural or economic. If you understood the impact on water, land, air, and health that the cattle industry has, you wouldn't be such a staunch defender of the industry.
When you say "fighting meat alternatives" why don't you explain how they're preventing you from coming up with meat alternatives.

I'll wait.

Because we all know that what you mean is that all they're fighting is overregulation meant to penalize them for daring to produce cheap protein, when you want to feed people Soylent Green.

Fuck off, you disgusting commie puke.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes

Fuck off, it's none of your business..or the government's business. Anything is unsustainable once the feds move in..that's why socialists starve to fucking death, you imbecile.
Who said the Feds have to move in? Right now you have the multi-billion dollar beef lobby fighting meat alternatives. They do the same thing with dairy. I'm a real Conservative who believes in Conservation of resources whether they are natural or economic. If you understood the impact on water, land, air, and health that the cattle industry has, you wouldn't be such a staunch defender of the industry.

Right now you have the multi-billion dollar beef lobby fighting meat alternatives.

Right. I've seen the anti-tofu and anti-vegetable ads they've been running.
Those beefy bastards and their free speech!!!!


I'm a real Conservative who believes in Conservation of resources whether they are natural or economic.

That's good to hear. You should definitely conserve all of your natural and economic resources in any way you see fit. And keep your nose out of the natural and economic resources of others. Like a real Conservative.
There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce beef and dairy consumption and the farms that raise them. I like a good steak as much as anyone but it takes way too much land, water and feed to produce a pound of steak. Add to that the negative affects on the environment and health. This article is a good summary of the many downsides of the cattle industry. No one wants to hurt farmers, but the trajectory has to change. We need smaller cattle farms and more meat alternatives. I don't see this as a political issue, it seems more to be a common sense issue.

10 Reasons Why the Meat and Dairy Industry Is Unsustainable | Care2 Causes
Not your place to tell anyone what they should or should not eat

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