Texans can now openly carry guns in public without a permit or training...CNN: "Police say the new law makes it harder to do their jobs"

Right! But they can't explain why gun ownership in Japan is almost non-existent, but the suicide rate is 4x that of the U.S.
Suicide in Japan is related to failure of the individual to serve the greater good of society. Society is more important than the individual in their culture. Plus they don't have the Judeo-Christian moral code against suicide. Suicide can be viewed as honorable move.
Suicide in Japan is related to failure of the individual to serve the greater good of society. Society is more important than the individual in their culture. Plus they don't have the Judeo-Christian moral code against suicide. Suicide can be viewed as honorable move.
And the lack of private gun ownership doesn't change anything.
Texans can now openly carry guns in public without a permit or training
Pandering to the BBQ gun crowd.

Concealed carry is far superior and preferable to open carry.

And the ‘training’ that was required was a joke.

Last, requiring a license to carry a concealed firearm is likewise ‘Constitutional carry’ – in no manner in violation of the Second Amendment.
Suicide in Japan is related to failure of the individual to serve the greater good of society. Society is more important than the individual in their culture. Plus they don't have the Judeo-Christian moral code against suicide. Suicide can be viewed as honorable move.
I looked up more details, Seppuku is the name given to honorable death by suicide. The most popular method is hanging second is jumping from a high place. Guns are irrelevant to the issue.
Let untrained and uncleared morons run around with guns

Say that to my face, Sonny.


CNN: "Police say the new law makes it harder to do their jobs"​

So you're saying they're working cops on the beat, clocking in day, swing, and graveyard shifts at the police station, paying their dues to the local police union and the fraternal order of police, and they have jobs to do?

Dr. Martin Luther was a monk in the Catholic Church who performed such mighty works of Reformation, rescued the nuns from the convent, and eventually married one of them.

And yet he explained that man is not saved by vain works of the law, but by grace through faith alone.

No matter how many hours those cops put in, no matter how much the police station locker room stinks of sweat, they cannot save us by their earthly labors.

All their labor is in vain when they have forsaken the laws they were hired to uphold and enforced the lawlessness of mob rule, gun control, and rampant drug dealing and prostitution instead.

But a suicide perpetrator/victim has less chance to repent then a murderer.

During decades in SuperMax, a murderer will feel great regret for his sin.

As you have been shown over and over, Japan has strict gun control, only criminals and their cops have guns and they have a higher suicide rate than we do. Whether they view suicide as a sin or not has nothing to do with it…..they jump in front of trains which is just as deadly as guns.
CNN says it makes it harder for Police to do their job but you can bet your ass(ets) that hypocrite CNN people are well protected by armed security. Open carry actually it makes it easier for Police to do their job. Not many felons prey on armed citizens and kids grow up in Texas knowing how to use a firearm. How easy is it for Chicago police when nobody can get a permit to own or carry a firearm and about 50 people get shot every weekend?

Surveys of the police show they actually support people being able to carry guns. It is only the politically appointed police chiefs in democrat party cities who oppose it
No permit and no training required; they're relying on the intelligence of the gun owner. That's a recipe for disaster.

Except for, you know, actual experience. We went from about 2 million people able to carry guns in public in the 1990s to now over 19.4 million today and the gun murder rate went down 49% the gun crime rate went down 75% and accidental gun deaths didn’t go up……….

So actual, real world experience on gun carrying by normal people doesnt support what you feel about this topic.
Suicide in Japan is related to failure of the individual to serve the greater good of society. Society is more important than the individual in their culture. Plus they don't have the Judeo-Christian moral code against suicide. Suicide can be viewed as honorable move.

And? That is completely irrelevant to guns and suicide. It doesn’t matter why the Japanese commit suicide, their lack of guns doesn’t stop them from actually doing it which is his argument.
Pandering to the BBQ gun crowd.

Concealed carry is far superior and preferable to open carry.

And the ‘training’ that was required was a joke.

Last, requiring a license to carry a concealed firearm is likewise ‘Constitutional carry’ – in no manner in violation of the Second Amendment.

and you are wrong……..at a minimum, any fee mandated on the exercise of a Right is, in fact, Unconstitutional……see Murdoch v Pennsylvania……..and since a license will have a fee attached to it, and is a prior restraint on a Right, it is, in fact, unconstutional.
As you have been shown over and over, Japan has strict gun control, only criminals and their cops have guns and they have a higher suicide rate than we do. Whether they view suicide as a sin or not has nothing to do with it…..they jump in front of trains which is just as deadly as guns.
I don't think suicide is mental illness either.

People owe money in a back alley in the wrong part of town, and there are fates worse than a quick death.

Flash back to the United States in October 1929. Wealthy men who had invested in stocks on margin suddenly found themselves deep in debt to Al Capone and jumped to their deaths out of tall buildings rather than face the debt collectors and extortioners of the day.
Say that to my face, Sonny.

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That's not to get personal. In general, statistically 31% of a high school diploma or less, 34% have some college, and a whole lot of unknowns out there. So in general, the intelligence level is lower in gun owners that in the general population.
And? That is completely irrelevant to guns and suicide. It doesn’t matter why the Japanese commit suicide, their lack of guns doesn’t stop them from actually doing it which is his argument.
They prefer hanging, or jumping off of high precipices. Guns are messy, the Japanese country be neat.

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