Tesla and Panasonic to open a solar cell plant in Buffalo (link) How is this a bad thing?

When a state pays for a factory to be built, it comes out of the pockets of the taxpayers.

The common man of New York is being robbed. His money is being transferred up the food chain into the pockets of a rich California CEO.

When a state cuts the taxes of an air conditioner company, someone else has to make up the difference. The common man of Indiana is being robbed. His money is being transferred up the food chain into the pockets of the Carrier CEO. And that CEO is still going to kill those jobs when he sees fit and the optics are looking elsewhere, or else he will demand another bribe.

Now isn't that something. Do tell: how much would state save by allowing Carrier to close up and move the hell out of the state taking all their jobs with them?
The highest tax state in the Country commits to spend 750 million taxpayer dollars to fund a solar plant when federally funded solar plants have gone under in the past? It sounds a bit risky to me.

And stupid to boot.

The definition of insanity is................
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.
Tesla is one of the most heavily subsidized corporations in the "green technology" sector, so there's that.
It's funny how we have several topics where the pseudocons are cheering the $7 million bribe given to Carrier, and at the same time we have a topic where the pseudocons are demanding the poor not be given anything beyond cheese and flour.

These sick fucks have no clue what it means to be a conservative.

Typical leftist reply; comparing tax breaks with giving people public money.
Typical innumerate pseudocon who doesn't understand even the most basic of conservative principles or economics.

For every penny you give in tax breaks, SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. Either by deficits (borrowing), or by higher tax rates. Usually both.

That's the fact you tards NEVER glom onto.

Tax EXPENDITURES are called that for a reason. They are a wealth transfer scheme, and government intervention in the free market. They are government behavioral control programs.

How the FUCK anyone can call themselves a conservative who supports that shit is beyond me. Opposition to that shit is a core requirement of being a conservative.

Reagan campaigned on that very thing. It's what the 1986 tax reform was all about.

Jesus, you fucking tards have no clue. None.
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The taxpayers of New York are coughing up $750 million.

And that is outrageous.
Best take that up with the leftist moonbats running the NY, and their recent campaign to entice business to the state. Seeing whereas that it's the heavily federally subsidized Tesla doing so, it comes as little surprise to me.
It's funny how we have several topics where the pseudocons are cheering the $7 million bribe given to Carrier, and at the same time we have a topic where the pseudocons are demanding the poor not be given anything beyond cheese and flour.

These sick fucks have no clue what it means to be a conservative.

Typical leftist reply; comparing tax breaks with giving people public money.
Typical innumerate pseudocon who doesn't understand even the most basic of conservative principles or economics.

For every penny you give in tax breaks, SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. Either by deficits, or by higher tax rates. Usually both.

That's the fact you tards NEVER glom onto.

Tax EXPENDITURES are called that for a reason. They are a wealth transfer scheme, and government intervention in the free market. They are government behavioral control programs.

How the FUCK anyone can call themselves a conservative who supports that shit is beyond me.

Oh, you mean sort of like Commie Care where likely Democrat voters got cheaper healthcare?
Typical innumerate pseudocon who doesn't understand even the most basic of conservative principles or economics.

For every penny you give in tax breaks, SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. Either by deficits, or by higher tax rates. Usually both.
Odd how Keynesian voodoo clerics never consider cutting spending elsewhere as another possibility.
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.

So they're going to use a State owned plant, and the State is throwing in 750 million to boot, isn't that what regressives went ballistic about with Carrier when Trump made a similar deal?

The Carrier deal had a net loss of jobs.

Really, keeping jobs slated to leave is a net loss? Must be that new math.

AGAIN! No intelligent life in Texas!

While the deal negotiated by Trump keeps 800 of the factory jobs in Indianapolis, another 600 factory jobs will still move to Mexico. And Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies Electronic Controls, will still close its manufacturing plant in Huntington, Indiana, shifting another 700 factory jobs to Mexico.

Trump's Campaign-Style Exaggerations - FactCheck.org

So let's do the 'new math.'

1300 jobs to Mexico
800 staying
500 NET LOSS JOBS, plus $7M in tax loss the citizens of Indiana will have to replace.
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.

So they're going to use a State owned plant, and the State is throwing in 750 million to boot, isn't that what regressives went ballistic about with Carrier when Trump made a similar deal?

The Carrier deal had a net loss of jobs.

Really, keeping jobs slated to leave is a net loss? Must be that new math.

AGAIN! No intelligent life in Texas!

While the deal negotiated by Trump keeps 800 of the factory jobs in Indianapolis, another 600 factory jobs will still move to Mexico. And Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies Electronic Controls, will still close its manufacturing plant in Huntington, Indiana, shifting another 700 factory jobs to Mexico.

Trump's Campaign-Style Exaggerations - FactCheck.org

So let's do the 'new math.'

1300 jobs to Mexico
800 staying
500 NET LOSS JOBS, plus $7M in tax loss the citizens of Indiana will have to replace.
Thanks Obama.....
Tax breaks by Indiana to Carrier = BAD
Tax breaks by Oregon to Nike = GOOD

Snowflake logic
Stop the presses .!!!

Republicans are praising the gov supporting solar/electric car companies !?!?

#63 on the list of shit conservatives don't care about now that trumps elected !
Don't care what states do...I'm fine as long as there is no federal $$$$......

Yep, I figured there would be a large DOE grant when I went to the link, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that wasn't the case.
Trump has reset the stage......

For white nationalists.
For a new arms race.
For screwing the middle class more than the Republican's before him.
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.

So they're going to use a State owned plant, and the State is throwing in 750 million to boot, isn't that what regressives went ballistic about with Carrier when Trump made a similar deal?

The Carrier deal had a net loss of jobs.

Really, keeping jobs slated to leave is a net loss? Must be that new math.

AGAIN! No intelligent life in Texas!

While the deal negotiated by Trump keeps 800 of the factory jobs in Indianapolis, another 600 factory jobs will still move to Mexico. And Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies Electronic Controls, will still close its manufacturing plant in Huntington, Indiana, shifting another 700 factory jobs to Mexico.

Trump's Campaign-Style Exaggerations - FactCheck.org

So let's do the 'new math.'

1300 jobs to Mexico
800 staying
500 NET LOSS JOBS, plus $7M in tax loss the citizens of Indiana will have to replace.

2,100 slated to leave, 800 staying, 800 net gain, plus 10 billion in future investment in IN. Next.
$700/year PER JOB PER YEAR to CARRIER doesn't seem like a big deal.

If those 1000 people were receiving unemployment and welfare, it would be one hell of a lot more than $700/YEAR to pay for their free shit, right?
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.
We'll see if the GOP can screw up AE for their Big Oil masters...Trump hopefully won't be a bought off neanderthal scumbag.

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