Tens of thousands fled socialized Canadian medicine in 2013

Is Canada's health care system really that bad? It seems to be plagued by bad service and high costs:

"Earlier this month, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a major survey on international health care waiting lists and policies. Canada is at the bottom of the pack in almost every category. One example among many: 25 per cent of Canadian patients waited more than four months for non-emergency, elective surgery, the highest proportion of any country reported. The figure is 18 per cent in Australia and seven per cent in France, Switzerland and the United States."

"Finally, and perhaps most depressing, we’re included in an unhappy group of counties that spend above the OECD per capita average on health care but nonetheless report significant wait times. We pay more but still underperform."

When it comes to waiting for health care, Canada is last in line - Week in Review - Macleans.ca
Is Canada's health care system really that bad? It seems to be plagued by bad service and high costs:

"Earlier this month, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a major survey on international health care waiting lists and policies. Canada is at the bottom of the pack in almost every category. One example among many: 25 per cent of Canadian patients waited more than four months for non-emergency, elective surgery, the highest proportion of any country reported. The figure is 18 per cent in Australia and seven per cent in France, Switzerland and the United States."

"Finally, and perhaps most depressing, we’re included in an unhappy group of counties that spend above the OECD per capita average on health care but nonetheless report significant wait times. We pay more but still underperform."

When it comes to waiting for health care, Canada is last in line - Week in Review - Macleans.ca
Those folks could have it worse .. they could be uninsured and living in the US.
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America rations healthcare by excluding those who can't or won't pay market prices.

That isn't rationing. Rationing is the controlled distribution of a scarce good or service. There is no shortage of health care providers in this country, although that may change in time due to ObamaCare.
America rations healthcare by excluding those who can't or won't pay market prices.

That isn't rationing. Rationing is the controlled distribution of a scarce good or service. There is no shortage of health care providers in this country, although that may change in time due to ObamaCare.

Rationing is the controlled distribution by the health insurance industry based on the customer's ability to pay or not.
I typically like your posting Taz, but this one I question.
The Fraser Institute, the free market think tank is a conservative-libertarian think tank.
According to peer reviewed Health Affairs, 99.3 % of Canadians do not go to the US for healthcare, .05% have come to the US for elective care and .11% come to the US for emergency care.
Now I don't know about you, but I'd trust a publication that is known as the "Bible of Health Policy" that is peer reviewed over a ideological think tank and a strong right leaning publication.
Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians’ Use Of Health Care Services In The United States
Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians? Use Of Health Care Services In The United States

I think more Americans go to Mexico for cheap care

Those who think the US has such great health care should google "medical tourism".
America rations healthcare by excluding those who can't or won't pay market prices.

That isn't rationing. Rationing is the controlled distribution of a scarce good or service. There is no shortage of health care providers in this country, although that may change in time due to ObamaCare.

From what I've seen after living nearly 17 years in the States, if I lost my job and became poor, I would move back to Canada, because as a poor person, I would have better healthcare than in America.

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