Tesla and Panasonic to open a solar cell plant in Buffalo (link) How is this a bad thing?

It's funny how we have several topics where the pseudocons are cheering the $7 million bribe given to Carrier, and at the same time we have a topic where the pseudocons are demanding the poor not be given anything beyond cheese and flour.

These sick fucks have no clue what it means to be a conservative.

Typical leftist reply; comparing tax breaks with giving people public money.
Typical innumerate pseudocon who doesn't understand even the most basic of conservative principles or economics.

For every penny you give in tax breaks, SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. Either by deficits (borrowing), or by higher tax rates. Usually both.

That's the fact you tards NEVER glom onto.

Tax EXPENDITURES are called that for a reason. They are a wealth transfer scheme, and government intervention in the free market. They are government behavioral control programs.

How the FUCK anyone can call themselves a conservative who supports that shit is beyond me. Opposition to that shit is a core requirement of being a conservative.

Reagan campaigned on that very thing. It's what the 1986 tax reform was all about.

Jesus, you fucking tards have no clue. None.

Probably would hurt your feelings if I told you that you got it all wrong - that you don't understand the structure of the deal, huh?

Promise not to yell and scream and try to distract from the fact that you ended up looking like an absolute idiot?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Nobody opens large factories in Calif anymore. I wonder why.

Buffalo gave them more money.
Buffalo gave the company nothing. New York State has a new incentive that offers ten year tax exemptions to new ventures and those that promise to expand and hire new employees.
Where's the problem?

There are no taxpayers in Buffalo, NY?
Oh please shut up.....

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