Tesla and Panasonic to open a solar cell plant in Buffalo (link) How is this a bad thing?

New York state has committed $750 million to build and outfit the plant at Buffalo's RiverBend site, the centerpiece of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's "Buffalo Billion" program to revitalize the upstate region's largest city.

Wow, snowflakes were crying about $7 million from the STATE OF INDIANA to keep Carrier.....

....they must REALLY be pissed off at NEW YORK STATE for bribing Panasonic and Tesla with $750 million.

So it's OK to use taxpayer funds to support/expand financially stable companies?


State your case.

Case? You asked an opinion question, I gave you my opinion. I'm pretty sure I was explicit and clear.

If you don't understand WHY that's my opinion, I'll be happy to explain it to you.

Why should taxpayer funds be used to support/expand financially stable companies?
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.
any legitimate effort to put Americans to work is to be commended.
Especially in Western New York. A region that has lagged far behind in recovering from past recessions and suffers from high unemployment, tumbling home values, rising taxes, increased dependence on public assistance and a general malaise..
New York state has committed $750 million to build and outfit the plant at Buffalo's RiverBend site, the centerpiece of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's "Buffalo Billion" program to revitalize the upstate region's largest city.

Wow, snowflakes were crying about $7 million from the STATE OF INDIANA to keep Carrier.....

....they must REALLY be pissed off at NEW YORK STATE for bribing Panasonic and Tesla with $750 million.

So it's OK to use taxpayer funds to support/expand financially stable companies?
Yes..Absolutely. Here's why....These ventures pay for themselves, How? The number of NEW jobs created. The NEW workers earn. They pay taxes. They spend. This generates more revenue through sales tax receipts. In turn, businesses in the area see an increase in activity. Which in turn could result in more hiring at those businesses..and on it goes....Ya know what this is called? Trickle down economics.....FANTASTIC.....Remember...This is at the hands of a democrat governor. Cuomo, for all his other faults is doing his best to bring business back to NY State...
New York state has committed $750 million to build and outfit the plant at Buffalo's RiverBend site, the centerpiece of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's "Buffalo Billion" program to revitalize the upstate region's largest city.

Wow, snowflakes were crying about $7 million from the STATE OF INDIANA to keep Carrier.....

....they must REALLY be pissed off at NEW YORK STATE for bribing Panasonic and Tesla with $750 million.

So it's OK to use taxpayer funds to support/expand financially stable companies?


State your case.

Case? You asked an opinion question, I gave you my opinion. I'm pretty sure I was explicit and clear.

If you don't understand WHY that's my opinion, I'll be happy to explain it to you.

Why should taxpayer funds be used to support/expand financially stable companies?
It referred to as a "concession".....That tax break is more than covered by the additional revenue generated from payroll and sales taxes. Most states that want new business do this.
Stop the presses .!!!

Republicans are praising the gov supporting solar/electric car companies !?!?

#63 on the list of shit conservatives don't care about now that trumps elected !
No you fucking pea brain....It called job creation.
Another thing you God damned simpleton......Tesla is building battery powered cars anyway. And Panasonic is building the batteries. Why not here instead of another country?
This is in no way similar to that moronic FULLY government funded from the ground up Solyndra thing.....This is the State of New York offering a tax incentive to a company so it locates jobs inside New York State.
Is it possible for you to be any more stupid?
Nobody opens large factories in Calif anymore. I wonder why.

Buffalo gave them more money.
Calif is anti-business. They offer only pain and misery to job creators.

Tesla and Solar City have corporate offices in California. Panasonic R&D corporate is in Cupertino, Ca. So much for pain and misery.

Bottom line: Buffalo gave them more money.

Tesla manufactures cars in California.

Tesla Factory | Tesla

Despite years of the Right wing attacking Tesla.
Who attacked Tesla? The GOP?.....Really? Prove it....
Tesla has largely flown under the radar.
And in typical hypocritical fashion, a lib who criticizes the wealthy and their spending habits, then takes up for an auto manufacturer that makes products with a base price exceeding $100,000.....Shut the fuck up...
Stop the presses .!!!

Republicans are praising the gov supporting solar/electric car companies !?!?

#63 on the list of shit conservatives don't care about now that trumps elected !

Remember how those were all bad when Obama was President......LOL
No..Dumping taxpayer dollars, dollars that did not exist into a venture that did not have a viable product and could not produce one is why Obama was criticized.
One half trillion dollars later, we got bupkis.
Nobody opens large factories in Calif anymore. I wonder why.

Buffalo gave them more money.

They didn't give them a dime.

Already posted. $750M

Noted, they didn't give those two companies a dime.
The taxpayers of New York are coughing up $750 million.

And that is outrageous.
No, it isn't..First, its over the next ten years. Second, the jobs created will more than make up the revenue. Next, this is not a tax break. The deal is a tax deferment. Meaning, eventually all taxes will be paid.
The deal and those like it are WIN WIN....
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.

You're a moron for trying to give Trump credit for this.
Trump takes no credit for this. And as I recall asks for none. This is a 100% New York State government policy designed to attract new business ventures and to encourage others in State to remain and expand.
What am I missing and how is this evidence that the world is going to explode on January 20th, 2017?

Tesla, Panasonic to make solar cells in Buffalo, New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Japanese electronics company Panasonic and U.S. electric car maker Tesla said Tuesday they plan to begin production of solar cells at a factory in Buffalo, New York.

The two companies said they finalized an agreement calling for Tokyo-based Panasonic to pay capital costs for the manufacturing. Palo Alto, California-based Tesla made a "long-term purchase commitment" to Panasonic.

You're a moron for trying to give Trump credit for this.
The fact that we will have for the first time in 8 years a business friendly administration is encouraging business activity. In other words there is an anticipation of the end of the economic malaise this country has endured for nearly a decade.
You lefty Obamabots are pissing your panties wondering how this can be..Of course as you collapse against a wall bawling your eyes out, have your eureka moment and exclaim...."businesses would not hire anyone because the owners are racist"....
Stop the presses .!!!

Republicans are praising the gov supporting solar/electric car companies !?!?

#63 on the list of shit conservatives don't care about now that trumps elected !

Remember how those were all bad when Obama was President......LOL

Ugh, he still is, for another 3 weeks.
these idiot libs don't know what to do with themselves.

Yep and most are too senile to remember the massive TV ad campaign the State of NY ran trying to induce new businesses to move there. They were offering all kinds of perks. I guess it's OK for blue States to do it but not red States.
New York state has committed $750 million to build and outfit the plant at Buffalo's RiverBend site, the centerpiece of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's "Buffalo Billion" program to revitalize the upstate region's largest city.

Wow, snowflakes were crying about $7 million from the STATE OF INDIANA to keep Carrier.....

....they must REALLY be pissed off at NEW YORK STATE for bribing Panasonic and Tesla with $750 million.

So it's OK to use taxpayer funds to support/expand financially stable companies?
Yes..Absolutely. Here's why....These ventures pay for themselves, How? The number of NEW jobs created. The NEW workers earn. They pay taxes. They spend. This generates more revenue through sales tax receipts. In turn, businesses in the area see an increase in activity. Which in turn could result in more hiring at those businesses..and on it goes....Ya know what this is called? Trickle down economics.....FANTASTIC.....Remember...This is at the hands of a democrat governor. Cuomo, for all his other faults is doing his best to bring business back to NY State...

Finally ---- somebody stopped and created an intelligent and incisive post.

Thank you.
New York state has committed $750 million to build and outfit the plant at Buffalo's RiverBend site, the centerpiece of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's "Buffalo Billion" program to revitalize the upstate region's largest city.

Wow, snowflakes were crying about $7 million from the STATE OF INDIANA to keep Carrier.....

....they must REALLY be pissed off at NEW YORK STATE for bribing Panasonic and Tesla with $750 million.

So it's OK to use taxpayer funds to support/expand financially stable companies?
Yes..Absolutely. Here's why....These ventures pay for themselves, How? The number of NEW jobs created. The NEW workers earn. They pay taxes. They spend. This generates more revenue through sales tax receipts. In turn, businesses in the area see an increase in activity. Which in turn could result in more hiring at those businesses..and on it goes....Ya know what this is called? Trickle down economics.....FANTASTIC.....Remember...This is at the hands of a democrat governor. Cuomo, for all his other faults is doing his best to bring business back to NY State...

These ventures pay for themselves? Really? Tell us the net financial benefit.
So it's OK to use taxpayer funds to support/expand financially stable companies?


State your case.

Case? You asked an opinion question, I gave you my opinion. I'm pretty sure I was explicit and clear.

If you don't understand WHY that's my opinion, I'll be happy to explain it to you.

Why should taxpayer funds be used to support/expand financially stable companies?
It referred to as a "concession".....That tax break is more than covered by the additional revenue generated from payroll and sales taxes. Most states that want new business do this.

Do you really believe that? It can only be additional IF the person being hired is unemployed prior to being hired, otherwise it's a push.

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