Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

So you're not offended by it so it's okay?

What if you had Muslim holidays and went through all of that, would you be offended? Maybe not. But how many right wingers do you think WOULD BE offended by it?

This is the point. If people would not accept one thing, why should minorities be forced to accept the majority?

Again, does religion have a place in schools? Education is about learning REAL THINGS.
How about the minorities make other arrangements?

Again, if kids are singled out for being different in schools, it's not a good thing. It doesn't promote integration at all, it promotes an "us and them" attitude which you can see exists massively with right wingers.
It's at Christmas and Easter. I think you are seriously underestimating children's ability to 'cope' with this terrifying abuse.

To cope with? Children can cope with a lot, many children "cope with" bullying, doesn't make it right.
I'm really not sure why you keep bringing up bullying in this context. There is no bullying here. Lol.

I bring up bullying because bullying exists for certain reasons. Sometimes it exits because people group together and attack those who are weaker, if they see minorities they might go after the minorities. You can see on this board that people will pick on people, they'll try to find out if they're a Muslim, a Jew, anything that makes them easy to pick on, and then they attack.

Schools saying to kids "you three, you're different, you go to another room", and you're making separation within schools that can lead to bullying, just like what happens on this board.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Those things have become part of our culture

So, if it's become part of culture it's okay so don't change things? Like slavery was, great argument for keeping it, and segregation. "It's tradition".
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Those things have become part of our culture

So, if it's become part of culture it's okay so don't change things? Like slavery was, great argument for keeping it, and segregation. "It's tradition".

you just had to go there............
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Those things have become part of our culture

So, if it's become part of culture it's okay so don't change things? Like slavery was, great argument for keeping it, and segregation. "It's tradition".

So you would also be all for telling muslim school girls they cannot wear their head scarves to school?
Fucking hell!!!!
Calm down for goodness sake. You did do that. I appreciate now you were attempting to illustrate a point, albeit poorly.

Oh, I'm supposed to calm down when you're making up bullshit about me? Right.... maybe next time learn not to make up nonsense.

Also, if I were Muslim, would it be a problem?
I apologise. And no, it would not be a problem at all, quite the opposite. There seem to be precious few muslims here to put their views across.

I think you'd find that any Muslim that announced themselves as a Muslim would certainly get hounded off this board by certain people on the right.

I've had a policy for a long time that I don't give personal information, I've also been told that I'm male or female, and people get a hang up, but I'm not saying which I am.

Also, I think people should work with that really exists, too many people make stuff up and never back up their points of view with sources because they know they'd get found out quite quickly.
Well, that's fine by me. You are articulate, intelligent, passionate and thoughtful, and that's what really counts. I just wish you could ease off on the anger a tad.

Like Islam, like the USA, if I get attacked I don't just sit back and take it.

Also, there was an article saying people who swear are often more intelligent. Ha.

Do you swear a lot? Well it might be a sign of intelligence...

Do you swear a lot? Well, good news... it's actually a sign of intelligence, new study suggests"

Okay, thge study seems rather simplistic, but who cares?

Then again my boss thinks I should be less aggressive. I think my boss should stop being stupid and learn to do her job. C'est la vie.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Those things have become part of our culture

So, if it's become part of culture it's okay so don't change things? Like slavery was, great argument for keeping it, and segregation. "It's tradition".

you just had to go there............

Oh, did I make life uncomfortable for you?

I believe that people should have fundamental principles in life. And if you believe something, it should encompass EVERYTHING that comes their way.

I'm sorry you're a reactionary who wants to ignore uncomfortable parts of history.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Those things have become part of our culture

So, if it's become part of culture it's okay so don't change things? Like slavery was, great argument for keeping it, and segregation. "It's tradition".

So you would also be all for telling muslim school girls they cannot wear their head scarves to school?

Not necessarily. I don't think religion has a place in school, but have no problem with kids turning up wearing crosses, head scarfs and other such stuff. No matter how much I think wearing head scarfs is ridiculous in the modern world.
I loved the nativity play, the Christmas carols, the Christmas card making, the Christmas tree, and so on. My parents are atheists and I'm agnostic, but I still loved the stories about Jesus and the nativity and all the rest, and I still do. I don't think I want it all taken out of Christmas just because some people don't believe in it. There is little to take offence at in these traditions and they harm no-one, so I'd prefer them to stay, and those that don't like them need not attend.

So you're not offended by it so it's okay?

What if you had Muslim holidays and went through all of that, would you be offended? Maybe not. But how many right wingers do you think WOULD BE offended by it?

This is the point. If people would not accept one thing, why should minorities be forced to accept the majority?

Again, does religion have a place in schools? Education is about learning REAL THINGS.
How about the minorities make other arrangements?

Again, if kids are singled out for being different in schools, it's not a good thing. It doesn't promote integration at all, it promotes an "us and them" attitude which you can see exists massively with right wingers.
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to differ. I don't want children exposed to the pseudo religion of a warmongerer and a totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion. Everything else is fine by me. Sorry, and feel free to call me a bigot and whatever else. I won't mind.

"pseudo religion of a warmongerer", isn't Christianity a religion of war? Christianity teaches that you can sin and sin and sin, then go to church on a Sunday and everything will be okay again.

Just because people don't go to war in the name of Christianity like they do in Islam, doesn't mean that the religion doesn't play a big part.

If Dubya had been a Buddhist, would he have gone to war in Iraq? Probably not.
Fairy nuff.
But at the moment we are dealing with the Islamist threat, and harking back to Chritianities past is really not very useful. And before you say our former leaders were Christians, that was actually beside the point, they didn't act to further Christianity whatever nonsense issued forth from their silly mouths. We are facing jihad now, on a global scale, and that is all about the forceful submission and eradication of non Muslims. That's what we are dealing with, and that's where we need to focus. The jihadis adore all the handwringing libs who are undermining their own societies, cultures and doing half their job for them. Wake up and put aside the stuff that is dividing people who should be standing shoulder to shoulder, until later.
Christmas is a nice time of year. But why? Is it the religious, or is it just that people celebrate something? Having a "winter festival", no religious, with things that make it fun, present giving, decorations and the like, what's wrong with that? If kids want to have it as Christmas, then fine, but everyone should be allowed to partake in this, and unless the school is 100% of a faith, then it isn't going to happen.
I loved the nativity play, the Christmas carols, the Christmas card making, the Christmas tree, and so on. My parents are atheists and I'm agnostic, but I still loved the stories about Jesus and the nativity and all the rest, and I still do. I don't think I want it all taken out of Christmas just because some people don't believe in it. There is little to take offence at in these traditions and they harm no-one, so I'd prefer them to stay, and those that don't like them need not attend.

So you're not offended by it so it's okay?

What if you had Muslim holidays and went through all of that, would you be offended? Maybe not. But how many right wingers do you think WOULD BE offended by it?

This is the point. If people would not accept one thing, why should minorities be forced to accept the majority?

Again, does religion have a place in schools? Education is about learning REAL THINGS.
I personally would not like to see Islamic holidays celebrated in regular schools. I'm not sure how this all works in the US, but in Europe there are muslim schools for families who want to stick with their beliefs and not be involved with anything other than Islamic rites and traditions. I would not want my children being exposed to the ceremonies of a religion that honours a man who waged war, married a nine year old, practiced deceit and murdered people. I might not be religious myself, but I do emphatically believe Jesus and his message is a much better example to expose children to. I don't really understand how anyone, other than a Muslim, could have a problem with that. I fully appreciate that you are going to despise this post. Sorry.

What I get from this post, in summary : "I only want those religious celebrations I like to be allowed in schools". :dunno:
So you'd like your children to be exposed to a religion where its founder was a warrior who pillaged, enslaved, married a child and murdered people. Well I'm afraid I don't want that at all, and I make no apology for it.

In the Bible God kills all the first born sons of Egypt for the sins of their parents; kills nearly the entire world because he doesn't like the path it is taking; punishes people for the sins of their fathers, and grandfathers, etc.; it was founded with allowances for slavery and rape; according to many interpretations, God will condemn the majority of people to eternal suffering for not believing in him, because he is a jealous god. You want your children exposed to that?

I would guess that most religions have/had some terrible aspects to them, either in their traditions, their holy texts, their origins, or things done in their name. Radical Islam is certainly a problem in the world at the moment but you seem to think that all 1.5+ billion Muslims in the world are some sort of terrible jihadiis.
How about the minorities make other arrangements?

Again, if kids are singled out for being different in schools, it's not a good thing. It doesn't promote integration at all, it promotes an "us and them" attitude which you can see exists massively with right wingers.
Only right-wingers? Really? Looked in a mirror lately?

Did I say "only right wingers"????
You certainly did not include left-wingers.

So let's look at the facts. I said "which you can see exists massively with right wingers".

I did not mention left wingers. I also didn't mention the Red Sox, nor did I mention Buffalo, nor did I mention the moon. Does this mean that I excluded all of these things? No.

So, let's stick to WHAT I SAID and not go around making pointless statements that are based on nothing other than your desire to read things into what I actually said.
You need to afford other posters that which you demand for yourself, too.
I loved the nativity play, the Christmas carols, the Christmas card making, the Christmas tree, and so on. My parents are atheists and I'm agnostic, but I still loved the stories about Jesus and the nativity and all the rest, and I still do. I don't think I want it all taken out of Christmas just because some people don't believe in it. There is little to take offence at in these traditions and they harm no-one, so I'd prefer them to stay, and those that don't like them need not attend.

So you're not offended by it so it's okay?

What if you had Muslim holidays and went through all of that, would you be offended? Maybe not. But how many right wingers do you think WOULD BE offended by it?

This is the point. If people would not accept one thing, why should minorities be forced to accept the majority?

Again, does religion have a place in schools? Education is about learning REAL THINGS.
How about the minorities make other arrangements?

Again, if kids are singled out for being different in schools, it's not a good thing. It doesn't promote integration at all, it promotes an "us and them" attitude which you can see exists massively with right wingers.
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to differ. I don't want children exposed to the pseudo religion of a warmongerer and a totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion. Everything else is fine by me. Sorry, and feel free to call me a bigot and whatever else. I won't mind.

"pseudo religion of a warmongerer", isn't Christianity a religion of war? Christianity teaches that you can sin and sin and sin, then go to church on a Sunday and everything will be okay again.

Just because people don't go to war in the name of Christianity like they do in Islam, doesn't mean that the religion doesn't play a big part.

If Dubya had been a Buddhist, would he have gone to war in Iraq? Probably not.
Actually, Buddhists can be quite violent when required. Look that up if you don't believe me.
So you're not offended by it so it's okay?

What if you had Muslim holidays and went through all of that, would you be offended? Maybe not. But how many right wingers do you think WOULD BE offended by it?

This is the point. If people would not accept one thing, why should minorities be forced to accept the majority?

Again, does religion have a place in schools? Education is about learning REAL THINGS.
How about the minorities make other arrangements?

Again, if kids are singled out for being different in schools, it's not a good thing. It doesn't promote integration at all, it promotes an "us and them" attitude which you can see exists massively with right wingers.
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to differ. I don't want children exposed to the pseudo religion of a warmongerer and a totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion. Everything else is fine by me. Sorry, and feel free to call me a bigot and whatever else. I won't mind.

"pseudo religion of a warmongerer", isn't Christianity a religion of war? Christianity teaches that you can sin and sin and sin, then go to church on a Sunday and everything will be okay again.

Just because people don't go to war in the name of Christianity like they do in Islam, doesn't mean that the religion doesn't play a big part.

If Dubya had been a Buddhist, would he have gone to war in Iraq? Probably not.
Fairy nuff.
But at the moment we are dealing with the Islamist threat, and harking back to Chritianities past is really not very useful. And before you say our former leaders were Christians, that was actually beside the point, they didn't act to further Christianity whatever nonsense issued forth from their silly mouths. We are facing jihad now, on a global scale, and that is all about the forceful submission and eradication of non Muslims. That's what we are dealing with, and that's where we need to focus. The jihadis adore all the handwringing libs who are undermining their own societies, cultures and doing half their job for them. Wake up and put aside the stuff that is dividing people who should be standing shoulder to shoulder, until later.

What is the threat right now?

An Islamic threat? Really? No. It's an extremist Islamic threat.

Harking back to the past IS USEFUL. Read my post 246 a few above this one about fundamental principles. History is a great way of testing your fundamental principles.

Facing Jihad, and doing it BADLY because people ignore the reasons for Jihad and are pretending (and I'm being serious) that it's the same as the Cold War. It's not. And if you make the wrong analysis of the problem, you'll make the wrong solution to the problem.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Those things have become part of our culture

So, if it's become part of culture it's okay so don't change things? Like slavery was, great argument for keeping it, and segregation. "It's tradition".

you just had to go there............

Oh, did I make life uncomfortable for you?

I believe that people should have fundamental principles in life. And if you believe something, it should encompass EVERYTHING that comes their way.

I'm sorry you're a reactionary who wants to ignore uncomfortable parts of history.

no its just stupid to compare Traditions like Thanksgiving to slavery ... how does that make me a reactionary? In other words, according to you, because Slavery was once a tradition, no other traditions are really valid.

Ive heard that dumb argument before and its a real stretch
I personally would not like to see Islamic holidays celebrated in regular schools. I'm not sure how this all works in the US, but in Europe there are muslim schools for families who want to stick with their beliefs and not be involved with anything other than Islamic rites and traditions. I would not want my children being exposed to the ceremonies of a religion that honours a man who waged war, married a nine year old, practiced deceit and murdered people. I might not be religious myself, but I do emphatically believe Jesus and his message is a much better example to expose children to. I don't really understand how anyone, other than a Muslim, could have a problem with that. I fully appreciate that you are going to despise this post. Sorry.

So you wouldn't want Islamic holidays and you have your reasons.

So you could see that others might have a problem with Christianity. Look at the Americas, taken over by Christians, Australia, New Zealand, A lot of Africa and other places too. Wasn't exactly done with flowers and niceness, was it? Read about the conquest of the Incas, very bloody.

Should there be religious schools? My view is no. Education is education.

Should religion be in schools? No. Holidays fine, make things nice, snowflakes, trees, decorations, etc, but Jesus and his fairy tales?? No.
I promise you I am aware of the history of the missionaries and what I consider to be a complete deviation from the New Testament and from Jesus' message, and I'm not exactly happy about it. But that is not the world we live in now. I tend to think about what is happening in the here and now, and that's how I decide what I want for children. I won't ever change my mind about it being better for children to be exposed to Jesus, than say, Mohammed, and these are brief periods in the school year. I really wish people would stop getting so worked up and trying to change everything, and I'm sick and tired of the attacks on Christianity when those doing the attacking give Islam a free pass. It's nauseating.

Mohammed isn't the world we live in now either.

What is the world we live in is people who take a religion and use it for their own aims and goals.

Now, Islam has been on the back foot, fighting wars against superior technology and numbers, the UK, the USA, France etc, for quite some time now, and has learned that having people who believe in something is a great tool for fighting guerrilla warfare.

Islam is neither here nor there, but they're using the religion, twisting the religion (everyone twists religion no matter who they are) to suit the needs of the times.

Hitler and Stalin were exposed to Jesus. Enough said?

You want to stop people changing things? Well, that's life, sorry.
Change is often good. But not always, and certainly not when it's regressive.
You probably need to read the Quran, and then come back here and honestly tell me you want children who are not unlucky enough to have been born into the system that is Islam, be exposed to it for no good reason at all.

I didn't say I liked Islam. I don't like religion at all. I think religion is just a bunch of nonsense that people twist for their own goals.

Like Christianity, people using it to justify bad acts and then feel good about themselves.
You make a good point, but at the same time all religions are not created equal, and imho, Islam is stunningly awful. I would never willingly expose a child to that.
Again, if kids are singled out for being different in schools, it's not a good thing. It doesn't promote integration at all, it promotes an "us and them" attitude which you can see exists massively with right wingers.
Only right-wingers? Really? Looked in a mirror lately?

Did I say "only right wingers"????
You certainly did not include left-wingers.

So let's look at the facts. I said "which you can see exists massively with right wingers".

I did not mention left wingers. I also didn't mention the Red Sox, nor did I mention Buffalo, nor did I mention the moon. Does this mean that I excluded all of these things? No.

So, let's stick to WHAT I SAID and not go around making pointless statements that are based on nothing other than your desire to read things into what I actually said.
You need to afford other posters that which you demand for yourself, too.

So, where do I go round making stuff up about what people didn't say?
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?
I think it is time to get rid of this principal. Also, I would think the Board of Education in that area would be able to override her decisions on this matter. Principals are not monarchs.
So you're not offended by it so it's okay?

What if you had Muslim holidays and went through all of that, would you be offended? Maybe not. But how many right wingers do you think WOULD BE offended by it?

This is the point. If people would not accept one thing, why should minorities be forced to accept the majority?

Again, does religion have a place in schools? Education is about learning REAL THINGS.
How about the minorities make other arrangements?

Again, if kids are singled out for being different in schools, it's not a good thing. It doesn't promote integration at all, it promotes an "us and them" attitude which you can see exists massively with right wingers.
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to differ. I don't want children exposed to the pseudo religion of a warmongerer and a totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion. Everything else is fine by me. Sorry, and feel free to call me a bigot and whatever else. I won't mind.

"pseudo religion of a warmongerer", isn't Christianity a religion of war? Christianity teaches that you can sin and sin and sin, then go to church on a Sunday and everything will be okay again.

Just because people don't go to war in the name of Christianity like they do in Islam, doesn't mean that the religion doesn't play a big part.

If Dubya had been a Buddhist, would he have gone to war in Iraq? Probably not.
Actually, Buddhists can be quite violent when required. Look that up if you don't believe me.

I know. I didn't say Buddhists were never violent. I said that if Bush were Buddhist, there'd be LESS of a chance of him invading Iraq.
So you wouldn't want Islamic holidays and you have your reasons.

So you could see that others might have a problem with Christianity. Look at the Americas, taken over by Christians, Australia, New Zealand, A lot of Africa and other places too. Wasn't exactly done with flowers and niceness, was it? Read about the conquest of the Incas, very bloody.

Should there be religious schools? My view is no. Education is education.

Should religion be in schools? No. Holidays fine, make things nice, snowflakes, trees, decorations, etc, but Jesus and his fairy tales?? No.
I promise you I am aware of the history of the missionaries and what I consider to be a complete deviation from the New Testament and from Jesus' message, and I'm not exactly happy about it. But that is not the world we live in now. I tend to think about what is happening in the here and now, and that's how I decide what I want for children. I won't ever change my mind about it being better for children to be exposed to Jesus, than say, Mohammed, and these are brief periods in the school year. I really wish people would stop getting so worked up and trying to change everything, and I'm sick and tired of the attacks on Christianity when those doing the attacking give Islam a free pass. It's nauseating.

Mohammed isn't the world we live in now either.

What is the world we live in is people who take a religion and use it for their own aims and goals.

Now, Islam has been on the back foot, fighting wars against superior technology and numbers, the UK, the USA, France etc, for quite some time now, and has learned that having people who believe in something is a great tool for fighting guerrilla warfare.

Islam is neither here nor there, but they're using the religion, twisting the religion (everyone twists religion no matter who they are) to suit the needs of the times.

Hitler and Stalin were exposed to Jesus. Enough said?

You want to stop people changing things? Well, that's life, sorry.
Change is often good. But not always, and certainly not when it's regressive.
You probably need to read the Quran, and then come back here and honestly tell me you want children who are not unlucky enough to have been born into the system that is Islam, be exposed to it for no good reason at all.

I didn't say I liked Islam. I don't like religion at all. I think religion is just a bunch of nonsense that people twist for their own goals.

Like Christianity, people using it to justify bad acts and then feel good about themselves.
You make a good point, but at the same time all religions are not created equal, and imho, Islam is stunningly awful. I would never willingly expose a child to that.
If you think that, you don't know anything about Islam, you only know about terrorists who claim to be doing things in the name of Islam. You are very, very ignorant.
Why not just keep religion at home?

Those things have become part of our culture

So, if it's become part of culture it's okay so don't change things? Like slavery was, great argument for keeping it, and segregation. "It's tradition".

you just had to go there............

Oh, did I make life uncomfortable for you?

I believe that people should have fundamental principles in life. And if you believe something, it should encompass EVERYTHING that comes their way.

I'm sorry you're a reactionary who wants to ignore uncomfortable parts of history.

no its just stupid to compare Traditions like Thanksgiving to slavery ... how does that make me a reactionary? In other words, according to you, because Slavery was once a tradition, no other traditions are really valid.

Ive heard that dumb argument before and its a real stretch

No, it's not stupid. It's stupid to be reactionary.

It makes you a reactionary because you don't have a fundamental principle. You see one thing and say "Oh, that's good" and another you say it's bad and then your decision is made. You react to what is in front of you.
So you wouldn't want Islamic holidays and you have your reasons.

So you could see that others might have a problem with Christianity. Look at the Americas, taken over by Christians, Australia, New Zealand, A lot of Africa and other places too. Wasn't exactly done with flowers and niceness, was it? Read about the conquest of the Incas, very bloody.

Should there be religious schools? My view is no. Education is education.

Should religion be in schools? No. Holidays fine, make things nice, snowflakes, trees, decorations, etc, but Jesus and his fairy tales?? No.
I promise you I am aware of the history of the missionaries and what I consider to be a complete deviation from the New Testament and from Jesus' message, and I'm not exactly happy about it. But that is not the world we live in now. I tend to think about what is happening in the here and now, and that's how I decide what I want for children. I won't ever change my mind about it being better for children to be exposed to Jesus, than say, Mohammed, and these are brief periods in the school year. I really wish people would stop getting so worked up and trying to change everything, and I'm sick and tired of the attacks on Christianity when those doing the attacking give Islam a free pass. It's nauseating.

Mohammed isn't the world we live in now either.

What is the world we live in is people who take a religion and use it for their own aims and goals.

Now, Islam has been on the back foot, fighting wars against superior technology and numbers, the UK, the USA, France etc, for quite some time now, and has learned that having people who believe in something is a great tool for fighting guerrilla warfare.

Islam is neither here nor there, but they're using the religion, twisting the religion (everyone twists religion no matter who they are) to suit the needs of the times.

Hitler and Stalin were exposed to Jesus. Enough said?

You want to stop people changing things? Well, that's life, sorry.
Change is often good. But not always, and certainly not when it's regressive.
You probably need to read the Quran, and then come back here and honestly tell me you want children who are not unlucky enough to have been born into the system that is Islam, be exposed to it for no good reason at all.

I didn't say I liked Islam. I don't like religion at all. I think religion is just a bunch of nonsense that people twist for their own goals.

Like Christianity, people using it to justify bad acts and then feel good about themselves.
You make a good point, but at the same time all religions are not created equal, and imho, Islam is stunningly awful. I would never willingly expose a child to that.

Islam CAN BE stunningly awful. So can Christianity. But they can also be good.

There's a reason these two are the biggest two religions on the planet, and it's not because they hand out candy and free beer.

Why expose your child to the same think Stalin and Hitler were exposed to?

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