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Ten things I wish the church knew about Homosexuality.

I have no dog in the fight. I support gay marriage, but it low on my issues that matter!

However, both sides are hypocrites. The left screams about intolerance, but that is all they practice in getting their views across! The right says it ruins the scantity of marriage, but I don't see how two men marrying effects my marriage at all?

I tend to agree with you.
Attacking Chick Fil A lost a lot of ground for gay folks. They have every right to say what they want and be wrong.
I also have no problem with gay marriage. Let them be miserable like us straight folk!
I cringed when I read "perhaps we will find a cure for homosexuality"

I know it wasn't meant to be, but wow is the offensive :/

People who take offense when no offense is meant, are fools. People who take offense when offense is meant are bigger fools. You shouldnt give people that much power over yourself.
I cringed when I read "perhaps we will find a cure for homosexuality"

I know it wasn't meant to be, but wow is the offensive :/

People who take offense when no offense is meant, are fools. People who take offense when offense is meant are bigger fools. You shouldnt give people that much power over yourself.

Thank you for the attempt at wise words Obi Won.
I cringed when I read "perhaps we will find a cure for homosexuality"

I know it wasn't meant to be, but wow is the offensive :/

It was meant to point out how absurd the OP is. If you weren't offended by that you have no business being offended by what I said.
I cringed when I read "perhaps we will find a cure for homosexuality"

I know it wasn't meant to be, but wow is the offensive :/

It was meant to point out how absurd the OP is. If you weren't offended by that you have no business being offended by what I said.

The OP doesn't offend me, but I agree it is absurd. You weren't trying to be offensive, however what you said was.
I cringed when I read "perhaps we will find a cure for homosexuality"

I know it wasn't meant to be, but wow is the offensive :/

It was meant to point out how absurd the OP is. If you weren't offended by that you have no business being offended by what I said.

The OP doesn't offend me, but I agree it is absurd. You weren't trying to be offensive, however what you said was.

You don't find it offensive that someone thinks it is OK to be offensive just because they disagree with another person's beliefs? You don't find it offensive that people resort to outright lies to defend a position you obviously think is important? You don't find it offensive that someone wants to take away another person's rights in order to create new rights?

I find all of that offensive, which is why I resorted to being offensive. I meant to offend people who don't think, and I will not apologize for it. Not only will I not apologize to you, I will continue to offend you until you learn to think, and stop pretending that some people's rights matter more than others simply because you don't like one of the groups.

For the record, as long as government is going to step in and license marriage in the intent to restrict access to it, I support the rights of anyone to marry whoever they want. That does not change the fact that homosexuality is a sin, and that it says that in both the Old and the New Testament. Since I don't turn to the government to get into heaven, I don't care if the government legalizes things that God opposes. Nor do I care if the government makes something God requires illegal.

Make it illegal for me to share my religion and I will go out of my way to get in your face.
It was meant to point out how absurd the OP is. If you weren't offended by that you have no business being offended by what I said.

The OP doesn't offend me, but I agree it is absurd. You weren't trying to be offensive, however what you said was.

You don't find it offensive that someone thinks it is OK to be offensive just because they disagree with another person's beliefs? You don't find it offensive that people resort to outright lies to defend a position you obviously think is important? You don't find it offensive that someone wants to take away another person's rights in order to create new rights?

I find all of that offensive, which is why I resorted to being offensive. I meant to offend people who don't think, and I will not apologize for it. Not only will I not apologize to you, I will continue to offend you until you learn to think, and stop pretending that some people's rights matter more than others simply because you don't like one of the groups.

For the record, as long as government is going to step in and license marriage in the intent to restrict access to it, I support the rights of anyone to marry whoever they want. That does not change the fact that homosexuality is a sin, and that it says that in both the Old and the New Testament. Since I don't turn to the government to get into heaven, I don't care if the government legalizes things that God opposes. Nor do I care if the government makes something God requires illegal.

Make it illegal for me to share my religion and I will go out of my way to get in your face.

I did not read the OP as being purposefully offensive. Is it offensive to you for one Christian to state what he wishes the church knew or thought or did? I saw no lies in the op, just one persons personal views of life, you can disagree with how they see things, but that doesn't make them a liar.

No one is taking away another persons rights in order to create new rights.

I guess I will take back my "I know you didn't mean to be offensive", why are you whining that i was offended if the intention was to offend?

No one has said one persons rights matter more than another's. Seriously the more I read in this forum the more I keep seeing that. Who has said that? Also, who said I dislike Christians? You're making a lot of assumptions here.

Who has made it illegal for you to share your religion? Who is trying to make it illegal for you to share your religion?:confused:
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Marriage is not a civil ceremony
Marriage is a holy union.

Jesus told them, "Moses wrote that commandment for you because of your stubbornness. At the beginning of creation God made them male and female; for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. They are no longer two but one. So man must not separate what God has joined together."
Marriage is not a civil ceremony
Marriage is a holy union.

Jesus told them, "Moses wrote that commandment for you because of your stubbornness. At the beginning of creation God made them male and female; for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. They are no longer two but one. So man must not separate what God has joined together."

This is what homosexuals do not understand. To a christian marriage is a Holy Union, GOD meant to be a Religious union not what the government made it. Which is why I favor 2 Ceremonies
1. The civil union- A government ceremony that all would have to have to get the rights the government now gives married people.

2. Marriage-A religious ceremony, since different churches see the issue different then each church would decide for themselves if they would marry gays. This would not be recognized by the government.

Homosexuals also need to stop spreading the lie that homosexuality is not condemned in the new testament
Romans 1:26-27
King James Version (KJV)
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
King James Version (KJV)
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

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