Tesla votes yes on Musk pay package and moves out of Delaware...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Comment: Yep...that right...the people that are actually paying Elon Musk to run Tesla have voted once again to uphold his pay package that was cancelled by a Delaware judge.

Not only that...but the shareholders also voted in the affirmative to move their incorporation from Delaware to Texas.

Good move!

The Delaware judge may still refuse to reverse her ruling,. but this vote by shareholder instead of only the board of directors gives Musk new ammunition in his fight to receiving his negotiated compensation.

The judge has also cost the state of Delaware tax revenue from Tesla and an unknown number of corporations that moved out of Delaware, or will not incorporate in Delaware due to this ruling.

Comment: Yep...that right...the people that are actually paying Elon Musk to run Tesla have voted once again to uphold his pay package that was cancelled by a Delaware judge.

Not only that...but the shareholders also voted in the affirmative to move their incorporation from Delaware to Texas.

Good move!

The Delaware judge may still refuse to reverse her ruling,. but this vote by shareholder instead of only the board of directors gives Musk new ammunition in his fight to receiving his negotiated compensation.

The judge has also cost the state of Delaware tax revenue from Tesla and an unknown number of corporations that moved out of Delaware, or will not incorporate in Delaware due to this ruling.

If the returns are performing and the state is getting good revenue, who gives a shit if an executive’s pay is $50M - $100M? People lose their shit when they see a CEO and other executives make this kind of money yet you never hear or rarely hear these same people saying “they make too much” when it comes to an actor or athlete pulling down the same type of money.

Stop the attack on executive compensation. If it is “too much” or not worth it if there is under performance then the executive will be removed and without a job.
I cost Free
Try $56 billion.

With a B.
10% of the company for building a 566 billion dollar EV goliath from nothing... competing with the established Big Three and the Japanese AND the Germans? Seems fair to me.

The judge forgot something that is particularly true in DE.....The business of America is business.....I mean WTF else does DE have to offer besides banking?

Try $56 billion.

With a B.
Thank you for the correction. I am still of the mindset that an executive can set his/her compensation to whatever level they want and let the market determine if it’s viable.

I’m more concerned about politicians making $175k per year and becoming multimillionaires.
Some CEO take big salaries. $100million to even $800million?

Imagine the APPL fag in Cupertino. est. Salary $150million. Right off the top he loses 1/2 to FED 37% and STATE 14.4% taxes. Another 10% to SS and medicare? So he has to eat Banquet TV dinners on only $72million. FAGS should not be able to file married jointly. They can't procreate, therefore they are not entitled to the married slush.

Tax brackets 2024 (taxes due April 2025)​

Tax rate​


Married filing jointly​

Married filing separately​

Head of household​

10%$0 to $11,600$0 to $23,200$0 to $11,600$0 to $16,550
12%$11,601 to $47,150$23,201 to $94,300$11,601 to $47,150$16,551 to $63,100
22%$47,151 to $100,525$94,301 to $201,050$47,151 to $100,525$63,101 to $100,500
24%$100,526 to $191,950$201,051 to $383,900$100,526 to $191,950$100,501 to $191,950
32%$191,951 to $243,725$383,901 to $487,450$191,951 to $243,725$191,951 to $243,700
35%$243,726 to $609,350$487,451 to $731,200$243,726 to $365,600$243,701 to $609,350
37%$609,351 or more$731,201 or more$365,601 or more$609,350 or more
Comment: Yep...that right...the people that are actually paying Elon Musk to run Tesla have voted once again to uphold his pay package that was cancelled by a Delaware judge.

Not only that...but the shareholders also voted in the affirmative to move their incorporation from Delaware to Texas.

Good move!

The Delaware judge may still refuse to reverse her ruling,. but this vote by shareholder instead of only the board of directors gives Musk new ammunition in his fight to receiving his negotiated compensation.

The judge has also cost the state of Delaware tax revenue from Tesla and an unknown number of corporations that moved out of Delaware, or will not incorporate in Delaware due to this ruling.

Please stop. Tesla pays zero in taxes for sales of its product OUTSIDE of the state of Delaware. Like all big companies they only pay taxes for sales inside the state for the cars it sells in the state, and that happens no matter where the company is incorporated. Their HQ is in Texas so no job loss. It is all just paperwork. Only lawyer income from filings are affected.
Please stop. Tesla pays zero in taxes for sales of its product OUTSIDE of the state of Delaware. Like all big companies they only pay taxes for sales inside the state for the cars it sells in the state, and that happens no matter where the company is incorporated. Their HQ is in Texas so no job loss. It is all just paperwork. Only lawyer income from filings are affected.
Plus a gross recipts tax plus a franchise tax.

Delaware doesn't host these out of state corporations out of the goodness of their hearts... they do it to gain tax revenue.
Thank you for the correction. I am still of the mindset that an executive can set his/her compensation to whatever level they want and let the market determine if it’s viable.

I’m more concerned about politicians making $175k per year and becoming multimillionaires.
OLD SCHOOL: There Is No "I" in "Team"
NEW SCROOGE: All for One and That One All for Himself
Americans with anything to lose need to get out of blue areas.

Get your money out of the banks.

Bail-ins are coming. That's where banks use your deposits to bail them out.
Please stop. Tesla pays zero in taxes for sales of its product OUTSIDE of the state of Delaware. Like all big companies they only pay taxes for sales inside the state for the cars it sells in the state, and that happens no matter where the company is incorporated. Their HQ is in Texas so no job loss. It is all just paperwork. Only lawyer income from filings are affected.
All of the states that has turned Prog from red were targeted in different ways. Delaware is red outside of Wilmington. It is corporate in many ways and yet we have corrupted national politicians in Congress. They are tools for the corporate elite. The manipulation of the fiat currency makes many rich or poorer.
Plus a gross recipts tax plus a franchise tax.

Delaware doesn't host these out of state corporations out of the goodness of their hearts... they do it to gain tax revenue.
Legal fees. That’s it. Small impact.

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