Texas GOP turns on Gay Republicans

Get homosexual bs away from our children. If they're naturally gay then they can be gay but we draw the line with their population control bs. That is exactly what it is and it is evil.

It will also cause a great deal of mental issue in our children as it is unnatural and wrong.
Tommy is what they call in internet parlance: a "griefer and/ or "troll". Post replies at your own risk.

Difficult to see this as anything but what it is.

I cant see how much further these loons have to go before they start shooting Gays. It was such a shit show that Abbot avoided it.

And yet I find it hard to sympathise with Gay republicans. What part of right wingers despise Gays did they miss ? They have just been collaboraters with nazis.

Texas is turning into Afghanistan.
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy... Are you off your meds again? I refuse to feed into your toxic baiting griefing bullshit. Have a nice day.
I am just sick of it being forced on non-gay people. It doesn't need to be taught to our children in mass.

I'm old enough to remember when they claimed that it was about “consenting adults”. That was a lie. The wiser among us knew, back then, that it was a lie; that eventually, they'd start forcing their immorality on society as a whole, and that they would even start going after children.

Here's a big “I Told You So!” from my generation.
And here I thought you said "I am just sick of being forced on non-gay people." :heehee: Something that gay people have happen to them 24/7. Straight people shoving straightness down all our throats.

Homosexuality is anti-evolution and is a dead end. ;)
I'm old enough to remember when they claimed that it was about “consenting adults”. That was a lie. The wiser among us knew, back then, that it was a lie; that eventually, they'd start forcing their immorality on society as a whole, and that they would even start going after children.

Here's a big “I Told You So!” from my generation.
It IS about con-senting adults...............something that the Republican Right has a great deal of trouble discerning.
America is the most tolerant country in the world so what's the problem with the sodomite society? They get to parade on city streets in outlandish costumes suggesting their sexual orientation and they are protected by federal law. So what's their beef (pardon the pun)? The homosexual agenda relies on recruitment and they have been caught with their pants down (also a pun) when a confused boy in a dress tried to rape a young girl in a northern Va. school and the girl's father was arrested for complaining while the boy went free. No parent in their right mind wants to subject their male or female child to the gay agenda. Parents are fighting back and the democrat policy has been caught flat footed. Hooray for Texas.
Scared threats now?
Negative....A prediction but not necessarily concerning the freaks.

Given the way folks are wired-up tight by one thing or another these days, you better hope there is not a mass snap.

Hopefully November will relieve some of the tension building-up if we make it through the upcoming "Summer of Love" but I fear the TDS has went untreated for so long that those infected will double-down.
It IS about con-senting adults...............something that the Republican Right has a great deal of trouble discerning.
It is about KEEPING YOUR SEX LIFE PRIVATE, and not airing your dirty laundry in front of little kids.
Negative....A prediction but not necessarily concerning the freaks.

Given the way folks are wired-up tight by one thing or another these days, you better hope there is not a mass snap.

Hopefully November will relieve some of the tension building-up if we make it through the upcoming "Summer of Love" but I fear the TDS has went untreated for so long that those infected will double-down.
Yep...threats against gay people.............just like your buds, the Taliban.
It is about KEEPING YOUR SEX LIFE PRIVATE, and not airing your dirty laundry in front of little kids.
Wouldn't it be nice if straight people did that too. But they don't. They force it down everyone's throats and commit most sexual crimes. 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by hetero males....MOST of them by close family members and/or friends.....hetero male family members and/or friends.
Yep...threats against gay people.............just like your buds, the Taliban.
Sigh.....I forgot my own rule.

Wouldn't it be nice if straight people did that too. But they don't. They force it down everyone's throats and commit most sexual crimes. 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by hetero males....MOST of them by close family members and/or friends.....hetero male family members and/or friends.

And almost as many boys are molested by faggots, even though faggots make up less than 4% of the population.

When <4% of the population account for nearly half of all child molesters, you have to know that there is something very wrong with than <4%, even if you ignore all the other indications.
Wouldn't it be nice if straight people did that too. But they don't. They force it down everyone's throats and commit most sexual crimes. 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by hetero males....MOST of them by close family members and/or friends.....hetero male family members and/or friends.
That's no excuse for making the problem worse and protecting it by law.
And almost as many boys are molested by faggots, even though faggots make up less than 4% of the population.

When <4% of the population account for nearly half of all child molesters, you have to know that there is something very wrong with than <4%, even if you ignore all the other indications.
Nope. But you've been groomed by the far right to think of gay people as the boogy man while the REAL molesters, hetero males, have their way.

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