Texas Governor on Obama gun control: Come and Take it!

The federal government has proclaimed that secession is illegal.
I figured you was arguing with some halftwit I had blocked. I was right.
Nope, they have not. But, seriously....we'd be delighted to see Texas go. It would be a win/win.

How many people do you think would move to Texas ASAP? MILLIONS. OVERNIGHT.
I would!
It wasn't the secession that was a problem...it was the firing on a federal fort that caused issues. The stupid Confederates started something they couldn't finish. :lol:

Your President, Mr. Lincoln, seemed to disagree.
Lincoln was a blood thirsty tyrant.
The federal government has proclaimed that secession is illegal.
Nope, they have not.

Texas v. White

The federal government proclaimed that states don't have a right to secede.
Don't have the right to secede without permission. I vote we give Texas permission....and give them some lovely parting gifts too.

Yes, that's what I said. The federal government has proclaimed that no state may leave the union without permission.
I don't think it would be too much trouble to give Texas permission. It's really in everyone's best interest for them to be gone.

Could Congress just pass a law? Would it require an amendment? Could the president simply issue an executive order?
The federal government has proclaimed that secession is illegal.
Nope, they have not.

Texas v. White

The federal government proclaimed that states don't have a right to secede.
Don't have the right to secede without permission. I vote we give Texas permission....and give them some lovely parting gifts too.

Yes, that's what I said. The federal government has proclaimed that no state may leave the union without permission.
I don't think it would be too much trouble to give Texas permission. It's really in everyone's best interest for them to be gone.

your opinion
Let's look at the facts for a change, rather then rightwing lies and demagoguery:

'Under current law, background checks are required to be conducted by anyone “engaged in the business” of selling firearms, but this has largely applied only to actual retailers, with gun collectors able to sell from their private collections without conducting a background check on the person purchasing the guns.

While the new executive action would not fully close the so-called “gun show loophole,” through which firearms can be purchased from individuals who aren’t technically retailers, it would establish a maximum number of annual sales above which a seller would be considered “engaged in the business” and thus required to conduct background checks.'

Obama to Tighten Gun Show Loophole

No guns are being 'confiscated,' the president is not 'going around' Congress, and the president is not 'enacting new laws.'

The EO provides enforcement guidelines for existing law only, consistent with presidential powers and responsibilities.
The tea party is a lot like the taliban. Haters of civilization and destroyers of logic.

Cave people.

The federal government has proclaimed that secession is illegal.
I figured you was arguing with some halftwit I had blocked. I was right.
Nope, they have not. But, seriously....we'd be delighted to see Texas go. It would be a win/win.

How many people do you think would move to Texas ASAP? MILLIONS. OVERNIGHT.
I would!
It wasn't the secession that was a problem...it was the firing on a federal fort that caused issues. The stupid Confederates started something they couldn't finish. :lol:

Your President, Mr. Lincoln, seemed to disagree.
Lincoln was a blood thirsty tyrant.
Lincoln was a great President. It makes him even greater that a Stormfronter as yourself dislikes him.

The federal government has proclaimed that secession is illegal.
I figured you was arguing with some halftwit I had blocked. I was right.
Nope, they have not. But, seriously....we'd be delighted to see Texas go. It would be a win/win.

How many people do you think would move to Texas ASAP? MILLIONS. OVERNIGHT.
I would!
It wasn't the secession that was a problem...it was the firing on a federal fort that caused issues. The stupid Confederates started something they couldn't finish. :lol:

Your President, Mr. Lincoln, seemed to disagree.
Lincoln was a blood thirsty tyrant.
Lincoln was a great President. It makes him even greater that a Stormfronter as yourself dislikes him.

What federal law was Lincoln enforcing when he invaded the South? And upon which of Congress' enumerated powers was this law based upon?
Lincoln was a great President. It makes him even greater that a Stormfronter as yourself dislikes him.

LOL. Lincoln got his just desserts, only too late.

For me, slavery was a non-issue in the war. I don't see black, white, red or yellow. I see only 2 axis in the world...... Anerican - foreigner and Man - woman. American Men are at the top and foreign women are at the bottom.

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