Tennessee Islamic terrorist has Palestinian background:

Apparently his Palestinian wife beating dad played a big role in Mohommod's life and ideological beliefs.

What We Know About the Chattanooga Gunman -- NYMag

• Federal officials told the New York Times that years ago Abdulazeez's father was investigated by the FBI for donating money to a group with possible terrorism connections. He was placed on the terrorism watch list and questioned while he was traveling abroad, but there were no charges, and eventually he was removed from the list. Officials said they don't believe the son was ever on their radar."“They’ve run an initial check on him. Right now, there is nothing popping early in the system on him, but that could change," a senior U.S. official told ABC News. "They are still checking multiple other databases on him."

• The New York Times reports that Abdulazeez spent about seven months in Jordan last year. “This attack raises several questions about whether he was directed by someone or whether there’s enough propaganda out there to motivate him to do this,” an official told them, but he said it was too early to know whether he had made contact with extremist groups. Officials have begun contacting authorities in Kuwait and Jordan to learn whether Abdulazeez was on anyone's radar. The Washington Post reports that it appears Abdulazeez appears to have visited Kuwait and Jordan in 2010 too.

Ya think he met some of his Palestinian "brethren"?

monte, Sunni Man, Indofred, pbel--all you people who have exploited the Liberty tragedy of so long ago to its fullest extent--what do you have to say to this? Four American marines killed on our own soil by a "partial" Palestinian!! All I hear from the Islam-firster hypocrites are crickets. No surprise there.

While the reports say the the father was Jordanian and mother Kuwaiti, the father could be of Palestinian descent. I doubt any American would try to justify the murder of our servicemen by this individual, yet Israel Firsters will try to justify the murder of many more U.S. sailors by the Israeli state in the case of the Liberty.
Yet another act of Islamic terrorism and the terrorist huggers are quick to drag up conspiracies as a deflection.

Ahh, you are one of the ones that support the killing of our sailors by the Israelis.

Aww poor MonkeyNazi, now he's trying to derail this thread that exposes Palestinian mindset by talking about the Liberty.
Nice try at deflection a pity that it does not work anymore rat boy. Must try harder as your teachers put on your school reports...................
And what about the many thousands of Americans mass murdered in the name of Palestine then freddy boy
Ya think this guy Mohammod Abdelazeez having Palestinian background makes Palestinian look good or bad?
I am willing to bet that his father played a big role in his ideology.

Suspected Gunman Blogged About Islam Before Tennessee Shootings: Report

Abdulazeez was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Kuwait in 1990, according to NBC News. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 and U.S.-led forces liberated the country several months later.

According to SITE, his mother is from Kuwait and his father from Palestine.

We can see & feel the Palestinian hatred for us Americans right here by the Palestinian supporters.

Think you might find that supporting the Palestinian people is VERY different to supporting terrorism!
And what about the many thousands of Americans mass murdered in the name of Palestine then freddy boy
Ya think this guy Mohammod Abdelazeez having Palestinian background makes Palestinian look good or bad?
I am willing to bet that his father played a big role in his ideology.

Suspected Gunman Blogged About Islam Before Tennessee Shootings: Report

Abdulazeez was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Kuwait in 1990, according to NBC News. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 and U.S.-led forces liberated the country several months later.

According to SITE, his mother is from Kuwait and his father from Palestine.

We can see & feel the Palestinian hatred for us Americans right here by the Palestinian supporters.

Think you might find that supporting the Palestinian people is VERY different to supporting terrorism!

How so when the two are the same thing in many peoples eyes. They see terrorists when ever Palestine is mentioned, and they see the many Palestinians that engage in terrorism on their TV screens all the time.
Ya think this guy Mohammod Abdelazeez having Palestinian background makes Palestinian look good or bad?
I am willing to bet that his father played a big role in his ideology.

Suspected Gunman Blogged About Islam Before Tennessee Shootings: Report

Abdulazeez was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Kuwait in 1990, according to NBC News. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 and U.S.-led forces liberated the country several months later.

According to SITE, his mother is from Kuwait and his father from Palestine.

We can see & feel the Palestinian hatred for us Americans right here by the Palestinian supporters.

Think you might find that supporting the Palestinian people is VERY different to supporting terrorism!

How so when the two are the same thing in many peoples eyes. They see terrorists when ever Palestine is mentioned, and they see the many Palestinians that engage in terrorism on their TV screens all the time.

And they are the hate filled eyes of the confused...

Is like saying that every Irishman is a terrorist!

Those who believe all they see on TV don't really have much to comment about.
The Palestinian Mohammod Addelazeez terrorism case clearly highlights the savage animals Israel has to deal with on a daily basis.
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Ya think this guy Mohammod Abdelazeez having Palestinian background makes Palestinian look good or bad?
I am willing to bet that his father played a big role in his ideology.

Suspected Gunman Blogged About Islam Before Tennessee Shootings: Report

Abdulazeez was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Kuwait in 1990, according to NBC News. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 and U.S.-led forces liberated the country several months later.

According to SITE, his mother is from Kuwait and his father from Palestine.

We can see & feel the Palestinian hatred for us Americans right here by the Palestinian supporters.

Think you might find that supporting the Palestinian people is VERY different to supporting terrorism!

How so when the two are the same thing in many peoples eyes. They see terrorists when ever Palestine is mentioned, and they see the many Palestinians that engage in terrorism on their TV screens all the time.

And they are the hate filled eyes of the confused...

Is like saying that every Irishman is a terrorist!

Those who believe all they see on TV don't really have much to comment about.
Poor attempt at analogy. You should abandon it quickly.

The Irish never elected an Islamic terrorist syndicate as their governing body. The so-called "Palestinians" did.

Are you forgetting (or hoping no one notices), that collectively, the Palis chose to have a virulently hateful Death Cult represent their interests.
more bothered that he nearly worked at a nuclear power plant.

The country is frantic that four marines were killed in the US but dozens were blown to bits in Iraq. The the middle east people face this every day while the world watches. We are ready to declare war on our own people and wonder why they are in a civil war?

The problems of the palestinians or muslims is not the real threat. The underline hate and fervent belief that killing will somehow solve the situation.

His family came to the US and created a good life for themselves. They became americans but somehow the boy got it into his head that killing americans in the US would solve anything. He made it harder for his family and all muslims by his actions and did nothing to help the palestinians. If anything he made it worse because everyone will be more suspicious and distrustful of palestinians because of his hateful actions. Security will not get better but worse. The change of a peace agreement will not get better and the madness of the radical ISIS will get a short boost before someone losses patience and accelerates the war and cause more deaths.

What did he achieve for his people? What did he achieve for his family? What did he achieve for Islam?

I hope if nothing else that muslims unite against this type of madness and radicalization. That would be the benefit. The muslims world as a whole needs to say this is not islam, this is the very opposite. The need to make young muslims understand they will not be getting rewards in heaven or on earth and teach them alternatives to deal with frustration and anger. Killing of muslims or non-muslims is wrong everyday of the year and twice during ramadan. They need to teach muslims to assimilate into western society not hijack it or impose some old sharia ideal on others. As long as it does not conflict with state law, they are free to follow sharia law in their homes and personal life. If it interferes with how others have the right to practice their faith, it needs to be modified.

2 things can save the muslim world: 1) the cancerous iranian regime must be destroyed 2) islam must be massively reformed.

Everything else is just hot air.
more bothered that he nearly worked at a nuclear power plant.

The country is frantic that four marines were killed in the US but dozens were blown to bits in Iraq. The the middle east people face this every day while the world watches. We are ready to declare war on our own people and wonder why they are in a civil war?

The problems of the palestinians or muslims is not the real threat. The underline hate and fervent belief that killing will somehow solve the situation.

His family came to the US and created a good life for themselves. They became americans but somehow the boy got it into his head that killing americans in the US would solve anything. He made it harder for his family and all muslims by his actions and did nothing to help the palestinians. If anything he made it worse because everyone will be more suspicious and distrustful of palestinians because of his hateful actions. Security will not get better but worse. The change of a peace agreement will not get better and the madness of the radical ISIS will get a short boost before someone losses patience and accelerates the war and cause more deaths.

What did he achieve for his people? What did he achieve for his family? What did he achieve for Islam?

I hope if nothing else that muslims unite against this type of madness and radicalization. That would be the benefit. The muslims world as a whole needs to say this is not islam, this is the very opposite. The need to make young muslims understand they will not be getting rewards in heaven or on earth and teach them alternatives to deal with frustration and anger. Killing of muslims or non-muslims is wrong everyday of the year and twice during ramadan. They need to teach muslims to assimilate into western society not hijack it or impose some old sharia ideal on others. As long as it does not conflict with state law, they are free to follow sharia law in their homes and personal life. If it interferes with how others have the right to practice their faith, it needs to be modified.

2 things can save the muslim world: 1) the cancerous iranian regime must be destroyed 2) islam must be massively reformed.

Everything else is just hot air.

There is no way this can ever happen!

Islam is, at its very roots, a warlike culture with absolutely no acceptance of other beliefs. It's their way or the sword.

The only way to make this world safe from this cult IS ITS COMPLETE ERADICATION!
Its amazing how this Mohammod that was born and raised in America and considered your average American kid by his friends and neighbors, took ONE trip to visit his Palestinian relatives, and as soon as he comes back he grabs an assault rifle and starts mowing down fellow Americans. These are the same animals Israel has to deal with.
monte, Sunni Man, Indofred, pbel--all you people who have exploited the Liberty tragedy of so long ago to its fullest extent--what do you have to say to this? Four American marines killed on our own soil by a "partial" Palestinian!! All I hear from the Islam-firster hypocrites are crickets. No surprise there.

Why do you think those worthless fucking c-nts have to refer back to a 50 year old incident - grasping at anything that involves israel - to try and deflect the insane, incomprehensible volume of arab muslim terrorism, including that of the fakestinians targeting americans?

The number of attacks against americans, and the number of americans injured/murdered by arab muslims runs into the THOUSANDS, and no amount of deflective BS can possibly change that. islam is a death cult, a cancerous belief system installed by they devil to confuse the weak-minded and the unsuccessful.
And they are the hate filled eyes of the confused.. Is like saying that every Irishman is a terrorist! Those who believe all they see on TV don't really have much to comment about.

The irish never claimed that England did not have a right to exist, or that it should be flooded with 50 million muslims. The fakestinians have no claim to victimhood in the least; all of their problems are of their own making which is what happens when you're a fabricated people built upon a completely fraudulent narrative. There is nothing legitimate about the fakestinians, who should be deported from the west bank and gaza into an enclave in sinai as Egypt graciously offered, that would be their best option because if they think they can just wait the jews out and defeat them using a lack of birth control, I'll say the same thing to them I'll say to you: good fucking luck.
Ya think this guy Mohammod Abdelazeez having Palestinian background makes Palestinian look good or bad?
I am willing to bet that his father played a big role in his ideology.

Suspected Gunman Blogged About Islam Before Tennessee Shootings: Report

Abdulazeez was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Kuwait in 1990, according to NBC News. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 and U.S.-led forces liberated the country several months later.

According to SITE, his mother is from Kuwait and his father from Palestine.

We can see & feel the Palestinian hatred for us Americans right here by the Palestinian supporters.

Think you might find that supporting the Palestinian people is VERY different to supporting terrorism!

How so when the two are the same thing in many peoples eyes. They see terrorists when ever Palestine is mentioned, and they see the many Palestinians that engage in terrorism on their TV screens all the time.

And they are the hate filled eyes of the confused...

Is like saying that every Irishman is a terrorist!

Those who believe all they see on TV don't really have much to comment about.
Poor attempt at analogy. You should abandon it quickly.

The Irish never elected an Islamic terrorist syndicate as their governing body. The so-called "Palestinians" did.

Are you forgetting (or hoping no one notices), that collectively, the Palis chose to have a virulently hateful Death Cult represent their interests.

You must be the confused, Fox News viewer...

Sinn Féin, the second largest political party in Northern Ireland, largest terrorist syndicate, never got elected as their governing body, thank god, ONLY due to the majority support for the UK...

As an analogy, it works very well... Even if only to show that you cannot tar everyone with the same brush...

Oh, unless you are a zionist of course, then it's fair game!
And they are the hate filled eyes of the confused.. Is like saying that every Irishman is a terrorist! Those who believe all they see on TV don't really have much to comment about.

The irish never claimed that England did not have a right to exist, or that it should be flooded with 50 million muslims. The fakestinians have no claim to victimhood in the least; all of their problems are of their own making which is what happens when you're a fabricated people built upon a completely fraudulent narrative. There is nothing legitimate about the fakestinians, who should be deported from the west bank and gaza into an enclave in sinai as Egypt graciously offered, that would be their best option because if they think they can just wait the jews out and defeat them using a lack of birth control, I'll say the same thing to them I'll say to you: good fucking luck.

No, funny that eh...

Considering most of the Irish support the UK!

Not sure why they would want to flood Ireland with 50 million Muslims?

The Israeli "victimhood" is wearing thin... The world is sick of hearing it... You think that Netanyahu can legitimize that?

"fraudulent narrative"... Really?

Want to prove to me that the sky wizard exists then?

You know, the one who "promised" Israel to the Jews?

How about 'deporting' those Europeans back to their own counties!
Every Muslim that goes back home to visit his or her relatives will now be questioned and investigated when they come back. Of course this will just be a temporary bandaid to a much bigger problem.

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